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1  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / King's Quest IX is Saved! on: December 14, 2005, 09:33:02 AM
Wow.  They made MTV.  Pretty neat
The news about Vivendi allowing the game to continue has actually been getting a lot of attention these past few days.  Some gaming press, as well as a lot of bloggers, have been writing about it.  If you're curious to check out some of what's been written, I've been posting links to everything I've found over at the SaveKQIX forum.  Here's a link:


2  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / King's Quest IX is Saved! on: December 10, 2005, 06:52:58 AM
This is mcomp72 of the Save King's Quest IX campaign.  I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all of you that supported the cause.  We wouldn't have been successful without you.

To those of you that posted pessimistic things about our campaign (Corsair5, for instance), I hope you will learn from this that if people rally together to fight for something they believe in, they do have a chance at being successful.  Remember, if you believe you cannot accomplish something, and don't bother trying, then you won't accomplish anything.  It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  But if you believe that you CAN accomplish something, and you TRY, you just might have success.

I hope everyone takes that to heart.

Thanks again to all who supported the cause.  Long live King's Quest!
3  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / KQIX Project Shut Down on: October 30, 2005, 08:50:53 AM
Personally, I've thought since the C&D that they should cnahge the game so it's not KQ and Copyright infringement.

The problem with doing this is that it would take months and months to make all the necessary changes.  And after all that work, it wouldn't be a King's Quest game anymore, which was the whole point in the first place.

Foolproof-ness was implied by a lack of anything suggesting there might be potholes, massive, sledge-hammer hit sized holes in his idea.

As for the negative posts: geez, I'm seeing them all over the place.  Let me be clear on something.  I don't think we are guaranteed to succeed.  In fact, I know we're fighting an uphill battle.  The odds are against us.  But here's the thing that I think people like you, Corsair5, need to remember.  We can either do NOTHING, in which case NOTHING will change, or we can TRY to do SOMETHING, and maybe, just MAYBE, it will make a difference.

Corsair5, you replied like this to one of Koko's earliest posts:

We could get a million signatures and VU wouldn't budge, my friend.

How do you know?  Have you spoken to Vivendi?  What gives you this great knowledge?

I assume you would have said the same thing to the people who wrote to NBC in the 1960's when they found out that Star Trek had been cancelled.  I assume you would have told them that they were wasting their time; that no matter how many letters NBC received, they wouldn't bring Star Trek back for another season.

I also assume you would have told all those people in California who signed the petition to have a recall election for Governor that they were wasting their time.  (Yes, that's the election that Arnold won.)

If you think we're wasting our time, that's your right.  No matter what somebody does, there's always going to be someone else that thinks it's stupid or pointless or whatever.  But at least we're trying.

If you assume that you are powerless, then you ARE powerless.  I choose to not be powerless.  Sure, I might fail in my mission, but I'd rather try and fail than not try at all.  I hope everyone reading this will choose to try with me.

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