;_ylt=AqWg7mtVLH3p2GWSA4wClFleW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTA0cDJlYmhvBHNlYwM-ANN ARBOR, Michigan - Dry cleaners find all kinds of things hiding in the clothes of their customers — but probably nothing quite like what some employees stumbled across recently. A note found in a customer's clothing read, "You have committed a murder, but no one believes it. All I can do is kill myself, then everyone will see what you have done."
It was signed: "Your wife, Alice."
Employees called police, fearing the note described a murder-suicide plot. But it turns out the owner of the sport coat is an actor involved in a play. The note was a prop, city police Detective Brian Zasadny told The Ann Arbor News.
Zasadny tracked down the customer on Wednesday. The man explained he is involved in the play, "Retreat from Moscow."