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1  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Am dying. Will I live to see this game? on: December 06, 2007, 01:36:29 AM
I've been following the Hero6 project since it's inception, off and on with various degrees of attention being paid to it. My interest became greater when I saw that Sierra had abandoned the adventure genre entirely. Lately, I've begun to worry that this game will not be released in my lifetime. The more I see other non profit game developers producing games at a rapid pace, often quite high quality, I wonder what could possibly cause this project to take so long. These other games are high quality, but they are not inspired by the franchised that I loved (as Hero 6 is). At this point, my hope of seeing this game completed in my lifetime is the only thing that has kept me going. Can anyone tell me whether this whole project has been some cruel joke, and that my hopes have been misplaced? I've seen no proof that this game has been completed over the near decade the project has been going on. Tell me one way or another so I can have peace.
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