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1  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: March 26, 2010, 03:09:46 PM
My name is Ti Simpson. I'm a graduate assistant in the computer science department at Mississippi State
University. I've lurked for years, and am curious if the Hero 6 project is dead? Would privatizing it have a chance
of spurring it's development?
My colleague is also a classic Sierra fan, and we figure together we could invest a few thousand dollars to
buy the whole project, and finish it up ourselves. (we might even make some undergraduates do the work  blackguard ) but that is all dependent on how much development has been done thus far. What is
lacking? We very much would like this project to see the light of day.

oh, and Quest for Glory 4 is my favorite QFG, minus the bugs of course!

Go MSU go!!

I hope you guys are able to buy this!  Tongue
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