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1  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: a matter of resolution on: December 09, 2007, 03:42:54 AM

I've been happy enough over the years (since 2002) to pop in and see that the Quest For Glory (sorry Hero's Quest) spirit is still alive.

I'm nearing the end of my Computer Science degree now, I can spare a few hours a week if you need a programmer.
2  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Wiki-tastic on: November 17, 2005, 10:57:45 AM
Tis good to see a link to this site on Wikipedia.
(From the Quest For Glory Wiki page)

I assume you guys already knew.
(what the link says)
# Hero 6 - A fan-made game in the style of the Quest for Glory series

I thought it was cool enough to post about  :hero:  
3  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Help Needed on: October 23, 2005, 08:44:34 AM


Wallabies are the best....just...slacking off lately =(

Sorry bout this being off topic
4  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Happy Birthday Jafar on: October 18, 2005, 08:53:21 AM
A bit late but Happy Birthday
5  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / KQIX Project Shut Down on: October 18, 2005, 08:51:14 AM

Aye tis a shame overall...

I too am awaiting the VGA remake of QFG2 however seeing as i like the original graphics far better and the text-driven commands my anticipation is not as high as it could be.

Why not make a 'original' hero game using graphics similar to QFG1 and 2. 16 colours =O Much better!!
-NOTE! The hero6 pics are amazing!
6  The Hero6 Project / Official Hero6 News / The Long-awaited Preview on: October 18, 2005, 08:36:24 AM
Its a great preview...

Ill post on PCPP forums and ask them to interview you guys =)
More people need to know about this project..although when i think about it most of the people iv spoken to already knew about Hero6 and then proceeded to comment on my stupidity for even asking 'if' they knew about it.

Anywayz...I havent posted for a long time.....Nor much b4 anywayz...But im back!!

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