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1  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: is it still cookin??? on: May 23, 2009, 03:15:11 AM
Hey everybody, I thought I better join these forums just to let the developers know that there is still support for the project. I've been looking on this website for many years and hope it all starts up again.

I think the original QFG series affected everybody who played them in ways that no other game has since.

So come on people.There are thousands of us you believe in you and that you can do this! Come on! You can do it!

And Mr Paladin, don't feel alone, I'm here too.


OK, I know that I've said before that "too much showing off stuff is a bad thing", but the opposite is also true: we'd like at least a little bit of evidence that there's work being done.

Maybe not a demo or anything, but just an official post from the developers would be nice.
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