Hey everyone,
I decided to do my 6 monthly check-up on the project, and im a little disappointed to see the community appears to have completely quietened down now. I have been coming here for so many years now, even before I started to use google. Congratulations to Paladin on your continuing to visit .. and anyone else if you are still there behind the scenes.
My hopes are to see the rest of the project completed. My guess is that you do not need a programmer, seeing as the scripting language is fairly understandable - but if you do want one, I am available to put whatever is needed from the programming side to finish off the game - and any other sides - except audio (unless you think the game would suit psytrance :-p) and art
I believe finishing the project would be a nice legacy and true sequel to what was my favourite game of all time - Quest for Glory 4. The game affected me in so many ways - from inspiring me to become a game developer (from which I have produced major work in other games such as Call of Duty - 6000 servers are directly running my code right now) - and pushing through to university (in my final year now) of game development. I have never before, or since - cried while playing a game - but I was so involved with the story the death of 'toby' had me in tears. I still sometimes dream of fictional places which have sprung from the QFG universe, perhaps once a year. My last dream was recent and was beautiful: in the dream, I sat up and looked in a mirror, and saw that I was Katrina. I walked upstairs out of this dungeon and found myself staring out from the ramparts of a castle into the mordavian valley. I couldn't have wished more for a dream like that to ever happen to me, so it was nice

Hoping the adventure can live on ^^
p.s If your reading this Brassfire, I hope your well and got through those difficult times