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Mini RPS - Caverns of the Drow
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Topic: Mini RPS - Caverns of the Drow (Read 3053 times)
Famous Adventurer
Posts: 3667
Mini RPS - Caverns of the Drow
March 16, 2005, 03:25:15 PM »
Jafar, Ugly Guard - played by Jafar
Worfie - played by Corsair5
Grit - played by Striker
Verdant - played by Ignus Draconus
Jakchim, Delor - played by Lord Bierhoff
King of Silmaria - played by The Hero
Caverns of the Drow: Chapter 1 (Dude, Where's My Weapon?)
<SorceressSwift> (ok, you are locked in a dungeon. you have no memory of the last 24 hours, so you have no idea how you got there in the first place. you don't have your weapons with you. the goal of this rp is to find out what happened in the last 24 hours, where you are exactly, who's responsible for this, and get out)
<Worfie> Ooww..my head hurts. What has happened?
<Grit> Bloody ######
* Worfie walks around the dungeon, examining the walls and doorway with his keen Canine vision.
* Verdant wakes up with a headache
<Jakchim> I don't know, but this isn't the pub I was in last night
<Verdant> where are we?
<Jafar> zzzzz
<Worfie> Welcome to the wake side, Verdant. Do you have a lockpick with you? I don't think the door is barred. Mine are gone.
* Verdant pulls at one of the metal pieces on his sleeve
<Worfie> Brilliant!
* Jafar wakes up
<Jafar> Ugh...my head...
* King_of_Silmaria feels for Cracks in wall
* King_of_Silmaria finds loose brick
<Grit> you know what? I'm going to lurk
* Delor lights a torch
* King_of_Silmaria pushs
<Worfie> Does anyone remember what happened? All I remembered was a lot of stars flying in front of me.
<Delor> let's see what combustible in here
<Worfie> Then I fell asleep.
<Jafar> The last thing I remember is....
* King_of_Silmaria opens passage
* Verdant whistles star trek theme
<Jakchim> I... I was in a pub
<Jafar> ...waking up
<Worfie> That is little surprise, Jakchim. But I recall you imbibed much.
<King_of_Silmaria> come on guys over here
<Worfie> That is probably why you can't remember.
<Verdant> why?
<Jakchim> just a wee bit
<Jafar> Heh
* Worfie walks over toward the ""King of Silmaria""
<Jakchim> no and then
* Verdant picks the lock on the door
<Jafar> But why don't WE remember?
* Delor holds light for Verdant
<Worfie> I suspect we were hit rather hard.
<King_of_Silmaria> i found i passage
<Jafar> Or maybe someone erased our memory?
<Jakchim> hit where? by whom? and who are you?
<Worfie> With a spell? I do not like spells being cast on me..
<Verdant> does anyone?
<Jakchim> nor do I
* Verdant opens door
<Delor> I do... somethings. well done Ver
<Worfie> Which way do we go?
<Delor> out?
<Worfie> Through the door, or down the secret passage the King found?
<Jafar> Out the door, for starters
<Verdant> um, away from the guards
<King_of_Silmaria> i found a passage
<Jakchim> no, let's hit the guards back
<Worfie> Verdant, I suggest you go through first. You're the sneakiest.
<King_of_Silmaria> over here
<Verdant> another, or is this the same one?
<Worfie> I have a bad feeling about that passage.
<King_of_Silmaria> it?ll get us past the guard
* Jafar tosses a rock in the passage
<Worfie> Canine sense is tingling.
<Delor> But, that means we can't burn the guard
<Verdant> yes, past the guard who is listening through the open door
<Jafar> I don't think I want to check the passage. I'm, uh, claustrophobic
<Worfie> Jafar, you have paladin thing. Do you sense any danger from the passage?
<Jakchim> I agree with the kid, we should take down the guard
<Verdant> I say we throw the guard down there first
<Jafar> Some danger. Lets take the door
<Delor> right, so we take the guard than
<King_of_Silmaria> no
<Worfie> I wish Uncle Arfy were here.
* Ugly_Guard lumbers into the cell
* Verdant punches guard
* Worfie bites the Guard. Hard.
* Jakchim tackles guard
<Ugly_Guard> AARRGH!
<King_of_Silmaria> i know this passage from somewhere
* Jafar still has his ring
<Delor> Can I burn him now?
* Worfie 's claws extend, and he rends the guard's belly open.
<King_of_Silmaria> no
* Jafar fires a fireball at the Guard
<Verdant> now you can
<Worfie> I think he is dead.
<Ugly_Guard> Urgh...I.... I...
<Verdant> since he's already dead
* Worfie jabs his claws through the man's throat.
<Ugly_Guard> I'm...not getting paid enough for this....
* Ugly_Guard dies
<Worfie> See you in Hades.
* Verdant throws corpse in passage
<Jakchim> oooo, that was excessive. we could have interrogated him
* Worfie tosses Jafar the man's sword.
* Jafar catches it
Famous Adventurer
Posts: 3667
Mini RPS - Caverns of the Drow
Reply #1 on:
March 16, 2005, 03:58:30 PM »
Chapter 2 (Worfie)
<Worfie> I wish I didn't get so carried away.
* Worfie wipes the blood off his claws with some of the hay.
<Jakchim> I do too.
<Jafar> We still need to find our weapons. So lets get moving
<Jakchim> before we continue I think you should first tell us who you are
* Grit wakes up
<Worfie> Eh?
<Delor> ya, who are you?
<King_of_Silmaria> with the power of erana and aziza bring us to safety
<Grit> I don't need any weapons..
* Grit shakes head
<Verdant> he seems to know me
<Jafar> Yeah, Fido. Who are you?
<Grit> Okay, I'm up.
<King_of_Silmaria> owwww
<Jakchim> good to hear, big man
<Worfie> I am Worfie. An Archer and Artist from Punjabi.
<King_of_Silmaria> my head hurts
<Worfie> Did you imbibe?
<Jakchim> great, more southerner art
<Worfie> I am not much of an artist. More of an archer. And my claws often get messy with human blood.
<Jafar> Can't teach an old dog new tricks
<Jakchim> that's a plus
<Grit> If your claws get messy with human blood, you must miss a lot as an Archer
<Verdant> ouch
<Worfie> Actually, it's more because I sometimes eat the flesh when I get extremely hungry. I can't always get the dried meat.
<Verdant> great
<Jafar> Erm...interesting....
* Worfie Grabs one of the arms and begins to gnaw.
* Verdant walks into the hallway
<Delor> right, well, no I'm officially not the most psychotic member of our group
<Worfie> Human leg, Jafar?
<Verdant> I already threw him in the passage
<Jafar> No thanks
<Worfie> Delor, I would remind you that in Surria, they eat dogs.
<Jafar> I'm not a cannibal
* Delor follows Ver
<Jakchim> ya, and they taste good
<Worfie> Me eating human is not quite so odd.
* Worfie slaps Jakchim upside the head.
<Worfie> Don't make me hurt you.
<Verdant> I'd still rather you didn't do that here
<Jakchim> the dogs in Surria don't talk
<Worfie> Those are like children to us. How would you like it if I ate a baby?
<Verdant> I don't want to be eaten any time soon
<Jafar> Hey, I don't like the idea of eating dogs OR humans
<Jakchim> I would kill you
<Grit> Babies aren't too bad. They taste better than full grown humans.
<Worfie> I only eat the ones who I already had to kill.
<Jafar> But can we save the culture lessons for later?
* Verdant looks down the coridor outside the prison.
* Verdant sees another ugly guard
* Worfie rushes the guard, and bites the man's throat.
<Worfie> Surrender..
* Ugly_Guard dodges
<Worfie> Or I'll tear your throat out!
* Ugly_Guard tries to stab Worfie
* King_of_Silmaria casts calm
* Worfie kicks upwards, claws extended, at the man's belly.
* Verdant sneaks behind the guard and shoves lockpick up his nose
* Ugly_Guard dies
<Worfie> Ugh. You seem to have given him a cerebral hemmorhage.
<Jafar> Geez, no mercy...
* Jafar shakes his head
<Worfie> He's got a bow!
* Verdant removes lockpick, wipes it on guard's pants
* Worfie grabs the bow and the quiver.
<Jakchim> guys! seriously, we need to capture one of these guys, stop killing them
<Worfie> Okay.
<Verdant> okay, worfie, no more rushing guards
<Worfie> I'll just shoot it in his arm.
* Worfie nocks one of the arrows.
<Delor> can I take care of the corpse this time?
<Worfie> Go ahead.
<Verdant> no more alerting guards either, if you don't mind. burn away
* Delor ignites the guard
<Worfie> Oh my god!
* Verdant takes guard's sword
* Ugly_Guard is on fire
<Worfie> He's flambeing it! MINE!
<Jakchim> I'll take care of the next, 'k
<Jafar> No! Sit! Stay! Bad dog!
* Worfie picks the guard's knife up and slices an arm off.
<Worfie> Mmm..
<Verdant> that's nasty
* Verdant turns away
<Delor> ya, it's so cool. watch how they thrash as their sinews expand
<Worfie> You should try this sometime. It's good!
<Verdant> you too are just wrong. just wrong
* Worfie tears a chunk off and devours it.
<Worfie> And the bone makes a good bludgeon.
* Verdant feels ill
* Verdant walks away from the corpse
<Worfie> I suggest you all turn your back. For like, ten seconds.
<King_of_Silmaria> no
<Worfie> Your loss.
* Jakchim quietly continues up the corridor
* Worfie unzips his trousers.
Famous Adventurer
Posts: 3667
Mini RPS - Caverns of the Drow
Reply #2 on:
March 16, 2005, 05:37:06 PM »
Bob_the_Bookwyrm - played by Ignus Draconus
Orc Pack - played by Jafar
Chapter 3 (They're Coming)
<Verdant> you are really wrong W
* Grit stares into space and watches another dimensions
<Worfie> I am a DOG! I have some priorities. One of which is my bladder.
<Delor> that you definitely are
* Worfie takes a leak on the guard's body.
* Jafar has been exploring
* Jakchim sees guard
<Worfie> Ahhh. Much better.
* Worfie follows Verdant, still gnawing on the limb.
* Verdant turns a corner of the coridor
* Jakchim Jakchim charges guard
* Ugly_Gaurad attacks Jak with a club
* Worfie looses an Arrow at the Guard's left leg.
* Ugly_Gaurad stumbles
* Jakchim catches club in one hand and chops at wrist with other
* Verdant looks into a nearby door and sees treasure, mounds of it
* Worfie sniffs.
<Worfie> Shh. I smell a lot of people coming this way. Pretty much.
* Jakchim disarms guard
<Worfie> We had better get away, because we won't stand a chance.
* Verdant tries to pick the lock on the door of the treasure chamber
* Worfie dodges away from the King's sword.
<Worfie> My mistake.
* Orc_Patrol are coming this way
<Worfie> I should've known, because orcs are considerably less putrid.
<Delor> alright, burning time
<King_of_Silmaria> let them come!
* Worfie ducks into the shadows.
* Verdant manages to open the treasure chamber door
* Delor lights two torches
* Orc_Patrol grunt, snort, laugh, and smell
<Worfie> Crud. I haven't taken a bath in WEEKS.
<Jakchim> I noticed
<Worfie> I knew I should've bought that spell ""Morton's Cleansing.""
<Jafar> And I think he has fleas
<Worfie> I know I do. Shapeirian Fleas, no less.
* King_of_Silmaria stands at the ready
<Worfie> Those things, I hear, get up to an inch long.
<Delor> guy seriously, I think your stenches is what brought the guards on us
* Worfie nocks an arrow and aims, ready to snipe one of the Orc's heads.
* Orc_Patrol comes across the group
* Worfie looses an arrow at the leading orc.
<Orc_Patrol> Day're escaping!
* Orc_Patrol charge
* Worfie let's out a feral growl and rushes them, his dagger in hand.
* King_of_Silmaria fights of
* Jakchim dives into the patron his limbs a whirlwind
<Orc_Patrol> *Leader is hit and falls*
* Verdant walks into the treasure chamber
<King_of_Silmaria> GO!!
* Worfie throws his dagger at the next one.
* Jafar stabs an Orc
* Grit stares into space
* Delor charges behind the others igniting the patrol's clothes
<Jakchim> one orc, tow orc, three..
* Worfie ducks back into the shadows.
* Verdant sees a dragon
* Worfie grabs one of the orcs and puts his dagger to it's throat.
* King_of_Silmaria was stabbed
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm booms
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> who dares enter my... oh, it's you
* King_of_Silmaria is bleeding
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> what do you want this time?
<Worfie> Clean your rump, then we'll talk.
<Delor> guy, speaking of getting clean
* King_of_Silmaria coughs up blood
* Worfie knifes the last remaining orc.
<Delor> sick
<Worfie> Well, Kingy.
* Orc_Patrol dies
<Jakchim> too easy
<Worfie> Jafar, we have an injured ugly warrior guy over here, need's your paladinyness.
<Verdant> um, I was going to borrow your treasure, but since you're here, I'll go
* King_of_Silmaria> casts heal
* Verdant walks to of the treasure chamber
* Jafar uses Healing Hands on KoS
<Worfie> Weird.
<King_of_Silmaria> ah
* Worfie sneaks by the dragon, then climbs onto its back.
<Jakchim> what?
<King_of_Silmaria> I?m a paladin as well
<Worfie> Hey! Everybody! Look at me! I'm a Dragon Rider!
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm turns his head around and fries worfie
<Delor> soon to be dragon food
<Worfie> Hah.
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm but only lightly
<Jakchim> humm, he's looking better already
<Worfie> I always wanted that cool look of ""Slightly Crisped.""
<Delor> ya, far fewer flees
<Worfie> And it cleaned off all that dungeon stuff I had all over me!
<Verdant> and your fur
<Worfie> Singed it.
<Jakchim> to a golden brown
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm fries worfie again
<Worfie> And, behold my impressive ability as a Canine!
Last Edit: March 17, 2005, 03:23:10 PM by Swift
Famous Adventurer
Posts: 3667
Mini RPS - Caverns of the Drow
Reply #3 on:
March 17, 2005, 03:33:39 PM »
Dark Wizard - played by Jafar
Dark Wizard2 - played by The Hero
Dragon statue - Ignus Draconus
Chapter 4 (Confrontation!)
* Worfie re-grows all his fur instantly.
* Jafar adresses the Dragon
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> get off my back or I will be forced to eat you
<Delor> hey dragon, could you teach me to do that?
<Jafar> Hello good sir. May I inquire as to your identity and out present location?
<Delor> the burning thing
* Worfie climbs off the Dragon's back.
<Worfie> No fun.
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> no, I can't teach you to breathe fire
<Jafar> We regained conciousness in a most unpleasent cell and are unable to recall how we got there
* Jafar waits for the Dragon to reply
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> I wouldn't know much about that
<Jakchim> and I haven't found a decnt drink in here
* Worfie ducks into the Shadows, with his arrow nocked.
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> They have trouble opening the door wide enough for me to get out
<Delor> soo, can you teach me the fire thing, please please please
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> it's been a problem ever since they summoned me here
<Jakchim> perhapse we could help you?
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> sure
<Jafar> Who are they?
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> kill the wizard who summoned me, and I can get out of here
<Delor> how do you breath fire like that?
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> that's the problem, I don't know who they are
<Jafar> Blow square breaths
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> breathing fire comes naturally to me
* Jafar sees a nearby treasure chest that looks out of place
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> The problem with being stuck in here is that there's no room to strech my wings, and not enough books to read
<Delor> I see, is there any particular way you exhale to do it?
* Jafar opens the chest
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> I just try not to inhale while breathing it
<Jafar> My Paladin Sword! I was wondering where they stashed it...
<Delor> I see, sounds reasonable
<Jakchim> you might want to take that lad
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> well, if you're helping me, take it, by all means. oh, and Delor, I have a book for you
* Jafar takes his sword
<Jakchim> do you have any spirits around here by chance?
<Delor> or exploses?
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm hands Delor a book titled ""how to breath fire for dummies""
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm hands Jackim a bottle of 300-year-old wine
<Delor> YOU DA MAN!! er.. dragon.. dragonman?
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm smiles
<Jakchim> thank you very much, I shall put this to good use
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm hands verdant a shiny set of lock picks
* Delor starts reading book
<Verdant> hey, these look familiar
* Jakchim samples wine
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> mmm hmm, you left them here the last time you came to visit
<Verdant> oh, yeah, right...
<Jakchim> you really should be more careful with your stuff, you never know when you'll need them
* Dark_Wizard appears in a cloud of smoke
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> I don't drink
* Delor continues reading
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm suddenly turns to stone
<Jakchim> pity, it's quite nice
* dragon_statue is stiff
<Jakchim> ooo, that looks uncomfortable
<Verdant> hey, look. bad guys
* Delor is still reading
<Dark_Wizard> So, you've managed to escape...
<Jakchim> no, we're still rather caught. I like the decore. you did some very nice things with this cave
<Dark_Wizard2> you shall not leave here alive
* Verdant pulls a small rod of metal out of his set of lockpicks and uses it to summon his magic rod
<Dark_Wizard> It appears the memory wipe spell didn't work properly
<Verdant> so, uh, can we kill these guys yet?
<Theluen> Aha.
* Dark_Wizard2 (Plays Sound: evillaugh.au) you fools you will never escape here
<Dark_Wizard> You may have foiled my plans, but you will not leave this place alive!
<Dark_Wizard2> i said that
* Dark_Wizard2 summons undead fighters
<Theluen> Hmmm...
* Verdant sends an acid bolt at skeleton
* Delor looks up from his book and tries his new knowledge on the undead
* Dark_Wizard sends a frost ball at Delor
<Delor> AHHHHH!!!!!!!! COLD
* Dark_Wizard2 casts nuclear
* Delor drops book and shivers on the ground
* Jafar charges the Wizard
* Jakchim kicks DW2 as he is casting
* Verdant casts a small fire on delor
<Delor> thank you
<Verdant> no prob
Last Edit: March 17, 2005, 03:40:25 PM by Swift
Famous Adventurer
Posts: 3667
Mini RPS - Caverns of the Drow
Reply #4 on:
March 17, 2005, 03:45:58 PM »
Theluen, Stixlithiegland - played by Kailkay
Chapter 5 (Dungeons and Dragons)
* Theluen strides out of the shadows slowly, dual blades held to either side of his black-armored form. The flesh you can see on him is a dark ebony pitch, and his ears appear to be pointed. Shocks of white hair stick out from under a dark helm, and a long infinitely black cape swirls about his ankles. He says nothing.
* Delor lights a pair of torches
* Dark_Wizard2 casts lighting ball on jafar
* Dark_Wizard2 (Plays Sound: evillaugh.au) evillaugh
* Theluen watches the ensuing conflict with some form of amusement, shaking his head slowly.
* Verdant casts an acid bolt at DW2
* Dark_Wizard strikes Jafar with lightning
<Jafar> AAGGHH!
<Dark_Wizard2> thx
* Jakchim jump kicks DW2 with extreme prejudice
* Theluen strides towards the wizards, glaring from beneath his helm, pinpoints of red showing as eyes, before he straightens up and motions to whomever might not be combatting.
<Dark_Wizard> Who are you?
<Theluen> This place is not safe for anyone... Foolish people do not know how deep the cavern you skirmish in really is... Turn now and leave, before it is too late.
* Delor looks extremely confused
<Jafar> What are you talkinhg about?
* dragon_statue makes a grating sound as he struggles to speak
<Jakchim> love to, which is the way out?
<dragon_statue> wish... I... could...
* Delor breathes fire on Dragon to help melt the stone
<Theluen> End your pitiful combat, and seek ye an exit! You walk in Stixlithie'gland's lair... The guardian black drake of... The Land of the the drow! Turn back now!
<Verdant> I think bob could kick his butt
* Verdant looks at statue
<Verdant> well, under the right circumstances
<King_Of_Silmaria> sorry about that guys
<Jakchim> and with a little from his friends, but really, I don't wee why. so let's all go to a nice pub and forget all this
<King_Of_Silmaria> i found a way out though. This way
<Theluen> Heed his advice and fly! To dally here is death!
* Verdant fires a mana spike at DW
* Verdant follows KoS, sword ready
* Dark_Wizard is hit
<Dark_Wizard> Ugh...you...
* Dark_Wizard collapses
<Jakchim> argh, did say we'd help Bob
* Delor breathes fire on DW
* Dark_Wizard dies
* dragon_statue slowly begins to crack stone
* King_Of_Silmaria opens passaage
* dragon_statue breaks free
<Jafar> Okay, now lets get out of here
<Delor> Bob, let's hurrey and get out of here
<Jafar> I don't know what that guy was talking about. But I'd rather not stick around to find out
<Jakchim> ya, let's go
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm Begins to thrash against the walls, shaking the dungeon
* Stixlithiegland roars from the depths; souls wilt at the call of the shadow drake, guardian of the drow territory so deep under the ground...
* Jafar hears the roar
<King_Of_Silmaria> here
<Delor> oh dear
* Theluen 's eyes go wide.
<Jafar> RUN!
* Jakchim runs like the wind
<Theluen> Run while you can, surfacers!
* Delor tries to run faster, and fails
* Verdant runs
* Theluen dips into the shadows, obviously high-tailing it, also.
<Delor> damn he's fast for an old man
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm begins to break the dungeon walls
* Stixlithiegland emits another deafening roar, albiet less deafening than the last.
* Jafar runs
<Jakchim> which is the way out
<Jafar> This way!
* Jafar comes to a rickety bridge
<Stixlithiegland> Foolish Mortals... Trespassing in MY domain... I can smell you... smell your fear...
<Jafar> Great...
* Verdant almost runs into Jafar
<Jafar> Whoa! Watch it!
* Stixlithiegland thump... thump... thump... go his eerily slow, heavy steps...
* Jakchim starts across the bridge
* Jafar takes a step on the bridge
<Jakchim> wait, I'll see if it'll hold
* Theluen appears on the other side of the bridge, coming out of the shadows with a fearful look in his eyes.
<Jafar> *Plank creaks*
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm breaks a large hole in the doorway, and lumbered down the corridor
<Theluen> RUN! Use your feet!
<Jafar> Oh boy....
* Jafar starts moving across the bridge
* Stixlithiegland sounds like he's just around the bend...
<Verdant> run which way?
* Jakchim goes across fast
<Jafar> It's not gonna fall, it's not gonna fall...
<Delor> over here, to the bridge
<Delor> come on Ver, hurry
Famous Adventurer
Posts: 3667
Mini RPS - Caverns of the Drow
Reply #5 on:
March 17, 2005, 04:07:07 PM »
Chapter 6 (Run, Heroes, Run!)
<Theluen> Across the bridge! Hurry, he's nearly there! *draws a sword again, and begins working on the ropes on his side*
* Jafar makes it across
* Verdant runs across bridge
<Jafar> Is that everyone?
* Delor runs across the bridge
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm lumbers to the far end of the bridge
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> oh great
<Delor> can you fly, book man
* Theluen begins chopping at ropes with abandon.
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm lifts off and flies across, narrowly missing the roof
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm lands and fries the bridge
* Stixlithiegland sticks it's sinister head around a corner, purple eyes flaring as the black shadow drake sees it's prey.
<Delor> awww I wanted to do that
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> My way was faster.
<Stixlithiegland> Run, run, mice... You think a chasm will stop me!? Hah!
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> Run
* Jakchim runs
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm turns to face the other wyrm
* Verdant runs
* Theluen backpedals and looks about to the others and dashes off.
<Theluen> Follow me, and don't fall behind!
* Delor stands beside Bob
* Jafar runs
<Jakchim> ah heck, da kid
* Jakchim starts running back
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm looses a burs of flame, then turns and runs
* Stixlithiegland eyes Delor and Bob, licking it's wicked teeth with a venomous tongue.
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm grabs Delor
<Delor> weee
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm continues running
* Jakchim sees Bob and Delor
* Stixlithiegland begins his running with a quickened pace...
* Jakchim turns and runs back up the hall again
* Theluen dashes around corners, the tunnels he runs through getting shorter and narrower quickly.
<Theluen> Hurry! At my heels!
<Jakchim> I really am getting too old for this
* Verdant runs faster
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> sees the narrowing opening
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm sees the narrowing opening
<Delor> uh oh
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> oh crap
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm sets delor down
<Delor> come on , you can make it
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> run, friend
* Stixlithiegland slams into a few walls, charging with abandon, ending up stooping and then galloping on all fours.
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> you can go faster here
<Delor> not with out you book man
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm continues running through the narrowing coridor
* Delor follows Bob
<Jafar> How much longer?
* Theluen slips around a corner and drops to his belly, squirming through a small hole and into a bit of a cramped tunnel, though he doesn't slow.
<Jakchim> not far I hope
* Stixlithiegland roars and watches Theluen escape into the tiny hole, snarling and spitting acid everywhere.
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> begins squeezing through as the coridor tightens around him
* Jafar crawls through the hole
<Jafar> I'm stuck!
<Verdant> oh crap
<Jafar> I knew those chocolates would kill me one day...
* Verdant pushes Jafar
<Delor> keep going book-man
* Theluen turns back with a grimace and begins yanking on Jafar's arms.
* Jafar squeezes through
<Theluen> Darn fat surfaceers... You'll be the death of us all!
<Jafar> thanks
* Jakchim helps push
<Stixlithiegland> Mmm... Lunch! Hahahaha...
* Stixlithiegland (Plays Sound: evillaugh.au) evillaugh
<Jafar> I'm not fat!
* Verdant casts a careful set of acid bolts at the constricted tunnel
* Delor pulls out a pouch of explosives, lights the wick and tosses it behind him hoping to start a cave in
* Jafar
* Theluen gets Jafar through the hole and dashes down another corridor, not slowing even though the dragon is on the other side of a rather thick wall.
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm struggles through the too-tight coridor
* Delor follows
* Stixlithiegland watches Delor intently, never before seeing such a mechanism in the depths of these deepest caverns.
* Jakchim leads Bob
* Stixlithiegland bends down for a closer look at the pouch, plucking it up, obviously intrigued, before it explodes and showers him with tonnes of rock.
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm is squeezed
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> ow
* Delor looks behind him intently
<Delor> sooo cool
* Stixlithiegland is quite buried, and quite defeated.
Last Edit: June 29, 2005, 05:15:36 PM by Swift
Famous Adventurer
Posts: 3667
Mini RPS - Caverns of the Drow
Reply #6 on:
June 29, 2005, 05:32:58 PM »
Note: I'm not sure who played as Mr T. Does anyone remember?
Chapter 7 (Follow Mr T!)
<Jafar> YEAH!
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> okay. help now
<Delor> YAAAA who da bad boy. common book man, squeeze
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> Wait! I forget!
* Theluen stops running down corridors and returns to the group, eying them curiously.
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm shifts to a giant lizard form, which is much smaller than his usual
<Theluen> What is that rumbling...? What happened?
<Jakchim> nicely done
<Jafar> That creature that was chasing us. It's dead
<Jakchim> now lets run
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm Scurries through the tunnel after verdant
* Jakchim follows
* Verdant goes through the tunnel
<Theluen> The shadow drake? Preposterous... the thing is immortal. What'd you do, bury it in rocks?
* Delor is only a little behind Bob
<Verdant> um, yes
<Jafar> Yeah, pretty much
<Delor> hey
<Verdant> buried in a lot of rock
<Delor> WHO buried the dragon?
<Theluen> Pah, dumb surfacers... of course you'd believe you could defeat such a thing so easily. You likely only caused his mood to be more irate... We must be going... right through these chambers and tunnels, to the surface... Miles and miles of tunnels.
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm Feels the sunlight on his back and stretches happily
<Jafar> Miles and miles...
<Theluen> I am curious as to how you got down here.
* Jafar looks disgusted
<Theluen> All of you, even those... magicians.
<Jafar> We don't know how we got here
<Jakchim> couldn't tell you
<Verdant> random luck, probably. that's how it usually happens
* Theluen removes his helmet and tosses it away, shaking out his hair and sighing, eyes flaring a bright red.
<Jafar> I think the evil wizards brought us here
<Delor> bad luck that is
<Theluen> We had better be running then. The drow are a merciless people.
<Verdant> okay then, lead on
<Theluen> If they should find us, we will lose all hope.
<Jakchim> give an old man a chance to catch his breath and take a wee drink
* Theluen eyes the caverns looking around a moment, eyes narrowing, as ears flick.
* Jakchim bends over panting
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm picks up jackim and places him on his back
<Jakchim> thanks mate
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> come on old fellah. let's not waste that wine of mine
<Jakchim> fair enough, 'tis very good wine
* Theluen takes off at a run again, skirting through corridors and slipping by tight squeezes with ease and abandon.
* Jafar follows
* Verdant follows
<Delor> here we go again
* Delor follows
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm scurries after the others
<Jafar> Are we there yet?
<Jakchim> no
<Verdant> don't start that
<Delor> are we there yet?
<Jakchim> no
<Verdant> please please please don't start that
<Jafar> Are we there yet?
<Jakchim> no
<Theluen> Fools!
<Delor> yet?
<Jakchim> no
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> oh great
<Theluen> Keep your voices down... there are untold horrors here in the dark of the depths of the underdark...
* Delor laughs
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> oh, whew. I thought we had another set of evil wizards
<Theluen> This is an abyss to which you must never return, if you keep with you all sanity.
<Delor> tell me about it, how hard could a horde or two be
<Verdant> probably not so dificult
<Theluen> *shakes his head and keeps running* Foolish people.
<Verdant> but let's get out of here first
<Jakchim> Theluen me lad, they have a wisdom of the highest kind
* Verdant stops to drink a vigor potion, then resumes running
<Theluen> How do you know my name?!
* Jafar sees a large staircase
<Jakchim> they keep their spirits up in the darkest places
* Theluen draws his swords and glares.
<Jafar> Up there!
<Theluen> You are drow agents! No wonder you are so deep here!
<Jakchim> I know many things. comes with age
* Theluen turns to face Jafar, and then fallows his gaze and beams, forgetting about his anger.
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> and too much alcohol
* Theluen dashes up the starirs.
<Jakchim> ya, that too
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm follows T
* Jafar follows Mr T
* Delor continues with others
* Theluen bresaks out into a wider, higher cavern and sighs happily.
* Verdant sees the stairs just in time to see Bob's tail disapearing up the steps, and follows
<Theluen> Ah... home.
<Verdant> seems rather dark to be home...
<MisterT> I pity the foo who called me!
<Theluen> You are not a drow.
<Delor> but cheerful
* Theluen looks about and sits upon a gentle stone.
Famous Adventurer
Posts: 3667
Mini RPS - Caverns of the Drow
Reply #7 on:
June 29, 2005, 05:38:28 PM »
Chapter 8 (Sleep...)
<MisterT> What you suckas want?
<Theluen> Make yourselves comfortable... powerful wards protect this place. Oh, and I'd like to introduce you to my sole companion.Meet my
<Jakchim> pet dog?
<Theluen> A djinn by the name of Tiberius. He calls himself MisterT. Rest, though, surfacers.
<Jakchim> ah, mister T, so this is where you've been hanging out
<MisterT> Yeah, and if you don't shut up, I get ready to tear you a new one, you pansy ass elf-boy.
<Jakchim> I haven't seen you in years
<Jafar> Can he get us out of here?
<Theluen> Alas, Mirster T is without magical abilities. This is but the first step in a looong journey.
<Verdant> can we help?
<Bob_the_Bookwyrm> I miss the sun
<MisterT> Get into my van, we'll bust outta this joint!
<Theluen> Help his lack of magical abilities? He brought that upon himself.
<Jafar> I miss the sun too
<Jakchim> he did indeed
<Theluen> Slaughtering innocent chickens. You see, he is what we drow call 'medically and clinically insane'.
<Jafar> I'm sick of these freezing corridors
<MisterT> I still have my retro pop culture appeal foo
<Theluen> I don't know your surfacer term for it. I do not know your surface. Anyhow, sleep, surfacers, as I said it is a long way to the top if you're on this rocky road.
<MisterT> This foo trying to talk smack?
<Theluen> Shh, easy Tiberius.
<Jakchim> I know, so why are you helping us, Thel?
<Theluen> It is my duty, Sir.
<MisterT> He's trying to smack, isn't he.
* Verdant is confuzzled
<Jakchim> duty?
<Verdant> what's smack?
* MisterT bitchslaps Theluen
<MisterT> That's smack foo
* Theluen sighs.
<Theluen> Tiberius... you are dismissed.
* Theluen watches MisterT disappear in a poof of smoke.
<Jakchim> that what you called when you set some of my friend packing from this place years ago
<Theluen> Your friends?
* Bob_the_Bookwyrm curls up in a tight lizard-ball and falls asleep
* Delor pulls out his new book and begins studying
<Verdant> that looks like a good idea
* Jafar sits down and falls asleep
* Verdant checks his returned lock-pick set, unsummons his magic rod, and falls asleep against bob
<Jakchim> aye, a couple adveturers. found their way down here through the hordes only to bump into you and get turned around
<Theluen> It was for their safety. The drow are a diabolical group which can never be sated their lust for destruction.The drow are a diabolical gropu that will do nothin
<Jakchim> I see, so why are you with us when you sent them on alone?
<Theluen> I have duties to maintain on the surface, friend. But enough of this. Sleep, you'll need the rest.
<Jakchim> fair enough, for now
* Jakchim meditates
Last Edit: June 29, 2005, 05:39:41 PM by Swift
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