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1  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Re: King's Quest 8 remake on: December 02, 2008, 09:46:20 PM
Actually, it doesn't look like much is done whatsoever. He posted on the AGS forums too.

My favorite part is the 'character animation' based on Roger painted brown.

2  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Re: School for Heroes open for registration on: December 02, 2008, 09:43:35 PM
You talking about the Bard? I'm sure that that's just a cover for the thief. thief Just a shame that Devon couldn't play guitar or anything....

3  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Hero Machine on: October 05, 2008, 04:39:15 AM
I was playing with the 'new' (read: since the last time I checked it) version of the Hero Machine and I created the Hero6 character best as I could.

2.5b5*m1*Hero 6*Hair:Standard,swoop1,CEA66B,FFFFFF,100,100,22,Eyebrows:Expansion1,thinmean,AC814A,FFFFFF,100,100,20,Eyes:Standard,newplain,014574,014574,100,100,19,Nose:Expansion1,thinbroke,FFD08C,FFFFFF,100,100,26,Mouth:Standard,smirk,FFD08C,FFD08C,100,100,17,Beard:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,25,Ears:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,18,Skin:Standard,fraBlank,F8B684,FFD08C,100,94,6,Mask:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,21,Headgear:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,29,Undershirt:Standard,long,DDDDDD,FFFFFF,100,100,7,Overshirt:Standard,tunicnosleeves,015519,FFFA9C,100,100,11,Coat:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,24,RightGlove:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,16,LeftGlove:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,15,Insignia:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,12,Neckwear:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,23,Belt:Standard,supes,070707,FFF764,100,100,14,Leggings:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,13,Overleggings:Expansion1,fraBlank,5A3410,5A3410,100,100,28,Pants:Standard,pantaloons,5A3410,724D21,100,100,10,RightFoot:Standard,down,070707,181818,100,100,9,LeftFoot:Standard,down,070707,181818,100,100,8,Back:Standard,longcape,6A0108,6A0108,100,100,3,Wings:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,4,Tail:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,5,Aura:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,2,Companion:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,31,Background:Fantasy,forest,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,1,RightHand:Blades,longsword,FFFFFF,FFFA9C,100,100,30,LeftHand:Blades,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,27,#

Now you guys should try your hand at the Hero Machine! Try making yourselves, characters, or anything and then post it here. I'm excited to see what shows up.

~Sirus Squire
~Trent Robertson

4  The Hero6 Project / Future Hero6 Projects / Re: Combat Systems on: October 01, 2008, 10:44:15 PM
As stated by many before, QFG2 had the best combat in the series.

And I've been playing QFG2 VGA for the last few days, and I must say that they got it right. Especially kicking the other baddies out of the way!

5  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Re: Man's static jacket sparks alert on: August 05, 2006, 03:54:27 PM
Dude!!! It's like a real life Electro!

I gotta get me that outfit....  dry
6  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Albion? on: July 27, 2006, 12:34:02 AM
Aren't there like 11 Springfields in the US?

I think I read somewhere (maybe it was on TV, like on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?") that there are 270-ish Springfields in the USA.
7  The Hero6 Project / Game Development Discussion / Re: Buying a house on: July 23, 2006, 05:42:00 AM
Why not have a quest attached to a house? Perhaps it's a haunted house that's abandoned in the corner of town.... You receive the deed from the local authorities and head inside. Maybe it's filled with ghosts, and you have to 'clean it out' (for Oblivion fans [and I know there are some on this board] think of the Anvil house)

I also thought of this, but it may be too class-specific: You head into the house, which is covered in cobwebs and dust. You head into the basement cause you see a light coming from there. You head down and find the Thieve's Guild! The Guild has been spreading rumors about the 'haunted' house to keep normal civillians away from it. (This would actually be kinda cool if you stole the deed and keys from the Sheriff's office, or just picked the lock yourself)
8  The Hero6 Project / Future Hero6 Projects / Re: Hero 7 Plot Point on: July 22, 2006, 08:41:54 PM
have another hero who's going around saving things faster than you can. and for the sake of what an amusing conversation it would make, make the other hero a woman

Hehe, I like this idea. Reminds me of all the Silmaria hints that are dropped through-out the series (almost too many to list)
9  The Hero6 Project / Official Hero6 News / Re: Resignation on: July 20, 2006, 07:06:20 AM
Because we love Swift, I decided to visit through her 2008 posts since September 03, 2004 (134 pages) and find all the times she changed someone's form. Enjoy, lol!!!
*turns Corsair into a *
*turns Corsair into a ham*
*freezes Corsair and takes retrieves staff, then turns him into an ice statue*
*turns Corsair into a meep*
*turns Corsair into a wax model*
*frees Jafar, and then turns Corsair into a sheep*
*turns Corsair into a "Drink & Wet" baby doll*
*turns Corsair into a ham*
*turns Corsair into a mute teddy bear*

*turns Silverbolt into a sheep*

*turns Klk into a sheep*

*turns Paladin into a gummi bear*

*turns Jafar into a duck*
*polymorphs Jafar for telling that joke countless number of times*  *Jafar is now a rat*

I'll definetly miss you Swift, just come back even for a little bit when Hero6 is released.
10  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? on: December 02, 2005, 11:01:36 PM
I also heard Warrior Within was more combat, and less puzzle and story based.
11  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Happy Birthday Swift!!! on: November 23, 2005, 10:54:10 PM
cake Happy birthday!!!! cake

"Take. Luck."  -Brian Reagan
12  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Word meanings on: November 23, 2005, 12:39:17 AM

13  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Word meanings on: November 22, 2005, 01:56:58 AM
1) Don't argue with Cosair, it's not worth it. For proof, check out the KQIX thread.

2)Silverbolt: It's 'Dubya", not W
14  The Hero6 Project / Official Hero6 News / Five new members for Hero6!! Give them a hand! on: November 18, 2005, 01:22:35 AM
Congratulations! :hero:

Wish I could be a part of the team, but I can't do anything, except maybe Plot, or Testing...
15  The Hero6 Project / Game Development Discussion / Buying a house on: November 09, 2005, 11:33:46 PM
Oh ya, I forgot about the Fable houses.

Although I haven't played Ultima.

How about Daggerfall? Anyone played that? It is Edler Scrolls II
I don't remember exactly, but I think you could buy houses (from the Bank of Daggerfall)
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