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1  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: May 05, 2009, 04:38:19 PM
Im a long time fan of the series and am glad that the passion for this great series has lasted so long since the last game was released.  I understand that when there is a volonteer project that life can get a little hectic.  I applaude the effort made by the fans of the quest for glory series and only wish that I was a programer so that i could give more than vocalize my support.  Thank you, all of you for making an attempt to keep this saga or at least its spirit alive.
2  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Celtic elements speculation.... on: April 22, 2009, 11:04:27 PM
Well magic involving the forces of nature would be cool, vines grabbing your enemies and golems rising to assist the magic user would be cool.  For fighters the two handed sword as an experienced sword fighter authenticity in that aspect would be cool.  Thief would be typical, pick pockets breaking and entering etc.  Setting in the highlands or wilderness, random people in kilts.  That's what i think, you?
3  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / Re: QFG collection : Does Sierra still sell them? on: April 15, 2009, 06:49:22 PM
i recently found a download for the entire series im currently at work but will post the site later if anyone wants
4  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: is it still cookin??? on: April 15, 2009, 06:22:53 PM
im sorry to hear that this may be the end of 10 years of work i only recently found this site and was initially excited... 10 years of work into a fan based game is an amazing accomplishment in itself and the early concept art looks great.  its just too bad that there is a possibility that this work might just go into the trash bin.
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