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Author Topic: RPS Summaries  (Read 14454 times)
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« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2005, 01:09:00 AM »

Don't worry, there's always next time!
*Starts writing the next summary chapter*

Jarada Knight: The Honorable Marshmallow
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« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2005, 02:44:16 AM »

yup. more chances to get posts deleted. which would be a first for me

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« Reply #32 on: March 06, 2005, 04:40:12 PM »

*Waves a little flag*

I wish you God-Typing-Speed!

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« Reply #33 on: March 06, 2005, 08:46:57 PM »

Finally, I'm caught up with the action!

The Paladin: To seek, To learn, To do.
-quest board in QFG2

If I ever feel too down or over-inflated, all I have to do is remember one of two things: to the right of me, in some dimension, I am a king; to the left of me, in another dimension, I am a hanged man.
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« Reply #34 on: March 06, 2005, 09:20:20 PM »

The next part is coming soon!

Jarada Knight: The Honorable Marshmallow
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« Reply #35 on: March 15, 2005, 02:34:54 PM »

There's a slightly old saying. "Often late, but worth the wait". Tongue
Talisman Trouble   Part Four
Brought to you by WabbaEver Industries.
When we last left our Heroes, things were going well for them. (Except Khav, who had just weakly limped into the cave) Found the cure, got the talisman, etc. Right after they had taken the cure, there was a loud noise, bright flash, and a Evil Mage hovering in front of the party. Apparently, he was Leon's master, because he ordered him to get up. He then attacked the party with lightning!

Swift struck back (No pun intended) with Arcane Missles, but the Mage deflected them everywhere. Everyone prepared, for this looked like a tough fight. Jafar and Rogar readied their swords, Jigen took out some sh...shru...shir...
Throwing stars, (:glare: ) Swift casted Blizzard, and Delor burned Leon's hair. (When will he ever learn? rolleyes )
Rogar was about to charge, but The Mysterious Mage levitated Khav into the air, using him as a hostage\shield. MM said that if they handed over the talisman and Leon, (Good henchmen are hard to come by these days...) he would spare Khaveen's life. EVERYONE called him a coward for resorting to this, but he didn't care.

Khav started to wake. It was quite a rude awakening, since MM slammed him into a wall. Our heroes still hesitated. When MM started to crush Khav with his magic, Delor used a biting attack!
It had no effect on the Mysterious Mage!
The Mysterious Mage threw Delor into a wall!
125 Damage to Delor!
Rogar tried to Negotiate!
...Just missed!
(Sorry, I've been playing Earthbound recently Tongue )
Rogar offered himself in exchange for Khaveen. No deal, unfortunately.
MM then threatened to destroy the whole valley.
<Delor> will you burn the valley Cheesy
<Mysterious_Magician> No. No burning. Just destroying it.
<Delor> you suck, no finesse
<Rylue> Since when does evil, and style go together?
<Rylue> Look at his robes.

Heh heh heh...Anyhoo...
MM continued to torture Khav. Then Roger threatened to destroy the medallion!
MM's response? He slammed Khav around some more before dropping him, then sealed the party behind a force wall.  His plan was to return after they had died behind the wall. He then vanished, taking Leon with him.
*Sigh* One minute they were champions, the next, chumps.
The main party was trapped behind the wall, and Khav was still injured on the other side of the wall.
How to escape? Blow up the walls, of course! Cheesy
No, wait, that's a terrible idea... :glare:

They soon found out that the cave was designed to block anyone who was actually trying to escape. Delor asked Jafar to come here. When he did, Delor tackled him through the wall! Since neither of them were actually trying to escape, they passed through.
Jafar shoved Delor back through, then Delor helped Rylue, Rogar, Swift, and Jigen back out. Once out, Rogar (Of course) went straight to heal Khaveen.
Everything was fine, except...Delor was still on the wrong side of the wall.
The others told him that the forest was on fire, and he ran right through. :cheerygrin:
<Delor> thanks guys your almost the best. you would have been the best if you had really set the forest on fire
The party then headed back to Mount Zauberberge to report to Zara.

Meanwhile, the next talisman had been located...in Shapeir. (DUN DUN DUN!)

To Be Continued...
End of part four

Jarada Knight: The Honorable Marshmallow
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« Reply #36 on: March 15, 2005, 03:53:20 PM »

Nice summary. Keep it up.

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« Reply #37 on: March 15, 2005, 07:44:34 PM »

Excellent Work, Admiral Jafar.

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« Reply #38 on: March 16, 2005, 04:34:52 PM »

I'm on a roll!
Talisman Trouble,   Part Five
Bringing you silly messages since Jan, 5. 2005
Last time, on Dragon Ball Z! Goku had reached Super Saiyan Infinity, and was about to destr-
*Changes the channel*
Sorry 'bout that. angel
Our heroes had returned to Erasmus' house, and gave the cure they took from Leon to the Healer. After examining it, she came to the conclusion that it was NOT the cure. It was more of the poison. Leon had probably hoped to get the last laugh by having Erasmus die from the "cure". Swift was REALLY upset with this turn of events. The Healer left into another room to run some tests on the poison.

Zara then appeared out of nowhere. (How does she DO that?)
Jafar gave the talisman to Zara, and the party was rewarded with 5000 gold each. Awesome! cool
Unfortunately, this didn't do much to help Swift's mood. She was thinking dark, ugly, murderous, nasty, killer, slightly-evil thoughts, all directed towards the one who poisoned Erasmus.
The others managed to convince her to calm down, though. (Swift! Don't give in to hate. That leads to the Dark Side.)

The healer returned, and knew what was needed to finish the cure.
Dryad hair, Meep fur, and a Mandrake Root. (I don't wanna know the ingredients she already put in the cure.  wacko )
The sun setting, the adventurers headed out to find the cure ingredients.
On the way, they met someone. Do not be alarmed, for he is just a run-of-the-mill  mole. Tongue (Sorry, Earthbound again...)
He was a human adventurer. Verdant Star's the name, magic was his game. He joined the party, and they continued on to the graveyard.

Ghosts were running, er, floating wild all over the place. Just their luck to come to the graveyard on the night of the Spook Party. blink
They decided to fight the ghosts off. Unfortunately, normal weapons wouldn't work on them, so Jigen and Khaveen had to steer clear of this battle.
Verdant put up a shield around the party, then he and Swift attacked with Acid Bolt and Blizzard, respectively. The ghosts were slightly weakened by the attack.
Jafar also helped with a few Force Bolts.
After a few more Acid Bolts, the ghosts were defeated.
They searched around, but couldn't find the root. Did someone beat them to it?
Did Delor burn it? Or was someone enjoying their Mandrake Mousse right now?

Verdant sent a magic orb to search the area. It led them to a nearby cave...
There was something weird about the cave that gave Jigen a baaad feeling about this. (The walls are closing! Don't just stand there, try and brace them with something! 3PO? 3PO! Shut down all the garbage mashers in the detention level!)
Delor lit a torch, and tossed it into the cave to see what was ahead.
Must of been gunpowder or something, because it exploded right after landing.
Khav was about to go marching into there, but the explosions changed his mind.
Swift tried to enter, but she triggered a trap that turned her into a rabbit, of all things.
<Jigen> A Bunny? That's it I'm outa here, keep your freaky arse cave
After Verdant turned her back to normal, Swift used Detect Magic to find any more traps. There were ALOT of traps. Verdant tried to jump them, but he triggered one that made him float and changed his hair color to blue. (Seriously. I kid you not. wacko )
Swift used a dispel magic scroll on him, and he fell back down. (He still had funky hair though)

Just then, a cranky Kobold walked up to them, and yelled at them for trespassing.
It turned out he was a wizard (ANOTHER ONE!? annoyed ) named Grit who was an old friend of Erasmus'. When he heard about what happened to E, he agreed to give them the root he picked the other night...(Theres a catch, I just know it. :glare: )
...In return for letting him join them. He needed some components and stuff.
Do do do do, do do, do do DOOO! Grit has joined the party!
Gri tGriffstongue
HP: 2000
Class: Master of Transmutation.
Annoyance: 5
Coolness: 100

They agreed on visiting the Meeps next...
End of Part Five

Jarada Knight: The Honorable Marshmallow
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« Reply #39 on: March 16, 2005, 08:24:24 PM »

so swift turns into a rabbit and Verdant turns back to normal

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« Reply #40 on: March 17, 2005, 03:07:42 PM »

Things took a turn for the worse...
I started to talk in verse...

Jarada Knight: The Honorable Marshmallow
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« Reply #41 on: March 17, 2005, 03:12:47 PM »

Isn't that a good thing? Nice rhyming, by the way.

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« Reply #42 on: March 17, 2005, 03:16:11 PM »

Thanks, though I borrowed it from somewhere. There's a few more lines, but I forgot them.

Jarada Knight: The Honorable Marshmallow
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« Reply #43 on: March 29, 2007, 06:52:29 PM »

I know, it's Necromancy, but no need to make a new thread when we've already got one.

Darkness over Glorianna-Chapter One

The Paladin Dmitri Ivanov, the Wizard Swift Sumner, and the Pyrotechnic, Delor, are summoned to Silmaria. Upon their arrival, Logos and Rakeesh say that King Devon has vanished after a journey to Shapeir that he was supposed to have returned from two weeks ago. Worse, any efforts to magically see Shapeir or anyone in it have failed, and the Wizards Institute of Technocery is refusing to answer any questions about the state of Shapeir. As the icing on the cake, Logos and Rakeesh note that Heroes are vanishing from the world, from legendary Heroes like Devon and even the Archmage Erana to more familiar heroes like Jafar and the ninja, Jigen, have been impossible to locate by magical or conventional means. Without being able to safely transport the Heroes to Shapeir magically, they are instead sent by ship across the Med Sea towards the city of Tel Viav.

Upon coming into sight of the city, the ship is blasted apart by cannonfire, with the crew and Heroes only narrowly escaping death. Washing ashore with little supplies and only a small amount of weapons, and in Dmitri and Delor's case, armor and explosives, respectively. The crew is unable to flee with any haste, and the Heroes agree to attempt a distraction to buy them time to flee. Dmitri distracts the guards, who's faces are covered in strange scars and are supernaturally strong, while Delor plants charges on the walls, the ensuing explosion shattering the gate and killing the guards.


End of Chapter One.

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