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1  The Hero6 Project / Official Hero6 News / Re: Hero6 Anniversary '06 on: June 06, 2006, 03:05:57 AM
Good job with the new forum skin, Swift! I'm using it now.  Smiley
2  The Hero6 Project / Media / Re: Designer Journal on: June 05, 2006, 05:37:33 PM
Hello, one and all.

Perseus here- this is my first attempt at writing a designer journal, so please excuse me if it isn't up to the usual standard. I'm a relatively new member of Hero6, having joined late last year, and I must say that I'm really impressed with the dedication and passion that I've seen from everyone on the team. It's a real pleasure working on this game and I eagerly await the day when we can show you the fruits of our labour.

Well then, it's been 3 months since the last update. This is a very exciting time for Hero6- there's a lot of stuff happening right now, not all of which I'm at liberty to divulge. Tongue Here's what I can tell you:

First off, Ianfe and Erasmus are both back in action, and work on plot is now moving ahead smoothly. Much work has been done on dialogues recently, thanks to the efforst of Swift, Yuri, Silverbolt, ReishVedaur and Duarh.

Our crack team of Bug-Slayers- Delta, Duarh, Servant, Demious and Swift- have been busy seeking out and vanquishing a large number of bugs.

Finally, Servant created this fine 3D render here, for very important Mystery Location:

That's all I can reveal for now. Oh yes, there’s just one more thing. Go to the ‘Look and Layout Preferences’ page in your profile and change the theme to ‘Ye Olde Tavern’ for an extra-special Hero6 anniversary treat, courtesy of Swift (who slaved away for hours designing it- just for you!). We hope you enjoy it!


3  The Hero6 Project / Official Hero6 News / April Fool on: April 04, 2006, 01:43:59 PM
Perseus: Were you the one who came up with the line "I'd like to do the impossible to you"? Because that's f@cking fantastic, I am so using that line.

Oh yeah, that was me. Thanks for the compliment  cool Feel free to use the line however you please. Hehehe.
4  The Hero6 Project / Official Hero6 News / April Fool on: April 03, 2006, 02:34:57 PM
Hello! I did the voices for Rasim Ilna and the Bum. Apologies for the fuzzy quality- my mike sucks. I came up with the idea of making Rasim a flirty queen because, well, it seemed a funny thing for an Evil Vizier-type character to do. As for the Bum, I was aiming for Upper-Crust Aristocrat but I'm afraid it came off as a little bland by comparison. Oh well. Hope y'all enjoy it anyway!  Tongue  
5  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Role Playing Stories / Morrowind RPS on: September 19, 2005, 03:51:40 PM
Hi, I'm a newbie too but I'm interested in joining. I'm new to RPS's but I learn quick and I promise to stay in-character during the session. Smiley
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