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1  The Hero6 Project / Project Networking / Indie adventure announcement: A Tale of Two Kingdo on: March 22, 2006, 09:56:57 AM
At first I thought the site had run out of bandwidth, but looking at it again I realise that it says the domain name expired March 20. But the site should be back before long. Smiley
2  The Hero6 Project / Project Networking / Indie adventure announcement: A Tale of Two Kingdo on: March 16, 2006, 09:31:06 AM
The month of Smarch doesn't exist!  devil

(I never agreed to any date though! So Smarch it is!)  
3  The Hero6 Project / Project Networking / Indie adventure announcement: A Tale of Two Kingdo on: March 15, 2006, 01:50:39 AM
You say that at the current rate you could extrapolate the estimated time the game will be released. Please, do so, it'll at least give us a 'Around this time' time.

Sorry, working out a date would be a headache for me Tongue

The reason why we won't give an approximate date is in the event that if we do go over that date, people would be seriously disappointed. So it will be done when it is done.

As Nikolas said, if you wait a bit longer... rest assured though, it will be released before 2014  angel  
4  The Hero6 Project / Project Networking / Indie adventure announcement: A Tale of Two Kingdo on: March 14, 2006, 08:57:29 AM
You say 'Nearing Completion'. What does that mean? You're not gold yet, obviously. Do you have an ETA? A deadline, perhaps?

Well, it means that the game is mostly done Tongue. All background art and music has been completed, most of the sprite art, and a lot of programming, to be more specific.

We don't have deadlines, because it's hard to estimate when exactly we'll be finished, even though we intend to have it done asap (and bug free). Though it is possible to estimate by looking at rate of current progress and extrapolate to a certain date of completion, things like real life sometimes gets in the way. Which, hopefully, won't happen at any time soon.

The project definitely won't be dying though Smiley Too much has already been done to drop it.

(And download the trailer if you haven't already! If only for the music)
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