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1  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 24, 2009, 10:01:07 PM
Actually, its even better news then that.  Not only is hero6 still in development but Paulofthewest, myself, and some of the other people from this discussion have started our own project.  Corby of Heroine's Quest has even given us several amazing unused forest screens leftover from his game.  Woohoo.
2  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 10, 2009, 02:21:49 PM
I've got to say
I don't really think the QFG2VGA stat system will be necessary. I'm pretty sure a stat system for Hero6 was developed at some point. I do feel honored people bring me up when discussing matters like these.  Smiley

As for the rest of the comments...it's nice to see people got so enthusiastic about helping. I wanted to say: "Don't jump the gun yet" since people were talking here about restarting the project...a project which has already been through a large amounts of restructurations in the past. But I think Gronagor and Deltamatrix posting here beat me to it.

I do more or less disagree on the role of PR members...they're not exactly overlooked in the fan-game world. In fact, a lot of teams that started over the last decade had at least one PR member. And the less promising projects even had more PR members than development team members.  Grin  I personally believe that if you don't need a lot of extra team members, holding back on PR and keeping a somewhat low profile can save you a fair amount of stress when the development becomes more tedious and less interesting to outsiders. This is mostly in the later stages of development.

Wiser words have never been said Dr. Erpstein.  Having lots of PR can definitely draw too much attention.  Everybody is a critic and everybody has a different opinion.  Being totally open about your project can put a lot of pressure on the project and while it can get you a lot of recruits to help the project, the majority of them won't actually have much to offer, and of those that do, many of them will not stick around for the long haul, or even worse may disappear forever without giving any sort of heads up.

To be honest I don't think any of us have the right to plan this project or start assigning members to anything without at least hearing from the developers first.  It's good to know that you guys are cooking up something though.

Oh and Erpy it's not your stat system that makes QFG2 so, exciting, its your combat engine.  It's seriously the most fun I've had in a Quest for Glory game.  In fact, I can safely say that your game is my favorite in the series.  The only thing you guys could have thrown in is an appearance from Ali Gummo and Ali Zeppo.
3  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 10, 2009, 01:10:48 PM
I directed a project that failed spectacularly do to lack of background artists.  I do know at least one talented sprite artists.  Although she's from the Philippines and she's into anime, so I'm not sure that she's even been exposed to the genre before...  I do know another talented spriter but I'm not sure how dedicated he would be...
4  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 09, 2009, 10:33:24 PM
I won't need any help in the writing department.  I literally just need people to chat with.  If I hit a snag I just need to talk about what I'm stuck with with a couple people and I generally solve the problem.  The conversation is always one sided but as long as I don't think its one sided then it works out for me.  Its actually kind of weird that way.

Demo's are very important but from my experience any kind of proof of progress gets people excited, its all a matter of escalation.  First concept art, then pixel art, then screenshots, then demos. 

5  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 09, 2009, 06:39:58 PM
I think I'll stick to just generic helping out, such as being involved in discussions, and probably testing things once they get made. I don't handle responsibility too well, and I'd hate to be a drag on the project. I'm also in college, and summer's ending in a few weeks. This way I can probably be fairly useful, but if I get distracted or lazy it won't throw a wrench in the works.

On the topic of testing things and discussions, how open do you think things will be this time? Paul mentioned disliking the 'us' and 'them' split of the past. Some things probably need to be kept to the development team (plot details, for instance), but once the game's getting done, how early will testing be open to the community at large? How much of the behind-the-scenes discussion will be hidden from people not working on the game, and how much will the developers be listening to community suggestions/ideas? I guess these are things that will be figured out along the way, mostly, but I thought I'd bring them up.

I'm really glad you are being honest about this.  People who can't help out a project like this who take on more responsibility then they should cause problems and due more harm then good to the project in the end. 

I don't really think we should worry too much about the website until we actually get a real start on the game.  I personally like the way this website is set up.  Having a separate visitors area lets the visitors in on everything but the plot.  I don't want my story being spoiled before its done.  We have to keep some mystery.
6  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 09, 2009, 02:00:36 PM
All right.  That's one more.  Woohoo.  I'm going to start boning up on my Mythology. We really need to get some artists on board though before we can accomplish anything.
7  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 08, 2009, 10:16:41 PM
Well, I sent a PM to Deltamatrix but its not in my outbox anymore so I'm not sure if it actually went out... 
8  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 08, 2009, 08:03:08 PM
To this day, I've never played the original hero6 demos.  So I know nothing of the engine or the progress made.  What I do know is that AGS is a fantastic engine.  Depending on where we have to start from, we may want to consider using AGS instead, and since QFG2 has all ready been released on it.  I bet we could get Erpy to help us get the stats up and running with relative ease.
9  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 08, 2009, 04:21:30 AM
As the writer of a failed project.  I can easily say that what kills a project is a lack of dedicated team members.  I wrote an insane amount of plot and dialogue for a different project whilst directing the work-flow, and generated a fanbase by psuedo-blogging, sharing artwork, and talking about plot.  I got a TON of people interested which helped the recruitment process significantly.  The problem is that most of those people are only interested in helping superficially.  They want to be a part of the project until they realize that its actual work. 

By the way.  I'm not interested in trying to accomplish all three of those roles myself.  It stifled my creativity so much; not that I didn't have other things to do for the other project while I wasn't writing.

If this is going to happen we need to look at a few things.

1. We need to try to salvage what is left of the existing game and to do that we need permission from the original creators. 
2. I need to see a plot synopsis.
3. I need to bone up on Celtic Mythology.  I know nothing of it.
4. I want to know who is willing to honestly spend a few YEARS working on this.
10  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 06, 2009, 03:28:58 AM
I too was inquiring in hopes that I could help out as a writer.  I hate to toot my own horn but I'm a very good writer who excels in plot development and dialogue.  If deltamatrix's response about plot management being the death of the game, I'd love to help get things back on track.
11  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: July 30, 2009, 12:53:40 AM
Hero6 has failed largely due to poor plot management.

I believe that if there is some future for Hero6, but it will be in the form of an entirely different game. We should forget about Hero6 and move straight on to Hero7....sorta. If Hero6 is not released then graphical elements of Hero6 can be partially recycled for the new game.

Wow, it hurts me to see this.  I remember when this game was first being conceptualized.  Still its good to see it in writing I guess.  What do you mean it failed due to poor plot management?

This is my first post by the way.
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