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1  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Willing to be hired. on: May 09, 2006, 11:16:31 AM
If you really want to start a legit gaming company, we have to see some dollars. I would like to see some dollars. I'm 23, and know the entire adventure game inventory, well sorta. I could be a good factor in your company. It all starts with investments. I've been growing up on these games ever since QFG1 came out. I would really like to work with you guys (and or girls) if possible. I could write the hell out of a new "classic" game. We could use up to date graphics, with mouse interface and keyboard, make it only for PC and MAC, and make alot of money. Just like KQ1-KQ4 made alot of money. I have a extensive musical background, writing skills, limited programming skills, and know that all of the sierra games, when it comes down to it, are just to easy. Lets make a really hard adventure game, with good graphics and sound, put it on PC and Xbox, and reap the rewards.

Yours Truly,
The First Adventurer.
2  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / New for all who love AD AVIS's ASS!!! on: May 09, 2006, 11:02:26 AM
Hurry up or i will have to unleash Iblis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / I AM THE ORIGINAL ADVENTURER!!!! Famous, but.. on: May 07, 2006, 08:54:38 AM
I don't want to drop to the level of Sam, but I'm begging. Please, hurry up or release your free "gloryish" game. I can understand that you do not have the resources to get totally medieval on that computer's ass, but I've been waiting ever since 2001.  The funny thing is that I could never get through QFG5 because of bugs, damn the bugs. It's like their frickin programmers worked for three hours, then quit. Who the hell beta tested these games? I would like to know. I would also like my money back, plus interest. Considering i bought Quest for Glory 2 back in 1992 for thirty dollars, that should add up to over a hundred by now, way over, seeing is the only technical support is over the internet, and you have to worry about viruses. Anyway, i justed vented my Sierra anger. In the long run, it took me the better part of 24 man hours(over six months) to get these games to work again, and that's in Windows ME! All true adventure fans, and I should start here, should start a company. CPU's only games. The was it was, the way it were. I owe my typing skills to these games.
With today's graphics, we don't need Sierra. We don't need Westwood. We sure as hell don't need SSI. With todays sound(as QFG5
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