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1  The Hero6 Project / Offtopic Mayhem / David Gemmell has died. . . on: July 29, 2006, 02:59:35 AM
BBC is running the story that David Gemmell, writer of heroic fantasy, passed away today at the young age of 57:


I don't normally post in the visitors forum, but the news shocked me sufficiently to compel me to. Why on the Hero6 forums? Because David Gemmell wrote about _heroism_, and he did it better than any other writer I've had the chance to read. He was inspiring as a writer and as a human being. His characters knew the difference between right and wrong, stood up for honor and justice, and fought those who didn't steadfastly. So did he himself and, in turn, many of the readers inspired by his books. The world could use more people like David Gemmell.

So, if you haven't read anything by him, go ahead, buy "Legend" or "Waylander" or "Sword in the Storm" and start reading. Chances are you won't regret it. And it might just inspire you to become a hero yourself.
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