Ummm. I guess it goes in here.
Modern Roleplaying Story - Techno Magic
Chapter 2: Problems AdvancingDungeon Guy/ Aaron - Jigen
Mavrik the Katta - Lord Bierhofff
Nurlge - Striker
Melody - Brassfire
Dray - Ignus
Dungeon Guy: (After a good night's rest and a going over by the base medics and clerics the Colonel has requested your pressence in the briefing room).
Dungeon Guy: (Usual affair, chairs, lecturn, projector.)
* Mavrik_the_Katta mumbles grumpily about lack of civil freedoms
Colonel_Ironharn: Gentlemen... and meep. We have a serious problem
* Nicholas_Dray puts down his latest attempt at fixing his robot
Mavrik_the_Katta: a lack of civil rights?
Colonel_Ironharn: Come again?
Colonel_Ironharn: Last I checked this was still a democracy
Nicholas_Dray: I think he's off his rocker
Nicholas_Dray: but aren't we all?
Mavrik_the_Katta: well, you boy blow my home and forced me to come here against my wishes. I've yet to recive an explanation let alone compensation
Colonel_Ironharn: Moving hastily along
Nicholas_Dray: don't worry, beuraucracy'll get to it eventually
Mavrik_the_Katta: bah, I was a beuraucrat once, we never 'got to it'.
Mavrik_the_Katta: unless 'it' was coffee
Nicholas_Dray: yeah, I guess that would happen
Colonel_Ironharn: Mr. Dray as you have no doubt concluded already you were targetted by rogue members of the scientific community
Colonel_Ironharn: Our intelligence indicates that the group responsible calls itself 'Advance'
Colonel_Ironharn: Now I get to the bad news: Some of you may be aware that a large conference of magicians is taking place in Spielburg over the next few days
Nicholas_Dray: yeah, bunch of stiffs, as a rule
Colonel_Ironharn: Due to recent problems with Advance the magical cabals have warned groups like Advance that if their activities are interfered with the repurcussions will be devestating
Colonel_Ironharn: Well it seems that warning was insufficient
Nicholas_Dray: is it ever sufficient?
Colonel_Ironharn: The information I'm about to disclose to you is classified, but if our intelligence is correct it will all be public within the next two hours
Nicholas_Dray: what's the government botched this time?
Mavrik_the_Katta: you tell him, little dude
Colonel_Ironharn: Advance is going to send a squadron of it's combat-model MkII Frankenstiens to the conference, how the magicians intend to react can only be speculated
Nicholas_Dray: pobably incinerate something
Colonel_Ironharn: When the Frankenstiens arrive the press will see them for the first time.
Colonel_Ironharn: The scientific community's super-soldier projects will go public
Mavrik_the_Katta: none too soon, if you ask me
Nicholas_Dray: where's the government regulation on these things?
Nurlge: Silence the whispers
Colonel_Ironharn: They're secret black projects conducted without government knowledge, officially anyway
Mavrik_the_Katta: and large gov grants
Nicholas_Dray: and unoficcially
Mavrik_the_Katta: they're well known in the academic comunity
Colonel_Ironharn: I'm sure you've heard rumours Mr. Mavrik
Colonel_Ironharn: What we do know is that little short of anti-vehicle weaponry is sufficient to take them down
Nicholas_Dray: the mages can handle that
Colonel_Ironharn: It's not the mages safety I'm worried about
Mavrik_the_Katta: I've heard and seen many things, like a test site or two
Colonel_Ironharn: Really?
Nurlge: Cat has his tongue
Colonel_Ironharn: Then perhaps you'd like to share some of your insight with the rest of us
Mavrik_the_Katta: common, how secrative can a site labeled top secret really be?
Mavrik_the_Katta: my insight would be cut their funding five years ago
Dungeon guy: (Anyway, blah blah blah, after a few hours the distant sound of explosions can be heard)
* Nicholas_Dray looks up from yet another attempt to fix his robot
Mavrik_the_Katta: sounds like the parties started... again
* Nurlge hides
Colonel_Ironharn: I just got off the radio to the other stations. It's worse than anyone possibly imagined
Mavrik_the_Katta: I hope fewer people lose their homes than last time
Nicholas_Dray: you mean less than one?
Mavrik_the_Katta: meh, they don't have much imagination.. they thought these things were a good idea after all
Nicholas_Dray: ouch
Colonel_Ironharn: Despite heavy bans on necromany the magical community appear to have responded by starting a zombie outbreak
Colonel_Ironharn: It's the Helmburh disaster all over again
Nicholas_Dray: great
Mavrik_the_Katta: Franks vs. zombies?
Nicholas_Dray: all while we've sat here talking
Colonel_Ironharn: A transport has been secured to transport you all out of here.
Colonel_Ironharn: (Another explosion can be heard, this one sounds like it's just outside the building)
Nicholas_Dray: instead of trying to stop this, we've sat here
Dungeon Guy: (The base alarm starts blarring)
Mavrik_the_Katta: yaya, welcome to the Man, slow and ineffective as usual
Colonel_Ironharn: That's it, everyone to the motor pool, it's go time
Nicholas_Dray: oh well, I'd better wake up bill
* Mavrik_the_Katta stands up, stretches, and yawns
* Nicholas_Dray turns on the working robot
* Insectoid_Robot hums to life
Dungeon Guy: (the Colonel leads everyone out of the room. A few more soldiers arrive to escort them out. Then around about the time you guys make it to the motor pool the massive roller doors collapse and a trio of Mk II Frenkenstiens march inside)
Mavrik_the_Katta: humm, they don't look very friendly
Dungeon Guy: (While the soldiers open fire with their assault rifles the colonel tosses a grenade towards the Franks)
Mavrik_the_Katta: for some reason I don't think the violent rutes going to work very well,... again
* Insectoid_Robot perches on Dray's shoulder, watching the franks closely
Mavrik_the_Katta: I say we run, very fast
Colonel_Ironharn: Get on the Transport, GET THE ###### OUT OF HERE
Nicholas_Dray: works for me
Nurlge: oooooooooooookaaaay
* Mavrik_the_Katta dives for the transport's driver's seat
* Nicholas_Dray enters transport
* Nurlge darts inside
Mavrik_the_Katta: all aboard?
Dungeon Guy: (And yeah Aaron follows you aboard)
Mavrik_the_Katta: soldier boy, you coming too?
Nicholas_Dray: we've probably missed someone. Just because that always happens
* Nurlge finds a secluded nook and hides
Mavrik_the_Katta: where's the bot?
Nicholas_Dray: on my shoulder
* Insectoid_Robot hums
Colonel_Ironharn: (The Colonel levels his pistol at Mavrik) I SAID GO!
Mavrik_the_Katta: easy man easy
Nicholas_Dray: listen to the man, will ya
Mavrik_the_Katta: where are the keys?
Mavrik_the_Katta: !!!!
Dungeon Guy: (Only two MkII's emerge from the smoke, behind them a gaggle of zombies can be seen)
Dungeon Guy: (They're in the ignition dude)
Nicholas_Dray: looks like they're in plain sight
* Mavrik_the_Katta franticly turns the ignition and driving, badly
* Aaron loads a grenade into the blooper and lets it fly at the zombies.
Nicholas_Dray: why shoot the zombies?
Nicholas_Dray: I thought they were on our side
Mavrik_the_Katta: dude, there you are with the killing again
* Nurlge loads a spitwad into his maw and lets it fly at the zombies
* Mavrik_the_Katta drives in circles, looking confused and lost
Nicholas_Dray: dude, should I drive?
Mavrik_the_Katta: no, no, I'm good, but where are we going?
Dungeon Guy: The addedd complication oif Mavrik swerving to avoid every zombie or pedestrain that crosses his path leads him to crash the massive transport into the front of the police station.
* Insectoid_Robot buzzes irately
Mavrik_the_Katta: I guess I found where we're going
Nicholas_Dray: yeah, the hard way
Dungeon Guy: You've smashed into the cell block. Releashing Melody, who was in custody for protesting... something.
Mavrik_the_Katta: ah frig, the pigs
Mavrik_the_Katta: heya, there's one sweet looking young jail bird
* Melody_Starshine looks up in shock
Nurlge: TWEEET!
* Nicholas_Dray rolls eyes
Nicholas_Dray: hey look, a zombie
* Nurlge freaks
* Mavrik_the_Katta honks the horn and sticks his head out the window
Mavrik_the_Katta: hey, what say we blow this popsicle stand
Nicholas_Dray: um is that advisable?
* Aaron shoulders his rifle and drops the zombie with a shot between the eyes.
* Melody_Starshine bolts for the open wall, then stops as she sees the devastation that was the police station
* Mavrik_the_Katta tries puting the trans in reverse
Dungeon_Guy: There's an evil grinding of the gears, but no appreciable effect.
* Melody_Starshine runs for the transport door
Mavrik_the_Katta: Dray, let the pretty lady in
* Nicholas_Dray opens door
* Mavrik_the_Katta tries harder to reverse
Mavrik_the_Katta: come on baby
* Melody_Starshine jumps into the transport
Dungeon_Guy: There's a loud metallic snap and then just the engine whining.
Melody_Starshine: I don't know what you wonderful men are doing here, but thank you for getting me out of that horrible cell!
Nicholas_Dray: um yeah, out into a city full of zombies
Mavrik_the_Katta: that, porbably is not a good sound, eh Dray
Melody_Starshine: Men and... robots.
Imaginary_Mechanic: It's rooted mate, axel's gone
* Insectoid_Robot buzzes apreciatively at being noticed
Nicholas_Dray: um, yeah.
Nicholas_Dray: shift gears
Mavrik_the_Katta: we walking?
* Mavrik_the_Katta shifts gears
Dungeon_Guy: Still no effect
* Nurlge growls
Mavrik_the_Katta: there's a meep back there too, miss
Nicholas_Dray: you put it in reverse, right?
Mavrik_the_Katta: yes, dude
Melody_Starshine: Oh, and meeps
Nicholas_Dray: slag it
Mavrik_the_Katta: I would but I'm busy
* Nicholas_Dray climbs out to check the problem
Melody_Starshine: Aren't meeps an endangered species?
Nicholas_Dray: um yeah
Melody_Starshine: I'm so very pleased to meep you!
Nicholas_Dray: we think that he's the last
Mavrik_the_Katta: so,... what's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?
Melody_Starshine: Oh my goodness! How can people do that to poor defenceless creatures...
* Nicholas_Dray begins checking for problems
Melody_Starshine: Oh, I...
Melody_Starshine: Well, you see...
Nurlge: MORP!
Melody_Starshine: I was... protesting. You know how it is.
* Insectoid_Robot buzzes off, watching for zombies and franks
Dungeon_Guy: Dray: you find the imaginary mechanic was right, that axel is snapped but good.
Mavrik_the_Katta: ya, the Man sucks, eh
* Nicholas_Dray whistles for bill
* Insectoid_Robot flies down, switching to a welder
* Nicholas_Dray climbs under the car and tries to align the axle
Mavrik_the_Katta: Come on dudes, you can do it.
Aaron: We've got company
Mavrik_the_Katta: frig, what sort
Dungeon_Guy: Moans and groans (not that kind) can be heard closing in from all around.
* Nicholas_Dray pulls a mini-jack from his pocket and inserts a mana-gem
Aaron: Take a guess
Minijack: whirs and begins to lift the car
Mavrik_the_Katta: diner guests?
Dungeon_Guy: It'll take a minute for the jack to lift it, it's heavy and only a small, if poweful jack.
Dungeon_Guy: Zombies begin to climb through the hole the transport made in the wall.
* minijack whirs until the car is lifted
Mavrik_the_Katta: um guys, I think we ought to be somewhere else right about now
Nicholas_Dray: wow, really
* Nurlge does one of the things he does best and hides
* minijack finishes whirring
* Nicholas_Dray tries again to realign the axle
Zombie: Rrraaarrggghhh
Mavrik_the_Katta: um army boy, these dead things seem like their up your alley, any bright ideas right about now?
Melody_Starshine: Oh the horror!
Mavrik_the_Katta: he's singing off key
Aaron: Oh sure now that you can't bitch your way out I'm useful
Mavrik_the_Katta: ya, pretty much
Melody_Starshine: What do we do??
Mavrik_the_Katta: Violence should only be a last resort, and since that's all you're almost decent at
* Aaron levels the G36 and pulls the trigger. There is an empty click
* Nicholas_Dray aligns the axle and whistles for bill
* Melody_Starshine begins to wring her hands, then realizes that would be bad for guitar playing later
Aaron: *BLEEP* The crash must have broke it
* Aaron drops the rifle and draws his pistol
Aaron: Die!
Mavrik_the_Katta: rather not
* Insectoid_Robot begins to weld axle
Dungeon_Guy: Zombie A cops a shot in the forehead and drops, but the gunshot has alereted more zombies.
Mavrik_the_Katta: not much of one for stealth and subtly are you, army boy?
Aaron: Not much for anything but talk aren't you Katta
* Insectoid_Robot finishes welding axle
Aaron: Any more bright ides, I don't have a bullet for every man woman and child in Spielburg.
Melody_Starshine: Do we have any fire?
Mavrik_the_Katta: well, it's not like Delor the great's been hanging arond here for a while, so, not so much with the fire
* Nicholas_Dray gets out from under the car, followed by bill, the robot
Nicholas_Dray: okay, hit it Mav
* Mavrik_the_Katta hits it, with gusto
Dungeon_Guy: Engine roars into life, wheels start turning, transport starts moving.
* Insectoid_Robot flies onto the roof ov the transport
* Nicholas_Dray jumps in and shuts the door
* Mavrik_the_Katta puts the trans in reverse
Dungeon_Guy: Mavrik Extracts the transport from it's brick and mortar prison and backs it out into the street
Nicholas_Dray: now go. quickly, and don't worry about runnin' over zombies
* Mavrik_the_Katta is a bit calmer than before, but still looks lost
Nicholas_Dray: And here we go again
Mavrik_the_Katta: he really doesn't like you, eh
* FrankenstienMkII legs it down the street towards the transport, he's soon joined by two more.
* Mavrik_the_Katta drives the other way, fast
Nicholas_Dray: um, Aaron, you might want to direct the way out
Melody_Starshine: Did... did we ever do introductions? My name's Melody.
Nicholas_Dray: I'm nick
Nicholas_Dray: the meep under the seat is nurgle
Nurlge: I'm a dustbunny
Nicholas_Dray: the cat in the driver's seat is Mavrik
Mavrik_the_Katta: Mavrik, student, activist, and occational artist
Nicholas_Dray: and the guy with the big gun is Aaron
Mavrik_the_Katta: and a barrel of laughs
Melody_Starshine: Nice to meet you all. Charmed.
Mavrik_the_Katta: realy *sarcasticly*
* Insectoid_Robot buzzes
Nicholas_Dray: and this is bill
Aaron: Left here
* Mavrik_the_Katta takes a sharp left
Mavrik_the_Katta: give a katta some warning next time
Nicholas_Dray: yes please
Dungeon Guy: You hook the turn beautifully... right into the path of another Frankie.
* Melody_Starshine jumps
Mavrik_the_Katta: oh dear
Nicholas_Dray: slag
* FrankenstienMkII smashes the side of the transport with his fist
Melody_Starshine: What, what are these things?
* Mavrik_the_Katta swirves
Dungeon_Guy: You avoid smashing into a parked car by half an inch
Nicholas_Dray: evil, nasty, violent, and hard to kill
Mavrik_the_Katta: part of the super soldier program... gone bad
Aaron: There goes the side mirror
Mavrik_the_Katta: meh, never used it much anyways
Nicholas_Dray: that's a good thing?
* Mavrik_the_Katta looks at dash board
Mavrik_the_Katta: DudE!!!! CD player
Nicholas_Dray: And I thought I was out of the system
* Mavrik_the_Katta wipes out a CD and puts on Jimmy Hendrix's cross towntraffic
Dungeon_Guy: While Mavrik's looking down at the dash another Frankie gets into the way of the transport and punches the engine block.
* Mavrik_the_Katta reveres and goes around
Dungeon_Guy: This time you don't dodge the parked car.
* Insectoid_Robot buzzes angrily, and jabs the frankie with a toxin
Dungeon_Guy: Four frankies are closing in now.
* Mavrik_the_Katta tries to turn back onto the road
* FrankenstienMkII shashes into the engine block with another fist
* Nicholas_Dray tosses a mana-gem onto the roof
Nicholas_Dray: hey bill, throw it at 'em
* Mavrik_the_Katta struggles to keep the transport going
* Insectoid_Robot throws the mana-gem at one of the frankies. it cracks and explodes in a massive magical explosion
Dungeon_Guy: The frankies burn
Mavrik_the_Katta: wow, DUDE!!!
Melody_Starshine: Pretty.

* Mavrik_the_Katta keeps driving
Mavrik_the_Katta: army boy, where am I headed
Aaron: Get to highway 9, there's a little used supply station near there
Mavrik_the_Katta: check
* Mavrik_the_Katta makes a beeline for highway 9
* Insectoid_Robot digs claws a little deeper into the roof of the transport
Dungeon_Guy: Aaron gets you to stop at what feels like a random point on the Highway and gets out
Aaron: Now it should be one of the warehouses just below us
Aaron: Ah *BLEEP*
* Mavrik_the_Katta looks down at the warehouse searching for signs of zombies or franks
Dungeon_Guy: You see zombies a go-go. None of them have noticed you.
Nicholas_Dray: um, I vote we get out of here fast
Dungeon_Guy: Still there's something strange about zombies hanging out in this dissused industrial area, you'd think they'd be heading for the population centres.
Mavrik_the_Katta: right, let's see if we can slip by them
Mavrik_the_Katta: and this time, if we fight, let's do it quietly
* Mavrik_the_Katta extends the claws in his hand paws
* Aaron draws his survival knife
Aaron: Mavrik, I think I like you when you give the hippy crap a rest
* Nicholas_Dray pulls out a small handle, and slips a mana-gem into the base.
* Melody_Starshine picks up a branch from the ground
Mavrik_the_Katta: I still dislike fighting, but if the enemy's already died, well, I guess it's alright.
* Aaron goes to the back of the transport and unrolls the line on the winch.
Aaron: We'll use this to get down, can anybody not climb a rope?
* Insectoid_Robot disentangles itself from the roof and flies down onto Dray's shoulder
* Aaron gets Nurgle, Melody and Dray to hold onto the end of the line and gently lowers them onto the roof of the nearest warehouse
* Mavrik_the_Katta looks around
Aaron: You next Mavrik
Mavrik_the_Katta: ok, army boy
* Aaron waits for mavrik to make his way down before climbing down the line himself.
Aaron: Now here's the bad news. I know the supply house is one of these four buildings. Any speficis beyond that have been lost to the ravages of time.
Melody_Starshine: Oh dear
Mavrik_the_Katta: or just poor memory, which ever comes first
Aaron: Same diff
Mavrik_the_Katta: right, so how do we find it?
Aaron: You're the thinker, or so I'm told
Nicholas_Dray: we could try guessing
Mavrik_the_Katta: I think's best if we check out the warehouses as a group.
Aaron: Dray, you wanna see if that doo-hickey of yours can find the supply-station.
* Insectoid_Robot buzzes angrily
Nicholas_Dray: might work
Nicholas_Dray: want to try it, Bill?
* Insectoid_Robot buzzes assent, and flies down toward the warehouses.
After a few minutes it buzzes back and indicates the warehouse to the right of the one you're standing on.
Nurlge: If I had a nickle for every time I was going to eaten, I'd be as crazy as a fox.
Nicholas_Dray: well, shall we go?
Mavrik_the_Katta: first, where are the zombies?
Aaron: Well Mavrik, I reckon you and I can jump that distance, but how do we get the others across?
Mavrik_the_Katta: rope?
Aaron: What rope?
Mavrik_the_Katta: I dunno, is there some in the trans?
Nicholas_Dray: no rope, just winch cable
Mavrik_the_Katta: Would there be some in the warehouse?
Aaron: Possiblie
* Mavrik_the_Katta jumps across
Mavrik_the_Katta: let's find out
Aaron: Anyone else reckon they can make that jump?
* Insectoid_Robot buzzes across the jump
Nicholas_Dray: Show off
Aaron: Well I'm staying here with the civies, just in case
* Capt_A draws pistol
Melody_Starshine: Thank you.
Nicholas_Dray: beats meeting the zombies unprepared
Mavrik_the_Katta: quiet army boy, your toy is not
* Nurlge jumps
Mavrik_the_Katta: in the meantime I've got work to do
Aaron: I said 'just in case' I never said I'd start shooting whilly-nilly
* Insectoid_Robot flies over to Mavrik
* Mavrik_the_Katta starts searching the roof for a way into the building...
... like a skylight
* Insectoid_Robot fies over to skylight and switches to a screwdriver
* Mavrik_the_Katta looks down the skylight, looking for zombies
Dungeon_Guy: In a few seconds you have the skylight loose and move it away. inside is a treasure trove of gear. Including stepladders.
* Insectoid_Robot fles down to look for rope, sees stepladders instead
* Mavrik_the_Katta jumps to the floor and grabs a step ladder
Mavrik_the_Katta: hey bill do you think you could attactch one end of this to the top of the skylight so we can climb up and down
* Insectoid_Robot grabs stepladder and tries to lift the end to the skylight
Frankenstien MkII: Ddrrraaaayyyy!!!
Nicholas_Dray: oh great, here we go again
Dungeon_Guy: Being the strong little tyke that he is the robot manages to do that.
* Mavrik_the_Katta tosses another step ladder up to Bill
Mavrik_the_Katta: here use this to cross the jump
* Insectoid_Robot catches the stepladder, carries it to the jump
* Mavrik_the_Katta searches for other useful things... tuna
* Nicholas_Dray checks the mana-gem in the handle and looks for a way out.
* Insectoid_Robot tries to set the ladder across the gap
* Frankenstien_MkII jumps down to the first (non-supply) warehouse. Due to the his sheer weight he punches through the sheet metal roof and falls through to the floor.
Nicholas_Dray: what is with these guys?
Mavrik_the_Katta: what was that sound?
Nicholas_Dray: um, guys, we got company!
Aaron: That's my line
* Melody_Starshine crosses to the roof
* Mavrik_the_Katta also looks for Grenade launchers
* Nurlge is lost in his own world and has no clue as to what's going on
* Nicholas_Dray runs across the stepladder, almost trips, but manages to make it across.
Nicholas_Dray: anything we can do to help?
Nicholas_Dray: I think we need to make this quick
Dungeon_Guy: Mavrik finds a 40mm M79 (Big shotgun-like grenade launcher. Arnie used it a fair bit in T2).
Melody_Starshine: Is there any alchemist's fire down there?
* Mavrik_the_Katta grabs the M79
* Mavrik_the_Katta looks for anti-tank mines
Dungeon_Guy: Call me crazy but I don't think you have time to lay mines.
* Nurlge sees weapons
* Nurlge hides
* Nicholas_Dray climbs down and begins to search the crates labelled "magically hazardous"
Dungeon_Guy: You hear more bashing of steel a few metres away.
* Nurlge looks up again
Dungeon_Guy: Dray finds a crate full of canisters of Alchemists fire.
Nicholas_Dray: ooh, shiney
* Nurlge sees bottles of various elixers
Mavrik_the_Katta: *whispers* what's going on Dray? what's out there?
* Nicholas_Dray grabs several canisters, hauls them up to the roof,
drops them off, runs for more
* Nurlge wanders over to elixers
Nicholas_Dray: there's a frankie
Mavrik_the_Katta: bloody heck
Nicholas_Dray: he jumped through the roof of the building over there
* Nurlge drinks random elixer
Dungeon_Guy: Nurlge gains superpowers. sorry folks, meep side effect only.
* Nurlge burps and grows to 7 feet tall
* Mavrik_the_Katta continues looking for useful stuff, he really hopes to find an APC or tank
* Nicholas_Dray hands two canisters to bill
Dungeon_Guy: You hear the sound of more metal tearing it's getting closer.
* Insectoid_Robot takes the canisters and heads in search of frankie
Dungeon_Guy: A fist appears through the west wall.
* Nurlge roars
* Nicholas_Dray searches the crates again, finds a package labelled "do not handle, parallysis may occur".
* Mavrik_the_Katta moves to get a clear sight of the hand and prepares his GL
Dungeon_Guy: Frankie tears a big-man sized hole in the wall ands steps through.
* Melody_Starshine climbs down into the storeroom and searches for smaller canisters of alchemist's fire.
* Nurlge headbutts Frankie with blinding speed.
Melody_Starshine: Great! Those big ones are too hard to throw.
Dungeon_Guy: Frankie takes the hit and careens into the back wall
* Insectoid_Robot drops one of its canisters onto Frankie
Frakie: Grrrraaa!!
Nurlge: For great justice!!!
Dungeon_Guy: The canister explodes, obscuring frankie in a massive ball of flame and smoke, the blast defeans everyone for a few moments.
* Nicholas_Dray takes out package and examines it
* Mavrik_the_Katta tries to aim through the smoke
Dungeon_Guy: Dust andother small crap flies everywhere, and you can feel the shockwave in your ribs.
Nurlge: Oofie
Dungeon_Guy: Mavrik: you can't see crap.
Mavrik_the_Katta: psychodelic, man
* Nicholas_Dray gets hit by the shockwave and drops the package
* Mavrik_the_Katta fails miserably at aiming
Dungeon_Guy: When the smoke at last clears Frankie is nothing more than a pair of charred boots
* Mavrik_the_Katta lowers his GL
* Insectoid_Robot buzzes happily
Dungeon_Guy: But there are now two massive holes in the wall
* Nurlge poses
Mavrik_the_Katta: well, that worked pretty good
Dungeon_Guy: The horde of zombies outside start moving in through the holes.
Nicholas_Dray: great
* Aaron starts capping zombies left and right
* Mavrik_the_Katta aims and fires the GL
* Insectoid_Robot flies outside and drops the other canister on the
largest cluster of zombies
Dungeon_Guy: The explosions obliterate another dozen zombies but more are always comming.
Aaron: Grab what you can and get out.
* Insectoid_Robot grabs two of the four canisters on the roof and repeats the process.
Aaron: I'll hold them off
* Mavrik_the_Katta starts grabing amunition and food stuffs
Nurlge: I will clog the dead, you can run. I have the macdaddy footpower.
* Nurlge begins kicking zombies into the air left and right
Aaron: Okay, take care 'little' guy
* Nicholas_Dray picks up the package, stuffs it in his pocket, grabs four large canisters and runs up the stepladder.
* Mavrik_the_Katta rushes onto the roof with his load and rushes back down.
* Melody_Starshine packs away small canisters of Alchemist's Fire into various bags on her person.
* Insectoid_Robot drops a third canister on zombies
* Mavrik_the_Katta grabs some AF and an automatic gun (AK-74)
* Aaron grabs a new G36 and waits to make sure everyone gets out okay
* Mavrik_the_Katta rushse up ladder
Nurlge: Main screeeeeen! Tuuur-urn on! Main screen, main screen, main screen, tuuuuurn on!
* Nicholas_Dray runs across the jump, accidentally dropping one of the canisters on the way
Nicholas_Dray: oops
Dungeon_Guy: Ka-Boom!!!
* Nurlge punts another zombie into the air
Dungeon_Guy: It bounches off the roof and lands on it's head.
* Melody_Starshine grabs a small handgun since she doesn't know how to use any gun at all...
* Melody_Starshine runs
* Aaron waits until Melody is up the ladder and follows her out
Mavrik_the_Katta: Nurlge, it's time to go
Aaron: Nurlge we're done here
Nurlge: no, this is fun!
* Insectoid_Robot tosses the last two large canisters randomly from the roof and heads into the warehouse.
* Mavrik_the_Katta starts rushing gear across the gap
* Nurlge burps and reverts to original size
* Aaron slides back down the ladder to rescue Nurlge.
* Insectoid_Robot begins shooting pins at the zombies
Nurlge: Bravely run away, AWAY!
* Capt_A empties his pistol at the zombies to buy Nurlge time
* Nurlge runs to the others with amazing furball speed
Mavrik_the_Katta: ok
* Insectoid_Robot grabs a pistol, two clips, and one last large canister of AF
Mavrik_the_Katta: come on army boy time to go, I've nearly got the gear across.
Aaron: Comming
* Melody_Starshine runs into the transport, breathlessly
* Mavrik_the_Katta moves stuff into transport
* Aaron follows Mavrik up the ladder, then kicks in down.
* Insectoid_Robot drops the canister that it grabbed onto the base of the ladder after Aaron was across the gap.
* Nurlge hides inside the transport
* Mavrik_the_Katta jumps into drivers seat
Nurlge: Snug as bug in a lug
* Mavrik_the_Katta starts the engine
* Insectoid_Robot flies over and lands on Dray's shoulder
Mavrik_the_Katta: that's good little buddy
Dungeon Guy: Yeah, you like, drive away. To safety even.