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1  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Shameless self-promotion on: October 16, 2005, 02:04:30 AM
As the topic suggests, I, a former (/current, yet incredibly busy, so not actually doing good consistant work) music team member, (/visitor admin, PR admin) am hoping to shamelessly self-promote some of my recent musical works.

This music is very different from anything I wrote back when I was actively writing music for Hero6, and it is now more of an alternative rock (it's been called emo, but I try to deny that for the sake of my ego) type music, influenced highly by Coldplay, Radiohead, and Muse.

All instruments are recorded out of my room, using limited sound equipment, or synthed. All vocals are done by me, and all of the music and lyrics are original. Most of the music is mixed by me (by which I refer to final effects added to the audio tracks), the exception of which being "Broken", which had audio effects and remastering done by none other than our very own TheDeath!

With that prelude done, the music can be found here: www.soundclick.com/kevinmills

If you only have the time (or desire) to listen to one song, please, make it "Hold on." While I do not consider it my best work (That has to go to Broken), it is currently on the charts, and every time somebody listens to it, it gets bumped a little bit higher.

All comments, questions, and advice are welcome.

Kevin / Polagro
2  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / MOSS!!!! on: December 03, 2004, 04:03:32 AM
Actually, I'm wondering that myself.  We used to have links to it right up front.
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