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31  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Re: King's Quest 8 remake on: December 13, 2008, 03:21:32 AM
I was WONDERING if someone would take the bait... Grin

Actually, I think the plot had some potential to it. Daventry's been turned to stone when an artifact is removed and destroyed, and it's up to Conner to get the pieces of the artifact back and save the day. Looking back at the days of Kings Quest I and II, a whole lot could be done revolving around that premise. The King's Quest II Remake proves that: what started as a simple "You are lonely and want a girl, and that's all the story you need" game had the story reworked to near epic proportions. If it can be done with that, then number 8 is ripe for the remaking. The bugs, combat, and other technical details can be thrown out with the remake anyway; after all, you'd be making the game into an adventure game proper, and creating your own artwork and such, so not a lot would be left over.

But as to your original point; perhaps your closer to it then I am, but I think we're both right in a way: the big problem is that they took King's Quest and changed it into something they shouldn't have. I think that - bugs aside - a lot of fans might have accepted the graphics and plotline if it was an adventure game with more interesting puzzles. But the combat caused way too many problems, what with the bugs, the sluggishness of control, and the vague feeling of stupidity to it.
32  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: One fan is happy =) on: December 08, 2008, 04:13:54 AM
Yes, they're still going through it all. Just goes to show how devoted to the series fans can be, eh? I just hope they take heart that there are still people who hang on as fans even after all this time.

If you want a placeholder until this one comes out, go google the QFG2 remake. Or if you want, you can check it out in the offtopic forums.

But hopefully you'll stay: this old Paladin likes making conversation while the team works on the game...!
33  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Re: King's Quest 8 remake on: December 08, 2008, 04:06:30 AM

Oh well, here's hoping someone with talent DOES make a remake. KQ8 had a lot of potential as a KQ game. So you don't play as Graham, so what? You didn't technically play one in KQ3 until about halfway through the game. Until then, you were just "Gwendolyn". Besides, with his kids gone, Daventry NEEDS a successor to the throne worthy of it, and Connor is pretty much going through the same type of trials as Graham did, so the kingdom can be SURE of this guy's skill, and ability to do what needs to be done later.

As for Connor speaking in "Middle English", the only common people from Daventry you ever get to talk to "spoke" back in the days of text-parsing. So for all we know, all the commoners DO have that accent, and it's just Graham and the royal family who speak in "Modern English" - sort of a reversal on the accents used in Britain, I think. If you want to complain that Graham was a commoner before taking the crown, I would disagree: he was a Knight of the realm (Knight Captain if you take some unofficial accounts into consideration). Knights MUST have noble blood in their veins, and are usually given similar education to other nobles along with their combat training. So he has the nobility's accent.

I think the biggest disappointment to the Sierra game - aside from the game-killing bugs - was that killing was permitted. If whoever makes the game over can just fix the bugs and take the combat out and perhaps beef up the puzzles to compensate, then the game would be very much palatable to me as a proper King's Quest game.
34  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Re: School for Heroes open for registration on: December 08, 2008, 03:52:56 AM
Just got my first promotion. And it looks like they want to take one of my assignments and post it up on the site!

Never knew I had it in me...just wish I'd realised that you need to use HTML if you want to format submissions correctly...
35  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Re: School for Heroes open for registration on: November 22, 2008, 02:42:33 PM
Paladin (of course)

And just in case people don't know, they added a 5th class to the "standard" 4 that we're accustomed to...
36  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Current Progress? on: October 26, 2008, 05:51:25 AM
Hey, just making sure stuff is still happening here. I know it kind of sucks that the forum has been emptied out, but I'm sure that people will come back when you guys declare the final release date.

Did you guys get the message from the new person who wanted to help program the game?
37  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Re: Hero Machine on: October 14, 2008, 01:41:36 AM
'tis my mage:

38  The Hero6 Project / Future Hero6 Projects / Re: Optional Gender? on: September 27, 2008, 12:22:47 AM
Perhaps it could be made as an add-on project for later, like "voices" will have to be (hopefully :-P).

Also, I'm thinking that the sprites issue could be resolved through some creative "copy-paste" and "photo-shopping". Though admittedly that WOULD take a while, it wouldn't take nearly as long as having to completely redo the sprites.
39  The Hero6 Project / Future Hero6 Projects / Re: Combat Systems on: September 27, 2008, 12:15:13 AM
Would have to be QFG2 style. The system allowed more of a blend between strategy and real time, and I'm sure we could incorporate the "special moves" from QFG4 into this system, if we wanted.
40  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Re: King's Quest 8 remake on: September 27, 2008, 12:06:26 AM
Cool! The site appears to just be their blog, though, with no real details.

Here's their forum

I'm sure that has more info. Looks new, though, so I have no idea if it'll catch on.

Have you posted this in the KQ9 forum, as well?
41  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Re: Sam & Max on: August 25, 2008, 08:26:29 PM
Still, it's nice to share for those who don't. So thanks!

Also, for those who are looking for something a little bit wacky on their old-school adventuring, go to HoTU (Home of the Underdogs for the poor and deprived who didn't know), and look up Discworld on there...yeessss, THAT Discworld, Pratchet himself had a hand in the games' makings, and they're all Adventure games, to boot (and funny/fun as anything, in my opinion. Though the first one is a bit on the vague side for some puzzles...*shrug*).
Fun stuff, fun stuff.

PS: Spellchecker doesn't work from my current location for some reason, so prdn mi ms-splngs ubuv. :-P
42  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Re: New Interview of the Coles: New Games on: August 25, 2008, 08:21:33 PM
NEW WEBSITE?? GAH! I miss ALL of this stuff...
Yeah, it sounded like tons of fun. Why'd it close down?
43  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Status on: August 25, 2008, 08:19:44 PM
Actually, to my eyes, some of the more recent posts from the team in these boards ARE like that, though they're more informal responses to my and others' inqueries and posts. So, in a way, you're getting what you want.
Besides, for this forum, I think it works better like that: the game has been in development for so long that most people just want to get it done before people leave the team again (life happens), so most (like me) probably just want them to concentrate on getting the game close to done, without worrying too much about PR stuff. Heck, the boards are almost deserted right now, so no real point in posting PR messages when nobody's here to read 'em, eh?
That's not to say that when they get close to release day (say 3 months or less, work left) that I don't think they should announce the day of release to every single member who has an email address in the list. As I keep saying, when that happens, with a SET IN STONE DATE OF RELEASE, I can almost promise that people will return and the PR stuff will take an upswing.
44  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Status on: August 22, 2008, 03:19:34 AM
Yes, it's alive, it's just that all the developers are ignoring PR in favor of getting the game done, and most of the other members have drifted away. Sad, but they will return when a date of release is set in stone, I bet.
45  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Status on: August 10, 2008, 03:13:03 AM
Yeah, if for no other reason then to spite the universe Tongue
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