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The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Role Playing Stories / Silmaria Nights RP
on: January 25, 2006, 10:52:00 PM
hmm.. im not gonna lie to you, it's been awhile since i played it... i thought it was samalia, maybe its somalia... where the 5th game takes place? alright i guess i could do it simultaneously... give me a couple hours to prepare haha, i have to go to my play practice so ill be right back.
The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Role Playing Stories / Silmaria Nights RP
on: January 24, 2006, 06:47:21 AM
Hello everyone, I'm kinda new at this RP stuff, I usually use the forums on the middle earth online website. But my favorite games ever have been the QFG series, so if you want to try an RP taking place after QFG5 just respond and maybe we'll get started.