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1  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 09, 2009, 05:48:17 PM
I think I'll stick to just generic helping out, such as being involved in discussions, and probably testing things once they get made. I don't handle responsibility too well, and I'd hate to be a drag on the project. I'm also in college, and summer's ending in a few weeks. This way I can probably be fairly useful, but if I get distracted or lazy it won't throw a wrench in the works.

On the topic of testing things and discussions, how open do you think things will be this time? Paul mentioned disliking the 'us' and 'them' split of the past. Some things probably need to be kept to the development team (plot details, for instance), but once the game's getting done, how early will testing be open to the community at large? How much of the behind-the-scenes discussion will be hidden from people not working on the game, and how much will the developers be listening to community suggestions/ideas? I guess these are things that will be figured out along the way, mostly, but I thought I'd bring them up.

2  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 08, 2009, 02:34:18 PM
I've been watching this project for years now. Mostly just in terms of checking the front page to see if there was any major news, but I've lurked through the forums once or twice as well. I doubt I'd be any use working on it, mostly because I'm lazy and unreliable, but I might hang around and be part of the community since things are hopefully starting up again. Maybe I can at least give some useful feedback here and there.

For starters, something I liked about QfG that you didn't mention: the stat system, and all the mechanics (fighting and diverse interactions with the environment) that went with it. The actual stat system is probably way too big and complicated to get into a demo, but maybe you can throw in one item/ability from each class or something. To me, this is the element that set QfG apart from other adventure games, so hopefully someone can figure out a way to wedge a taste of it into the demo.
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