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1  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Role Playing Stories / Re: Falworth's Saviors: Plot, Characters, and Discussion! on: April 05, 2008, 09:44:18 PM
I've no idea how this would work out, for I go to my cousins just about every other week usually on Wednesday or Thursday until Sunday.

Edit: It looks like I am going to my cousins this upcoming Wednesday, so I guess I will not be partaking in this RP. Sorry if this may have caused any delay.
2  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Role Playing Stories / Re: Falworth's Saviors: Plot, Characters, and Discussion! on: April 04, 2008, 02:10:58 AM
You know, I wouldn't mind trying this again as well, but I don't want to ask to join and then not be able to make a commitment to it or if my computer decides to go haywire on me like it did the last time.
3  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Re: Testing 123 on: May 04, 2006, 08:59:38 AM
mmmmm  NO!!!   To cower is to show fear.  Fear which is something I do not have, even if the space-time continuum shall be destroyed.  If that is what should happen because I do not cower before you, then let it be.
4  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Re: Testing 123 on: May 04, 2006, 08:36:17 AM
As said in Labrynth and I quote : "You have no power over me."
5  The Hero6 Project / Website Suggestions / Re: Nice upgrade on: May 04, 2006, 05:13:35 AM
Actually, I was wrong.    I didn't lose any PMs.  Just had no idea how to access them.  When I had tried looking for my messege box it didn't show any, then I happened to notice that they are shown at the bottom of the forums screen.  Big whoops on my part.  Silverbolt, you powers scare me not.  One day I shall overthrow your evil tyranny and bring about chaos that even you would shy away from!!
6  The Hero6 Project / Website Suggestions / Re: Nice upgrade on: April 30, 2006, 09:16:08 PM
Aye, very nice upgrade.  Been away too long it would appear.  Seems I have lost all my PMs.  That's ok though, they weren't that important anyways
7  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Happy Birthday Insider on: March 02, 2006, 06:03:00 AM
And a late happy birthday to you as well Insider! I need to get on more often it seems.
8  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Happy Birthday ReishVedaur on: March 02, 2006, 06:01:58 AM
A late happy birthday to you Reish!!  Hope it was a good one.
9  The Hero6 Project / Official Hero6 News / Happy Lunar New Year on: February 04, 2006, 03:18:44 AM
^^ You bum!! You stole my line!!!!  A late happy Lunar New Year to all!
10  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Happy birthday Rulic on: January 31, 2006, 08:03:02 PM
A late happy birthday to you, Rulic.
11  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Haven't received a response to my application... on: January 26, 2006, 01:54:58 AM
Looks as though Brassfire is around, if somewhat. Happy belated birthday if you haven't seen the thread.
12  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Role Playing Stories / Silmaria Nights RP on: January 26, 2006, 01:51:33 AM
Actually, Corsair had it right. It's Silmaria, not Somalia. Just figured I'd update you on that.
13  The Hero6 Project / Game Development Discussion / How would YOU reinvent the adventure game genre? on: January 25, 2006, 09:23:19 AM
It's in the first two, right at the start, if you're using an anthology pack version, they may have taken that out

I don't have the anthology for the Space Quest series, only Quest for Glory. I have the original Space Quest 2 and all the times I have played it, I have never once seen an option to change his name. I'll dig it out of the attic sometime soon and check it out just to be sure.
14  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Test of the randomness emergency service on: January 25, 2006, 08:28:59 AM
Looks as though I'll have to be more careful when I type something in a post next time. And as Swift asked, do you understand anything in those posts?
15  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Role Playing Stories / Silmaria Nights RP on: January 24, 2006, 08:12:59 AM
At the moment, there is currently a Morrowind RPS going on. I do know that there was a Quest For Glory RPS or two, but that was way before I joined here. Have to have my character make an appeareance sometime soon in the Morrowind one.
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