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1  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 10, 2009, 09:44:07 PM

Cool, just try to find people who are interested in restarting, especially artists.  Right now we need to find the really hard-core people who want to help.  If you need any direction msg me.  Just FYI, I'm on vacation until Thursday so it might be a day before I can reply.

I've never had a problem weeding out the losers from the winners, so send them all!

2  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 09, 2009, 10:10:34 PM

Cool!  Well, we first need to get more people involved with this project.  So your first task is to advertise and try to find as many other people interested as possible.  Programmers, musicians, artists, writers (JackOfAllTrades?), organizer's, etc...  Make sure people know that the current plan is for a reboot and we are in the beginning stages.

If you need help writing the advertisment, write something first and Jack/I will help improve upon it.


Thank you for the honesty, that means a lot.  If at some point you believe you have more time, tell us.

You do bring up a good point about the 'us' vs 'them'.  I'm an Open-source type of guy.  Although, I believe in the BSD, not the GPL, side of things.  In my mind we should always give out the running game so people can provide as much feedback as possible.  On the other hand, I understand that keeping some things a surprise is very important to the health of the project.  This is why I'm pushing the demo idea so hard.  With it, we can experiment with many things while we iron out the plot of the story.  Furthermore, I'd like to give out some ideas of the story and some character info, but I don't know how well that will fly with the devs.

So, instead of a Visitor's and a Members area, I'd prefer just one forum, but the section that discusses sensitive plot ideas or whatever of the game can be hidden from non-devs.

Anyways, you are right in that this is something that will be discussed for awhile.

3  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 08, 2009, 10:05:23 PM

Ya, I totally agree.  So, here are some comments.

1) Yes, we totally need to salvage the project.  What are the positions of the devs on this?  Are they cool with releasing their work?
2) & 3)  I was just making an example with Celtic mythology.  We can use whatever works the "best".
4) I agree that a lot of new people's help is superficial, because once people find out that it is work a lot leave.  I don't know the best way to handle this.  What I usually do is basically give new people tasks that aren't immediately needed.  That way they can "prove" if they are sticking around.


Two of the most overlooked and important jobs are PR ("Public Relations") and Accountant/Organizer/Secretary.  The PR person knows what is intricately occurring in the project and can explain the status in "layman's" terms.  Also, PR is on the lookout for acquiring new people to help with the project. The Accountant/Secretary first job is to ensure everyone knows what their highest priority task is.  One example of this is to attend all meetings and e-mailing everyone what jobs they agreed to do.  Furthermore, they keep records of past meetings and forum posts so that everyone can stay on task.  Those things may sound remedial, but it is amazing how much it helps move the project along.

If you don't want either of those two jobs then simply proofreading, listening to music, and testing software is always helpful!

TheNarwhal makes a good point, the stats system was enjoyable.  I think we should implement one stat in the demo.

AGS may very well be the system we use.  Before we can decide I think we need to look at what we have (people-wise/salavage) and list the requirements for our game.  That way we can see if AGS fits our needs (which it probably will.)

So, can anyone get in contact with the old devs and ask for copy of the source and/or media?

4  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 06, 2009, 04:59:32 PM
It seems the consensus is we need a reboot, and we need to get organized.  I can do organizing and programming.  So, from this post we have the following people:

JackOfAllTrades: Writer
UndergroundJazzman: Music
PauloftheWest: Organizer/Programmer

Paladin0707077 has some very good points.  First, we need people that have skills to help with the project.  I've been a software developer for many years with projects including websites, device drivers, security, and some games. I've seen the software life cycle from creation through maintenance.  So, I know many tools and can keep the project (programming side) on the right track.

Now, that being said we shouldn't dissuade people from helping--there are many things people can help with.  Simply summarizing discussions, proofreading, and giving opinions on ideas are all helpful.  So, if anyone is interested, even in 'just helping', speak up!

The other thing Paladin said that I wanted to touch base on was getting people to stick with the program.  What I've learned is to keep people interested is to keep communication and discussion going.  I mean, if you look at how dead the forums have been recently, it shows that the lack of discussion leads to lack of work.  So we need to keep ideas flowing in a friendly environment.  What this also means is that we should put out a very simple demo ASAP.  That way people can see something happening, which generates more interest, which leads to more discussion, etc, etc, etc...

What should this demo be? Well, I think it should incorporate the basic elements that made Quest for Glory so much fun.  For me it was parallel to mythologies, good puzzles, amusing characters, and the lightheartedness of the whole thing.  (Including those wonderfully horrible puns.)  So, the demo could be something very simple: three screens where hero meets some character taken from Celtic Mythology, but has the personality of a Rock Star.  His problem? His Hammered Dulcimer was stolen by a fairy troll.  I don't know, I'm a programmer, not a writer.  So, I'd need some help from JackOfAllTrades on this one.

Some other questions:
What else caused Hero6 to be put on hiatus?
Who on the dev team is still active/might become active if we get things going again?
What about QFG make it so much fun for you?  How can we SIMPLY incorporate that into a demo?
How can we organize a large team of: writers, artists, musicians?  (I've organized programmers before.)
What parts of the old game do we have, and where can we get them?

One thing I don't like is the visitor/member split on this site.  From reading past posts, and my personal opinion, it has created too much of a 'us' and 'them' situation.  Can we get that removed?  Will it be easier if I just create a new forum?  Or am I the only one that feels this way?

So, lets first see who is interested and flesh out some of the requirements of project.  Then we can do a quick demo while starting on the overall design of the project.

5  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Ideas to get this started again... on: August 03, 2009, 04:13:39 PM
Wow, this is sad.  So how far did y'all get?

It might help to release source code and any tools you used.  When I was looking for a project to help with (programming wise), I first looked here. When I noticed that things seem very tight-lipped and not open, I looked elsewhere.

Okay that last sentence came off bad... No malice was intended.

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