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Am dying. Will I live to see this game?
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Topic: Am dying. Will I live to see this game? (Read 5263 times)
Posts: 1
Am dying. Will I live to see this game?
December 06, 2007, 01:36:29 AM »
I've been following the Hero6 project since it's inception, off and on with various degrees of attention being paid to it. My interest became greater when I saw that Sierra had abandoned the adventure genre entirely. Lately, I've begun to worry that this game will not be released in my lifetime. The more I see other non profit game developers producing games at a rapid pace, often quite high quality, I wonder what could possibly cause this project to take so long. These other games are high quality, but they are not inspired by the franchised that I loved (as Hero 6 is). At this point, my hope of seeing this game completed in my lifetime is the only thing that has kept me going. Can anyone tell me whether this whole project has been some cruel joke, and that my hopes have been misplaced? I've seen no proof that this game has been completed over the near decade the project has been going on. Tell me one way or another so I can have peace.
Posts: 148
Re: Am dying. Will I live to see this game?
Reply #1 on:
December 14, 2007, 08:27:13 PM »
Then let's hope this game never finishes so that you may live forever. Never give up hope!
Famous Adventurer
Posts: 3667
Re: Am dying. Will I live to see this game?
Reply #2 on:
December 21, 2007, 12:05:20 PM »
Well, since none of us here can look into the future, we can't tell you whether the game would be made before or after you die, but it will be made. Does that answer your question?
Posts: 1990
Re: Am dying. Will I live to see this game?
Reply #3 on:
February 12, 2008, 03:33:30 AM »
If I recall, Hero6 is run by some kind of creative democracy, unless things have changed. The democratic process, politically, is a slow one, so it can only be expected that Hero6 will take a while; members often submit content for the game that is even greater than the content previously submitted, and so while new stuff is constantly being added, there is also a bunch of stuff that is being 'refurbished', so to speak. Upgraded, made better, pick your words. Eventually Hero6 will appear, and when it does, you can bet it will be as great as possible.
Doubtless: the end.
Posts: 412
Re: Am dying. Will I live to see this game?
Reply #4 on:
March 10, 2008, 02:47:51 AM »
Quote from: Kailkay on February 12, 2008, 03:33:30 AM
members often submit content for the game that is even greater than the content previously submitted, and so while new stuff is constantly being added, there is also a bunch of stuff that is being 'refurbished', so to speak.
Really? I have a question for the team, then: is there a "lock-down" point for new content? What I mean is, um, is there a set point where the team will go "Enough already! Let's sit down, take what we have, and make the game with what we've got now! Anything new will be placed as 'optional' or 'for the sequal'. Only if we find that something simply CANNOT work will we open up to process again, and even then, only to fix that ONE problem."? And is it written down (in stone, if need be) so that once the point is reached, it cannot be taken back?
The Paladin: To seek, To learn, To do.
-quest board in QFG2
If I ever feel too down or over-inflated, all I have to do is remember one of two things: to the right of me, in some dimension, I am a king; to the left of me, in another dimension, I am a hanged man.
Famous Adventurer
Posts: 3667
Re: Am dying. Will I live to see this game?
Reply #5 on:
March 10, 2008, 08:35:15 AM »
Yes, there is a "lock-down" point for new content. If someone wants to replace something later on, the team will determine whether it's feasible to do so, and whatever doesn't work or isn't practical to implement is put aside. However, if improvements can be made to the existing work easily and quickly, then the team's for it, but once the team feels it's reached the point of diminishing returns, it usually stays "stoned". It's all about striking the right balance between quality and getting it done asap.
Last Edit: March 10, 2008, 08:38:15 AM by Swift
Posts: 308
Re: Am dying. Will I live to see this game?
Reply #6 on:
April 29, 2008, 08:36:21 AM »
It will be done when its done.
After waiting this long, it doesnt seem like too much of a thing to me to wait a bit longer.
Posts: 9
Re: Am dying. Will I live to see this game?
Reply #7 on:
May 12, 2008, 01:28:00 AM »
This is somewhat topical... I just noticed it still reads "1999-2006 Hero6 Development" on the project front page though... you might want to fix that one up
I personally started using PHP to update any such dates on my own sites! Easy solution!
Posts: 412
Re: Am dying. Will I live to see this game?
Reply #8 on:
May 16, 2008, 09:34:26 AM »
Or they could just make it "1999-Present", and change it again when it's released.
The Paladin: To seek, To learn, To do.
-quest board in QFG2
If I ever feel too down or over-inflated, all I have to do is remember one of two things: to the right of me, in some dimension, I am a king; to the left of me, in another dimension, I am a hanged man.
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