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Author Topic: MRPS Transcripts - Techno Magic  (Read 4743 times)
Famous Adventurer
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« on: March 11, 2005, 08:24:50 AM »

(Note: Jigen took over Ignus' character temporarily as he was late.)

dungeon_guy, Nicholas Dray - played by Jigen
Aaron - played by Corsair5

Techno Magic: Chapter 1 - Guard Duty

<dungeon_guy>      Okay, here's the deal: Aaron, your commanders have given you a special assignment
<Aaron>      Ahem..
<dungeon_guy>      Your unit is giving you a close-protection assignment. Your charge is one Nicholas Dray

* Aaron      scowls, then checks the ammo clip on his glock.

<Aaron>      I hate guard duty.
<dungeon_guy>      Dray has been targeted by rogue members of the scientific community.
<Aaron>      Evil Scientists with guns...this sounds like a crappy American action flick. Any idea why these guys are after you, Dray?

* Aaron      takes apart his HK-G36 and begins to clean it.

<Nicholas_Dray>      Certain members of the scientific community object to the subject matter of the experiments I conduct
<Aaron>      Mmm. Stay away from the windows.

* Aaron      unholsters his pistol.

<dungeon_guy>      (Are there any other preparations you want to make toward's your charges safety, you have some resources towards this end)
<Aaron>      (Such as?)
<Aaron>      Dray, can you shoot a gun?
<dungeon_guy>      Making a security assessment of Dray's home, installing intruder detection devices, yes questioning him about what the scientific community might have the throw at him, stuff like that
<Aaron>      So..these crazy science guys.. Aside from usual stuff, guns.. Do they have any new technology I need to be worried about? I don't carea 'bout the new breakthroughs in hydroelectric power, but anything that possibly could be utilized as a weapon...
<Nicholas_Dray>      All sorts of new weapons programs are underway at the moment. Super-soldiers, lightning projectors, new biowarfare toxins.
<Aaron>      ? I hate scientists.
<Nicholas_Dray>      But I'd say what they're mostly likely to send against us is a Frankenstien
<Aaron>      Here.

* Aaron      hands Dray his Glock.

<Aaron>      Don't play with it. It shoots live bullets? And preferably, don't shoot me.

* Nicholas_Dray      grins as a small mechanical insect crawls onto his shoulder.

<Nicholas_Dray>      I have my own defences
<Aaron>      Uh huh.. I'll trust you on that, but keep your head behind cover unless necessary. Like if I find a pack of C4.
<Nicholas_Dray>      Don't worry, I have no intention of getting myself shot in the forseeable future
<Aaron>      Neither did I. I've gotten shot a few times, anyway.
<Nicholas_Dray>      Not pleasant?
<Aaron>      It wasn't as bad as it could've been. Not pleasant at all, though.
<dungeon_guy>      (Any more preparations you want to make?)
<Aaron>      I'm gonna go inspect the premises. Don't wet your pants while I'm gone.

* Aaron      exits the room.
*Nicholas_Dray waits till Aaron turns around and flicks him the finger
* Aaron      across the frontdoor, sets up a tripwire.
* Aaron      in the ground immediately in front of the tripwire, he secures his knife to the floor.

<Aaron>      Heh heh. If anyone trips, they gonna die.

* Aaron      locks the front door.
* Aaron      turns on the security system.

<Aaron>      I hardly expect the lock or the security system to work, but hey, if they get slowed down, I win.

* Aaron      yells.

<Nicholas_Dray>      Yeah it leads to the street behind the flat, why?
<Aaron>      Because if we need to get out of here, I'd rather not go by the front door!
* Aaron      mutters ""Idiot.""
* Aaron      goes and inspects the fire escape.

<dungeon_guy>      Aaron inspects the fire escape. It's in full view of any snipers, but you doubt the scientific community are that pro.

* Aaron      pulls out a pair of binoculars and looks around.

<Aaron>      (Are there any people sitting at adjacent windows, obvious places for a sniper to sit, etc, etc?)
<dungeon_guy>      You don't see anyone setting up just yet.

* Aaron      goes back to the room with Dray.

<Aaron>      Alright. When I say jump, do it.
<dungeon_guy>      (That Frankenstien Dray mentioned sounds like some kind of creature (or wepons platform), so if they send something like that you doubt they'll provide it with support).

* Aaron      puts his rifle together and sits by the door, at the ready.

<Aaron>      Okay, Dray..one last thing. That Frankenstein thing you mentioned. What the ###### are they?
<Nicholas_Dray>      I've only been able to peice together some rumours before i was kicked out of the University, but they're a supposed to be a new type of super-soldier.
<Aaron>      Anything I should know about? Like the ability to shoot fire out of their hands or something?
<Nicholas_Dray>      I couldn't tell you much more than that, what it's capable of or how it's 'super' I don't know.
<Aaron>      Lovely. Sit there, and don't come near the windows.
<Nicholas_Dray>      Knowing the scientific community it can't be subtle whatever it is.
<Aaron>      If you get shot, I don't get paid. So both of us are unhappy.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2005, 02:37:41 PM by Swift » Logged

Famous Adventurer
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« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2005, 02:17:20 PM »

Nurlge - played by Striker
Nicholas_Dray, Insectiod_robot - played by Ignus Draconus
Frankenstien_MkIII - played by Jigen

Part 2 - We've Got Company

<dungeon_guy>   Okay now to Nurlge for a few seconds. You've been on the run for practically forever, and now you're tired and starving. You've managed to get yourself at the top of an apartment block.
<Nurlge>      I am on top of an apartment block
<dungeon_guy>      Where do you start looking for food and how do you go about snaking it?
<Nurlge>      Mmm... I would sure like a shrub right about now. MMM MMM
<dungeon_guy>      Unfortunately there are no shrubs that you can see, perhaps some of the residents have a tasty fern you can chow down

* Nurlge      spins around like a top
* Nurlge      lands face first into the ground

<dungeon_guy>      Okay after a few minutes of peeping around people's back terraces you see a big fern, a few two day old oranges and cat.
<Nurlge>      Yay!
<dungeon_guy>      The cat glares at you, daring you to phucking try eating it. It hisses at you

* Nurlge      bites the fern and attempts to #### with the cat instead

<dungeon_guy>      The cat shrieks, denies it is that kind of cat and runs away

* Nurlge      shrugs and eats the oranges whole

<dungeon_guy>      While you're munching away on the fern you hear a metallic clicking sound behind you

* Nurlge      passes gas, then passes out of site around a corner

<dungeon_guy>      The clicking sound follows you. You hear another set of clicking noises, it appears to be coordinating with the first

* Nurlge      hides in a trashcan

<dungeon_guy>      Hiding in a trashcan has worked everytime in the past, thanks to the smell no-one in their right mind ever looks in them. But this time you hear the clicking sounds approach the can, and even knock on the sides

* Nurlge      readies himself

<dungeon_guy>      After a few seconds you can feel the can being lifted all of three, maybe four inches off the ground and carried away. it really disorients you when you get the feeling you're being carried up a wall

* Nurlge      bursts from the trashcan, spilling oozing trash everywhere

<dungeon_guy>      you see what appears to be two metallic insects starring at you in surprise. They exchange a look and then come at you

* Nurlge      grabs the trashcan lid in one hand, leaps into the air, and lands on the insects with it before sprinting away.
* Aaron      taps his foot impatiently.

<Aaron>      ..I hate guard duty every second that passes.. I think I enjoyed having my leg artery, whatever the docs call it, blown open.

* Aaron      rubs his upper leg ruefully.
* Insectiod_robot      buzzes up from under the trashcan lid

<dungeon_guy>      The building is a tall block of flats, most of the residents only have a basic alarm system and that's to protect against people coming in through the front door, almost no defences are aimed towards the balcony, then there are these robot things. The scientists are strange, the tech they have is not available to the public, but yes magic works

* Nurlge      notices the fire escape on a nearby building
* Nurlge      uses his meep jumping skills to jump onto the fire escape
* Insectiod_robot      flies after Nurlge

<Nurlge>      *pant* Flunky MacGarb!
<dungeon_guy>      Aaron hears a strange sound coming from the fire escape

* Nurlge      climbs the fire escape
* Insectiod_robot      flies up to window

<Aaron>      Wonderful.

* Nurlge      headbutts insect into the window, shattering it
* Aaron      loads his rifle up, then exits the room and heads to the fire escape.

<dungeon_guy>      you hear the window break

<Aaron>      Oh, ######. FREEZE!

* Nurlge      quickly gets to his feet
* Aaron      bludgeons Nurlge with the butt of his rifle.

<dungeon_guy>      There is a heavy thumb at the front door, like somebody just took to it with a sledgehammer

* Nurlge      curses

<Aaron>      A Meep? Whatever.

* Nurlge      bites Aaron's ankle before running off

<Aaron>      Ow!

* Nicholas_Dray      walks over to the broken remains of the second robot

<dungeon_guy>      Another heavy thump can be heard front the front door

* Aaron      gets in position near the front door.

<Nicholas_Dray>      darn, not again

* Nurlge      silently slips into a cabinet
* Nicholas_Dray      salvages parts

<dungeon_guy>      A massive fist bursts through the chipboard door. It's easily the size of a basketball

<Aaron>      I'm gonna guess that's Frankenstein.
<Frankenstien_MkIII>      DDRRRRAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!
<Aaron>      FREEZE!
<Nurlge>      Jibee McGee!

* Insectiod_robot      is distracted from Nurgle by the fist through the door

<Frankenstien_MkIII>      Another massive hole is punched through the door, this one appears over the top set of hinges.
<Nicholas_Dray>      What?
<Nurlge>      Yes I would like breakfast, thank you.
<dungeon_guy>      Now the whole door gets torn off.

* Aaron      aims at Frankie's head.

<Nicholas_Dray>      wow. thanks for the vote of confidence
<Aaron>      Freeze! You know what? Nevermind.
<Nurlge>      I can't get a KitKat worth a darn, today can I?

* Insectiod_robot      fires a metal dart at Frankie
« Last Edit: March 13, 2005, 02:19:11 PM by Swift » Logged

Famous Adventurer
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« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2005, 02:20:28 PM »

Mavrik_the_Katta - played by Lord Bierhoff

Part 3 - Aaron Vs Frankie

<dungeon_guy>      Frankie is massive, tall as a basketball player and as broad as a pro wrestler.

* Aaron      pulls the trigger, and sends a 3 round burst at Frank's head.

<Frankenstien_MkIII>      The boom of the automatic rifle rebouds across the room, blanking out all other sound
19:24:20     <Frankenstien_MkIII>      The bullets punch into the top of Frankie's skull and nock his head back. he groans and takes another step forward
<Aaron>      Impossible..
<Nicholas_Dray>      now what?

* Aaron      points his rifle at Frank's torso, and lets the whole clip go, letting the recoil make his rifle barrel climb towards the monster's head.
* Insectiod_robot      fires a few more darts at franky
* Nurlge      grabs a hammer and hops up and down

<dungeon_guy>      The burst deafens everyone in the room for a moment, the darts stick into Frankie's neck just above the bolt, and the 5.56mm FMJ rounds tear apart the black shirt on frankie's chest. The sight underneath the shirt is enough the make even Aaron uneasy, the bullets are tearing flesh, but to no visible effect, the lines of surgical scars are hard to distinuighs from the new (if superficial damage)

* Aaron      pulls out his spare knife and hurls it at Frank.

<dungeon_guy>      The knife slams into Frankie's head, burying itself up to the hilt.
<Aaron>      Die.
<Nurlge>      Use puppy power!

* Aaron      readies the grenade launcher on his rifle.
* Insectiod_robot      hovers around behind frankie, ready to inject a soporific dart

<dungeon_guy>      Frankie sees Dray at last and raises both arms.

<Aaron>      Suck on it.

* Aaron      lets loose the grenade at Frank's head.
* Nurlge      hides again

<Aaron>      Crap. That was one of my flashbangs.

* Aaron      hides his eyes.

<dungeon_guy>      The flashbang blinds everyone who wasn't prepared for it, the bang deafens everyone.

* Aaron      pulls out his Glock and lets off a series of bullets at Frank.
* Insectiod_robot      buzzes and injects frankie with the soporific

<dungeon_guy>      You empty half the clip on autopilot before you realise that, if .223 Rifle rounds didn't affect it 9mm won't do jack

* Aaron      runs towards Frank, grabs his knife, jerks it out, and attempts to hack the neck of the monster off.

<dungeon_guy>      The toxin has visible affect, right away. Frankie grabs Aaron in a grip that could crush rocks and hurls him through the nearest plasterboard wall.

<Frankenstien_MkIII>      DDDDDRRRRRAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
<Aaron>      Son of a..
<Nicholas_Dray>      What?

* Nurlge      searches room for any hazardous chemicals

<dungeon_guy>      Frankie starts moving towards Dray
<Aaron>      Son of a..
<dungeon_guy>      yes Mavrik, Aaron has been thrown into your room
<Nicholas_Dray>      maybe I can fix bob here
<Aaron>      Morning, sir.

* Aaron      grimaces and rubs his shoulders and his back.

<Aaron>      Got a knife? I need to borrow one.

* Nicholas_Dray      pulls out a few pieces of the other robot

<dungeon_guy >      Aaron pushes past the pain with sheer strength of will and gets to his feet (you're hard you can do that)

* Aaron      rushes at Franky and hurls his kevlar helmet at the monster as hard as he can, trying to distract it.

<Aaron>      Dray! Get the ###### outta here!

* Insectiod_robot      interrupts Dray's thoughts with a loud buzz and rapid movements

<Nicholas_Dray>      oh. oops
<dungeon_guy>      The light bump frankie gets from the helmet bouncing off his shoulder is barely strong enough for him to detect

* Nurlge      finds a can of paint thinner
* Aaron      picks his knife up off the ground and chunks it.
* Nicholas_Dray      maneuvers around Frankie, hoping to get past

<dungeon_guy>      The knife sticks into Frankie's shoulder, still no visible effect
<Nurlge>      Would you like some of this drink to help you, silly human?
<Nicholas_Dray>      um, okay
<dungeon_guy>      Frankie reaches for Dray

* Nurlge      gives paint can to Dray

<Nurlge>      Drink up!

* Insectiod_robot      stabs frankie with another dart

<Nicholas_Dray>      paint?

* Aaron      picks his HK off the ground, reloads, presses the barrel against the base of Frank's neck, and pulls the trigger, and doesn't let go until the clip clicks empty.

<dungeon_guy>      Still no effect

* Nicholas_Dray      steps back
* Nicholas_Dray      tries to get to the window

<dungeon_guy>      Frankie backhands Aaron, breaking his nose and knocking him on the ground. you're head swims and you fight to regain control. Everyone in the room is still deaf, so don't try talking to each other.

* Aaron      groans, and snorts blood out of his nostrils.
* Nicholas_Dray      tries to get out the broken window
* Mavrik_the_Katta      stumbles into the room looking groggy and confused

<dungeon_guy>      Dray is now on the balcony, near the fire escape

* Insectiod_robot      buzzes around frankie, shooting metal darts occasionally
* Mavrik_the_Katta      looks even more confused

<dungeon_guy>      (Aarons' vehcile (Let's say it's a Humvee) is waiting underneath the ladder.
<Nicholas_Dray>      this seems suspicious
« Last Edit: March 13, 2005, 02:38:37 PM by Swift » Logged

Famous Adventurer
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« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2005, 02:22:22 PM »

Part 4 - Aaron Vs Frankie (part 2)

<Mavrik_the_Katta>      what are you guys doing?!?!?!
<Nicholas_Dray>      I'm not sure
<Aaron>      I'm gonna give you a good chance.
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      don't you know violence is not the answer
<Nicholas_Dray>      tell them that
<Aaron>      Just run, hippie cat.

* Aaron      groans.

<Mavrik_the_Katta>      tell who? I'm telling you all, man

* Insectiod_robot      readies a second soporific dart

<Nurlge>      Violence brings death and mana from the rocks of ages.
<Aaron>      DRAY! GET OUT OF HERE!
<dungeon_guy>      Frankie approaches the remnants of the window

* Aaron      pulls the pin on his HE grenade with his teeth.

<Mavrik_the_Katta>      just chill out ya'll
<Aaron>      Chew on this, Frankenstein!

* Aaron      throws it.

<Nurlge>      Fook!
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      HEY, Dude, Easy man, you could put out an eye with one of those
<dungeon_guy>      You now have four seconds to get your arse out of that room

* Nicholas_Dray      sees the grenade and jumps toward the jeep

<Aaron>      It'll do much worse. Get out the fire escape, cat boy. This place is about to be burning.

* Nurlge      runs out the window, landing on top of Dray

<dungeon_guy>      three seconds

* Mavrik_the_Katta      follows

<dungeon_guy>      (Dray climbs down the fire escape (albiet quickly and gets down to the Humvee)

* Aaron      struggles to his feet and runs as fast as his injuries allow him to out the fire escape.
* Insectiod_robot      unreadies soporific and flies out with a last fleeting glimpse at Frankie

<dungeon_guy>      Two seconds
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      MAN, this is like my home man, what did I ever do to you?!?!
<Aaron>      Tell that to Frank.

* Insectiod_robot      lands next to Dray

<Aaron>      Get in the car, I'll drive.

<Frankenstien_MkIII>      One second

* Mavrik_the_Katta      ducks
* Aaron      gets in the front seat.

<Aaron>      DRAY! In the car!

* Insectiod_robot      gets in
* Nurlge      climbs ontop the humvee
* Nicholas_Dray      gets in

<Aaron>      Cat boy, I suggest you do, too.

* Mavrik_the_Katta      gets in

<Aaron>      They're some crazies around, and you're likely to get killed if you stick around.

* Aaron      floors it.

<dungeon_guy>      Up above the apartment errupts into a massive fireball, burning remnants of Dray's furniture start raining down around you
<Nurlge>      Like with a grenade
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      guys, seriously, what's with totalling my block of flats
<Aaron>      I hope there wasn't much you liked in there, Dray.
<Nurlge>      They were hungry, speaking of food... lets eat.
<Nicholas_Dray>      just a few dozen projects
<dungeon_guy>      You tear away from the scene in the Humvee, behind you you see a charred, blackened Frankie leap out of the thirds floor apartment and hit the pavement running.

* Nurlge      begins chewing on the roof of the humvee

<Aaron>      Hold on.

* Aaron      turns the car around and floors it at Frankie.

<Mavrik_the_Katta>      wow! that dude is just not natural
<Aaron>      You're telling me.
<Nicholas_Dray>      no, really
<Aaron>      I put a knife through his brain, twice.
<Nurlge>      This is not going to work
<Frankenstien_MkIII>      Frankie legs it towards you, for a still bruning wall of flesh he can motor like nobodies business.
<Aaron>      And about 100 bullets in him, too.

* Aaron      slams into Frank at 70 mph.
* Insectiod_robot      buzzes

<Mavrik_the_Katta>      heya, what are you doing? enough with the violence. Descression is the better part of valour, man

* Nurlge      jumps from the humvee before hand

<Nurlge>      Fook this grass
<dungeon_guy>      Frankie takes the impact and is launched a good thirty meters into a oncoming bus. As hard as frankie is, in an argument between a bus and just about anything, the bus always wins. It's a rule.

* Aaron      runs over Frank.

<Aaron>      AND THAT is for the bullets I put in you!

* Aaron      runs him over again.

<Mavrik_the_Katta>      guy, it's just a knive, I'll like buy ya a new one or something, just cut out the ridiculousness
<Aaron>      THAT is for the empty clip!
<Nicholas_Dray>      vicious man

* Aaron      proceeds to go back and forth over the body for nearly ten minutes.

<Nicholas_Dray>      was that called for?

* Nurlge      slips away unnoticed

<Mavrik_the_Katta>      seriously, man, you have a problem. I suggest professional help
<Aaron>      No, I just don't like that guy. Besides..I need to make him dead.

Famous Adventurer
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« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2005, 02:23:30 PM »

Colonel_Ironharn - played by Jigen

Part 5 - The Reunion

 <dungeon_guy>      Dray you see the last meep trying to escape, if you can't get it to you conservationist friend it might mean the end of his species
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      no man, you don't
<Aaron>      Let's get going.
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      where?
<Aaron>      I'll argue sentiment later, Hippy. Elsewhere.

* Nicholas_Dray      sends his robot after Nurgle
* Insectiod_robot      flies off

<Mavrik_the_Katta>      why?
<Dungeon_Guy>      The robot got Nurgle. He hit you with a sleeper dart and then carried you to Dray

* Aaron      drives up along side Nurgle and hoists him into the car.

<Aaron>      Dray seems to have an interest in you, so..

* Aaron      puts Nurgle in Dray's lap.

<Mavrik_the_Katta>      no, dude, why are you wasting my flat and trying to take, mangling a guy, and trying to take us away?
<Aaron>      Military stuff. Classified. I can drop you off wherever you like, but don't blame me in the afterlife if you have a premature death.
<Nicholas_Dray>      It is?
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      dude, I'm an objecter, I don't do mil stuff
<Aaron>      That's nice, Katta. Watch me care.
<Nurlge>      I have not begun too sleZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      hey, enough with the patronizing racism, amn
<Aaron>      Well..
<Nicholas_Dray>      what's wrong with preserving species?
<Aaron>      If you want me to refer to you as something different from Cat Boy, Katta, and hippie, gimme your name. I'm Captain Aaron Rethan, but I doubt you care.
<Nicholas_Dray>      Hi, I'm Nick Dray
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      I don't. and I don't see why you're taking such an interest in me

* Insectiod_robot      buzzes angrily

<Aaron>      I'm not.
<Nicholas_Dray>      and this is bob
<Aaron>      But it's part of my job to keep you alive.
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      the name's Marvik,
<Nurlge>      ZZZZZ... he likes kitties... zzz... in bed... zzz....
<Nurlge>      zzz... is good place to nap...
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      Dray!!!! DUDE!!!! It's been years MAN
<Aaron>      I really couldn't care less about you personally, Mavrik. But since you're a possible victim of terrorists, I can't let you get killed.
<Nicholas_Dray>      do I...?
<Aaron>      I hate my job sometimes.
<Nicholas_Dray>      Wait! Mavrik? from art 101?
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      GUY!! haha, those were times, eh
<Aaron>      Oh, great. Now I've got college reunion in my humvee.

* Insectiod_robot      hums an agreement

<Aaron>      ..
<Nurlge>      ZZnnk... and one spigot...
<Dungeon_Guy>      Aaron hears his callsign over the military radio frequencies
<Aaron>      Dammit, and I thought I might get a beer while I'm not on duty.

* Aaron      picks up the radio.

<Aaron>      This is Raven One.
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      who cares about terrorists? they only have power if you give it to them, man. No, fear man, no terror. You just gotta stand up to the Man, and tell him what's what

* Aaron      cups his hand over the mouthpiece of his radio.

<Aaron>      Shut up.
<Nicholas_Dray>      they only have the power inherent in their weaponry
<Dungeon_Guy>      Raven one, return to base, repeat return to base immediately
<Nicholas_Dray>      the fear is up to us
<Aaron>      Yes, sir. I've picked up a few passengers. They were in the flat, and, uh..the flat got torched.
<Nicholas_Dray>      again
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      naw, weapon's have no power over you man. it's all in the mind. Freedom's in the mind man. nothing else matters
<Dungeon_Guy>      Bring them in with you, we can't allow any delays
<Aaron>      Yes sir.
<Nicholas_Dray>      so's the cage

* Aaron      drives towards his base.

<Nicholas_Dray>      but death is in the body
<Dungeon_Guy>      You bring the Humvee into the compound, the base's alertness has been kicked into overdrive, it looks like every bodies, preparing for a siege.
<Nicholas_Dray>      and I'd rather avoid that for a while

* Aaron      gets out.

<Mavrik_the_Katta>      but the body doesn't matter man. flesh always perishes it's only a matter of time.
<Aaron>      I have a bad feeling about this.

* Aaron      salutes the Colonel.

<Nicholas_Dray>      um, maybe I should hide...
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      man, I always have a bad feeling about the mil
<Nicholas_Dray>      oh, too late
<Aaron>      ...Dray, you're in a military HQ. You're fine.
<Colonel_Ironharn>      Captain you look like crap that has been left on a gentle simmer, what the ###### happened?
<Aaron>      Super Soldier tossed me across a room, twice. Punched me in the face and shattered my nose..
<Colonel_Ironharn>      Damn Frankies
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      hey look, it's general incompetence. heehee
<Aaron>      Sir, I'm gonna recommend the Katta be placed in protective custody.
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      and over there is Major Mesup
<Colonel_Ironharn>      Sergeant, take Mr. Dray and his companions to their quarters. Make sure they're comfortable, and then double-check the security. Captain, get your a$$ over to the infirmary and have the clerics fix you up, this sh1t has only just started and I need you ready.
<Aaron>      I hate clerics..

* Aaron      salutes again, then walks off.

<Nicholas_Dray>      why?
<Colonel_Ironharn>      You didn't say that when they put your leg back together
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      I'm sure they hate you more, butcherman
<Aaron>      As I said before, sir, the Katta needs protective custody. think he was drunk when I picked him up, too.
<Colonel_Ironharn>      He's getting it son, don't you worry

* Mavrik_the_Katta      MOTIONS/kiss.gif
* Aaron      walks off.

<Colonel_Ironharn>      Just get your a$$ patched up and meet me back here in thrity
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      not drunk man,
<Nicholas_Dray>      just a little crazy. in a good way
<Aaron>      Thirty minutes to have half the bones in my body mended? That's a bit of a strech, sir.
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      I've got better stuff, or I did until you leveled my house
<Colonel_Ironharn>      Magic does wonderful things or so they tell me, now move
<Aaron>      ...Drug addict.

* Aaron      heads into the infirmary.

<Mavrik_the_Katta>      so, colonel, whose going to pay for the damages to my flat that or mess up man destroyed?
<Colonel_Ironharn>      You're insured right son?
<Mavrik_the_Katta>      of course, but you guys are covering the deductible


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« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2005, 01:31:06 PM »

Ummm. I guess it goes in here.

Modern Roleplaying Story - Techno Magic

Chapter 2: Problems Advancing

Dungeon Guy/ Aaron - Jigen
Mavrik the Katta - Lord Bierhofff
Nurlge - Striker
Melody - Brassfire
Dray - Ignus

Dungeon Guy: (After a good night's rest and a going over by the base medics and clerics the Colonel has requested your pressence in the briefing room).

Dungeon Guy: (Usual affair, chairs, lecturn, projector.)

* Mavrik_the_Katta mumbles grumpily about lack of civil freedoms

Colonel_Ironharn: Gentlemen... and meep. We have a serious problem

* Nicholas_Dray puts down his latest attempt at fixing his robot

Mavrik_the_Katta: a lack of civil rights?

Colonel_Ironharn: Come again?
Colonel_Ironharn: Last I checked this was still a democracy

Nicholas_Dray: I think he's off his rocker
Nicholas_Dray: but aren't we all?

Mavrik_the_Katta: well, you boy blow my home and forced me to come here against my wishes.  I've yet to recive an explanation let alone compensation

Colonel_Ironharn: Moving hastily along

Nicholas_Dray: don't worry, beuraucracy'll get to it eventually

Mavrik_the_Katta: bah, I was a beuraucrat once, we never 'got to it'.
Mavrik_the_Katta: unless 'it' was coffee

Nicholas_Dray: yeah, I guess that would happen

Colonel_Ironharn: Mr. Dray as you have no doubt concluded already you were targetted by rogue members of the scientific community
Colonel_Ironharn: Our intelligence indicates that the group responsible calls itself 'Advance'
Colonel_Ironharn: Now I get to the bad news: Some of you may be aware that a large conference of magicians is taking place in Spielburg over the next few days

Nicholas_Dray: yeah, bunch of stiffs, as a rule

Colonel_Ironharn: Due to recent problems with Advance the magical cabals have warned groups like Advance that if their activities are interfered with the repurcussions will be devestating
Colonel_Ironharn: Well it seems that warning was insufficient

Nicholas_Dray: is it ever sufficient?

Colonel_Ironharn: The information I'm about to disclose to you is classified, but if our intelligence is correct it will all be public within the next two hours

Nicholas_Dray: what's the government botched this time?
Mavrik_the_Katta: you tell him, little dude

Colonel_Ironharn: Advance is going to send a squadron of it's combat-model MkII Frankenstiens to the conference, how the magicians intend to react can only be speculated

Nicholas_Dray: pobably incinerate something

Colonel_Ironharn: When the Frankenstiens arrive the press will see them for the first time.
Colonel_Ironharn: The scientific community's super-soldier projects will go public

Mavrik_the_Katta: none too soon, if you ask me

Nicholas_Dray: where's the government regulation on these things?

Nurlge: Silence the whispers

Colonel_Ironharn: They're secret black projects conducted without government knowledge, officially anyway

Mavrik_the_Katta: and large gov grants

Nicholas_Dray: and unoficcially

Mavrik_the_Katta: they're well known in the academic comunity

Colonel_Ironharn: I'm sure you've heard rumours Mr. Mavrik

Colonel_Ironharn: What we do know is that little short of anti-vehicle weaponry is sufficient to take them down

Nicholas_Dray: the mages can handle that

Colonel_Ironharn: It's not the mages safety I'm worried about

Mavrik_the_Katta: I've heard and seen many things, like a test site or two

Colonel_Ironharn: Really?

Nurlge: Cat has his tongue

Colonel_Ironharn: Then perhaps you'd like to share some of your insight with the rest of us

Mavrik_the_Katta: common, how secrative can a site labeled top secret really be?

Mavrik_the_Katta: my insight would be cut their funding five years ago

Dungeon guy: (Anyway, blah blah blah, after a few hours the distant sound of explosions can be heard)

* Nicholas_Dray looks up from yet another attempt to fix his robot

Mavrik_the_Katta: sounds like the parties started... again
 * Nurlge hides

Colonel_Ironharn: I just got off the radio to the other stations. It's worse than anyone possibly imagined

Mavrik_the_Katta: I hope fewer people lose their homes than last time

Nicholas_Dray: you mean less than one?

Mavrik_the_Katta: meh, they don't have much imagination.. they thought these things were a good idea after all

Nicholas_Dray: ouch

Colonel_Ironharn: Despite heavy bans on necromany the magical community appear to have responded by starting a zombie outbreak
Colonel_Ironharn: It's the Helmburh disaster all over again

Nicholas_Dray: great

Mavrik_the_Katta: Franks vs. zombies?

Nicholas_Dray: all while we've sat here talking

Colonel_Ironharn: A transport has been secured to transport you all out of here.

Colonel_Ironharn: (Another explosion can be heard, this one sounds like it's just outside the building)

Nicholas_Dray: instead of trying to stop this, we've sat here

Dungeon Guy: (The base alarm starts blarring)

Mavrik_the_Katta: yaya, welcome to the Man, slow and ineffective as usual

Colonel_Ironharn: That's it, everyone to the motor pool, it's go time

Nicholas_Dray: oh well, I'd better wake up bill

* Mavrik_the_Katta stands up, stretches, and yawns

* Nicholas_Dray turns on the working robot

* Insectoid_Robot hums to life

Dungeon Guy: (the Colonel leads everyone out of the room. A few more soldiers arrive to escort them out. Then around about the time you guys make it to the motor pool the massive roller doors collapse and a trio of Mk II Frenkenstiens march inside)

Mavrik_the_Katta: humm, they don't look very friendly

Dungeon Guy: (While the soldiers open fire with their assault rifles the colonel tosses a grenade towards the Franks)

Mavrik_the_Katta: for some reason I don't think the violent rutes going to work very well,... again

* Insectoid_Robot perches on Dray's shoulder, watching the franks closely

Mavrik_the_Katta: I say we run, very fast

Colonel_Ironharn: Get on the Transport, GET THE ###### OUT OF HERE

Nicholas_Dray: works for me

Nurlge: oooooooooooookaaaay

* Mavrik_the_Katta dives for the transport's driver's seat

* Nicholas_Dray enters transport

* Nurlge darts inside

Mavrik_the_Katta: all aboard?

Dungeon Guy: (And yeah Aaron follows you aboard)

Mavrik_the_Katta: soldier boy, you coming too?

Nicholas_Dray: we've probably missed someone. Just because that always happens

* Nurlge finds a secluded nook and hides

Mavrik_the_Katta: where's the bot?

Nicholas_Dray: on my shoulder

* Insectoid_Robot hums

Colonel_Ironharn: (The Colonel levels his pistol at Mavrik) I SAID GO!

Mavrik_the_Katta: easy man easy

Nicholas_Dray: listen to the man, will ya

Mavrik_the_Katta: where are the keys?

Mavrik_the_Katta: !!!!

Dungeon Guy: (Only two MkII's emerge from the smoke, behind them a gaggle of zombies can be seen)

Dungeon Guy: (They're in the ignition dude)

Nicholas_Dray: looks like they're in plain sight

* Mavrik_the_Katta franticly turns the ignition and driving, badly

* Aaron loads a grenade into the blooper and lets it fly at the zombies.

Nicholas_Dray: why shoot the zombies?

Nicholas_Dray: I thought they were on our side

Mavrik_the_Katta: dude, there you are with the killing again

* Nurlge loads a spitwad into his maw and lets it fly at the zombies

* Mavrik_the_Katta drives in circles, looking confused and lost

Nicholas_Dray: dude, should I drive?

Mavrik_the_Katta: no, no, I'm good, but where are we going?

Dungeon Guy: The addedd complication oif Mavrik swerving to avoid every zombie or pedestrain that crosses his path leads him to crash the massive transport into the front of the police station.

* Insectoid_Robot buzzes irately

Mavrik_the_Katta: I guess I found where we're going

Nicholas_Dray: yeah, the hard way

Dungeon Guy: You've smashed into the cell block. Releashing Melody, who was in custody for protesting... something.

Mavrik_the_Katta: ah frig, the pigs

Mavrik_the_Katta: heya, there's one sweet looking young jail bird

* Melody_Starshine looks up in shock

Nurlge: TWEEET!

* Nicholas_Dray rolls eyes

Nicholas_Dray: hey look, a zombie

* Nurlge freaks

* Mavrik_the_Katta honks the horn and sticks his head out the window
Mavrik_the_Katta: hey, what say we blow this popsicle stand

Nicholas_Dray: um is that advisable?

* Aaron shoulders his rifle and drops the zombie with a shot between the eyes.

* Melody_Starshine bolts for the open wall, then stops as she sees the devastation that was the police station

* Mavrik_the_Katta tries puting the trans in reverse

Dungeon_Guy: There's an evil grinding of the gears, but no appreciable effect.

* Melody_Starshine runs for the transport door

Mavrik_the_Katta: Dray, let the pretty lady in

* Nicholas_Dray opens door

* Mavrik_the_Katta tries harder to reverse
Mavrik_the_Katta: come on baby

* Melody_Starshine jumps into the transport

Dungeon_Guy: There's a loud metallic snap and then just the engine whining.

Melody_Starshine: I don't know what you wonderful men are doing here, but thank you for getting me out of that horrible cell!

Nicholas_Dray: um yeah, out into a city full of zombies

Mavrik_the_Katta: that, porbably is not a good sound, eh Dray

Melody_Starshine: Men and... robots.

Imaginary_Mechanic: It's rooted mate, axel's gone

* Insectoid_Robot buzzes apreciatively at being noticed

Nicholas_Dray: um, yeah.

Nicholas_Dray: shift gears

Mavrik_the_Katta: we walking?

* Mavrik_the_Katta shifts gears

Dungeon_Guy: Still no effect

* Nurlge growls

Mavrik_the_Katta: there's a meep back there too, miss

Nicholas_Dray: you put it in reverse, right?

Mavrik_the_Katta: yes, dude

Melody_Starshine: Oh, and meeps

Nicholas_Dray: slag it

Mavrik_the_Katta: I would but I'm busy

* Nicholas_Dray climbs out to check the problem

Melody_Starshine: Aren't meeps an endangered species?

Nicholas_Dray: um yeah

Melody_Starshine: I'm so very pleased to meep you!

Nicholas_Dray: we think that he's the last

Mavrik_the_Katta: so,... what's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?

Melody_Starshine: Oh my goodness! How can people do that to poor defenceless creatures...

* Nicholas_Dray begins checking for problems

Melody_Starshine: Oh, I...

Melody_Starshine: Well, you see...

Nurlge: MORP!

Melody_Starshine: I was... protesting. You know how it is.

* Insectoid_Robot buzzes off, watching for zombies and franks

Dungeon_Guy: Dray: you find the imaginary mechanic was right, that axel is snapped but good.

Mavrik_the_Katta: ya, the Man sucks, eh

* Nicholas_Dray whistles for bill

* Insectoid_Robot flies down, switching to a welder

* Nicholas_Dray climbs under the car and tries to align the axle

Mavrik_the_Katta: Come on dudes, you can do it.

Aaron: We've got company

Mavrik_the_Katta: frig, what sort

Dungeon_Guy: Moans and groans (not that kind) can be heard closing in from all around.

* Nicholas_Dray pulls a mini-jack from his pocket and inserts a mana-gem

Aaron: Take a guess

Minijack: whirs and begins to lift the car

Mavrik_the_Katta: diner guests?

Dungeon_Guy: It'll take a minute for the jack to lift it, it's heavy and only a small, if poweful jack.

Dungeon_Guy: Zombies begin to climb through the hole the transport made in the wall.

* minijack whirs until the car is lifted

Mavrik_the_Katta: um guys, I think we ought to be somewhere else right about now

Nicholas_Dray: wow, really

* Nurlge does one of the things he does best and hides

* minijack finishes whirring

* Nicholas_Dray tries again to realign the axle

Zombie: Rrraaarrggghhh

Mavrik_the_Katta: um army boy, these dead things seem like their up your alley, any bright ideas right about now?

Melody_Starshine: Oh the horror!

Mavrik_the_Katta: he's singing off key

Aaron: Oh sure now that you can't bitch your way out I'm useful

Mavrik_the_Katta: ya, pretty much

Melody_Starshine: What do we do??

Mavrik_the_Katta: Violence should only be a last resort, and since that's all you're almost decent at

* Aaron levels the G36 and pulls the trigger. There is an empty click

* Nicholas_Dray aligns the axle and whistles for bill

* Melody_Starshine begins to wring her hands, then realizes that would be bad for guitar playing later

Aaron: *BLEEP* The crash must have broke it

* Aaron drops the rifle and draws his pistol

Aaron: Die!

Mavrik_the_Katta: rather not

* Insectoid_Robot begins to weld axle

Dungeon_Guy: Zombie A cops a shot in the forehead and drops, but the gunshot has alereted more zombies.

Mavrik_the_Katta: not much of one for stealth and subtly are you, army boy?

Aaron: Not much for anything but talk aren't you Katta

* Insectoid_Robot finishes welding axle

Aaron: Any more bright ides, I don't have a bullet for every man woman and child in Spielburg.

Melody_Starshine: Do we have any fire?

Mavrik_the_Katta: well, it's not like Delor the great's been hanging arond here for a while, so, not so much with the fire

* Nicholas_Dray gets out from under the car, followed by bill, the robot

Nicholas_Dray: okay, hit it Mav

* Mavrik_the_Katta hits it, with gusto

Dungeon_Guy: Engine roars into life, wheels start turning, transport starts moving.

* Insectoid_Robot flies onto the roof ov the transport

* Nicholas_Dray jumps in and shuts the door

* Mavrik_the_Katta puts the trans in reverse

Dungeon_Guy: Mavrik Extracts the transport from it's brick and mortar prison and backs it out into the street

Nicholas_Dray: now go. quickly, and don't worry about runnin' over zombies

* Mavrik_the_Katta is a bit calmer than before, but still looks lost


Nicholas_Dray: And here we go again

Mavrik_the_Katta: he really doesn't like you, eh

* FrankenstienMkII legs it down the street towards the transport, he's soon joined by two more.

* Mavrik_the_Katta drives the other way, fast

Nicholas_Dray: um, Aaron, you might want to direct the way out

Melody_Starshine: Did... did we ever do introductions? My name's Melody.

Nicholas_Dray: I'm nick

Nicholas_Dray: the meep under the seat is nurgle

Nurlge: I'm a dustbunny

Nicholas_Dray: the cat in the driver's seat is Mavrik

Mavrik_the_Katta: Mavrik, student, activist, and occational artist

Nicholas_Dray: and the guy with the big gun is Aaron

Mavrik_the_Katta: and a barrel of laughs

Melody_Starshine: Nice to meet you all. Charmed.

Mavrik_the_Katta: realy *sarcasticly*

* Insectoid_Robot buzzes

Nicholas_Dray: and this is bill

Aaron: Left here

* Mavrik_the_Katta takes a sharp left

Mavrik_the_Katta: give a katta some warning next time

Nicholas_Dray: yes please

Dungeon Guy: You hook the turn beautifully... right into the path of another Frankie.

* Melody_Starshine jumps

Mavrik_the_Katta: oh dear

Nicholas_Dray: slag

* FrankenstienMkII smashes the side of the transport with his fist

Melody_Starshine: What, what are these things?

* Mavrik_the_Katta swirves

Dungeon_Guy: You avoid smashing into a parked car by half an inch

Nicholas_Dray: evil, nasty, violent, and hard to kill

Mavrik_the_Katta: part of the super soldier program... gone bad

Aaron: There goes the side mirror

Mavrik_the_Katta: meh, never used it much anyways

Nicholas_Dray: that's a good thing?

* Mavrik_the_Katta looks at dash board

Mavrik_the_Katta: DudE!!!! CD player

Nicholas_Dray: And I thought I was out of the system

* Mavrik_the_Katta wipes out a CD and puts on Jimmy Hendrix's cross towntraffic

Dungeon_Guy: While Mavrik's looking down at the dash another Frankie gets into the way of the transport and punches the engine block.

* Mavrik_the_Katta reveres and goes around

Dungeon_Guy: This time you don't dodge the parked car.

* Insectoid_Robot buzzes angrily, and jabs the frankie with a toxin

Dungeon_Guy: Four frankies are closing in now.

* Mavrik_the_Katta tries to turn back onto the road

* FrankenstienMkII shashes into the engine block with another fist

* Nicholas_Dray tosses a mana-gem onto the roof

Nicholas_Dray: hey bill, throw it at 'em

* Mavrik_the_Katta struggles to keep the transport going

* Insectoid_Robot throws the mana-gem at one of the frankies. it cracks and explodes in a massive magical explosion

Dungeon_Guy: The frankies burn

Mavrik_the_Katta: wow, DUDE!!!

Melody_Starshine: Pretty. Smiley


* Mavrik_the_Katta keeps driving

Mavrik_the_Katta: army boy, where am I headed

Aaron: Get to highway 9, there's a little used supply station near there

Mavrik_the_Katta: check

* Mavrik_the_Katta makes a beeline for highway 9

* Insectoid_Robot digs claws a little deeper into the roof of the transport

Dungeon_Guy: Aaron gets you to stop at what feels like a random point on the Highway and gets out

Aaron: Now it should be one of the warehouses just below us

Aaron: Ah *BLEEP*

* Mavrik_the_Katta looks down at the warehouse searching for signs of zombies or franks

Dungeon_Guy: You see zombies a go-go. None of them have noticed you.

Nicholas_Dray: um, I vote we get out of here fast

Dungeon_Guy: Still there's something strange about zombies hanging out in this dissused industrial area, you'd think they'd be heading for the population centres.

Mavrik_the_Katta: right, let's see if we can slip by them

Mavrik_the_Katta: and this time, if we fight, let's do it quietly

* Mavrik_the_Katta extends the claws in his hand paws

* Aaron draws his survival knife

Aaron: Mavrik, I think I like you when you give the hippy crap a rest

* Nicholas_Dray pulls out a small handle, and slips a mana-gem into the base.

* Melody_Starshine picks up a branch from the ground

Mavrik_the_Katta: I still dislike fighting, but if the enemy's already died, well, I guess it's alright.

* Aaron goes to the back of the transport and unrolls the line on the winch.

Aaron: We'll use this to get down, can anybody not climb a rope?

 * Insectoid_Robot disentangles itself from the roof and flies down onto Dray's shoulder

* Aaron gets Nurgle, Melody and Dray to hold onto the end of the line and gently lowers them onto the roof of the nearest warehouse

* Mavrik_the_Katta looks around

Aaron: You next Mavrik

Mavrik_the_Katta: ok, army boy

* Aaron waits for mavrik to make his way down before climbing down the line himself.

Aaron: Now here's the bad news. I know the supply house is one of these four buildings. Any speficis beyond that have been lost to the ravages of time.

Melody_Starshine: Oh dear

Mavrik_the_Katta: or just poor memory, which ever comes first

Aaron: Same diff

Mavrik_the_Katta: right, so how do we find it?

Aaron: You're the thinker, or so I'm told

Nicholas_Dray: we could try guessing

Mavrik_the_Katta: I think's best if we check out the warehouses as a group.

Aaron: Dray, you wanna see if that doo-hickey of yours can find the supply-station.

* Insectoid_Robot buzzes angrily

Nicholas_Dray: might work

Nicholas_Dray: want to try it, Bill?

* Insectoid_Robot buzzes assent, and flies down toward the warehouses.
After a few minutes it buzzes back and indicates the warehouse to the right of the one you're standing on.

Nurlge: If I had a nickle for every time I was going to eaten, I'd be as crazy as a fox.

Nicholas_Dray: well, shall we go?

Mavrik_the_Katta: first, where are the zombies?

Aaron: Well Mavrik, I reckon you and I can jump that distance, but how do we get the others across?

Mavrik_the_Katta: rope?

Aaron: What rope?

Mavrik_the_Katta: I dunno, is there some in the trans?

Nicholas_Dray: no rope, just winch cable

Mavrik_the_Katta: Would there be some in the warehouse?

Aaron: Possiblie

* Mavrik_the_Katta jumps across

Mavrik_the_Katta: let's find out

Aaron: Anyone else reckon they can make that jump?

* Insectoid_Robot buzzes across the jump

Nicholas_Dray: Show off

Aaron: Well I'm staying here with the civies, just in case

* Capt_A draws pistol

Melody_Starshine: Thank you.

Nicholas_Dray: beats meeting the zombies unprepared

Mavrik_the_Katta: quiet army boy, your toy is not

* Nurlge jumps

Mavrik_the_Katta: in the meantime I've got work to do

Aaron: I said 'just in case' I never said I'd start shooting whilly-nilly

* Insectoid_Robot flies over to Mavrik

* Mavrik_the_Katta starts searching the roof for a way into the building...

      ... like a skylight

* Insectoid_Robot fies over to skylight and switches to a screwdriver

* Mavrik_the_Katta looks down the skylight, looking for zombies

Dungeon_Guy: In a few seconds you have the skylight loose and move it away. inside is a treasure trove of gear. Including stepladders.

* Insectoid_Robot fles down to look for rope, sees stepladders instead

* Mavrik_the_Katta jumps to the floor and grabs a step ladder

Mavrik_the_Katta: hey bill do you think you could attactch one end of this to the top of the skylight so we can climb up and down

* Insectoid_Robot grabs stepladder and tries to lift the end to the skylight

Frankenstien MkII: Ddrrraaaayyyy!!!

Nicholas_Dray: oh great, here we go again

Dungeon_Guy: Being the strong little tyke that he is the robot manages to do that.

* Mavrik_the_Katta tosses another step ladder up to Bill

Mavrik_the_Katta: here use this to cross the jump

* Insectoid_Robot catches the stepladder, carries it to the jump

* Mavrik_the_Katta searches for other useful things...
                     ...like tuna

* Nicholas_Dray checks the mana-gem in the handle and looks for a way out.

* Insectoid_Robot tries to set the ladder across the gap

* Frankenstien_MkII jumps down to the first (non-supply) warehouse. Due to the his sheer weight he punches through the sheet metal roof and falls through to the floor.

Nicholas_Dray: what is with these guys?

Mavrik_the_Katta: what was that sound?

Nicholas_Dray: um, guys, we got company!

Aaron: That's my line

* Melody_Starshine crosses to the roof

* Mavrik_the_Katta also looks for Grenade launchers

* Nurlge is lost in his own world and has no clue as to what's going on

* Nicholas_Dray runs across the stepladder, almost trips, but manages to make it across.

Nicholas_Dray: anything we can do to help?

Nicholas_Dray: I think we need to make this quick

Dungeon_Guy: Mavrik finds a 40mm M79 (Big shotgun-like grenade launcher. Arnie used it a fair bit in T2).

Melody_Starshine: Is there any alchemist's fire down there?

* Mavrik_the_Katta grabs the M79

* Mavrik_the_Katta looks for anti-tank mines

Dungeon_Guy: Call me crazy but I don't think you have time to lay mines.

* Nurlge sees weapons

* Nurlge hides

* Nicholas_Dray climbs down and begins to search the crates labelled "magically hazardous"

Dungeon_Guy: You hear more bashing of steel a few metres away.

* Nurlge looks up again

Dungeon_Guy: Dray finds a crate full of canisters of Alchemists fire.

Nicholas_Dray: ooh, shiney

* Nurlge sees bottles of various elixers

Mavrik_the_Katta: *whispers* what's going on Dray? what's out there?

* Nicholas_Dray grabs several canisters, hauls them up to the roof,
drops them off, runs for more

* Nurlge wanders over to elixers

Nicholas_Dray: there's a frankie

Mavrik_the_Katta: bloody heck

Nicholas_Dray: he jumped through the roof of the building over there

* Nurlge drinks random elixer

Dungeon_Guy: Nurlge gains superpowers. sorry folks, meep side effect only.

* Nurlge burps and grows to 7 feet tall

* Mavrik_the_Katta continues looking for useful stuff, he really hopes to find an APC or tank

* Nicholas_Dray hands two canisters to bill

Dungeon_Guy: You hear the sound of more metal tearing it's getting closer.

* Insectoid_Robot takes the canisters and heads in search of frankie

Dungeon_Guy: A fist appears through the west wall.

* Nurlge roars

* Nicholas_Dray searches the crates again, finds a package labelled "do not handle, parallysis may occur".

* Mavrik_the_Katta moves to get a clear sight of the hand and prepares his GL

Dungeon_Guy: Frankie tears a big-man sized hole in the wall ands steps through.

* Melody_Starshine climbs down into the storeroom and searches for smaller canisters of alchemist's fire.

* Nurlge headbutts Frankie with blinding speed.

Melody_Starshine: Great! Those big ones are too hard to throw.

Dungeon_Guy: Frankie takes the hit and careens into the back wall

* Insectoid_Robot drops one of its canisters onto Frankie

Frakie: Grrrraaa!!

Nurlge: For great justice!!!

Dungeon_Guy: The canister explodes, obscuring frankie in a massive ball of flame and smoke, the blast defeans everyone for a few moments.

* Nicholas_Dray takes out package and examines it

* Mavrik_the_Katta tries to aim through the smoke

Dungeon_Guy: Dust andother small crap flies everywhere, and you can feel the shockwave in your ribs.

Nurlge: Oofie

Dungeon_Guy: Mavrik: you can't see crap.

Mavrik_the_Katta: psychodelic, man

* Nicholas_Dray gets hit by the shockwave and drops the package

* Mavrik_the_Katta fails miserably at aiming

Dungeon_Guy: When the smoke at last clears Frankie is nothing more than a pair of charred boots

* Mavrik_the_Katta lowers his GL

* Insectoid_Robot buzzes happily

Dungeon_Guy: But there are now two massive holes in the wall

* Nurlge poses

Mavrik_the_Katta: well, that worked pretty good

Dungeon_Guy: The horde of zombies outside start moving in through the holes.

Nicholas_Dray: great

* Aaron starts capping zombies left and right

* Mavrik_the_Katta aims and fires the GL

* Insectoid_Robot flies outside and drops the other canister on the
largest cluster of zombies

Dungeon_Guy: The explosions obliterate another dozen zombies but more are always comming.

Aaron: Grab what you can and get out.

* Insectoid_Robot grabs two of the four canisters on the roof and repeats the process.

Aaron: I'll hold them off

* Mavrik_the_Katta starts grabing amunition and food stuffs

Nurlge: I will clog the dead, you can run.  I have the macdaddy footpower.

* Nurlge begins kicking zombies into the air left and right

Aaron: Okay, take care 'little' guy

* Nicholas_Dray picks up the package, stuffs it in his pocket, grabs four large canisters and runs up the stepladder.

* Mavrik_the_Katta rushes onto the roof with his load and rushes back down.

* Melody_Starshine packs away small canisters of Alchemist's Fire into various bags on her person.

* Insectoid_Robot drops a third canister on zombies

* Mavrik_the_Katta grabs some AF and an automatic gun (AK-74)

* Aaron grabs a new G36 and waits to make sure everyone gets out okay

* Mavrik_the_Katta rushse up ladder

Nurlge: Main screeeeeen!  Tuuur-urn on!  Main screen, main screen, main screen, tuuuuurn on!

* Nicholas_Dray runs across the jump, accidentally dropping one of the canisters on the way

Nicholas_Dray: oops

Dungeon_Guy: Ka-Boom!!!

* Nurlge punts another zombie into the air

Dungeon_Guy: It bounches off the roof and lands on it's head.

* Melody_Starshine grabs a small handgun since she doesn't know how to use any gun at all...

* Melody_Starshine runs

* Aaron waits until Melody is up the ladder and follows her out

Mavrik_the_Katta: Nurlge, it's time to go

Aaron: Nurlge we're done here

Nurlge: no, this is fun!

* Insectoid_Robot tosses the last two large canisters randomly from the roof and heads into the warehouse.

* Mavrik_the_Katta starts rushing gear across the gap

* Nurlge burps and reverts to original size

* Aaron slides back down the ladder to rescue Nurlge.

* Insectoid_Robot begins shooting pins at the zombies

Nurlge: Bravely run away, AWAY!

* Capt_A empties his pistol at the zombies to buy Nurlge time

* Nurlge runs to the others with amazing furball speed

Mavrik_the_Katta: ok

* Insectoid_Robot grabs a pistol, two clips, and one last large canister of AF

Mavrik_the_Katta: come on army boy time to go, I've nearly got the gear across.

Aaron: Comming

* Melody_Starshine runs into the transport, breathlessly

* Mavrik_the_Katta moves stuff into transport

* Aaron follows Mavrik up the ladder, then kicks in down.

* Insectoid_Robot drops the canister that it grabbed onto the base of the ladder after Aaron was across the gap.

* Nurlge hides inside the transport

* Mavrik_the_Katta jumps into drivers seat

Nurlge: Snug as bug in a lug

* Mavrik_the_Katta starts the engine

* Insectoid_Robot flies over and lands on Dray's shoulder

Mavrik_the_Katta: that's good little buddy

Dungeon Guy: Yeah, you like, drive away. To safety even.


Set a match alight, and a man will be warm for a minute.
Set a man on fire and he\'ll be warm the rest of his life.
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« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2005, 02:34:26 AM »

Magical Leader Dude - played by Jigen
Jafar - played by Jafar
Tala - played by Swift

(the order of some of the sentences have been changed for readability)

Chapter 3, part 7 (The Briefing)

<Dungeon_Guy> Unlike most of your clients Miss Tala. The magician's guild have organised to meet you face-to-face and within their own offices no less.

* Tala surveys the office

<Dungeon_Guy> Which immediately signals to you that, as good as they are with the arcane, they are amateurs as far the espionage world goes. They have cleared out a spare room and furnished it only with a table and a few chairs

* Tala smiles and thinks to self, 'Ha! Amateurs.'
* Tala notices Jafar

<Tala> Who are you?
<Jafar> My name is Jafar

* Jafar holds his hand out to shake Tala's
* Tala shakes Jafar's hand

<Tala> Tala
<Jafar> Pleased to meet you
<Magical_Leader_Dude> Thank you for coming Miss Tala and Mr. Jafar
<Tala> You're welcome. What's the situation?
<Magical_Leader_Dude> You're aware of the incident that happened in Spielburg a few days ago?
<Tala> Yes, I heard about it

* Jafar turns to the dude

<Jafar> I've heard a bit about it
<Magical_Leader_Dude> Well there is a certain band of refugees from that incident that we want you to make contact with. They're driving an armoured military transport from the city militia and they are traveling with an exiled member of the Scientific community: His Name is Nicholas Dray. It is this Dray in particular that we want you to make contact with.
<Tala> Wait, before you tell us all that, do you have any idea who's responsible for the zombie outbreak?
<Magical_Leader_Dude> Despite what you may have heard on the news it was not the conference of Magician. The scientific community took advantage of our public warning and staged the zombie incident on their own. The scientific community is targeting Dray for reasons we cannot determine. All we know is that they need Dray and are employing extreme (not to mention heavy handed) measures to recover him

* Jafar nods

<Tala> such as?
<Magical_Leader_Dude> They have sent... well monsters of their own creation to capture him, something they call Frankenstiens
<Jafar> Sounds like a bad horror movie...
<Tala> So, what's the big deal about this guy, anyway? This Dray guy.
<Magical_Leader_Dude> We don't know, all we know is that he was exiled from the scientific community because his experiments clashed with the ideals of the community. To determine the exact nature of his research, you'd better talk to Dray
<Jafar> Got it
<Tala> I work best alone. Any reason why I'm paired with him?
<Magical_Leader_Dude> Due to close proximity to the Spielburg disaster area Miss tala we thought it prudent to provide you with sufficient back-up
<Tala> I can take care of myself, but whatever.
<Magical_Leader_Dude> Two guns are better than one Miss Tala
<Tala> So, any leads on where Dray was last seen?
<Magical_Leader_Dude> After all the damage it took in the city, they're transport's range has to have been affected, they should be within a certain radius of the city of Spielburg, a pair of great eagles and riders will be provided
<Tala> Sounds good. What do you want us to do with him after we find him?
<Magical_Leader_Dude> Can either of you perform basic magical rituals?
<Tala> What kind?
<Jafar> No. Why?
<Magical_Leader_Dude> This will be a communication ritual, we need to confer with Dray at the earliest opportunity. Can you perform the ritual Miss Tala?
<Tala> No problem. I can communicate telepathically
<Magical_Leader_Dude> Excellent. Are there any further questions?
<Tala> Do you have a photo of Dray?
<Magical_Leader_Dude> Yes

* Magical_Leader_Dude hands the party a PDA with Dray's photo and some minor details on the company he travels with
<Tala> Thanks. This will be useful... How much are we getting for this assignment?
<Magical_Leader_Dude> For this simple contact only 100,000 Drachmas, but there will be further assignments, more dangerous but therefore more rewarding
<Tala> Deal. No further questions from me
<Magical_Leader_Dude> Mr. Jafar?

* Tala looks at Jafar, waiting for him to respond
<Jafar> No questions. I'll do it

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« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2005, 02:34:59 AM »

Part 8 (Reach for the Sky)

<Dungeon_Guy> So how do you want to handle this? Well do you want to use great eagles or use your own transport?
<Tala> (let's use the eagles. this should be fun) Jafar, just so you know, I work best alone, but I'll tolerate your presence as long as you're not a liability. Got that?
<Dungeon_Guy> Okay in a few hours you are flying several kilometers above the surface of Gloriana, looking down on the fires that still burn in the city
<Jafar> Got it

* Jafar mutters something under his breath
* Tala looks down from above with a solemn expression

<Dungeon_Guy> To the north lies a desnse forest, to the south east a river that joins with the sea in a few kilometers. Everything else is grass plains. There is enough tree cover here and there in the plains and by the river to conceal something here and there.
<Tala> Let's head to the south east
<Jafar> Aye
  <Dungeon_Guy> Okay, you signal to the Eagle rider to turn southeast and they swoop the birds down to around treetop level. You hang on for dear life. As the river approaches the riders wink at each other and drop it down even lower, until they are skimming the surface of the water. In the moonlight the ripples and the slow strokes of the great eagle's wings looks amazing

* Tala half-smiles

<Jafar> Ugh...
<Dungeon_Guy> Just you're getting use to it, you hear the crack of a rifle. The next thing you know Jafar's rider has been hit
<Jafar> I don't think flying agrees with me...
<Tala> Get down!
<Jafar> What!?

* Jafar ducks

<Jafar> Who's attacking us?
<Dungeon_Guy> Jafar's rider slumps out of the saddle and falls into the river

* Tala looks around

<Dungeon_Guy> You can see vaguely humanoid shadows in amongst the trees by the riverside

* Tala aims her pistol and fires

<Dungeon_Guy> Someone amongst the trees fires an Illumination round into the air, when it airbursts the entire area is suffused in light. The sudden change in light blinds everyone for a second and throws off Tala's aim. Jafar's great eagle panics
<Tala> argh!
<Dungeon_Guy> Tala's rider takes evasive action and goes to return to the sky. Only to be fired upon again

* Jafar draws his gunsword and looks for the attacker

<Dungeon_Guy> You can see the enemy in the trees on the bank. There's at least half a dozen of them

* Tala creates an invulnerable shield for herself, the rider and the eagle
<Jafar> This is NOT my day...

* Jafar fires

<Dungeon_Guy> Jafar's shot drops one of the enemy, the others form up and open fire at once.
<Tala> keep flying
<Dungeon_Guy> Tala's barrier takes a beating but holds. Jafar's eagle gets winged. One of the enemy appears to be getting out a grenade launcher
<Tala> holy ****
<Dungeon_Guy> Unable to take the stress anymore Jafar's eagle tosses him from it's back and flies away. Jaffy falls into the river

* Tala drops her shield, takes out her gun again, and fires at the grenade launcher guy

<Dungeon_Guy> The first shot plings the tree beside his head, he gets down. The Eagle rider changes course and circles around

* Tala signals the rider to get jafar
* Jafar rises to the waters surface

<Dungeon_Guy> The rider protests that if they stop to pick up Jafar they'll be exposed for a few moments
<Tala> Just do as I say
<Dungeon_Guy> The rider nods his agreement and swoops down over Jafar
<Tala> I'll take care of our shooters
<Dungeon_Guy> The eagle rears back, it's talons reaching into the icy water to wrap around Jafar's arms. The shooters open fire again and your barrier takes all it can

* Tala fires at the shooters

<Dungeon_Guy> Then the Guy with the GL lines up his shot
<Tala> Jafar, make yourself useful!

* Tala aims for the GL guy again, and fires

<Dungeon_Guy> Your shot hits the moment he pulls the trigger and throws his aim off. The round lands in the river right next to you. From the sudden bursts of spray and flame you guess it was a white phosphorus round. As soon as the rider detects that his bird has a firm hold on Jafar he signals for it to take off and it bolts for the sky. The shooters fire off a few fleeting shots, but the eagle is soon out of range. You're in the air, do you want to land somewhere and figure out what just happened? Or do you want to keep searching immediately or what?
<Tala> (land)
<Dungeon_Guy> The rider selects a clearing a fair distance from the river and sets the bird down. It's clear neither the great eagle, nor the rider are keen on hanging around
<Tala> Any ideas what was that about?

* Jafar shakes his head
<Dungeon_Guy> (the white phosphorus round makes both of you suspiscious
<Tala> that Grenade launcher guy fired a white phosphorous round
<Dungeon_Guy> You know the military uses WP, but rarely with a first shot. And the lack of automatic fire to back up the WP makes this even more suspect
<Jafar> Somethings not right...
<Dungeon_Guy> In the distance, you hear more gunfire.
<Tala> could this be - nevermind, let's get moving
<Dungeon_Guy> It's coming from back near the river.

* Tala gets on the eagle
* Jafar follows
« Last Edit: April 19, 2005, 02:35:27 AM by Swift » Logged

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« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2005, 02:36:08 AM »

Part 9 (Rescue Operation)

<Dungeon_Guy> How do you want to proceed? Fly directly overhead or flank them from the river?
<Tala> (try overhead)
<Dungeon_Guy> The bird takes to the skies again. In amongst some of the trees by the river you can make out flashes of light
<Tala> Make yourself useful and watch out for shooters, Jafar. What's that?
<Dungeon_Guy> The rider hands you a pair of binoculars

* Tala takes it and looks through the binoculars

<Dungeon_Guy> From what you can make out through the tree canopy there appears to be a large vehicle on the side of the river a short distance away from where you were when you were attacked. Some fighting appears to be taking place around the vehicle. Alot of incendiary weapons are being used
<Tala> hmm
<Dungeon_Guy> Soon the whole area lights up like a roman candle
<Tala> Let's go there

* Tala passes binoculars to Jafar

<Dungeon_Guy> The rider follows your signal and swoops down to above tree level. Jafar takes a look and sees a black Humvee with about five soldiers around it. The military transport across from it has about the same population, but only two gunmen, everyone else is hurling canisters of Alchemists fire at the Humvee
<Tala> This must be it
<Dungeon_Guy> How do you want to proceed?

<Tala> can we land somewhere safe first where they can't see us then?
<Dungeon_Guy> Yes. The eagle rider follows your signal and puts you down on a road a little way away from the fighting. Jafar heft's his gunsword and dashes off towards the fighting
<Tala> no wait!
<Dungeon_Guy> Jafar: What?
<Tala> let's try using the stealth method, first, shall we?
<Dungeon_Guy> Jafar: But the battle has already been joined
<Tala> trust me on this. dashing in like that tends to be suicidal
<Dungeon_Guy> Jafar: *sigh* fine what do you suggest?
<Tala> We sneak up on them, I'll kill off as many as I can with my choke ability, and you'll kill off anyone who remains standing. Sounds good?
<Dungeon_Guy> Jafar: Good enough
<Tala> Let's move
<Dungeon_Guy> The two of you creep through the trees, circling around behind the humzee and the shooters

* Tala sneaks up to the group and focuses on choking them

<Dungeon_Guy> Which is easier than it sounds because everyone's concentrating on the big fight. Your reach out with your hand and clench it. As soon as Jafar sees the shooter's react he leaps forward to cut down the two men who managed to resist it. Of the three choking shooters turns around and tries to aim his revolver at you. He gets off a shot

* Tala shoots him

<Dungeon_Guy> Your shot gets him in the side of the neck, combined with the choking it isn't long before he falls to the ground with his companions.

* Tala rushes to the humvee

<Dungeon_Guy> You take a look at where his shot hit a tree behind you, the bullet is leaking fire oil and burning away at the tree
<Tala> oh dear

* Tala knocks on the humvee

<Dungeon_Guy> Jafar is already going through the Humvee, but it is empty, the military transport falls silent
<Tala> empty?
<Dungeon_Guy> Jafar calls out to them and emerges from behind the humvee with his hands and weapon in the air. Jafar explains that they come in peace a gruff voice answers that he doesn't believe him
<Tala> Look, we came here to rescue you. Now would you come out before even more shooters get here?
<Dungeon_Guy> Another voice answers: How do we know you're  not one of them?
<Tala> If we were one of them, we won't have attacked those guys who were after you. Now would you come out and stop wasting our time?
<Dungeon_Guy> Say what now? (They haven't seen you attack the shooters)
<Tala> Ok, we were sent by the magical order. they just want to speak to dray, that's all
<Dungeon_Guy> (You look over the attacker's weapons, trying to find something to work with, aside from the humvee the gear doesn't look military
<Dungeon_Guy> Dray: Lots of people want to 'speak' to me, tell them to take a number and get in line
<Dungeon_Guy> (The flamming ammunition especially isn't mil spec

<Tala> the order knows that the scientists are after you, and they want to speak to you about this. they think they can help you
<Dungeon_Guy> You hear hushed whispers from behind the transport. Sounds like an argument
<Tala> if you still don't trust me, that's fine. you can stay right there, and i'll link you up with the order using a communication ritual. how's that?
<Dungeon_Guy> Dray: That works, okay set it up

* Tala sets up the communication ritual

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« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2005, 04:32:47 AM »

Modern Roleplaying Story - Techno Magic

Chapter 4 (part 10) - 3y3 Onx0r J00 5uck4h!

<Dungeon guy> Okay, in our last episode Swift (Known as Tala) linked up with Dray's party. She has fought through a squad of what appeared to be Science guild Gadgeteers.
Tala has been sent by one of the more prominent Magical Colleges to deliver a message to Dray

<Nickolas Dray> wow! a letter for me? I don't usually get mail

<Dungeon guy> She takes a few moments to draw a ritual circle and set up the materials for a long range-communication. After a few moments a luminescent mist appears in the middle of the circle and the flating disembodied head of the dean of the magical college begins to talk.

<Magical Dean> (Obligatory joke) Is this thing on? Oh Mr. Dray I trust I find you in good health.

<Nickolas Dray> As well as can be under the circumstances

<Magical Dean> I have heard about the trouble you have been having with the scientific community. I'm sorry but I do not bring good tidings

<Nickolas Dray> It can't be worse than anything  else I've heard today

<Magical Dean> Firstly the science guild wants to acquire you, they are searching for something. I don't know what it is but your research into mana batteries is the key to what they're searching for

<Nickolas Dray> oh sure, can't get a patent, just exploited

<Magical Dean> I have a proposal for you Mr. Dray, I'd like you to let yourself be captured

<Nickolas Dray> …you sure that's a good idea?

<Magical Dean> Yes, we need someone to find out what the scientists are up to, whatever it is it was important enough to them to unleash the zombie plauge on Spielburg

<Nickolas Dray> That looked a little too magical for science. But who knows

<Magical Dean> We have no-one at the college who could perform necromancy on that great a scale. The scientists took advantage of our public warning to them to make US look like the bad guys.

<Nickolas Dray> Yeah, they do that. They blamed me for that explosion in the desert

<Magical Dean> The college can compensate you for your efforts Mr. Dray. But we do acknowledge that we are asking a great personal risk on your part.

<Nickolas Dray> Yeah, figured that about the time you said "captured"

<Magical Dean> As much as I'd like you to assist us in this Mr. Dray, we wont force you to do anything. The final choice remains in you hands

<Nickolas Dray> Well, nothing much to risk but life and limb. No biggie

<Magical Dean> Thank you Mr. Dray. Is there anything else you feel you need to know?

<Nickolas Dray> Not unless it might kill me later not to know

<Magical Dean> I can't know that in advance Mr. Dray, I'm a magician not a fortune-teller. Though it is easy to confuse the two.

<Nickolas Dray> I know enough about magic not to.

<Magical Dean> I imagined so. If there is nothing else then I must bid you farewell Mr. Dray. Farewell and good luck

<Nickolas Dray> See ya

<Dungeon guy> And with that the spooky glowing mist evaporates.

<Aaron> So what're you going to do Mr. Man?

<Nickolas Dray> Why not take the suggestion. I haven't done anything really stupid today.

<Aaron> Well you can't just walk up and surrender to the first scientist you see, they're bound to get suspicious.

<Nickolas Dray> Well, how do we make it look less convenient?

<Aaron> I dunno, we could get in a fight and loose, but there's too much chance that someone on OUR side would get hurt

<Nickolas Dray> Yeah, don't want that

<Maverik> We could try looking into what the scientists are up to, start poking our noses into their business and then let you get caught when they come after us.

<Aaron> The call is yours Dray, it's your ass on the line

<Nickolas Dray> Why not? Maybe I can get access to my old lab

<Aaron> A break-in huh? I like your style

<Nickolas Dray> Not quite what I had in mind, but-hmm...

<Aaron> So what did you have in mind?

<Nickolas Dray> I dunno. This plan might work though, better send a letter first.

* Nickolas Dray pulls a wrinkled half-sheet of paper, writes a bit on it, and hands it to Bill.

* Bill the insectiod robot takes the piece of paper and flies off

<Dungeon Guy> (Okay time passes and your letter reaches your thief chick). So what's the plan?
<Nickolas Dray> well, I break in with Mara's help, I get caught and she gets away

<Aaron> Sounds like a plan to me. Need any help?

<Mara the Thief> Shouldn't be a problem. The scientists have forgotten to update the security in that wing.

<Aaron> Okay then. (The big man pauses uncomfortably for a moment, then shakes Dray’s hand) It was good to be working with you Dray. I'll get these civilians to safety, you go do your thing

<Nickolas Dray> Hopefully we'll meet up again.

<Aaron> Yeah hopefully. Okay well without further ado, let's get this transport a rollin'.

*Everyone waves goodbye as they clamber into the big armoured transport and head off, leaving you and Mara in the woods.*

*Nickolas Dray waves back*

<Mara the Thief> Come on, little brother *Mara climbs onto her motorcycle, Nickolas Dray climbs on behind Mara*

<Dungeon Guy> You and Mara head over to your old lab, you were right the security hasn't been updated.

* Mara the Thief casts an amused glance at Dray, then looks back through the binoculars. She see’s several guards behind the razorwire, the guards are armed with SMG's with underbarrel shotguns, the shotguns are probably loaded with white phosphorus rounds.

<Mara the Thief> Step one: we take out the guards, then I get you a rope to the vents, and then I guide you in from out here.

<Nickolas Dray> Sounds easy enough

* Mara the Thief rolls her eyes at Dray

<Dungeon Guy> The guards don't look especially alert, but they are in a group capable of backing each other up. Whatever you do you need to be quick.

<Mara the Thief> Here, take this

* Mara the Thief hands dray a small backpack.  Dray opens it and looks inside.

<Mara the Thief> It's a stealth suit. You'll need it if you actually plan on fooling them. I'll take care of the guards while you're dressing.

* Nickolas Dray heads off into the woods aways and starts putting the suit on over his clothing.
* Mara the Thief pulls out a small piece of mechanics, little more than a pair of wings and a battery pack, inserts an mana-gem, and lets it fly off

* Wing robot flies off toward the compound, catching the light occasionally as it goes. It catches the attention of several guards, one of whom goes to investigate. Mara waits until the guard has been lured just out of sight of the others, and punches him out.

<Dungeon Guy> Your tactic works until there are only two guards, when the third guard starts moving towards the winged robot his buddy comes with him.

* Mara the Thief grabs the wing robot, removes the gem, and stuffs it back into her pocket. She then pulls out a small device resembling a knife-handle, and places the gem in one end.
Mara waits until the guards are just inside the woods, punches the first and triggers a mana-burst from the handle into the chest of the second, the burst resembles a really painful punch in the gut.

<Dungeon Guy> The last guard doubles over, in between gasps he reaches for his radio

* Mara hits him in the base of the skull with the handle

<Dungeon Guy> There is a sound like a cricket ball hitting a brick wall and the guy falls to the ground

* Nickolas Dray comes back wearing the suit

<Mara the Thief> Excellent timing. Okay Here we go.

<Dungeon Guy> You get inside the facility, the allocation of laboratories has been shuffled about and you're not quite sure where everything is.

<Mara the Thief> Okay Dray, where were you headed?

<Nickolas Dray> My Old lab

* Mara the Thief punches a few keys on her laptop.

<Mara the Thief> Next right, drop down the nearest air duct.

<Dungeon Guy> Your old lab is apparently a new cybernetics lab, you're not quite sure what they mean by 'Biologicals research' but you head inside anyway.

<Nickolas Dray> this doesn't look familliar... Especially the massive tank in the middle of the room.

* Nickolas Dray walks up to the tank “What the…?”

<Dungeon Guy> Inside the green, blood smelling goo you see what looks like a cheerleading pom-pom with two tiny little legs and cybernetic implants
<Dungeon Guy> (Granted the words 'implants' and 'cheerleading' usually conjure different mental images when used in the same sentence, but I digress…

* Nickolas Dray studies the tank for a moment more, then goes to the wall to look for some of his old stuff.

* N4rlg3 opens his eyes. He can’t see ###### (because of the goo).

<Dungeon Guy> You engage your optical enhancements and suddenly you see a man in a sneaking suit in the lab with you.

* N4rlg3 automatically scans the figure

<Dungeon Guy> You recognise a few features (like the mana-powered insect robots) that tell you this man is Prof. Nicholas Dray.

* N4rlg3 recognizes Dray, identifies as probable friendly.

* Nickolas Dray walks to his old storage compartment and punches in the old access code.

<Dungeon Guy> The access code works, guess they figured they'd catch you by now

<Dungeon Guy> After a few moments N4rlg3 realises that something is different, he has a pair of mechanical arms sticking out of his sides.

* N4rlg3 has system override...

* Nickolas Dray looks through the remains if his stored work, as the scientists have taken anything even remotely interesting. Not that they can use it

<Dungeon Guy> Everything relating to your research on mana gems is gone. There is a note however it reads: Forwarded to the administrator's office

<Nickolas Dray> Typical. They don't even bother sending the stuff to the guys that think.

* N4rlg3 new co-cpu identify Dray as intruder. Liquid drains from the tank...

* Nickolas Dray turns around and leans against the storage compartment, catching sight of the draining tube.

<Dungeon Guy> N4rlg3's combat protocols come online and just for fun his eyes turn red too.

<Nickolas Dray> Oh crap

* N4|21g3 immediately patches in wirelessly to the security protocols of the building.

<Nickolas Dray> Mara, I may need some help here...

<Mara the Thief> What's the problem?

<Nickolas Dray> Um, robotic meep

<Mara the Thief> Didn't you help design those?

* N4rg13 actives targeting sequences.

<Nickolas Dray> Only a little bit

<Mara the Thief> Dang

<Dungeon Guy> (So N4rgl3, what weapon system would you like to have?)


<Nickolas Dray> Yeah, definitely a problem

<N4rg13> (At this time, N4rg13 is unarmed, but can be fitted with various weapons)

<Dungeon Guy> (Protoypes for a few systems are in the lab with you. Which one would you like?)

<Mara the Thief> I don't know what I can do from here, Dray, unless a radio frequency would work.

<Nickolas Dray> It might, but only the right one

<Dungeon Guy> (Twin .22 LR miniguns, micro-flamerthrowers, experimental laser system…)

<Nickolas Dray> [Ow]

* N4rg13 likes fire

<Dungeon Guy> (I knew you'd say that)

* N4rg13 jumps toward flamethrowers.

<Mara the Thief> Well, then I'd suggest running

<Nickolas Dray> Good idea.

* Nickolas Dray runs to the door and punches in the access code

<Dungeon Guy> N4rlg3 suits up with the fire-starter mod.

* N4rg13 points and clicks at Dray. Twin gouts of flame follow the engineer out the door

* Nickolas Dray rounds the corner, the flames just behind him

<Nickolas Dray> I think I'm on my own from here, sis

<Mara the Thief> See ya, Dray
* Mara the Thief removes earpiece, packs up her laptop and moves further into the woods


<Dungeon Guy> Okay Psychotic cyb3rm33p is now in boing-boing mode, get your arse out of this Dray

* N4rg13 chases after Dray, shooting flames at him

* Insectoid Robot fires several electrified darts back toward N4rg13

<Dungeon Guy> The darts stick into N4rlg3's flesh and sting like the dickens. But the pain editors in his brain block out the pain. N4rlg3 stumbles for a moment, but keeps coming. Dray sees a fire extinguisher up ahead.


* Nickolas Dray runs toward fire extinguisher, breaks the glass, and yanks it out of the case.

* N4rg13 breaks off pursuit from Dray and turns toward robot

* Insectoid Robot buzzes incessantly, flying back and forth in random patterns. Insectoid Robot fires electrical darts at the cybernetic systems on N4rg13.


* Insectoid Robot flies behind N4rg13.

* N4rg13 aims flamethrower backwards and scorches the bot.

* Nickolas Dray tries to sneak up behind N4rg13.

* Insectoid Robot tries to fire a dart, but the mechanism is jammed by the sudden heat.

* Nickolas Dray sprays N4rg13 with the fire extinguisher.

<Dungeon Guy> Meeeellllltttiiinnnnggggg, meeeeeeeellllltttiiinnggg!!!!

<Dungeon Guy> Psyke!


* Nickolas Dray takes off down the hall with Bill in close pursuit


* N4rg13 hops after Bill. N4rg13 strikes the insect bot with a heavy burst of electricity.

<Dungeon Guy> Bill is lightly damaged.
* Insectoid Robot catches the electrical bolt and shuts down

<N4rg13> (hmm... I thought that would do a lot more damage to a robot)

<Dungeon Guy> (Bill is shielded, he has to be in order to accept the mana gems.)

<N4rg13> (ah, cool)

* Nickolas Dray pulls out an inch-thick metal rod with mana-gems inset. He triggers it, and it expands from floor to ceiling, emitting a magical barrier to the walls of the corridor








<Dungeon Guy> The thermite tanks go up in a massive flaming tempest. Once the shrapnel has stopped flying and the sprinkler system has kicked in, you see the magical barrier is down. With the rod splintered into tiny shards

* Nickolas Dray Is still running as fast as he can down the hall, and takes a sudden left turn.


* N4rg13 wonders why he is bounding down a hall



* N4rg13 accesses building scanners

* N4rg13 finds target

* N4rg13 wonders what target is

* N4rg13 scans target

<Dungeon Guy> Suddenly you hear a bull horn call from outside: Nicholas Dray, Nicholas Dray this is the science guild. Surrender immediately and you will not be harmed. Refuse and we will be forced to take drastic measures.

<Nickolas Dray> Call off the meep and I'll be glad to surrender
* N4rg13 catches up to Dray...

* Nickolas Dray turns to face the meep, too tired to run any farther

<N4rg13> Oh, so it's ye olde metal rancher...

* N4rg13 questions why this is a target


<N4rg13> Therefore, this task is overridden, since he's not too bad a nerdly.

* Nickolas Dray leans against the wall and slides heavily to the floor.

<N4rg13> What is the master of bothersome stingy machines doing here?

<Nickolas Dray> I don't think you want to know. Not sure I do either

<N4rg13> I know my own intent and I asked.

<Nickolas Dray> I'm trying to figure out what these folks want me for

<Dungeon Guy> Just then you hear the sound of the front door being broken down.

* N4rg13 's biological mind remembers his cybernetic functions

* N4rg13 scans building

<Dungeon Guy> Through the security cameras N4rlg3 see three science guild gadgeteers coming down the hall towards your corner.

<N4rg13> Oh, they forgot and gave my access to their many places under imaginary rocks.

* Nickolas Dray is too exhausted to move.


* N4rg13 shuts down debug mode

<N4rg13> All that shouting hurts...

<Dungeon Guy> The three Gadgeteers round the corner. Their faces are covered in optical devices they've built themselves. Taser gloves cover their hands. One carries a breach-loading grenade launcher another a revolver and a third a sawn-off shotgun, you know from experience that these are all loaded with specially designed shells, the load-out could be anything.

<Gadgeteer> Nickolas Dray?

<Nickolas Dray> What?

<Gadgeteer> Smartarse. That's him.

<N4rg13> No, I am called N4rg13... not Nickolas Dray.

* The Gadgeteer with the revolver levels it at Dray, there is a sound like a muffled cough and you feel the air-syringe stick into his flesh, you feel the tranquiliser seep into your blood.

* Nickolas Dray passes out

* Gadgeteer points at N4rlg3 “What's that?”

* N4rg13 wonders how long that security system scan is going to take.


<Gadgeteer II> Must be one of Dray's projects.

* Gadgeteer I shrugs his shoulders and aims the revolver at N4rgl3

<N4rg13> Oh, good...

* N4rg13 engages evasive manoeuvres

* The Gadgeteer misses

* N4rg13 actives unarmed combat techniques...

* The Gadgeteer with the shotgun steps in the way, the one with the GL scrambles for a more appropriate load.

* N4rg13 leaps headfirst into Gadgeteer's solar plexus with blinding speed.

<N4rg13> FRUIT HUEY!!!

<N4rg13> (or whatever E Honda used to say in SF2)

* Shotgun Gadgeteer takes the hit and collapses like a sack of potatoes. Revolver Gadgeteer goes for another shot.

* N4rg13 delivers a leaping chop to his gun wrist.

<Gadgeteer> Arrrghhh! * The revolver falls from his weak wrist).

* N4rg13 grabs gun

* Revolver Gadgeteer wrestles you for it.

* N4rg13 bites Gadgeteer's hand

<Gadgeteer> Ahhhhhhhhhh!

* GL Gadgeteer gives up on his weapon, steps forward and grabs N4rlg3, sending a pair of electrical bursts through his taser-gloves.

* N4rg13 falls to floor

<Dungeon Guy> As your eyes begin to close you hear them say. "Damn it, Bring that pesky beast with you, the administrator will want to see this.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2005, 05:20:44 AM by Swift » Logged

Set a match alight, and a man will be warm for a minute.
Set a man on fire and he\'ll be warm the rest of his life.
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« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2005, 09:03:13 AM »

Head Scientist Guy, Abraham - played by Jigen

Chapter 5 (part 11) - Science vs Magic

<Dungeon_Guy> Okay in our last episode Dray and N4rlg3 were captured by the scientists and taken away, for the sake of story flow, Melody was looking for the missing meep outside the compound and was also captured. I know, It's annoying. Okie dokie, you've been captured. You're locked up in a cell for a long time and get the chance to be reaquainted with each other. Then the scientists take you into a big room, it looks like a large auditorium, you get the distinct impression you're in some kind of university strong hold. They place you in the front row seats and clamp you in with restraints, N4rlge3 is in a cage with his special weapons removed.

<Nickolas_Dray> well, at least we get a good view
<Head_Scientist_Guy> Excellent now that we're all here we can begin. Gentlemen... and hippie. We stand on the verge of a historic moment, the end of the age of ignorance is upon us. Soon, with your help, we will have rid the world of this pathetic and illogical delusion that is magic.
<Melody_Starshine> What do you mean, delusion?
<Head_Scientist_Guy> There will be time for questions at the end (he says automatically)
<N4rlg3> Hey hey, now, I'm pretty deluded already, isn't that right, Abraham?
<Abraham> Dat's right Narggie
<Head_Scientist_Guy> Our archeological department has unearthed an ancient relic of some considerable interest.
<N4rlg3> Now I shall sing rainbow connection while drinking a glass of water!  And other various television quoted activities.
<Dungeon_Guy> A slide appears on the massive projector screen behind him
<Head_Scientist_Guy> We have discovered an underground passage that we belive is the key to our ultimate victory
<Dungeon_Guy> The slide is of a section of wall covered in writing, it's an ancient script that has some significance to Melody's ancestors

* Melody_Starshine stifles a gasp

<Nickolas_Dray> nice script. what's it mean
<Head_Scientist_Guy> Within this passes, so the writing claims is something that can rid the world of this 'energy of life'. The text personifies this phenomena as though it were a person but the passage is too old for someone to have survived underground for so long
<Dungeon_Guy> Melody can see that this 'energy of life' is soul energy, not just Mana as this scientist understand it.
<Nickolas_Dray> that's what you think, I'm sure
<Head_Scientist_Guy> At any rate when one of our faculty held one of Prof. Dray's bizarre crystals near the central chamber its light began to fade, until the crystal was inert, this was enough to convince us that the end of the mage of so-called 'magic was at hand
<Nickolas_Dray> you sure you didn't have a crack in the gem?
<Head_Scientist_Guy> Quite sure, the crystal was not leaking in any detectable way
<Nickolas_Dray> that's what you said about the sahara site
<Head_Scientist_Guy> Please don't interrupt me Mr. Dray I'm the one who argued for your tenure to be reinstated when this is over, don’t make me change my mind
<Nickolas_Dray> won't have much of a field of research after this
<Head_Scientist_Guy> I'm sure you'll find something more substantial to devote yourself to

* Nickolas_Dray rolls eyes

<Head_Scientist_Guy> At any rate Prof. Dray you will have full access to appropriate facilities until you can unlock this passage's secrets to us.
<Melody_Starshine> But magic is what gives life to the world, can't you see that?
<Head_Scientist_Guy> Nonsense, we have life because we are born from our mother's wombs. Sperm fertilises the egg and nine months later a child is born, there is nothing 'magical' about the process
<Melody_Starshine> What about the Indigenous peoples? Their rituals rely on magic. Their economies rely on magic. How are they supposed to attract tourists without magic?
<Head_Scientist_Guy> Their primitive superstitions can still remain, if they refuse to march on into the world of progress, people will always be interested in the backwards ways of antiquity

* Melody_Starshine blinks in disbelief
* N4rlg3 sneezes with discontentment

<Head_Scientist_Guy> Look, at our own society we always look back on the fifties and shake our heads at how backwards they were, when they still believed the white man was inherently superior and women were unintelligent
<Dungeon_Guy> Okay Well the scientist wraps up the breathing and you are taken back to your cell, while Dray is led off to a lab to prepare Mana Crystals. After about a week you are led out of your call and into a private jet, which takes you halfway across the world. Okay the jet touches down in the Shaperian Desert, miles from Rasier. The jet lands in what is obviously a scientist base, Gadgeteers and Frankensteins are everywhere as well as a small arm of soldiers armed with gadgeteer designed weaponry

<Nickolas_Dray> hmm, pity I can’t make a foot-wide gem. clean this place right up
<Dungeon_Guy> While a Frankenstein carries the massive crate full of mana crystals Dray has been building the rest of you are led down into the dig site. Four Frankensteins and a squad of Gadgeteers follow you and the head scientist down. The head scientist leads you to a long, thick stone bridge across a wide, deep chasm. At the other end of a bridge is an enormous stone carving of a beast with an open mouth. The writing around the motuh says 'feed the defiler the energy of life'

* Melody_Starshine shivers

<Dungeon_Guy> apparantly, no-one been down here for millenia)

<Melody_Starshine> I have a bad feeling about this...
<Nickolas_Dray> guess they were right about this place being deserted. it was, and for good reason
<Dungeon_Guy> *The head scientist nudges Dray towards the statue, the Frankenstein carrying the mana crystals follows*
<Nickolas_Dray> very very good reason
<Dungeon_Guy> There is an empty space next to the beast's mouth, it is disturbingly dagger-shaped.
<Head_Scientist_Guy> Well go on Dray, this is your area, these things are based off your research
<Nickolas_Dray> where does the magic need to go?
<Dungeon_Guy> (Open mouth Dude) You can almost hear a whisper on the wind in the passage 'feeeeeeeed'
<Nickolas_Dray> I guess that was a dumb question. I must register a severe protest before I do this
<Head_Scientist_Guy> Yes, yes if it makes you feel better

* Nickolas_Dray sighs

<Nickolas_Dray> you never did listen to me

* Nickolas_Dray picks up a few crystals and slips on in his pocket

<Melody_Starshine> Please don't do this. I'm very sure they didn't translate the script correctly.

* Nickolas_Dray then throws the rest into the open mouth

<Nickolas_Dray> they didn't, count on it

<Dungeon_Guy> One of the gadgeteers ****s his weapon

* Tala sneaks up to group while being invisible, with Jafar following closely behind.
* N4rlg3 activates area scanner
* Tala notices an unusual looking meep

<Dungeon_Guy> The beast's eyes glow for a moment, then the beast splits in two and the halves separate. You could have sworn there was no seam between them.
<Nickolas_Dray> oh crap
<N4rlg3> scuh?
<Tala> What are you guys doing here?
<Nickolas_Dray> I think we're about to get eaten
<Dungeon_Guy> A rush of wind sweeps through the entire chamber from the opening behind the beast. Suddenly everyone feels exhausted, Tala's spells dissipate and three of the Frankensteins shut down completely, one of which falls off the bridge
<Nickolas_Dray> major crap
<Jafar> What the!?
<Dungeon_Guy> The passage leads on beyond the open beast. Just then you can hear explosions from above.

* Tala covers ears

<Head_Scientist_Guy> Curse it, they're here. *he draws a revolver from his coat pocket aand points it at Dray* Keep moving

* Nickolas_Dray keeps moving

<Dungeon_Guy> You can hear an abundance of gunfire on the surface
<Jafar> I'm not liking this beast thing...
<Nickolas_Dray> we're all doomed
<Dungeon_Guy> *HSG ****s back the hammer on the revolver, I said MOVE!

* Nickolas_Dray keeps moving, again

<Dungeon_Guy> You move on through the chamber, the passage splits off in multiple directions after traipsing around you discover that this place is a veritable maze.
<Head_Scientist_Guy> Blast, how are supposed to find the inner chamber with all this nonsense
<N4rlg3> (am I still stuck in a cage?)
<Dungeon_Guy> (No not anymore, one of the Frankensteins in carrying your special weapons)

* Nickolas_Dray feels along the webbing of his belt as he walks
* Melody_Starshine reads the script on the walls as we go deeper into the heart of the beast
* N4rlg3 equips laser
* Nickolas_Dray removes a small, flexible peice of plasticy material

<Dungeon_Guy> You discover that this area is known as the 'hall of confusion' only those who are sensitive to the energy of life find their way through

* N4rlg3 scans for life

<Dungeon_Guy> Your party is the only life for miles, the but readings get particularly weak further in, also the scanner appears to be getting interference

<N4rlg3> Dagnabit
<Melody_Starshine> (Can the other frank fall in a hole and drop the meep's weapons?)
<Dungeon_Guy> As you continue to move around you come out to another stone bridge, this one appears to over looking the stone bridge with the beast statue. You can see a squad of soldiers fighting a magician on the other bridge
<Nickolas_Dray> we help the mage, right?
<Head_Scientist_Guy> Not on your life
<Dungeon_Guy> You can see the magician on the lower bridge is going through a fair few manna  potions, but finally he sweeps the soldiers into the chasm and continues on

* Nickolas_Dray slipps the purloined mana-gem into the space in the middle of the plastic strip

<N4rlg3> (so, um... do I have easy access to the weapons)
<Dungeon_Guy> (yeah, but you're being watched)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2005, 09:15:28 AM by Swift » Logged

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« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2005, 09:38:03 AM »

(part 12 - Counter Attack!)

* Melody_Starshine trips over a dip in the floor and curses

<N4rlg3> (watched eh?)
<Abraham> Narggie, get the elf chick to force-steal gadgeteer's guns while you blast one of the frankies, maybe that paladin guy can go into action as well?
<Dungeon_Guy> (Abraham is a figment of N4rlg3's imagination if anyone wants to know)

* Tala sends a telepathic message to jafar. 'Let's blast our way out?'

<N4rlg3> Okay, mort.  PATTERN OMEGA GO!!!
<Nickolas_Dray> huh?

* Tala mind blasts one of the gadgeteers while everyone's distracted by the meep
* N4rlg3 uses energy surge to create a blinding flash.

<Dungeon_Guy> The gadgeteer tumbles off the edge of the bridge. The rest of the enemies are flash dazzled. Except for HSG
<Dungeon_Guy> HSg sees the situation is about to get out of hand and leaps of the edge of the bridge, launching a grappling hook from his wrist and swinging down to the lower platform as he does so.

* N4rlg3 headbutts gear from frankie's arms.

<Dungeon_Guy> Frankie drops n4rlg3's gear
<Jafar> He's getting away!

* Tala attempts to choke the other gadgeteers

<Tala> After him, Jafar!

<Dungeon_Guy> (It's quite a leap Jaffy, and the HSG had assistance)

* Nickolas_Dray with the HSG no longer pointing a gun at him, Dray runs to help the mage

<Dungeon_Guy> Two more of the gadgeteers collapse from the choke spell

* Jafar looks around quickly for a way to follow

<Dungeon_Guy> (The mage is down on the lower bridge with HSG)

* N4rlg3 integrates laser systems and straps autoguns to back...

<Dungeon_Guy> There are gunshots from the passage beyond the lower bridge, you can't hear any magic responding
<N4rlg3> It's slobberin' time.

* Nickolas_Dray stops short of running off the edge of the bridge

<Melody_Starshine> Stoneshards **** the Franks! My knee hurts.
<Nickolas_Dray> crap. anybody got a rope?
<Dungeon_Guy> You do notice that some of your mana crystals are fading
<N4rlg3> I have hurty death

* Nickolas_Dray throws the only offensive spell he knows at the HSG, a force bolt

<Melody_Starshine> I've got a friendship bracelet, would that do?
<N4rlg3> I left my bigulator in my other pants
<Nickolas_Dray> um, not unless it's large enough to cross the gap
<Melody_Starshine> What do you mean other pants? You're not wearing any pants. It's no pants day.
<Nickolas_Dray> only for meeps

* Melody_Starshine is amazed as - for the first time in her life - magic works.

<Dungeon_Guy> Some more soldiers appear in the passage behind you, they can see you've beaten off your escort and raise their weapons

<Melody_Starshine> Look, the remaining Franks are turning into shattered stone! Now we only have to worry about gadgeteers!
<Dungeon_Guy> The franks indeed are starting to crumble, somehow Melody has calcified their flesh

<Melody_Starshine> I can't believe this! I never had the talent...
<Nickolas_Dray> must be the caves

* Melody_Starshine sniffles, then grabs her precious instruments away from the Frankie beside her before they turn to stone too.
* N4rlg3 engages superjump and leaps across the gap

<Dungeon_Guy> The soldiers open fire
<N4rlg3> Forgot I had that.

* Tala shields the group

<Dungeon_Guy> n4rlg3 can see HSG dissapear down the passage where you went earlier

* Nickolas_Dray jumps forward, landing facedown on the path

<N4rlg3> Spew your huge braces! To me!

* Melody_Starshine shrieks "Ahhh, my mandolin!"

<Dungeon_Guy> The bullets impact hard against Tala's shield

<Nickolas_Dray> we'll fix it later, duck!

* Tala blasts the soldiers with ‘force push’

<Dungeon_Guy> One of them redies a special shotgun round and blast the shield with white phosphorus

<Melody_Starshine> We've got to keep going. Can you erect a barrier, Tala?
<Dungeon_Guy> they fall down
<Tala> I'll try, but I can't hold it much longer. Just go!

* N4rlg3 hops after HSG
* Melody_Starshine looks over the edge and gets dizzy
* Nickolas_Dray throws the little slip of plastic towards the soldiers, it spins forward, slashes a few ankles, and spins back

<Dungeon_Guy> (You've got your .22 LR miniguns, the laser system and the flamethrowers all installed at once, you are cranked up, slicked, down , lockad and loaded, out on the pointy end, and ready to rock 'n roll big time)
<N4rlg3> Spectular!
<Dungeon_Guy> Tala's Barrier can't hold much loner, the passage continues on before you)

* Melody_Starshine backs away from the edge and bumps into an outcrop at the side of the passage

<Dungeon_Guy> You are standing on a stone bridge overlooking the bridge you were on with the stone beast, someone how after you continued on past the beast you ended up turning around a going up a few levels, the passage continues on in more twisting and branchy ways, this place is a maze and a half. You can hear gunshots and blasts of magic all arund you
<Nickolas_Dray> why does it have to be noise? why can't these things ever be quiet?
<Melody_Starshine> Random magic discharges sometimes make noise, I guess. And they're probably amplified in these caves.
<Dungeon_Guy> Anyway, bad guys still shooting at you, barrier dispels
<Nickolas_Dray> I get that, but why do I always have to be in the middle of it?
<Tala> Jafar, cover for me
<Melody_Starshine> Well, we'd better continue on. Tala can't hold much longer. Run!

* Nickolas_Dray throws the plastic again, this time at neck height
* Tala collapses

<Dungeon_Guy> You run deeper into the passages, carrying Tala, Dray notices that at certain times his gems seem to glow and at others fade.
<Nickolas_Dray> spooky
<Dungeon_Guy> n4rlg3: HSG fires a shotgun-grenade for out of one of the passages at you

* N4rlg3 lasers it immediately, detonating it out of range

<Dungeon_Guy> Smooth

* Nickolas_Dray looks wistfully at his mana-gems

<Nickolas_Dray> wish I could stop to study this

<Dungeon_Guy> They fade when you hold them near one of the passages
<Nickolas_Dray> okay, it's not that interesting after all. maybe we should stay away from those
<Dungeon_Guy> You hear that whisper on the wind again 'feeeeeeeeed. tiiiiiimmmmeeeee haaaaaassssss cooooooooommmmeeee'
<Nickolas_Dray> stupid voice
<Dungeon_Guy> A magician follows N4rlg3 up the passage, blasting at him with electricity
<N4rlg3> Fudruckers
<Dungeon_Guy> HSg runs away from you, darting down a side passage

* N4rlg3 unloads a few rounds into the mage (or at the very least enough to make him flee)

<Dungeon_Guy> You rush into a large chamber, there is an alter in the middle of the room and six closed doors at the other end

* N4rlg3 then hops after HSG

<Nickolas_Dray> this bodes ill
<Dungeon_Guy> The altar has the inscription, give of your own life and pass onto into the chamber of eternity

* Nickolas_Dray reads the inscription

<Nickolas_Dray> well duh
<Dungeon_Guy> There is a chalice in the centre of the altar and a open port in the middle of every door
<Jafar> Ugh
<Dungeon_Guy> There are symbols above the door that aren't letters, but they are faded
<Melody_Starshine> Can we close the door behind us?
<Jafar> I'm REALLY not liking this place
<Nickolas_Dray> can we walk out the door behind us?
<Dungeon_Guy> There is no such mechanism for the door behind you. And there are soldiers following you
<Melody_Starshine> Why did life lead us here, to the place of death?
<Nickolas_Dray> i dunno
<Dungeon_Guy> You check the cyrstal by the doors, it fades to nothingness when you put it by the leftmost door

* Nickolas_Dray throws a force bolt down the corridor behind them

<Nickolas_Dray> well, let's skip this door
<Melody_Starshine> I can... I can almost feel... where the thread leads...
<Tala> Put me down. I'll take it from here. Thanks.

* Tala gets on her feet, staggers for a moment, and then gets to the door that they came from, gun in hand

<Tala> I'll keep an eye out for the soldiers
<Nickolas_Dray> thanks
<Tala> Just hurry up and do your thing
« Last Edit: May 12, 2005, 09:49:52 AM by Swift » Logged

Famous Adventurer
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« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2005, 12:29:16 PM »

(part 13 - The Chamber)

* Melody_Starshine traces certain inscriptions on the altar, almost reverently.

<Melody_Starshine> These were made by the hands of my ancestors.
<Nickolas_Dray> what do they say?
<Dungeon_Guy> You can feel the fear your ancestors held for the chamber of eternity
<Melody_Starshine> They say this was once a place of life, but now holds only death.
<Dungeon_Guy> The inscriptions are hurried and less exact
<Melody_Starshine> They do not say more... only a feeling of horror haunts this place.
<Dungeon_Guy> 'giiiiiiiivvvvveeeee liiiiiiffffeeeeeee'
<Nickolas_Dray> I wonder which door has the strongest magic

* Tala and Jafar blast some soldiers
* Nickolas_Dray holds the gems against each door except for the leftmost one

<Dungeon_Guy> You can see the solider's getting reinforced the ones further down th passage from you appear to be carrying riot shields
It glows brighter (up to normal levels) the further you move it from the left door)

<Tala> Crap! Hurry up!

* Nickolas_Dray throws another force bolt down the corridor
<Dungeon_Guy> n4rlg3: you chase HSG back up to the platform, the magician following close behind you. HSg crosses the stone bridge dropping something behind him. THREAT DETECTED!

* N4rlg3 scans object

<Dungeon_Guy> The object explodes destryoing the bridge

* Nickolas_Dray knocks a few times on the rightmost door

<Dungeon_Guy> HSg catches up to the soldiers, he yells something and two of the soldiers with shield turn to face the threat behidn them

<Melody_Starshine> Do you understand those symbols, Dray?
<Nickolas_Dray> not really

* N4rlg3 jumps gap

<Dungeon_Guy> The stone doors have open half bowels in them, it makes you think of the chalice on the altar. The magician, without breaking stride creates a bridge of light energy and crosses the gap with it

<Nickolas_Dray> hmm give life. how much life
<Dungeon_Guy> The chalise isn't big

* Tala seizes opportunity to shoot those soldiers with shields while their backs are turned

<Dungeon_Guy> The soldiers die, exposing their rear
<Melody_Starshine> Until we know more, I really don't want to go through any door.
<Dungeon_Guy> as in the rear of their position, not their arses. One of the soldiers tosses a flash bang into the centre of the chamber

* Nickolas_Dray grabs the chalice off the altar

<Dungeon_Guy> It detonates, filling your vision with white and deafening you all for a moment. The soldiers rush in

<Tala> Argh
<Melody_Starshine> ****ed scientists, ruining the universe for their curiosity. Don't you understand that there's no way out?
<Nickolas_Dray> boy do I wish that they hadn't confiscated bob

* N4rlg3 rushes in after the soldiers

<Nickolas_Dray> or was it bill
<Melody_Starshine> If you use that chalice, we're all dead.
<Nickolas_Dray> or was it both
<N4rlg3> OMGBBQ!!!!

* N4rlg3 activates flame throwers
* Nickolas_Dray throws the chalice in a direction that he hopes the doorway is

<Dungeon_Guy> The soldiers move out of the way of the opening blast but this forces them into a defensive position

* Melody_Starshine whirls around, beating aside soldiers' guns with her flute

<Dungeon_Guy> Most of them leap over the other side of the altar to secure dray and melody. The soldiers try to grab a hold of melody, but she's dangerous with that flute
<Melody_Starshine> This is going to be so expensive to repair, you ****ed snakes!

* Nickolas_Dray triggers the little slip of plastic, and uses the thin magical blade to slash at the soldiers

<N4rlg3> Spin your paws like dimes
<Dungeon_Guy> Dray hacks off one soldier's arm, blood flows out of the stump and splashes all over the opening on the leftmost door.
<Nickolas_Dray> oh crap
<Dungeon_Guy> The door begins to open

* Tala fires at the soldiers

<Nickolas_Dray> this is not good. majorly not good

* N4rlg3 creates surpressing fire against the soldiers.

<Dungeon_Guy> HSG tosses his shotgun aside and pulls out a taser

<Nickolas_Dray> keep that door shut!

<Dungeon_Guy> The door rumbles open, you try to pull it down but the mechanism is built to lift a ton of stone.
<Melody_Starshine> It's magical, dumbass.
<Nickolas_Dray> well duh
<Dungeon_Guy> Okay, while Dray tries to pull down the door, he exposes his back to HSG's taser

* Nickolas_Dray's next experience is rather shocking
* Tala sees that and attempts to force push HSG
* Nickolas_Dray tries to stagger towards the rightmost door

<Dungeon_Guy> HSG falls off the altar. Dray hits the side of the lefftmost door and stumbles inside

* Tala points her gun at HSG

<Dungeon_Guy> HSG hides behind altar
<Tala> Call your boys to leave if you don't want any bullets in your head

* Nickolas_Dray dimly sees his blade fade out and thinks a hazy version of "oh crap"

<Dungeon_Guy> The chamber of eternity is WAAAAY tooo big to possibly fit inside this area, or even the entire planet. The greatest feeling of uneasiness fills your stomach

* Nickolas_Dray wonders helplessly how to get out

<Dungeon_Guy> HSG follows Dray inside. A long stone walkway continues on further into the chamber, there is another shrine or something at the walkway's end. 'ffrrrreeeeeee meeeeeeee'

<Nickolas_Dray> why oh why couldn't I take the [red pill] right path
« Last Edit: May 15, 2005, 01:24:01 AM by Swift » Logged

Famous Adventurer
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« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2005, 12:32:43 PM »

Magical Dude - played by Jigen

(part 14 - The End of Magic?)

<Dungeon_Guy> HSG drops his Taser off the side and draws his revolver, you will never hear the taser hit thee ground, if ground there is

* Tala follows them

<Head_Scientist_Guy> This is it Dray, the end of ignorance,
<Nickolas_Dray> the end of thought, the end of spirit, the end of life
<Dungeon_Guy> The magician enters the altar room, and begins casting spells at everyone
<Head_Scientist_Guy> No Dray, those things will only begin to flourish, a world built on truth, fact and logic

* Nickolas_Dray dives out of the way, wishing his gems still worked that well
<Nickolas_Dray> you think magic illogical? what a fool
<Dungeon_Guy> HSG fires and the shot passes safely overhead
<Nickolas_Dray> it follows rules, even if you don't understand them
<Dungeon_Guy> Okay there are two rooms, the altar room and the eternity whatsit. The altar room has the magician casting spells in it, and the eternity chamber contains the final mechanism to contain the great evil

* Tala sneaks up to HSG from behind and takes aim

<Dungeon_Guy> Okay HSG runs towards the shrine

* Tala fires at HSG

<Dungeon_Guy> Hsg takes Tala's bullet and stumbles, he continues onto the Shrine
<Nickolas_Dray> I never wanted magic gone, nor science gone
<Dungeon_Guy> He's passed Dray by now

* N4rlg3 blows away with HSG with a few rounds

<Dungeon_Guy> He ****s back the revolver's hammer

* Nickolas_Dray chases after HSG

<N4rlg3> There
* Tala gives chase
* Nickolas_Dray dives and tries to tackle him

<N4rlg3> okay... just ignore me
<Dungeon_Guy> Dray takes the bullet riddled scientist down. He's grabbing for his gun

* Nickolas_Dray grabs for the gun too

<Dungeon_Guy> You start wrestling for the piece. He's slowly bleeding out

* Tala waits for a clean shot and then fires at HSG again

<Dungeon_Guy> "Duh.... drrraaayy" And then tala cops him right between the eyes
<Magician Dude> Step away from the shrine and surredner, your plot won't succeed.

* Nickolas_Dray stands up and tosses the gun over the edge

<Nickolas_Dray> our plot?
<Dungeon_Guy> MD charges another spell
<Nickolas_Dray> no, his plot has already failed

* Nickolas_Dray steps away from the body and the shrine

<Tala> Who are you, and what the !@#@$ are you talking about?
<Dungeon_Guy> MD raises his arm, looks like he wants to send you all over the edge

* Nickolas_Dray walks calmly toward the mage

<Dungeon_Guy> *Magician halts in his spell casting* “Explain!”
<N4rlg3> Well... you see, I'm not wearing pants.
<Nickolas_Dray> It wasn't my idea to drain life and magic from the world. he...

* Nickolas_Dray jerks his thumb toward the body

<Magician Dude> THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE *Charges spell again*
<Nickolas_Dray> was so obsessed with destroying magic that he forced the rest of us to come with him
<Tala> It's over now. We've killed the bastard. No one here wants to destroy magic
<Nickolas_Dray> If we shared his ideals, this would be over now
<Melody_Starshine> LOOK AT THIS! Do you recognize it?
<Dungeon_Guy> You hear another call on the wind 'Sttaaaarrshhiinneeeee, release meeeee'. The magician pauses 'What?'

* Melody_Starshine pulls out her grandmother's Talisman and waves it at the magician

<Magician Dude> You... you're..? You're a starshine?
<Melody_Starshine> Melody Starshine. Yes, granddaughter of Lara, and daughter of Happiness, if you really want to know.
<Dungeon_Guy> The magician blinks a few times “then what the ###### are you doing in this accursed place with these heathen scientists"
<Tala> For the last time, we're not scientists!
<Dungeon_Guy> *The spell in his hand begins to fade*
<Melody_Starshine> They forced us to come here. This is the last place on this dirt I'd want to be!
<Magician Dude>  Then... we can seal this place again, we have a member of the starshine line.
<Melody_Starshine> Uh, what? Look, my grandmother might know what you're talking about? But I only know as much as I could read in there.
<Magician Dude> Only starshine power can work within these caves, my mana is spent, every second drains a magician's power, but Starshines are different
<Melody_Starshine> So... so that's why I have magic here?
<N4rlg3> I see
<Dungeon_Guy> You had to have noticed your power, I saw the remains of those abominations the Scientists created

<Melody_Starshine> It's not even me, really. I don't feel it.
<Magician Dude> Your talisman Melody, it holds the key, focus on the talisman

* Melody_Starshine focuses on the Talisman...

<Dungeon_Guy> You feel a surge of power, suddenly the history of your ancestors comes flooding into you in a single moment
<Melody_Starshine> It... it's just like music! It's EASY!
<Dungeon_Guy> You understand this entire underground labrynth as though you had lived here all your life

* Melody_Starshine unconsciously grabs her mandolin and heads deeper into the maze
<Dungeon_Guy> You also feel a permance to the power as if now that you have tased it, it cannot be taken away. As you begin to play the music reverberates
<Magician Dude> Now is the time to leave, this place will be sealed and buried again
<Melody_Starshine> The runes are refreshed, look at them.
<Dungeon_Guy> The rest of the party leaves the chamber of eternity and the door in the altar room closes behind them
<Melody_Starshine> Threads of power, like threads of music, glowing in a web before the doors.
<Nickolas_Dray> finally! can we go home now?
<Dungeon_Guy> Blood washes away, seeping into the cracks between the stones as is trying to get away from Melody
<Melody_Starshine> Sounds good to me!
<N4rlg3> Robble Robble
<Dungeon_Guy> You step out of the dig site and emerge into the sunlight once more

The End
« Last Edit: May 13, 2005, 12:33:19 PM by Swift » Logged

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