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Author Topic: Project Revival  (Read 4264 times)
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« on: November 01, 2010, 09:20:32 PM »

My name is Ti Simpson. I'm a graduate assistant in the computer science department at Mississippi State
University. I've lurked for years, and am curious if the Hero 6 project is dead? Would privatizing it have a chance
of spurring it's development?
My colleague is also a classic Sierra fan, and we figure together we could invest a few thousand dollars to
buy the whole project, and finish it up ourselves. (we might even make some undergraduates do the work  blackguard ) but that is all dependent on how much development has been done thus far. What is
lacking? We very much would like this project to see the light of day.

oh, and Quest for Glory 4 is my favorite QFG, minus the bugs of course!

A small programming team in Tupelo, MS has promised to complete the game if possible (all are over 30 and classic SIERRA Online fans.).  Whoever is the official "repository" for Hero 6 For the love of Jesus Christ get everything to these guys.

All designs, sound effects, music, code, or anything that will be of use to the future of Hero 6 should be emailed to:
William@infinite-views.com. They are also throwing the idea around of releasing a PC version alongside an iPad version if Apple will approve it, but I'm quite sure a Jailbroken .IPA version can be released regardless. I really consider this the last hope for Hero 6
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« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2011, 08:50:27 PM »

Thanks for all the emails guys. Surprisingly there has been a couple of people like yourself who really want this project to see the light of day. The code we’ve received so far has been discombobulated and fragmented and hard to get to compile in addition to being hard to work with. We’ve started the code over from scratch in Objective C, and plan on releasing an iPad version of the game with a current release date of “Novermber 5th, 2011”. (The touch screen lends itself to Quest for Glory like games, but expect an OSX version to follow with a traditional point and click interface) However ANY artwork and Music that you have access to or can gain access to would be greatly appreciated even if it doesn't end up being used. KEEP IT COMING PLEASE!

-   Ti

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« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2011, 12:41:18 AM »

I'm surprised I could remember my password.

I really, really hope that this project can finally get completed somehow, although at this point I really have no idea how useful I would be in that process.
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« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2011, 09:20:54 AM »

Code hard to compile? Last I heard, the project switched to AGS, which only needs a version of the AGS editor to compile.

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« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2011, 03:59:18 PM »

Ipad version? What is this place coming to? I worked with the original crew on this game years ago and I can't believe it still hasn't been released. Their was so much art and music for it that a few weeks of plot revision and something could have been released. Switching to ags made it possible to use the art and music without the need for true programmers. Just some people that can do a bit of coding.
I still have my original files. They were done in a 3d program and I still have the source files.
If this project was ever to truely come back I would be on board. Ipad version not included.

By the way tipmen998 it's a little bit unnerving when the site you link to doesn't work.

Watermarked and low quality jpg here.

« Last Edit: February 24, 2011, 08:10:45 PM by jrl2222 » Logged
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« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2011, 12:30:56 PM »

Thing is...plot revisions generally require scenes to be rescripted from scratch and often invalidate existing art assets. There's no such thing as a project being "ready for release" and at the same time require just a few plot revisions. This was essentially the very thing that stopped Hero6 from being finished years ago. I can't access that site the OP mentioned either, so I don't know what to think of this.

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« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2011, 05:28:25 PM »

What I meant was drop some of the side plots that didn't have art done for it. I realize that changing major plot points will change the game alot but if they would have just taken the story they had used the art they had and pull stuff they didn't have a decent game would have still come from it. Trust me this was a huge undertaking and even cutting stuff out it still would have been a nice game.
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« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2011, 09:26:24 AM »

Your website appears to be nonexistent.

Hmm why do I get the feeling this is just a scam for whatever reason that plays of the passion and desperation of Hero6 fans and team members..

Think about it, anyone could walk in here and promise money and resources just to get their hands on all the h6 material not released to the public lol.. Hell I could have done it just so I can finally get my hands on that elusive forest demo you guys made instead of the silly waterfall one in the downloads page. I really want it lol.

And really if I was one of the many people who'd spent endless hours (even years?) and dedication on this project would I want someone else taking my stuff, slapping their name on it and getting all publicity and possibly making money off it? f*ck no!
And if they're just picking and choosing bits then would it really be Hero 6 this place intended?

Hey no offense if this is legit, I really do hope I'm wrong.. but yeah..
« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 09:31:04 AM by Blake00 » Logged
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