[00:02] <^^Gabriel> Are you seeking to get the QFG license from Sierra? Sry if its been asked.
[00:02] * Elsa gives Coco a hug
[00:02] <Anthenor> Another repeating ingredient was pizza. Are you addicted, Fenrus & Erasmus?
[00:02] <Elsa> bout time hun
[00:02] * AnonT hands out information on the Libertarian party
[00:02] <Elsa> haha, good one A
[00:02] * AnonT hands out NORML flyers
[00:02] <Anthenor> hehe
[00:02] <Brassfire> Oh, my + is missing...
[00:02] <Fenrus> Pizza made a great running joke, Anthenor
[00:02] *** Magick_Cat (
Ident@an0m16m2b376k.bc.hsia.telus.net) has joined #hero6
[00:02] <Brassfire> Hi
[00:02] <Erasmus> I'm getting lost in the multiple threads here. :-)
[00:02] <Elsa> hehe
[00:02] <AnonT> hehe
[00:02] <Gil-galad> lol
[00:02] <Fenrus> Anon, we are registered Libertarians, actually.
[00:03] <Te`ja> moderation? organization? where is it?
[00:03] <AnonT> yeah, you gotta be a speed reader
[00:03] <daemious> yes too many talkings... +m ?
[00:03] * AnonT bows down and kisses Fenrus' feet
[00:03] <Elsa> I loved the art in QFG4... and the buildings in QFG5...
[00:03] * AnonT washes his mouth to get rid of the rat germs (j/k)
[00:03] <pseudonym> ...and the xray glasses in qfg2
[00:03] <Brassfire> Which class of Hero do you most identify with and want to play? Would you like to see any new classes in a QFG-like game?
[00:03] <Psyberus> There is often debate in hero6 as to what elements of the qfg game can be used... in terms of names and ideas, what beyond the name is copyrighted???
[00:03] *** Spliff sets mode: +v Brassfire
[00:04] <Erasmus> Paladin_Valiant -- Neither we nor Explorati have rights to the Quest for Glory name, characters, etc. Sierra retains those. We tried to buy them a few months ago, but they weren't interested. We may try again sometime next year, depending on how things go. Anyway, at the moment, we can design an MMORPG "similar to" QG, but we can't make the actual world of Gloriana.
[00:04] <Psyberus> like using Eternal Order of Fighters, would that cause problems (as an example)
[00:04] <Brassfire> ty, spliff
[00:04] <daemious> Erasmus: did you program any of SCI, or do scripting for any of the QFG's ?
[00:04] <Fenrus> I uaually played a Fighter Mage.
[00:04] <Swift1> I wish the two of you luck
[00:04] <Erasmus> Hey, AnonT! Fenrus is a *very clean* rat.... at least, as rats go.
[00:04] <AnonT> hehe
[00:04] <Brassfire> Cool, Fenrus.
[00:05] <Fenrus> What am I, chopped liver?
[00:05] <Erasmus> Brassfire -- I usually play magic users.
[00:05] <Elsa> haha
[00:05] <Spoff> Just wondering, how do you guys tend to play RPGs? As powergamers, trying to build up your stats, etc, or with more RP in your RPGs?
[00:05] <Brassfire> YAY! Magic rules!!!
[00:05] <AnonT> yeesh, I gotta book you guys for a NORML fundraiser.... although plane flights + room and board would be a lot more than I can afford
[00:05] <Te`ja> !addquote <Fenrus> What am I, chopped liver?
[00:05] <Hero6_Babe> Quote added!
[00:05] <Fenrus> I am an absolute role player!
[00:05] <Psyberus> you could make it "similar" could town names, character names and monster names be used???
[00:05] * Elsa bows for Erasmus and Fenrus and offers flowers, chocolate, and hugs
[00:05] <Paladin_Valiant> So Erasmus no that you don;t have the rights but are looking for a multiplayergame will it will possibble at this moment to create such a game, do you have the support of enough people and the company itself?
[00:05] <Brassfire> Don't forget the cheese...
[00:05] <Fenrus> Yes, we could make a parallel version of Gloriana, and we may yet.
[00:05] <Etc> Don't I get any chocolate?
[00:06] <Erasmus> daemious -- I converted SCI from the PC to the Atari ST, making a few small improvements in the PC version as well. My Atari code was later used as the basis for both the Amiga and Macintosh versions.
[00:06] <Elsa> and, well, hero sandwiches *guffaw*
[00:06] <Anthenor> if you were doing another rpg-based adventure game, what elements would you definitly add and what would you desert, after having these experiences creating games?
[00:06] <Psyberus> so, apart from the title of the game, what features, ideas, names etc would be out-of-bounds to use?
[00:06] <Anthenor> except pizza
[00:06] <Paladin_Valiant> Fenrus what would you like to see to be added at any games similair to qfg? are there any extra's you always wanted to have in such a game
[00:06] <Elsa> no, etc, you don't, that's for lori. but you can have a hug!
[00:06] <AAASaffiru111> cheese please
[00:06] <Fenrus> I loved Baba Yaga as a character. I read several stories about her in my youth from the Boy Scout magazine, and later in Russian Mythology.
[00:07] <daemious> Wow thats cool... Allegro, the gdk we're using for MAD was originally on Atari St
[00:07] <Brassfire> Hands saffiru111 some cheese
[00:07] <Maud`dib> I read a story about a guy named Paul Atreides once...
[00:07] <Brassfire> Are you Russian?
[00:08] <Maud`dib> then the spice made my eyes turn blue
[00:08] <Brassfire> (Was that a dumb Q?)
[00:10] <Brassfire> ...
[00:10] <Brassfire> ...probably.
[00:11] <thednm> why has there been a sudden decline in rpg in the market
[00:12] <Erasmus> daemious -- I worked on the first two QG's as a scripter ("SCI programmer") as well as helping with the design and leading the team part of the time. I also wrote a lot of the behind-the-scenes code (and a few of the rooms) for QG5.
[00:12] <Fenrus> What I want in a game, is the ability to really create a character. You wouldn't believe how many D&D characters I play.
[00:12] <Elsa> type /me before actions
[00:12] <Swift1> Just wondering, Lori, Corey, what's the heros' real name? Does he even have one?
[00:12] <^^Gabriel> was it hard for you to abandon the series??? Where you attached particularly to it?
[00:12] * Fenrus returns Elsa's hug
[00:12] <^^Gabriel> Fred.
[00:12] <AAASaffiru111> it is a magic spell
[00:12] <AAASaffiru111> it comes to me
[00:12] <Erasmus> My greatest design participation was on QG4 followed by QG2. I had little to do with QG3 except writing some text messages, and did almost none of the QG5 design (but did write dialogue for a couple of the characters).
[00:12] <Elsa> Thank you! I feel honored
[00:12] <Erasmus> Swift1 -- "Whatever you want it to be."
[00:12] <Fenrus> We always wanted the player to name the Hero. The Hero was the player's Avatar into the world of Gloriana.
[00:12] <daemious> Erasmus, thats great. I've come across so many unexpected challenges while trying to create an all-purpose adventure game engine... Any tough areas you remember having problems wiht?
[00:12] <Elsa> I named him Han Solo a lot of the time....
[00:12] <Fenrus> I love Mythology.
[00:12] <AAASaffiru111> What are some of your Fav quotes from the games?
[00:12] <AnonT> U2 on snl, I'll brb
[00:12] <Ribert> ?
[00:12] <Gil-galad> what qfg game is your favourite?
[00:12] <Etc> The silence is deafening...
[00:12] <Fenrus> Be it Russian, or Japanese, I wanted the world of Gloriana to reflect the wonderful stories of this Earth, world wide.
[00:12] <^^Gabriel> Were u upset about non involement in the games or was it a choice?
[00:12] <Fenrus> So, I'm not Russian, but I do play many Russian characters.
[00:12] <Erasmus> Whoosh, where am I? :-) Anthenor -- The major thing we would do differently now is the "practice makes perfect" skill improvement system. I think it worked well for QG1 when the numbers were low, o.k. in QG2, and should have been killed for the later games.
[00:12] *** AnonT (
paultrip@cx56034-d.omhaw1.ne.home.com) Quit (Quit: )
[00:12] *** Psyberus (~miitchell@ts3-41.techinfo.com.au) Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:12] *** Coco7 (
CocoCoco@h24-68-152-23.ed.shawcable.net) has joined #hero6
[00:12] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Coco7
[00:12] *** Coco7 (
CocoCoco@h24-68-152-23.ed.shawcable.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:12] <Spliff> I gotta go my girlfriend's and my anniversary...seeya. I'm logging the chat, so don't worry. Enjoy chatting with the creators of QFG!
[00:12] <Elsa> I loved the setting of QFG1, and qFG5... wonderful places, loved all the katta... shema was great....
[00:12] <daemious> ehh perhaps we should have assigned a moderator
[00:12] <Fenrus> I loved the story of QG4, with Katrina and her relationship/hate situation with Ad Avis.
[00:12] <Elsa> I don't mean to advertise, but check out my QFG site:
http://members.tripod.com/QFGtheHero/[00:12] <Erasmus> daemious -- If you're using text parsing, that's a major issue. Next hardest is probably obstacle avoidance during movement.
[00:12] <Fenrus> I really liked the magic system in Qg5
[00:12] <^^Gabriel> Just wondering who's idea was the princess and the magic glasses ?
[00:12] *** PV (
Ident@ has joined #hero6
[00:12] *** Etc (
etc4@A010-0057.HIPT.splitrock.net) has left #hero6
[00:12] *** AnonT (
paultrip@cx56034-d.omhaw1.ne.home.com) has joined #Hero6
[00:12] *** AnonT (
paultrip@cx56034-d.omhaw1.ne.home.com) Quit (Quit: )
[00:12] *** Etc (
etc4@A010-0057.HIPT.splitrock.net) has joined #hero6
[00:12] <Elsa> that was great
[00:12] <Erasmus> The combat and magic systems took a lot of tweaking and tuning. Not sure if they're "hard", but they require care.
[00:12] <Anthenor> what happenes??? i'm loosing ping here
[00:12] <Ribert> !? anybody!? something wrong with chat?
[00:12] <Ribert> ?
[00:12] <Coco> I don't know it just died all of a sudden
[00:12] <Ribert> hmm
[00:12] <Te`ja> I can't ping people
[00:12] <Anthenor> i'm checking tracert something is defintly dead
[00:12] <Te`ja> don't tell me we have a split
[00:12] <Coco> niether can I
[00:12] <Ribert> who's still here?
[00:12] <Coco> We can't
[00:12] <Coco> It would have split already
[00:12] <Anthenor> it's not the european server
[00:12] <Coco> They don't delay like this
[00:12] *** Anonim (
paultrip@cx56034-d.omhaw1.ne.home.com) has joined #Hero6
[00:12] <Brassfire> (I asked because I am part Russian, and my dad told me stories about Baba Yaga when I was a kid.)
[00:12] <Coco> How many of us are here?
[00:12] <Anonim> what'd I miss?
[00:12] *** Etc (
etc4@A010-0057.HIPT.splitrock.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:12] <Magick_Cat> maybe its those pesky aliens
[00:12] <Fenrus> Well, one artist put the X-ray glasses in the Gnome Shop, and I took it from there, from another artist's suggestion.
[00:12] <AAASaffiru111> What are some of your Fav quotes from the games?
[00:12] <Coco> lol
[00:12] <Anthenor> would it be usefull to reconnect?
[00:12] *** Te`ja (
karl@h002078cb0297.ne.mediaone.net) Quit (Quit: )
[00:12] <Anthenor> doubtfull eh?
[00:12] <Coco> Nope
[00:12] <Coco> hang on though
[00:12] <Coco> I'm testing all servers
[00:12] * Ribert hangs
[00:13] *** Coco7 (
CocoCoco@h24-68-152-23.ed.shawcable.net) has joined #hero6
[00:13] <Erasmus> I really liked play-testing QG3, because it was the only one I hadn't worked on the design at all, so got to see lots of surprises. :-)
[00:13] *** PV (
Ident@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:13] <Anonim> by the way, kick AnonT, server dropped me
[00:13] *** ThiveerTM (
karl@h002078cb0297.ne.mediaone.net) has joined #hero6
[00:13] <Ribert> !
[00:13] <Fenrus> Elsa -- the music on your site is very familiar -- ;-)
[00:13] *** Psyberus (~miitchell@ts3-41.techinfo.com.au) has joined #hero6
[00:13] *** Hero6_book (
answerbook@syr-66-24-46-181.twcny.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:13] *** AAASaffiru111 is now known as Saffiru111
[00:13] <Elsa>
[00:13] <Fenrus> Oh, yes, I loved the music in Qg5
[00:13] *** Coco7 (
CocoCoco@h24-68-152-23.ed.shawcable.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:13] *** Gil-galad (
AudunGUD@mp-217-203-48.daxnet.no) Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:13] <Psyberus> arghh, disconnected
[00:14] *** Paladin_Valiant (
Paladin@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:14] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ThiveerTM
[00:14] <Coco> Is everyone back now?
[00:14] <Magick_Cat> oh the screen just flooded with words
[00:14] <Coco> I know
[00:14] <Magick_Cat> scary
[00:14] <Psyberus> anyone working?
[00:14] <Coco> The server split for a second there I think
[00:14] *** Hero6_book (
answerbook@syr-66-24-46-181.twcny.rr.com) has joined #hero6
[00:14] <Spoff> Keeping in touch with Chance Thomas?
[00:14] <Elsa> ohhh me too, I made a tape of it for my mom's car, she doesn't play the games, but she loves that soundtrack, lol
[00:14] <Fenrus> Saffiru, right now I can't think of anything I wrote.
[00:14] *** Anonim is now known as AnonT
[00:14] <Erasmus> Hmm, I think I talked you into the glasses, Fenrus. After all, I'm a DOM at heart.
[00:14] <ThiveerTM> here we are
[00:14] *** ThiveerTM is now known as Te`ja
[00:14] <Te`ja> It's up now
[00:14] <Te`ja> Everything back to normal
[00:14] <daemious> yea laggy
[00:14] <AnonT> what happened?
[00:14] <Fenrus> Spoff -- we've even used Chance Thomas for some Contracting with our current company. I'd use Chance anytime!
[00:14] <Erasmus> Yes, he did some music and sounds for an Explorati demo; we hope to have him work on more stuff for us.
[00:14] *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Psyberus
[00:14] <Anthenor> a second? it looked like hours imho..
[00:14] <Psyberus> is the qfg5 soundtrack still available to buy?
[00:14] *** Paladin_Valiant (
Paladin@ has joined #hero6
[00:14] <Coco> I dunno I was out for like 1 min tops
[00:14] *** Gil-galad (
AudunGUD@mp-217-241-53.daxnet.no) has joined #hero6
[00:14] <AnonT> so, when you guys gonna update transolar.com?
[00:15] <Paladin_Valiant> coco
[00:15] <Spoff> woo, qfgV is fave soundtrack
[00:15] <Fenrus> I don't think the soundtrack is still available.
[00:15] <Coco> Yes pv?
[00:15] <Paladin_Valiant> what did i miss
[00:15] <Paladin_Valiant> it froze
[00:15] <Coco> It froze for everyone Pv
[00:15] <SirElthil> One question, which answer may already be publical known(but I was hardly online during the development of QG5) The graphic styles changed several times. I saw some excellent pictures, partially concepts, originally, with the hero having a golden ring in his hair. Then, there was a first demo, where the hero had orangeish hair, where I actually didn't like the graphics a lot. Then in the final they changed again, to a mix between those two.
[00:15] <Paladin_Valiant> i was kicked
[00:15] <Te`ja> no, onlysome people
[00:15] <Paladin_Valiant> do you have the logg still?
[00:15] <Elsa> Lori or Corey- was the music in QFG5 recorded with just a keyboard, or an orchestra, or what?
[00:15] *** Etc (
etc4@A010-0006.HIPT.splitrock.net) has joined #hero6
[00:15] <Maud`dib> hihi SirElthil
[00:15] <Coco> Yeah I think so
[00:15] <Coco> It will be a bit messed up
[00:15] <daemious> I've got the qfg5 soundtrack with my copy of qfg5 for free
[00:15] <Maud`dib> SirElthil looks like Brad Pitt
[00:15] <Coco> I was on 3 diffrent servers at once
[00:15] <Etc> I HATE my computer.
[00:15] *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Hero6_book
[00:15] <Te`ja> orchestra and keyboard...
[00:15] <Fenrus> The music of QG5 was made with an orchestra!!!
[00:15] <Coco> so it will mix up a bit
[00:15] <quietcorn> My QFG page is at
http://qfg2k.dyn.cheapnet.net/ if you guys are curious to see
[00:15] <Swift1> wow
[00:16] <Amidala> Whatever happened to the missing points in qfg3? Does it have anything to do with the part where Uhura enters your hut?
[00:16] <Maud`dib> manu?
[00:16] <Paladin_Valiant> Fenrus you said the creation of a character was the most important thing when playing a rpg/adventure , well at least for you.Do you have any tips or ideas how to improve this over the qfgseries
[00:16] <Erasmus> SirElthil -- We went through a major graphics change during QG5 development.
[00:16] <Brassfire> i choreographed a circle dance for the track 2 of QFG5 soundtrack.
[00:17] <Gil-galad> lol
[00:17] <Erasmus> The engine we had initially turned out to be too slow when the characters got large, so we had to switch from voxels to polygons and redo *all* of the art. Yuck!!
[00:17] <Anthenor> besides pizza & coffee, what elements does it take to build a game?
[00:17] <Te`ja> QG5 in voxels...
[00:17] <Te`ja> wow...
[00:17] <thednm> why have there been a sudden decline in rpg in the market it seems everthing involves something with a sniper
[00:17] <Saffiru111> Do you have any suggestions for hero6?
[00:17] *** Elsa is now known as Essy
[00:17] <Fenrus> Well, what I always wanted to do with the Glory system was to allow the player to choose the race of his character.
[00:17] *** SirElthil (~fgd@TK212017108246.univie.teleweb.at) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:18] <Fenrus> I wanted to play as a Liontaur or as a Gnome.
[00:18] <AnonT> Corey, you ever gonna update transolar.com?
[00:18] <Brassfire> That would be cool! Race!
[00:18] <Anthenor> as a Gnome?
[00:18] <Erasmus> Amidala -- I don't remember "missing points in QG3". Was it impossible to get the max score?
[00:18] <Essy> yeah
[00:18] <Essy> lol
[00:18] <Fenrus> But then again, I got to play every race and character in the Glory games, because I got to write the dialogue.
[00:18] <Brassfire> Gnomes are funny.
[00:18] <^^Gabriel> ... yes
[00:18] <Psyberus> cheetaurs - were they just wild monsters, or did the curse on the valley make them more savage?
[00:18] <AnonT> lori, you're so lucky....
[00:18] <Paladin_Valiant> That is interesting Fenrus however that would be a minor chance and cause a lot of work. Since all characters in the game would respond in another way towards the races
[00:18] *** SirElthil (~fgd@TK212017108246.univie.teleweb.at) has joined #hero6
[00:18] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o SirElthil
[00:19] <Amidala> I beleive it was for at least one character class.
[00:19] <Brassfire> What would you advise to someone who is writing a game?
[00:19] <Paladin_Valiant> Writing dialogues is very funny indeed
[00:19] <Fenrus> Cheetaurs probably were more cursed than anything else.
[00:19] * Spoff always wanted to be that blue pig thing in QG3
[00:19] <daemious> Erasmus: Were you guys forced into using 3D because it was becoming the standard, or did you like the idea?
[00:19] <Erasmus> AnonT -- Probably not. :-) I keep getting distracted. We do have a digital camera now, so it would make sense to at least put pics up there (and let people know that Transolar Games is not currently an active company).
[00:19] <Essy> Rakeesh and the Poet Omar (Sultan) had great dialogue
[00:19] <Magick_Cat> What was the inspiration for the waffle walker?
[00:20] <Brassfire> lol
[00:20] <Saffiru111> Do you have any suggestions for hero6?
[00:20] <Fenrus> Adventure games are very difficult to work with in a series, because you keep having to pull the character along without letting him seem weak or too powerful.
[00:20] <Swift1> Who wrote the And They Ask "What's a Hero"" poem?
[00:20] <Brassfire> Ok, ty!
[00:20] *** Kyle (~kylebo1@pppt17-251.ght.iadfw.net) has joined #hero6
[00:20] <Paladin_Valiant> Fenrus what do you recommend for the development of a project like hero6. What work should be devided and what type of work should be done by one person. How do you avoid to much differences resulting from the large amount of money working on the game
[00:20] <Fenrus> The Waffle Walker was some artist playing around. We always called the main character the "Ego" at Sierra...
[00:21] <Psyberus> that was an interesting thing i noticed between each qfg game... in qfg1 you could defeat "swordylordy" yet if you had that skill later on, you would be hard pressed to kill a bunny
[00:21] <AnonT> You didn't just call him "me" then?
[00:21] <Erasmus> Amidala -- the shipping of QG3 was one of the "bad times" in software development. Lori and I went on a long-planned trip (to the World SF Convention in Orlando), secure in the knowledge that the game wasn't going to ship for at least a month. The project manager tried to push it out the door while we were gone....
[00:21] <Saffiru111> there once was an alien from venus
[00:21] <^^Gabriel> Was working with sierra enjoyable?
[00:21] <Saffiru111> who's body was shaped like a ...
[00:21] <Fenrus> And we had an animation called the "Ego Walker". One artist made the "Eggo Walker" and the Awful Waffle Walker was born!
[00:21] <Magick_Cat> oohhh
[00:21] <^^Gabriel> lol
[00:21] <Fenrus> I always tried to incorporate any art or joke I could.
[00:22] *** Jim (
Olympus19@resnet-35-102.dorm.utexas.edu) has joined #hero6
[00:22] <Brassfire> Hee hee hee.
[00:22] <Gil-galad> hehe
[00:22] <Fenrus> Qg was always a colaboration of people and ideas.
[00:22] <Erasmus> Fortunately, the systems team stopped it because there was a major system bug that had to be fixed. I say "fortunately", because when I returned and playtested the about-to-be-shipped version, I discovered that there were four different bugs, each of which made it impossible to complete the game as one of the classes!!!!
[00:22] <Magick_Cat> thats pretty impressive, the evolution of the awful waffle
[00:22] <Erasmus> In other words, nobody could have gotten through the game.
[00:22] <Swift1> yikes
[00:22] <Brassfire>
[00:22] <Jim> Good thing that was fixed.
[00:22] <Swift1> indeed
[00:23] <Amidala> Very good thing.
[00:23] *** ChanServ sets mode: +l 37
[00:23] <Erasmus> As it was, the game shipped with at least two serious bugs -- If you had been a Magic User and became a Paladin, you might not be able to solve one of the puzzles that required Throwing skill...
[00:23] <^^Gabriel> Yes... we all enjoy bugfree sierra games
[00:23] <^^Gabriel> yeesh
[00:23] <Paladin_Valiant> Fenrus and Erasmus what do you consider as your main company the explorati or the transolar games and if i may ask how do you earn your living
[00:23] <Erasmus> And if you were a Fighter who qualified for Paladin in some ways, but not in others, the game ended up in an infinite loop because two rooms were coded two different ways.
[00:23] <Saffiru111> Fenrus and Erasmus: did you want the thief to do more in QFG3?
[00:24] <Fenrus> Working with Sierra was an incredible experience. There were days when I had to force myself to face work.
[00:24] <daemious> I must have thrown hundreds of rocks at 'Enry the 'Ermit's door before he opened up
[00:24] <Essy> lol
[00:24] [Essy SOUND]
[00:24] <Fenrus> There were days at Sierra that were wonderful. It was a roller coaster. Mostly, it was a pain in the ass.
[00:24] <Anthenor> sun is rising at day #1 in Europe...
[00:24] <^^Gabriel> hehe
[00:24] <Gil-galad> lori , corey , glory , covincidence?
[00:24] <Erasmus> Paladin_Valiant -- We work full time for Explorati. Transolar Games was an idea that never really came around. We keep the name and the Web site just in case we want to do something with it in the future.
[00:24] <SirElthil> I am wondering, by how many different persons where the graphics done in the different games? Like, how many in QG4, and how many in 5?
[00:25] <Brassfire> A lot.
[00:25] <^^Gabriel> IS it better to work for yourself?
[00:25] <AnonT> where do we go for explorati's website?
[00:25] <Anthenor>
www.eplorati.com[00:25] <Ribert> Is your favourite colour really purple?
[00:25] <Psyberus> hehe
[00:25] <Anthenor>
www.explorati.com[00:25] <Anthenor> sorry for that
[00:25] <Erasmus> Saffiru111 -- We always wanted the Thief to do more. Unfortunately, Thief scenarios tend to be more programming-intensive than the others.
[00:25] <Brassfire> My fave colour is either purple or green...
[00:25] <daemious> So, Fenrus, Erasmus: Did you like using 3D for QG5?
[00:25] <Psyberus> the thief, i feel bad for the fighter
[00:26] <quietcorn> Yeah., what was the point of keeping the fighter option after 2?
[00:26] <Erasmus> Fenrus's is teal. Mine is probably some shade of blue. But I like purple in some contexts. :-)
[00:26] <Fenrus> Lori and Corey's Quest for Glory was a coincidence. I much preferred the Hero Quest name.
[00:26] <Paladin_Valiant> Erasmus can you give some examples of ideas you wanted to include in the game but couldn't add because of any limits in either software or time
[00:26] <Jim> Ah yes, the copy right issues with that name...
[00:26] <Fenrus> In QG1, we had 2 artists.
[00:27] <Coco> Is there any diffrence at all from hero quest to quest for glory one besides from the name change?
[00:27] <Erasmus> Gil-galad -- We liked "Hero's Quest" much better. But we couldn't keep it.
[00:27] <Fenrus> QG 4, had about 10 artists.
[00:27] * Amidala clutches her old copy of Hero's Quest.
[00:27] <SirElthil> Woah, that's actually more than I had imagined
[00:27] <Swift1> gtg now. bye everyone
[00:27] <Fenrus> QG5, I would have to guess around 20 artists at one point or another. Have to see the credits again.
[00:27] <Brassfire> The point of Fighter is that he is a plain, hard worker. And anyone who hasn't played the prev. games wouldn't really know what a Paladin is.
[00:27] *** Swift1 (
Ident@mcns69.docsis176.singa.pore.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:28] <Anthenor> isn't it difficult to have your work and personal life seperated?
[00:28] <daemious> why no "Hero's Quest" already copyrighted?
[00:28] *** ChanServ sets mode: +l 36
[00:28] <^^Gabriel> Is there anything you ever wanted in the QFG sereies that never happened... we could add it in our game...
[00:28] <Psyberus> i think the fighter question was more referring to the fact that there wasn't much quests designed for him alone
[00:28] <Erasmus> 3D looked fine IMHO, but the development time for 3D art is unbelievable! The artists used to get a room and corresponding animation done in two weeks in 16-color EGA, then took 4-6 weeks in 256-color VGA, and oh, somewhere around a lifetime in QG5.
[00:28] <Psyberus> mages maze in more games
[00:28] <Coco> Daemious I believe it was the board game hero's Quest that had it copywrited. Plus theres the computer game Hero's Quest that came after the board game. So theres two computer games under that name
[00:29] <Anthenor> isn't it difficult to have your work and personal life seperated?
[00:29] <Psyberus> the board game is called Hero Quest
[00:29] <Ribert> board game hero's quest was cool too:)
[00:29] <Psyberus> but it still counts the same, even though there was a "s" different
[00:29] <daemious> ouch
[00:29] <Erasmus> Paladin_Valiant -- Brian Hughes developed the "Saurus Repair Shop" for QG2 with Kenn Nishiuye's help. It was pretty funny, but we had to cut it at the last minute because it would have kicked us onto another floppy.
[00:30] <Fenrus> Quietcorn -- I've brought up your site, but I don't have a chance to look at it now, sorry.
[00:30] <Paladin_Valiant> Erasmus the Saurus repair shop. Could you explain the idea a little more?
[00:30] <Erasmus> QG1 was supposed to have a whole underground "Goblin Maze", but we had to cut it for lack of time and resources. I think there's still one reference to it that slipped through into the game.
[00:31] <Psyberus> Lori and Corey - concerning spells and magic, whenever an npc cast a spell, was it just made up, or did you actually consider and design the spell?
[00:31] <Fenrus> Sierra keep not making the right copyright moves with our game. So we kept having to change things.
[00:31] <AnonT> could you ever find the old files for those games and post em to the web?
[00:31] <Paladin_Valiant> a underground goblin maze would have been very interesting
[00:31] <daemious> Goblin HQ was awesome
[00:31] <^^Gabriel> I tried for 20 minutes to enter the goblin hole...
[00:31] <^^Gabriel> that uscked.
[00:31] <Erasmus> AnonT -- Yes and no (separating work and personal life)... It sometimes gets in the way... but we sometimes come up with our best ideas in discussions in the middle of the night. Hard on sleep, good on strengthening game design. :-)
[00:31] <^^Gabriel> I remember the reference.
[00:32] <Fenrus> Who separates work from a personal life, Anthanor? We live our work around here.
[00:32] <daemious> PV: hehe... add it the plot jobs
[00:32] <Coco> What was it that bruno talked about and said was under the graveyard again I forgot. I remember spending like 5 hours trying to dig a hole. P.s. not a question for Lori and Corey unless they want to answer
[00:32] <Fenrus> We mostly let an NPC use a spell, and then gave it to the player for the next game in the series, when we could.
[00:33] <Te`ja> entrance to thieve's guild
[00:33] <Te`ja> was a trick
[00:33] <^^Gabriel> Coco: he wanted u to die in the graveyard at night... he was an ass.
[00:33] <AnonT> yeah, bruno was trying to trick you into getting killed
[00:33] <Fenrus> There were some spells, like the Kobold's "Blip" spell, that we couldn't afford to give the player, though. Too hard to program.
[00:33] <Erasmus> Paladin_Valiant -- The Saurus Repair shop was in a dead-end alleyway. There were a bunch of different pieces of a Saurus there and it was set up like a garage. The character there offered to fix or upgrade your Saurus as though it was a car.
[00:33] <^^Gabriel> *****in hotrod saurus.
[00:33] <AnonT> awesome!
[00:33] <Essy> lol
[00:33] <Saffiru111> i always wanted the fly spell
[00:33] <Saffiru111> they talked about it in QFG1
[00:33] <Paladin_Valiant> that sounds like a major eastergg, very funny.
[00:34] <AnonT> man erasmus, you gotta get that game out and reprogram it
[00:34] <Psyberus> blip???
[00:34] <Coco> What ever happened to all the programming you guys did for the saurus repair shop?
[00:34] <Psyberus> small teleporting?
[00:34] <Anthenor> down the toilet probably
[00:34] <Fenrus> Blip was the teleport for a short distance spell
[00:34] <^^Gabriel> The admins gave u membership accounts for the Hero6 site... have u had a chance to look ato the artwork or demos at all. ?
[00:34] <Coco> Anychance I could bribe sierra to release it. I don't care if it takes up another floppy.
[00:35] <^^Gabriel> QGH2 Directors Cut
[00:35] <^^Gabriel> er QFG
[00:35] <Erasmus> Coco -- Bruno was something a little different we did... in games before QG1, pretty much everything a character in the game told you was true. In QG1, we tried to give you clues that Bruno was absolute scum... so you were supposed to realize that he would lie to you.
[00:35] <AnonT> way to spread paranoia Corey
[00:35] <Psyberus> What about spells like the one Katrina cast at Ad avis in 4 (gold sparkle attack spell) did that have an actual design behind it, or was some gold colored offensive magic?
[00:35] <Brassfire> Since I had played 5 first, I really didn't trust him, lol!
[00:36] <Fenrus> Bruno was designed to be a pain in the ass, and down right nasty. You can't trust everyone you meet.
[00:36] <Saffiru111> try the Dragon's Breath
[00:36] <Erasmus> Coco -- I fear all the Saurus Repair Shop code was lost forever. Maybe on somebody's backup somewhere, but I wouldn't know where to find it.
[00:36] <^^Gabriel> They should bring back Omar from 3... i woulda liked to kill him.
[00:36] <quietcorn> You know Omar was the sultan right
[00:36] <quietcorn> ?
[00:36] <^^Gabriel> oops...
[00:36] <^^Gabriel> um who was the bartender
[00:36] <quietcorn> Sigh...
[00:36] <Essy> from 2
[00:37] <Erasmus> It couldn't be added to the game at this point unless we had all of the source, art, the compiler, etc., from that period. And it would take work. So I doubt that could ever happen.
[00:37] <Essy> not 3
[00:37] <Fenrus> The gold sparkle effect was supposed to be a variation on the Dragon Fire Spell. The art just wasn't programmed.
[00:37] <Spoff> What happened to all the people in the first 4 QFGs that were going to go to Silmaria and didn't make it?
[00:37] <Etc> Personally, I always thought some sort of polymorphing spell would have been neat.
[00:37] <^^Gabriel> the Dead parrot bar tender... what's his name... Wanted to kill him alot.
[00:37] <quietcorn> Oooh
[00:37] <Paladin_Valiant> Fenrus is there any chance you would release the original ideadocuments as well as the designplans to give us an idea how the game was developed and the problems it faced and solved
[00:37] <quietcorn> I dunno
[00:37] <Psyberus> well, it was in the game, but not available to the hero
[00:37] <AnonT> spoff, Sam the Begger made it and opened up a bank
[00:38] <Kyle> Did you ever plan to make a 'familiar' spell?
[00:38] <Fenrus> We wanted to have the Hero be able to have a familiar, like Zara in the first game. That was just too difficult to pull off in programming.
[00:38] <Erasmus> Spoff -- Maybe they were there in the previous tourist season and left. :-)
[00:38] <Psyberus> yeah, familiar was mentioned in detail by Zara in qfg1 remake
[00:38] <daemious> Erasmus: I recently heard about a fan-based attempt to remake King's Quest 1 with VGA graphics. You think these guys are crossing the line with copyrights?
[00:38] <AnonT> hey Corey, I've been accepted to the Information Science and Technology academy at UNO. When I get my degree in computer programming, can I work for you?
[00:38] <Erasmus> Paladin_Valiant -- No, we don't have the rights to those. Sierra owns them (but probably doesn't have copies. :-) )
[00:38] <Fenrus> I could certainly release the original proposals. They really were very different then what the games evolved to.
[00:39] <Spoff> AnonT: was he in the 1st one?
[00:39] <Psyberus> concerning WIT, if the wizard didn't go, would he be able to become an advanced wizard still? (not in game, but in theory)
[00:39] <^^Gabriel> hehe
[00:39] <^^Gabriel> thoery
[00:39] <AnonT> yeah spoff
[00:39] <Paladin_Valiant> well fenrus if you could i would be happy to see anything from those early documents, too bad sierra has the rights for the developmentplans
[00:39] <Psyberus> spoff, he was the beggar in spielburg ally
[00:39] <Spoff> wasn't his face disfigured, though?
[00:40] <AnonT> no, just dirty
[00:40] * ^^Gabriel needs to enroll in a typing class
[00:40] *** pseudonym (
jirc@CDR0-100.accesscable.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[00:40] <Anthenor> Fenrus, Erasmus, what preparations did you make for today, did you cut off your phone, cancelled dinerparties?
[00:40] <Psyberus> it looked yuck in the remake
[00:40] <Spoff> purple(IIRC) dirt?
[00:40] <Saffiru111> Fenrus and erasmus What do you like so far about hero6?
[00:40] <Brassfire> Yeah, it would be cool if gamasutra did an article on the making of QFG... or Hero6 for that matter.
[00:40] <Spoff> ah, I see...
[00:40] <Fenrus> WIT would be like going to college to get a degree -- you can get a job without it, but you need it to win the respect of the professional wizard.
[00:40] <Erasmus> Psyberus -- I would say so. It's kind of like the EOF... You don't get the fancy hat, but you're still what you are.
[00:41] <Psyberus> ah, and WIT is neutral, as Ad avis was a member?
[00:41] <Erasmus> AnonT -- Only if we actually start running a company. :-) But you can apply to Explorati when you get out. :-)
[00:41] <^^Gabriel> Just wondering.... Who designed Rasier....
[00:41] <Fenrus> I mostly didn't like the character designs of the QG1 VGA game. The claymation idea was good, but the art wasn't, mostly.
[00:41] <Erasmus> Anthenor -- If we'd done that, we would have been on time!!
[00:41] <thednm> was there going to be anything about the EOF in the later games or was it just for qfg2
[00:41] <Paladin_Valiant> is explorati in the need for anyone actually?
[00:41] <AnonT> I loved the art in QG1 remake
[00:41] <Anthenor> hahahahahah
[00:41] <Fenrus> Except for Fenrus's face in QG VGA. I still have the clay statue they used for the face.
[00:41] <quietcorn> was there ever going to be a qfg2 remake?
[00:42] <Psyberus> yeah, some of them were VERY cartoony
[00:42] <Brassfire> I loved the background of QFG1, but not the faces...
[00:42] <^^Gabriel> faces?
[00:42] <Brassfire> *backgrounds
[00:42] <Te`ja> backgrounds of QG1 were *awesome*
[00:42] <^^Gabriel> what faces?
[00:42] <Saffiru111> dialoge pics
[00:42] <Te`ja> dialogue pics
[00:42] <Te`ja> yeh
[00:43] <AnonT> hey, just what is Explorati doing right now?
[00:43] <Brassfire> (People, like 'enry and sam.)
[00:43] <^^Gabriel> they had dialogue pics?
[00:43] *** ChanServ sets mode: +l 35
[00:43] <Fenrus> Sierra designed Rasier. At the time I was working on QG2, Rasier was based on the working atmosphere of Sierra, and is an anagram of Sierra.
[00:43] <Psyberus> whats the difference behind a wizard and a sorcerer?
[00:43] <Brassfire> Yikes!
[00:43] <daemious> hrmm They used clay for QG1 remake.. wow i never realized
[00:43] <^^Gabriel> LOL
[00:43] <Psyberus> ouch
[00:43] <Erasmus> Which is to say, that wasn't our happiest year there. :-)
[00:43] <^^Gabriel> Was that why it was such a pain in the ass...
[00:44] <Etc> Everything not forbidden is mandatory!
[00:44] <Saffiru111> Fenrus and erasmus What do you like so far about hero6?
[00:44] <AnonT> so all the important places that people wanted to go were closed off for a reason....
[00:44] <Psyberus> but, Rasier was saved and made good, Sierra hasn't been
[00:44] <Fenrus> Explorati is developing a system to do Massively multiplayer on-line RPGs
[00:44] <^^Gabriel> after u lost the VISA rasier was just alota ppl not talking to you
[00:44] <AnonT> nope, Sierra was taken over by a chainsaw killer
[00:44] <Erasmus> Yes, those rules were parodies of actual rules that had been instituted at Sierra that year. They even had a time clock for programmers and artists! (Heresy.)
[00:44] <Fenrus> What I like best about Hero6 is the people who support it.
[00:45] <Erasmus> Saffiru111 -- We really haven't seen any of hero6 except for a very early tech demo.
[00:45] <Brassfire> For musicians, too?
[00:45] <thednm> why was EOF only used in QFG 2 were there to be EOFs in other games
[00:45] <Saffiru111> you should get the greenleaf demo asap
[00:45] <Erasmus> The last hero6 version I downloaded (long time ago) crashed every time I tried to run it.
[00:45] <Saffiru111> it is really good
[00:45] <Saffiru111> not that far
[00:45] <Saffiru111> but it is vary qfgish
[00:45] <Fenrus> Most of the musicians couldn't afford to live on Sierra salaries, so they had to be programmers or find jobs elsewhere.
[00:45] <Coco> Will Transolar ever get an update? Even to say you've moved and now work at Explorati.
[00:45] <^^Gabriel> Hero6 is still recovering from a bad technical crash... we still haven't got our art pages back up.
[00:45] <Brassfire> lol! Get the Greenleaf demo, it even has awesome music!
[00:45] <AnonT> don't worry guys, I'll email you some of the descriptions I've written
[00:45] <Psyberus> yeah, it crashed my whole computer whenever i tried it
[00:45] <Magick_Cat> I heard once that when the series ended there was maybe going to be a take off, featuring one of the simbambi (I can't spell its too late) tribe being a new hero, was there ever any truth to that?
[00:46] <Erasmus> greenleaf??
[00:46] <Fenrus> EOF was not exactly my favorite sort of place.
[00:46] <^^Gabriel> greenleaf: our erana kinda
[00:46] <AnonT> Sky, Hand:
[00:46] <AnonT> "Reach for the sky!"
[00:46] <Psyberus> whats the difference between a wizard and sorcerer?
[00:46] <Fenrus> I never heard the rumor, Magick_Cat.
[00:47] <Magick_Cat> oh lol, thanks for clearing that up then
[00:47] <Erasmus> EOF was, by the way, a minor wordplay -- stands for "End of File" in old computer terminology, a subtle hint that maybe it wasn't the greatest goal to which to aspire.
[00:47] <Brassfire> LOL!
[00:47] <Gil-galad> lol
[00:47] <Amidala> wizards wiz, sorcerers sorcel
[00:47] <Psyberus> hehe, that clears it all up
[00:47] <AnonT> hilarious....
[00:47] <Brassfire> ensorcell, maybe?
[00:47] <AnonT> now I get why I always didn't kill the guy
[00:47] <Fenrus> I've forgotten the QG difference, Psyberus. I think it was that Sorcerers enchant other people mostly.
[00:48] <Coco> Grrrr. I hate that EOF command. It messed up my perl scripting.(Sorry thats off topic but i'm just mad at it)
[00:48] <Brassfire> Aha! I wuz rite!
[00:48] <Psyberus> then there were curses like baba yaga, aziza used water magic, keapon was air based etc
[00:48] <Etc> Ushers ush, butlers butle, and so forth.
[00:48] <SirElthil> You can get the Greenleaf(Waterfall) demo here:
[00:48] <SirElthil>
http://www.hero6.org/visitors/demo.html[00:48] <Kyle> There's hundreds of different definitions for wizards and sorcerers... sometimes they can even be the same thing.
[00:48] <Psyberus> ad avis was "Enchanter of the Elements"
[00:48] <Saffiru111> ??wizard
[00:48] <Saffiru111> ?? wizard
[00:48] <Hero6_book> wizard: n. 1. a wise man : SAGE 2. : one skilled in magic : SORCERER
[00:48] <Anthenor> how do you handle fanmail? I can imagine you need a couple of people to handle most of it... Qfg is well, err, still pretty popular...
[00:48] <Fenrus> QG2 was in a lot of ways one of the most meaningful of our games. We really worked to have the magic system make sense.
[00:48] <Coco> Wizard can be male though
[00:48] <Brassfire> But a Wizard of Wit is better than another Nit.
[00:48] <thednm> was there supposed to be anything in the rundown carpenter shack nest to the barn in qfg1
[00:48] <Saffiru111> ?? sorcerer
[00:49] <Brassfire> (ok, that was lame, lol.)
[00:49] <Coco> Sorcerers are female
[00:49] <Erasmus> Magick_Cat -- Actually, the rumor is a bit reversed. The entire game of QG3 was in a sense a take-off -- the original plan was for a four game series, those that became 1, 2, 4, and 5. We inserted 3 because we felt 4 would be too difficult right after 2.
[00:49] <Etc> When you're dealing with things that aren't real, it's very difficult to arrive at a 'correct' defenition.
[00:49] <Brassfire> Not all sorcerors are female.
[00:49] <Te`ja> sorceresses are female, sorcerers are male
[00:49] <Saffiru111> ?? sorcerer
[00:49] <Hero6_book> sorcerer: n. 1. a person who practices sorcery : WIZARD
[00:49] <Brassfire> sorceress
[00:49] <daemious> i've always shyed away from trying to play qg2 because its 16 colors
[00:49] <quietcorn> 16 of the best colors
[00:49] <Fenrus> Originally, the carpenter shop was to open to allow a street peddlar to appear in QG1. Unfortunately, we had to cut the Tinker/Peddlar.
[00:50] <Saffiru111> only 15 of the best colors
[00:50] <^^Gabriel> Wtf, how are we arguing fictional definitions?
[00:50] <AnonT> yeah! QG2 was the best as far as plot (and, imho, combat system)
[00:50] <Etc> Actually, the graphics are quite good, considering what they had to work with back then.
[00:50] <Saffiru111> i hate white
[00:50] <Saffiru111> grrrr
[00:50] <Paladin_Valiant> Erasmus and Fenrus is there any idea you would like to see worked out in any of the following rpg/adventuregames
[00:50] <Erasmus> And because another designer at Sierra (Ellen Guon, who went on to become the lead writer for Wing Commander 2 at Origin) said, "I know what QG3 will be -- It will be in Tarna and follow up on Rakeesh and Uhura." It was such a good idea, we did it!
[00:50] <Magick_Cat> 3 was a great game, really enjoyed the skemet and egyptian flare
[00:50] <Saffiru111> white is a shade
[00:50] <Paladin_Valiant> And what do you see as the most difficult problems to face in gamecreation and how can they be avoided
[00:50] <daemious> does qg2 have a full forest like qg1 and qg4 ?
[00:50] <^^Gabriel> has a desert
[00:51] <AnonT> hey, no wonder WC2 was so good
[00:51] <sultan12> are the coles here yet?
[00:51] <Coco> yes
[00:51] <sultan12> wonderful
[00:51] <AnonT> sultan.... they been here
[00:51] <AnonT> razzy and fenny
[00:51] <Fenrus> The most difficult problem in designing games is to come up with all the ideas that the player will want to do, and make sure the player feels like you thought of him.
[00:51] <^^Gabriel> WILMER! Thats the guys from QFG2 who shoulda died!
[00:51] <sultan12> they're gone now?
[00:51] <^^Gabriel> AHAH!
[00:51] <Erasmus> Paladin_Valiant -- Getting the team to work together well. You want everyone to contribute and know they're important, but you also need a coherent central design vision to make sure all the elements fit together well.
[00:51] <Fenrus> You never want to frustrate the players.
[00:52] <Fenrus> Rule number 1: The players must have fun.
[00:52] <Paladin_Valiant> hmm yeah that central vision is the mainproblem here. It is hard to get such coordination at a fanproject since it isnt like working at an actual company
[00:52] <AnonT> geez, you guys accomplished rule number 1 perfectly!
[00:52] <Erasmus> sultan12 -- We're still here -- Erasmus and Fenrus.
[00:52] <Brassfire> I'll go for that.
[00:52] <Paladin_Valiant> Very fun btw to see the difference in your responses Erasmus and Fenrus
[00:52] <thednm> was there a way in quest 5 to save both katrina and erana from hades
[00:52] <daemious> ugh... fun... I always have trouble getting that part to work out right
[00:52] <Fenrus> Rule Number 2: The Game must challenge the player to the point of frustration without letting the player get frustrated.
[00:53] <Brassfire> I don't think it is because it's a fanproject, i think it's because we judt haven't written out a clear central vision.
[00:53] <Ribert>
[00:53] <Psyberus> error 42?
[00:53] <Paladin_Valiant> Very right Fenrus
[00:53] <Brassfire> *just
[00:53] <Essy> error 52!!!!!
[00:53] <Te`ja> lol e42
[00:53] <Fenrus> In QG5, I wanted to give the player a true delemna, who to save???
[00:53] * Essy hides
[00:53] <sultan12> wait
[00:53] <Etc> Speak not its name!
[00:53] <sultan12> BACK IT UP
[00:53] <Psyberus> my mistake
[00:53] <AnonT> Error 52: Team crash. Please reboot.
[00:53] <Paladin_Valiant> that is true Brassifre although we couldn't because there was to much opposition
[00:53] <sultan12> BACK IT UP
[00:53] <sultan12> I MISSED THE CHAT?
[00:54] <Erasmus> Thx, AnonT. Part of our "trick" in QG was to channel what the player wanted to do into what we could handle him/her doing. :-) That's why we came up with the "ask about" syntax, for example.
[00:54] <Paladin_Valiant> i liked that a lot that dilemma. Great work.
[00:54] <Magick_Cat> lol
[00:54] <Kyle> No, Sultan. They are still here.
[00:54] <Fenrus> However, if we had more design time, I would have found a loophole to let the player save both.
[00:54] <Kyle> They are Erasmus (Corey) and Fenrus (Lori)
[00:54] <Anthenor> how do you handle fanmail? I can imagine you need several people to handle most of it... Qfg is well, err, still pretty popular...
[00:54] <Erasmus> I thought it was Error 63?
[00:54] <sultan12> OH
[00:54] <Coco> I know it's a bit confusing considering there's an erasmus and fenrus on hero6.
[00:54] <thednm> it was hard in a way it was the first time the hero didn't have the chance to save everyone he hadd to actually decide who deserved it more
[00:55] <sultan12> IM A CONFUSABLE KINDA GUY
[00:55] <Erasmus> Anthenor -- No, any time we get too much fan mail, we run out of time to answer it, so they stop writing after a while. ;-)
[00:55] <Brassfire> Well, if it wasn't so buggy to save katrina...
[00:55] <Coco> Lots of people cheated and saved both of them anyways thoughs
[00:55] <Fenrus> It was a terrible delemna. Who do you love, who do you care for the most?
[00:55] <Brassfire> how, coco?
[00:56] <Coco> I forget now to be honest
[00:56] <Coco> But I know you can
[00:56] <Coco> Cause I did once.
[00:56] <Brassfire> Waaah! *sigh*
[00:56] <Essy> lol
[00:56] <Paladin_Valiant> Fenrus about the Paladin. I liked the paladin however it was a bit to easy to become a Paladin. The plaer never really had to choose between the rewarding and the honourable option. I feel playing the Paladin was too easy, just always being the goodieguy, Besides it payed off with all the extra skills and the possibilities to use Magic as well. A paladin imho should be a character who indeed sacrafics his own life for the poor and people in need.
[00:56] <Essy> I always married three girls.....
[00:56] <Paladin_Valiant> This might result in the player giving real sacrafices and thus hard choicesm this way the player would become a true paladin
[00:56] <AnonT> Elsa, you perv.
[00:57] <Essy> LOL
[00:57] <Etc> Polygamy! Yeah!
[00:57] <Brassfire> (Decides NOT to say that she did, too...)
[00:57] <Coco> BTW what you guys mean it was buggy? I never saw a bug in QFG5 besides when doing things that were not programmed in like making glide work. Or playing through as Elsa and stuff like that
[00:57] <Erasmus> Yes, but would it really be fun to play that way, Paladin_Valiant? Most players want to be powerful.