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1  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 17, 2009, 06:18:11 AM
Maybe so, but I could always scale its scope down. Make a short, coherent story that showed off my engine in an original game and made good use of the work that had been put into Hero6. And although I knew their intended resolution was 320x200, I figured most people wouldn't draw so low-res an image, they would draw them bigger then scale them down. Either way, the point is moot since, happily, they're back on track.
2  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 15, 2009, 07:07:40 PM
So it seems. But what I had proposed was to do just that: to restart. I had written most of my engine and I wanted to put it to use when I read the proclamation that Hero6 was dead. I suggested I be allowed to do it all by myself, giving credit where it was due (for the artwork obviously and either the story ideas or the story itself depending on how far they got). I'm convinced I could've already done it by now. Then again, I was told they didn't have all the artwork at my desired 800x600 resolution. But hey, as long as the project lives I'm happy. I remember the very day Te'Ja started recruiting people for it 10 years ago.
3  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 14, 2009, 05:21:10 PM
I must have missed a post somewhere. Did any of you get anything from the Hero6 team? I posted over three months ago that I would be interested in finishing this for them (with the engine I wrote for QG1) and I got a very uninterested response saying that although he--forgot the guy's name--told us the project was probably dead, it could always just have been an exaggeration and that he doubted I would have finished it anyway. I suggested other forms for us to continue and got no further responses.
4  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: May 06, 2009, 07:36:03 PM
I tried sending this as a personal e-mail, but that effort seems to have crashed and burned. This might reach more members of Hero6 anyway:

Hello, I'm the sole programmer of a 2.5D RPG engine (3d characters and items, static 2d backgrounds) for which I'm building Quest for Glory I 2.5D in 800x600x24. Check out the newest preview I built: http://www.agpgames.com/QuestforGlory.html. I'm writing to ask two things: do you have the backgrounds in at least 800x600 resolution, and would you be willing to surrender them to me? I"m quite confident I could finish your game fairly quickly and all due credit will of course be given.
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