Dang Pyro thats hard! I don't have the patients to try variables all night long. You left out the fact that Einstein said 98% of the world could not solve it. Although I think that its really 98% of the world won't take the time to solve it.
Try this one. Not as hard but funny.
I have one You have one Your mother uses your father's one And your auntie uses your uncle's one A married lady would acquire one But a divorced lady would lose her one
A Pope doesn't use his one Lee Kuan Yew has a short-short one Mao Ze Dong had a hairy one Lord Krishna had a long-long one Arnold Schwarzenneger has a longer one Michael J. Fox has a shorter one Madonna doesn't have one The Chinese usually have short ones While the Indian usually have long ones
Do you have one? How long is your one? Which one is your preferred One?
It has to be Punny. He is so annoying you want to skip his performance and never try and talk to him. Unfortunatly he has info you need. He is soooo unfunny. Even with his goodhummor bar. I also was never to crazy about Manu the whiny monkey.