I'm on a roll!
Talisman Trouble, Part FiveBringing you silly messages since Jan, 5. 2005Last time, on Dragon Ball Z! Goku had reached Super Saiyan Infinity, and was about to destr-
*Changes the channel*
Sorry 'bout that.
Our heroes had returned to Erasmus' house, and gave the cure they took from Leon to the Healer. After examining it, she came to the conclusion that it was NOT the cure. It was more of the poison. Leon had probably hoped to get the last laugh by having Erasmus die from the "cure". Swift was REALLY upset with this turn of events. The Healer left into another room to run some tests on the poison.
Zara then appeared out of nowhere. (How does she DO that?)
Jafar gave the talisman to Zara, and the party was rewarded with 5000 gold each. Awesome!
Unfortunately, this didn't do much to help Swift's mood. She was thinking dark, ugly, murderous, nasty, killer, slightly-evil thoughts, all directed towards the one who poisoned Erasmus.
The others managed to convince her to calm down, though. (Swift! Don't give in to hate. That leads to the Dark Side.)
The healer returned, and knew what was needed to finish the cure.
Dryad hair, Meep fur, and a Mandrake Root. (I don't wanna know the ingredients she already put in the cure.

The sun setting, the adventurers headed out to find the cure ingredients.
On the way, they met someone. Do not be alarmed, for he is just a run-of-the-mill mole.

(Sorry, Earthbound again...)
He was a human adventurer. Verdant Star's the name, magic was his game. He joined the party, and they continued on to the graveyard.
Ghosts were running, er, floating wild all over the place. Just their luck to come to the graveyard on the night of the Spook Party.
They decided to fight the ghosts off. Unfortunately, normal weapons wouldn't work on them, so Jigen and Khaveen had to steer clear of this battle.
Verdant put up a shield around the party, then he and Swift attacked with Acid Bolt and Blizzard, respectively. The ghosts were slightly weakened by the attack.
Jafar also helped with a few Force Bolts.
After a few more Acid Bolts, the ghosts were defeated.
They searched around, but couldn't find the root. Did someone beat them to it?
Did Delor burn it? Or was someone enjoying their Mandrake Mousse right now?
Verdant sent a magic orb to search the area. It led them to a nearby cave...
There was something weird about the cave that gave Jigen a baaad feeling about this. (The walls are closing! Don't just stand there, try and brace them with something! 3PO? 3PO! Shut down all the garbage mashers in the detention level!)
Delor lit a torch, and tossed it into the cave to see what was ahead.
Must of been gunpowder or something, because it exploded right after landing.
Khav was
about to go marching into there, but the explosions changed his mind.
Swift tried to enter, but she triggered a trap that turned her into a rabbit, of all things.
<Jigen> A Bunny? That's it I'm outa here, keep your freaky arse cave
After Verdant turned her back to normal, Swift used Detect Magic to find any more traps. There were ALOT of traps. Verdant tried to jump them, but he triggered one that made him float and changed his hair color to blue. (Seriously. I kid you not.

Swift used a dispel magic scroll on him, and he fell back down. (He still had funky hair though)
Just then, a cranky Kobold walked up to them, and yelled at them for trespassing.
It turned out he was a wizard (ANOTHER ONE!?

) named Grit who was an old friend of Erasmus'. When he heard about what happened to E, he agreed to give them the root he picked the other night...(Theres a catch, I just know it. :glare: )
...In return for letting him join them. He needed some components and stuff.
Do do do do, do do, do do DOOO! Grit has joined the party!
Gri tGriffstongue
HP: 2000
Class: Master of Transmutation.
Annoyance: 5
Coolness: 100
They agreed on visiting the Meeps next...
End of Part Five