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1  The Hero6 Project / Official Hero6 News / Game of the Week on: April 22, 2005, 07:28:48 AM
That is so cool.  
2  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / What should my custom title be? on: April 07, 2005, 09:57:50 AM
I like the Silver Spammer for Cain, it's kinda cool and comic-like, just like him!

Me, I'd like my custom title to be :

Infamous Sheik of Australia
3  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / LOST on: April 07, 2005, 09:34:32 AM
Yeah I watch it. In Australia the last episode had that guy from Party of Five get caught in a rockslide in a cave and the drugged out hobbit went in and saved him. It's been off tv for a couple of weeks, new episode tonight.

As to the wider tv thing in general, I watch the OC (I know I know, but I am in love with pretty much all the women in it), The Simpsons and the occasional episode of Seinfeld. In fact, all of life can be summed up in quotes from Simpsons and Seinfeld.
4  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Home Sweet Home on: April 04, 2005, 07:40:45 AM
I know how you feel Jafar! We're the same at IA. So empty! lol

Worth it though...
5  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Philosophy on: March 22, 2005, 01:06:03 PM
I think this comes down more to your personal moral code than a matter of law and / or family responsibility.

Personally, I don't know if I can give a definite answer to this question never having been in that situation. But thinking through a few scenarios I suppose that in itself would be a major contributing factor. Would I be more likely to brush it under the carpet if it was a less serious crime than I would be if it was something like murder? Yes I suppose I would.

Actually, I think unless someone else died due to their actions I don't think I'd dob them in. It's just something that I couldn't live with.
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