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Topic: RPS -character sheets (Read 8664 times)
Famous Adventurer
Posts: 2901
RPS -character sheets
Reply #15 on:
May 16, 2005, 09:34:11 PM »
Name: Markas Sah Tarna
Age: 23
Race: Male Liontaur
Profession: Shaper Mage
Alignment: Lawful Good
Allies: Kreesha, his Master. The Liontaurs in general.
Nemesis: He has none, but he distrusts anyone who is not a Liontaur or a native to
Spells: Due to being the unique magical style of Shaper, Markas has no spells per se, but instead has control of a specific element, in his case, fire, and he is able to "Shape" it into various things, some, like a Flame Dart, others are strange flaming weapons. The more elaborate and powerful, the more draining it is on him. For example, casting a flame dart is not very draining, but summoning a Fire Elemental will put him out. Even more powerful uses will kill him.
A typical wizard's staff. Allows him to channel his power. Also works as a combat weapon.
A bandolier that goes from right shoulder to left hip.
A dagger, shaped out of an unearthly crystal. It is firey red, with blue and green tips. TAKEN FROM SAVAN'S CORPSE.
A cloth cloak that covers his body.
Appearance & Personality
Markas is a tall liontaur, nearly 4 inches above average height, but his build isn't the sturdy build of most Liontaurs, it is thin and weak for a liontaur. However, a weak liontaur is still a formidable opponent for any humanoid. His fur is gold, but with dark brown tips. His eyes are yellow, through and through, except for the pupil.
He has a firey personaity, and disdain for non-Liontaurs. However, he can occasionally overcome his contempt for them if they are aiding Tarna.
Markas was born in Tarna and raised with the xenophobic attitude that is commonplace there. He grew up as might be expected, a fairly normal life. However, six years ago, he felt a pulse in his veins, an urge to explore past the crude weaponry and such, into the Arcane. He went to the Archmage, Kreesha, and asked her to instruct him in the magical arts. Despite her want to go with her husband, Rakeesh, to Silmaria and watch the Rites of Rulership, she agreed. His training was rather rocky, as near the beginning of his training, she heard that her husband, Erasmus, and her son, Shakra, had been poisoned. But, after that time ended, she instructed him. Two years ago, she released him from his apprenticeship, and bestowed upon him the title of Mage. Since then, he has made his staff, and is now adamant on going into the wildlands to the Lost City.
Last Edit: May 28, 2005, 03:29:36 AM by Corsair5
Posts: 412
RPS -character sheets
Reply #16 on:
May 17, 2005, 08:03:43 PM »
Name: John Doe
Age: Wouldn't You Like to Know
Race: Male Kobold
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Allies: Some Kobolds (Not all, or even a lot, just some)
Nemesis: Personal: The Hero(?); Those who hate him: most beings in Speildburg (because of the past), most Kobolds (because of HIS past), as well as many of the natural creatures (because he's a Kobold) have a fierce distrust/hatred of him.
Homeland, Location: Mordavia, Reseir
Abilities, Skills and Spells:
*Teleport 2: (1 mana / 20+ mana) Able to travel either short distances for very little mana, or over a long distance (say from city to city). Long travel requires several hours' rest mandatory to recover from. Can teleport people and objects with him, requires an extra hour per person/object.
Flame Dart
Frost Bite
Detect Magic
*Meditate: (10 Stamina) Creates a bubble of safety around him where none can harm him, save for the most powerful of magics, or holy weapons. While this spell is cast, he falls into a deep trance, which allows him to restore his mana, and is unable to do anything else until it is fully restored. If his mana is completely drained, it will take 5 hours to recharge. Cannot be used in battle, and takes 30 minutes of prep to begin. Greater skill means less time to begin.
*Small Mind (Not Learned) (10 mana): Able to peer into a target's mind for 1 minute. While there, he can either observe, cause him to make a physical mistake (+1 mana), force target to make an action of caster's own chosing (+2 mana), or make the target forget one memory of choice, (2 save rolls, +4 mana).
1 butter knife
Appearance and Personality:
John appears to be a typical Kobold, with the mottled grey skin, near-blind eyes, and rags for clothing. He's not especially tall, coming in at abut 5 feet, and he's what's best characterized as "scrawny". He does have some differences, though: for starters, he has a butter knife for personal deffence, and has made a make-shift sheathe for it from his clothes/strips to wear at his hip. He also has a pair of goggles on his nose, which were magically made to allow his eyes to bare the bright light of "outside"
Personality wise, he is alloff. He usually does not care to talk to people, nor is he much inclined to associate. He finds crowds of people somewhat bothersome, and might even be inclined to leave (unless it's a fight). As a person, one finds him to be stone-faced, even coldly so. But if you are perceptive, you might be able to see a certain sadness in him, the look of a man who is battling with himself on what is right. Few would be able to tell without magical help, though.
(None of this would be known to any player, save the last paragraph)
When he was defeated by the then-Adventurer of Spieldburg, the Kobold Magic User decided it was time to pack up and leave for good. Having assumed his cave had been ransacked (rightly so), he teleported as far away as possible, to the lands of Mordavia. There, he found a wife, and had John as a child.
John is not his real name. Nobody knows what it is, as he won't say. Everyone just calls him that for the sake of convenience. John grew up on stories of how the Adventurer kicked his father butt, and grew to begin hating adventurers of all kinds. When his father died, he vowed to continue his quest and to rid the world of all Adventurers!
This is when the Hero popped into Mordavia (Kobolds can reproduce and grow up FAST). "What's a Hero?" John Thought as he watched Katrina greet him. Then he made the connection: the very same one who had shamed his family! As the Hero walked toward town for the first time, John stealthily creaped up behind him, his knife at the ready. He knew that magic would do him no good: his father had been defeated, and was considered the most powerful Kobold Magic-User of all the land. He raised his knife as the Hero stopped to rest...and stopped.
What had stopped him was the look on the Hero's face just then. He had seen it in the water. It was the look that John had had so many times in the past: Dazed, confused, and vulnerable. His head was covered with sweat, dirt, grime (and other things worse from the cave), dried blood and...tears? John slowly lowered his knife as a thought came to him: whatever he'd done so long ago to his father, he did not deserve to die like this. No one did.
Then a swarm of batters came at them. John, startled, quickly ran away. He never saw the Hero again.
Shamed and confused, he returned to his old cave and began packing. By now, all the other Kobolds would've heard of his weakness...and they would not be happy. Packing a few mushrooms into his clothes (and his mouth), John left Mordavia, in order to begin searching for a new home...and peace of mind.
Several years past. After traveling everywhere, from Tarna (where he was received warmly), to Spieldburg (which nearly had him hung), John is now a powerful Spell caster in his own right. Some even claim he's as powerful as his father was so long ago. Whether he's found peace of mind yet, and why he still travels, nobody can say. Only he knows the truth. He is currently in Rasier, looking to find more magic spells to add to his "collection"...
Last Edit: May 25, 2005, 07:39:21 AM by Paladin0707077
The Paladin: To seek, To learn, To do.
-quest board in QFG2
If I ever feel too down or over-inflated, all I have to do is remember one of two things: to the right of me, in some dimension, I am a king; to the left of me, in another dimension, I am a hanged man.
Programming Team
Posts: 1109
RPS -character sheets
Reply #17 on:
June 30, 2005, 12:53:30 AM »
Name: Drakken
Sex/Race: Male Argonian
Age: Unknown
Class: Nightblade
Birthplace: Northern Blackmarsh (Argonia)
Current Residence: Somewhere in Vvardenfel
Fang of Haynekhtnamet - A dagger said to be forged from the tooth of a dragon from Blackmarsh, the Fang retains some of that creature's magical power. Upon striking it discharges a devastating electrical shock to the victim.
Bow of Shadows - It's not really known if this the true Bow of Shadows from legend... but whatever it is, many unwary foes have fallen from its arrows.
Daedric tanto, Dwarven darts, and glass arrows.
Hide of the Udyrfrykte - An incomplete set of Stahlrim Armor was traded for the black, spikey hide of this infamous creature. Surprisingly flexible, this armor protects the torso exceedingly well, resisting all but the most concentrated of swordblows. It even bestows some the creatures innate resistence to magic and cold, much to the benefit of Drakken should his cold blooded body have to travel through frozen lands again.
Dark Brotherhood gauntlets, pauldrons, and grieves. Ring of Homecoming.
Mark, Recall, Chameleon, Magic Absorption, Dispell, Water Walking, Night-Eye, Paralyze, Silence, Blind, Calm/Frenzy, Rally/Fear, Detect Magic, Poisonbloom, Jump, "Fetch"
Skills/Racial Traits
Water Breathing, Poison Immunity, High Disease Resistence, very stealthy and athletic
Drakken is fairly tight-lipped about his past, or even why he goes by the pseudonym, Drakken (as that is not a true Argonian name). He is known to have a close affiliation with the Morag Tong, a guild of government authorized private assassins in the province of Morrowind. He even occationally acts on their behalf. The Morag Tong is in a state of war with a less scrupulous breakaway guild known as the Dark Brotherhood. Drakken is more than willing to point out that armor he wears belonged to the first assassin they ever sent for him.
He is also known to be a seeker of rare artifacts, normally a rare trait for an Argonian. He confesses that it's really about the hunt, and not so much the prize. He also enjoys how they look in his home, hidden somewhere in Vvardenfel.
A tall, but haggard looking green male Argonian. Has a hooded crest and a long, hornless snout.
Last Edit: June 30, 2005, 12:54:36 AM by Striker
Posts: 9
RPS -character sheets
Reply #18 on:
July 23, 2005, 04:34:56 AM »
Name: Isaic Desythe
Class / Occupation: Inquisitor
Alignment: Lawful Good
Attributes: Cold stare, Authoritive Figure, Cold Hearted, Intimidating
Heretic: "I wont tell you anything."
Isaic: "Oh, I have heard that one before. Dont worry they all talk. They always do. They tell me what I want to know in between their screams and pleading. Oh, you'll talk. Trust me."
Rapier, Black Powder Pistols, Intimidation, Interrogation, Torture, Investigating, Control Undead, Sense Undead, Sigmar's Shield, Command Undead, Raise Dead, Revive undead.
Equipment: Rapier, Tall, wide brimmed hat, Black powder pistols, enchanted skull.
Background: Isaic is a Templar Knight, an Inquisitor, from the church of Sigmar. He was raised to hate all who "sin" agaisnt his god. When he reached adult-hood, he became entrusted witht he task of crusading across the lands in search of those "sinners". All who fall under his ideology of "sinners" are Witches, Warlocks, Chaos Worshippers, Demons, Necromancers, Undead, Vampires, Were-creatures, and criminals. When he finds what he belives to be a sinner, who captures them, interrogates them, or sometimes tortures, into making a confession. Once they have done so, he burns them at the stake in the form of a pyre. Only then, does he believe they can be judged by the great Sigmar. But thee is a saying that most who dwell agmongst the heretics, soon fall so the same corruption. Isaic had found that the best way to fight the blasphemers and thier magics, was to use thier own magic agaisnt them. So he took up to learnt eh dark art of necromancy. He uses that and his own skills to defeat the foe without. But the foe within himself, has been growing stronger. On more occasions Isaic seeks power than he seeks to do justice. Such are the ways of treachery. He keeps his powers a secret until he needs them.
"Suffer not the heretic to live."
Reish Vedaur
Plot Team
Posts: 290
RPS -character sheets
Reply #19 on:
July 23, 2005, 09:02:59 AM »
Freswinn the Guildhearted
The physical:
A strong man of 32 years of age, standing at 5'9" wearing a deep blue jerkin with a light and faded-green, long-sleeve shirt underneath, light brown, loose-fitting leather leggings pulled fairly tight with a dark brown leather belt with a brass buckle, and dulled black boots with socks.
At his left hip, he keeps a well-crafted but well-used arming sword in a sheath. Along the back of his belt he keeps three weighted and flat-bladed darts and a dagger. In his pack he tends to keep some kindling, rags, bandages, a healing potion, a ceramic jug full of water, a pair of small knives, a small spool of leather, a slightly larger spool of cloth, a tailoring kit with strong thread, trip wire, a release mechanism, springs, a spring-loaded bolt launcher, and a crafted bolt that can essentially double as a grappling hook.
On top of this pack is a bedroll and netting, a pair of canteens and a collapsible funnel for collecting rain water. Typically in his hand but sometimes tucked between his back and his pack, he carries his Lancier Sword, which is a narrow and balanced weapon with a three-foot hilt and three-foot, double-edged blade, with a weight at the butt of the hilt to increase leverage.
The informative:
Born Freswinn Rodall to parents Hale and Janus, he spent his youth in a large, thriving, farming community in the plains to the east of Spielburg. He and his family lived comfortably, but for the drudgery of farming which left him with somewhat of a condition in his mind that detracted his interest from most kinds of vegetation.
As a younger man, he showed a predisposition to chivalrous pursuits, and certainly did not lack the physique or reputation to back it up, but his comfortable life did not give him any real ambition to change his outlook, until he met a man named Trace. The two became good friends, and Trace introduced him to the Famous Adventurer's Correspondance School. His interest finally piqued, he left his quiet life in search of heroism.
He spent many years at the FACS, learning the trade and making friends, so many years that he was 22 by the time he graduated. With his long experience using farming tools like the hoe and scythe, he had an affinity towards long weapons, such as halberds and staves, but he quickly realized the necessity for using swords and came up with a design that he gave to the local blacksmith: the Lancier Sword, which he keeps in almost obsessive pristine shape, as it is his pride and has more than once been his savior in battle.
When he was 23, he and his friend Trace found a small coastal community to the east of his hometown in dire need of a hero to help solve a problem with raiding parties. While there, they met a group called the Full Hearted Warriors, who inducted them into their somewhat cryptic society and gave Freswinn his more widely known name, Freswinn the Guildhearted, and Trace earned the name Trace the Lighthearted.
Over the years, the FHW gave Freswinn and Trace many fringe benefits as they performed their duties for the organization, and Freswinn became marginally interested in gadgetry -- he can use and perform basic maintanence, but doesn't have the knowledge necessary to create. Unfortunately the time came, when Freswinn was by then 30, that Trace began his trials to become a Paladin. The organization did not agree to his decision to start down this path, but Freswinn supported and defended him. Trace vanished, and Freswinn was expelled, slandered, and outcast.
Last Edit: July 23, 2005, 09:11:00 AM by ReishVedaur
St. Louis Recumbent Bicycles - The fastest, most comfortable bikes in the world.
Posts: 93
RPS -character sheets
Reply #20 on:
July 27, 2005, 04:09:05 AM »
Linwe Miriel
Beginner Magic User
Neutral Good
Dazzle, Flame Dart, Juggling Lights, Calm, First Aid, Glide, Protection, Identify, Cure Minor Injuries
She is very agile and can react very quickly to the environment around her.
Pink Nymph Cloak
3 Healing Potions and 5 rations.
Fair and petite, she appears to be quite weak, and usually acts like it.
Fascinated with magic from a very young age, Linwe liked to practice at night, when there was no fear of being mocked. She hasn’t learned much from her self-taught training, but she continues to look for spells in other places. She doesn’t like to fight as much as trying to solve puzzles. However, if a fight were to occur, she would try her best to help her group to get rid of the monster(s.)
There's more to her than that, but that's all she'd tell you.
(And yes, I HAVE thought about it
Last Edit: July 27, 2005, 04:11:56 AM by Swift
I have no clue what I'm doing here, and my avatar is temporary.
Famous Adventurer
Posts: 2901
RPS -character sheets
Reply #21 on:
August 21, 2005, 02:00:43 AM »
Name: Du'kair Sadowneir
Age: 26
Race: Dark Elf (Refer to themselves as Dunmer.)
Homeland: Morrowind, the city of Almalexia (Note that the city may be referred to by other names, due to Almalexia's recent death.)
Profession: Mercenary, Skilled in Swordsmanship, mediocre archer.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (For those of you unaware, Chaotic Neutral means he doesn't care about the battle of Good vs. Evil, He's more or less self-serving. However, it should not be assumed he's crazy just because he's Chaotic Neutral.)
Long Blade
Light Armor
Equipment: Fine Netch-leather going from throat to ankle, mostly unadorned brown, with a black chitin belt wrapping around at the waist. A pair of soft leather boots and gloves go over his feet and hands.
A long, single edged steel saber hung from his waist, with a bone hilt. Bronze wire wraps around the hilt, slightly neglected, so rather than gleaming, it shines dully, the color blunted by finger and palm prints, as well as dirt and other roadside hygenic issues.
Hardened leather sheath for his saber, black with red tracery down it.
Very dark blue cloak over his shoulders, brooched with a shield-shaped crest, with a flying black dragon as the symbol.
Origins: Du'kair was born and raised in Almalexia. His mother and father both practitioners of the Forbidden Magic, Necromancy. When the Empire finally imposed its outlaws on Necromancy, his parents were taken and burned at the stake. Du'kair, being too young to even remember them, was taken in by a man named Kalar, a sailor and mercenary from Cyrodiil. Du'kair was raised with a combination of cultures, both Dunmeri and Cyrodiilic, and as such, has a much more tolerant view towards Outlanders and such. Du'kair became a mercenary at the age of 19, and favored the Light attack style, becoming a scout for his party. At age 24, he joined his current party (That is, you guys.) and remained there since.
Last Edit: October 05, 2005, 04:00:04 PM by Corsair5
Art Team
Posts: 28
RPS -character sheets
Reply #22 on:
September 16, 2005, 09:42:31 PM »
Well .... I usually play as mages (in computer games, D&D, Warhammer planescape - basicly anywhere you can cast spells
My character can be described as :
Name: Nastrlin
Sex/Race: Male Human
Age: 20
Class: Mage
Birthplace: (some small town differs depending on which world/campain I play)
Simple wooden staff.
Dark red robe +2 against missles
Damaging (like fireball, fire dart, magic missle etc)
illusion (invisibility, diffrent charm spells)
Skills/Special Traits
- Foreign/ancient languages
- knowledge of runes
- lung disease (coughs all the time)
- knowledge of herbs
- alchemy
Lawful Evil
Strenght: 8
Condition: 9
Dexterity: 14
Wisdom: 18
Intelligence: 18
Charisma: 12
Nastrlin comes from small town, he gets sick very easily and his only true passion is magic. He has no true friends or allies - he is too grudgy and impaitient when dealing with other people. He thinks of them as fools and imbeciles that posses no true power or knowledge
Tall young man with brown hair and dark eyes. Wears red robe with a hood that covers most of his face.
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