Somehow, I suspected that you'd be replying to my post soon.
Win 2000 allows FAT, NTFS too. No differences there
Thank you for correcting me on that.
I looked into it after reading your post though. Windows2000 can create FAT32 partitions larger than 32gb, without being roundabout(XP requires a workaround), it would seem. Also, it cannot create FAT32 partitions on installation( XP can ).
XP does NOT allow 64 bit apps, unless you get their new x64 edition which came out a few months ago. Doesn't count as a difference.
"ignoring all but the latest versions of both"
Win 2000 is no longer a supported OS (obsolete and replaced by win 2003), so there will of course not be any "backporting".
Well, how is that inaccurate? You're agreeing with it yourself.
I'm not sure how you determined that the support was increased for XP users over 2000.
Even you said "obsolete and replaced by win 2003"
Besides, that's out of context isn't it?
I'm not sure what you mean by out of context... mind clarifying?
has nothing to do with OS differences.
Well, if I'm upgrading from Win98 to another OS it is(and an important one). :cheerygrin:
I think the only thing in your list that counts as a valid difference between win2000 and XP pro is:"better compatibility for DOS applications." But this only helps prove my point that XP is 2000 with a skin. As you probably know, win2000 is an upgrade from Win NT (microsoft's old server OS). The NT kernel never had good DOS support because it was a "true" 32 bit OS. Windows 95/3.11/98/ME all ran on top of DOS (16 bit). So making XP more compatible towards DOS was a nessecity due to migration needs of their customers (ie. win 98 home users who still had DOS programs they needed to run).
I think that you mean Win9x compatibility is the only valid point( it's MUCH more important than DOS support, which is extremely limited, and the vast majority of users don't even know what DOS is...much less still use it ).
and like I said, it's a matter of opinion of how similar they are( and our opinions seem to have very few similarities, if any, about this topic ).

I don't see you naming why you think the other details I mentioned are invalid, so I'll end my post here( and if anyone wants me to name more differences, which I highly doubt, I'll be happy to oblige XD ).
It's quite late/early here, so please excuse my grammar/spelling, while I... zzzzz