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The Hero6 Project
Offtopic Mayhem
QFG 4 map
on: August 17, 2005, 09:44:54 PM
I'm creating a quest for a table top rpg game in the qfg4 style, and was wondeing if anyone knows where I can get a map of the game...
The Hero6 Project
Offtopic Mayhem
Which QFG game Did You Play First?
on: August 17, 2005, 09:10:26 PM
The first QFG i have ever played was the first QFG1 the orginal on MAC.. Old skul!
Once that happend i was hooked, played every one execpt #5 ewwww. tryed but couldent bring my self to play longer then 5 min it made me sick.
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