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1  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Role Playing Stories / RPS discussion topic on: August 20, 2005, 03:56:53 AM
Central, waaaay down south. I live in LA.... Lower Alabama.
2  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Which QFG game Did You Play First? on: August 20, 2005, 03:54:45 AM
At the very high possibility of sounding niave or even oblivious, what is this Quest for glory? Im guessing its an old comp game, though I havent heard of it. The only old comp game I played, back when I was like.... 4 years old... was Kings Quest I believe. I dunno. I kno it was a floppy. But this quest for glory sounds fun. Is it possible to get it in some fashion?
3  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Role Playing Stories / RPS discussion topic on: August 20, 2005, 03:47:47 AM
When EXACTLTY do RPs take place? I have been busy the past few weeks (after putting so much thought into my char.) and havent been able to get on on friday nights. I would apprecaite any info on when it is best to get on for RP's.
4  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Role Playing Stories / RPS discussion topic on: August 01, 2005, 03:19:19 AM
The way I expect him to react is to probably be dignified and traditional at first. Maybe a bit extremly conservative, but once he starts seeing another player or NPC that falls under his list of "heretics", it will be hard not to "try" to kill them there and then. Of course, If its outside of the main party, he wouldnt hesitate a second. Even if it was a garunteed death for him. What Im hoping to expand on is his more yearning for power, then his actual pursacutions. No worries though, there will be plenty of burnings. Its a wonder how easy it is to see someone as a heretic is you just look hard enough.  devil  
5  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Role Playing Stories / RPS discussion topic on: July 24, 2005, 03:37:16 AM
Thats the twist of the character. His church, for the better good, endorses and enforces the tarditional burning of witches and heretics. Good was never defined as loving all animals. A paladin wouldnt hesitate in killing an orc as an inquisitor would not hesistate in killing what they believe to be evil. Most cases, to catch the eye of a witch hunter or inquisitor you probably are evil. The only time you might be innocent is if you are a good natured necromancer, (which I play often), or someone he might see as a "witch".

As far as his dark powers goes, they were noble intentions at first. But the greed inside of him,(I never said he was innocent), wants more then just the power to fight his enemies. He wants more. But he wouldnt sacrafice an innocence.....yet. He may very well become neutral, if his church finds out. Or even evil of the greed gets the better part of him. Has very lawful, and as oppose to intentions, he is good. How would a druid react to an innocent lumber jack chopping down excessive trees? The lumber jack isnt evil. The witch hunter reacts to what he sees as the "sinners". Note the quotations. Thus we have drama and conflict for me to roleplay. If its too much I can always play a nicer one. It just wont be as original.
6  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Role Playing Stories / RPS discussion topic on: July 24, 2005, 03:09:03 AM
I understood his guy. He's a religious zealot, a fanatic. The people he tortures and kills ARE strictly evil. He's a little messed up in the head, that's all.
Exactly! I, too, wasnt sure enough to put lawful good, but he fights evil, and might eventually turn neutral, due to him not being excaepted by his church, or even Evil, due to his dabbling in the dark arts.
7  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Hi All on: July 23, 2005, 04:54:23 AM
They do?
Yes, we do. Wink
Isnt that a little late?
8  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Role Playing Stories / RPS discussion topic on: July 23, 2005, 04:37:56 AM
Im new to this forum, but not RPing. How often do they set up RPs? The last time I RPed on a forum they poste donce every half a year or something like that.
9  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Role Playing Stories / RPS -character sheets on: July 23, 2005, 04:34:56 AM
Name: Isaic Desythe

Class / Occupation: Inquisitor

Alignment: Lawful Good

Attributes: Cold stare, Authoritive Figure, Cold Hearted, Intimidating

Heretic: "I wont tell you anything."
Isaic: "Oh, I have heard that one before. Dont worry they all talk. They always do. They tell me what I want to know in between their screams and pleading. Oh, you'll talk. Trust me."


Rapier, Black Powder Pistols, Intimidation, Interrogation, Torture, Investigating, Control Undead, Sense Undead, Sigmar's Shield, Command Undead, Raise Dead, Revive undead.

Equipment: Rapier, Tall, wide brimmed hat, Black powder pistols, enchanted skull.

Background: Isaic is a Templar Knight, an Inquisitor, from the church of Sigmar. He was raised to hate all who "sin" agaisnt his god. When he reached adult-hood, he became entrusted witht he task of crusading across the lands in search of those "sinners". All who fall under his ideology of "sinners" are Witches, Warlocks, Chaos Worshippers, Demons, Necromancers, Undead, Vampires, Were-creatures, and criminals. When he finds what he belives to be a sinner, who captures them, interrogates them, or sometimes tortures, into making a confession. Once they have done so, he burns them at the stake in the form of a pyre. Only then, does he believe they can be judged by the great Sigmar. But thee is a saying that most who dwell agmongst the heretics, soon fall so the same corruption. Isaic had found that the best way to fight the blasphemers and thier magics, was to use thier own magic agaisnt them. So he took up to learnt eh dark art of necromancy. He uses that and his own skills to defeat the foe without. But the foe within himself, has been growing stronger. On more occasions Isaic seeks power than he seeks to do justice. Such are the ways of treachery. He keeps his powers a secret until he needs them.
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