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1  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Some idle observations on: December 22, 2007, 05:14:01 AM
With reference to all this creative director business, and such. Plenty of folks have been making mention of getting the wrong impression when coming to this site.

Perhaps it's time for one of the mods to take a look at what is relevant and what is not when it comes to the posts here. (ie the press release not relevant) if the info is no longer
applicable coming from a member of the team who was essentially fired, perhaps it should be removed and/or replaced with material that does apply. For example rather
than saying mailing servant@hero6.com for site issues, mail hero6_web_guy/girl@hero6.com. Or again the "Home page" mentions 3 job opening, again posted by servant
if this positions are not available (or if they are) perhaps the post should be updated to reflect that.

This may assist with peoples (first) impressions of the project as a whole. We all know the project is being worked on, and yes updates would be great but lets face it there
are much more important things to be done. Personally I'd rather know the project is going to be finished, than know what bugs you squashed this week. There may be
plenty of people coming to this site with skill sets that could help out. But all they see is Art lead, and uh..I think it was Management aid (Whatever the hell that is)
positions opening (are they in fact still open? or have the positions been deleted?) which in turn may turn them away.

Again just a thought 
2  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Some idle observations on: December 21, 2007, 02:01:01 PM


You say that Hero6 was never managed like a business.  Statements like this...
"...appointed to the chief position of Creative Director in late fourth quarter of 2006" and "experience in managing online communities and some strong relationships with members of the gaming industry and media"
lead me to believe otherwise.  It has always been so in my perception, and I'm willing to bet that many others share this view.  This indie project was presented as a commercial venture in too many ways, especially in the way of structuring.  I think that I have a very valid point about this project focusing way too much on the trivial and unimportant.

From what I understand the person that made this comment, also the person who made the "Press release" was somewhat.....egotistical? I suppose would be the word. I have to admit I myself was shocked when I saw these references. I aswell have been following this game for quite some time. and as Switf mentioned it has always been run more as a community rather than a game dev. company. Unfortunatly the person who was in charge for...I guess a week or so thought otherwise. To my knowledge said "Creative Director" is no longer a member of the team.

then again what do I know.
3  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: a matter of resolution on: December 04, 2007, 12:58:23 PM
amazing how the internet can turn a simple qeuestion about resolution into a flame war Tongue

4  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: a matter of resolution on: December 03, 2007, 02:23:48 PM
Ahmen Swift!

I went and actually looked at the picture....I personally don't see brad pitt but meh. I find it funny how the internet takes such joy out of making fun of, or bashing something that people are proud of. You make a movie; you get told how much it sucks...how the story blows, or the camera work, or the lighting etc. This is done typically by know it alls who have never attempted it before. I'm sure the entire team here is proud of there efforts (although I'm sure looking forward to the end) it's not easy trying to put together a project like this let alone  get it off the ground in the first place, I Know I've tried. The way I look at it, If the game is never completed (which I doubt) at least you gave it your best effort to get it done, and thats much more than alot of folks can say.

Don't listen to the flamers They ain't worth it.
5  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: a matter of resolution on: September 25, 2007, 11:29:23 PM
True I suppose, walk areas, hotspots are quite easy to deal with in AGS, so converting all the backgrounds, and sprites would take little I do suppose. I agree it is sad MAD didn't take off, it is quite good (although frustrating at times) And I'm very surprised the open source community didn't pick up on it, I know Chris Jones has been harassed quite a few times about releasing his source code to help improve AGS but he won't go for it. So you'd think on that note that there would be a market for an open source engine of this kind. Maybe it's because people don't know about it, or maybe they do know but see the SF page is out of date so they figure MAD is just vapor ware. Who knows.

I can defiantly see where you're coming from with the age of hero6. I've been following it for quite some time since 2001 or around there someplace I've seen over the years many people come and go. I've applied a couple times, although it just so happens it's always when things are at a low point. I remember when hero6.com was a thriving on-line community, Visitors were teased by tidbits maybe a screenshot or 2 once in a blue moon. Now the visitor boards are completely dead, and judging by your statement of uber-privacy I'm only to assume that the members boards are in the same shape. Again unfortunate. But that seems to be the trend there's always been alot of ups and downs when it's come to this project but I have a pretty good feeling it will be completed eventually.

and hey at least maybe my grand kids will enjoy it  Tongue, I kid I kid.   fighter

6  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: a matter of resolution on: September 24, 2007, 08:03:41 PM
whoa? switching to AGS "this late in the game"? isn't that going to involve pretty much starting all over again from scratch?
7  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / a matter of resolution on: September 21, 2007, 06:17:32 PM
Hey folks,

I was just curious, I remember the old "forest demo" which has been removed for some reason. it was great by the way. Anyways to my question.If I remember correctly it was done at 320X200 (ish) if I remember thats pretty much the standard for KQ, SQ, QFG games. but now alot of video cards arn't supporting that resolution, are there any plans to over come this? did you crank up the resolution or will the game most likley run in "windowed mode"

Just curious, keep up the good work Cheesy

8  The Hero6 Project / Game Development Discussion / Re: Mad Adventure Game engine on: September 21, 2007, 03:53:50 PM
I am interested in that documentation. I think I'll try to finish my demo game with explanations, and use your documentation in the process. I PM you with more info.


I'm still haven't tracked it down..I got away to much "junk" on my computer, but as soon as I find it I'll post a link for it.

Anyways, I was thinking and I'd like to toss this out as an idea to the Hero6 Devs/Mods as well as the Devs for the engine itself located on SF.net. Although the only one I know of that is on this board (occasionally) is Daemious however there may be others. Recently as this post has been getting some notice I've actually received a few PMs requesting any info I've received or anything that I may have (manual, tips, tricks, etc) in regards to the engine itself. Now currently the MAD website does have a link to a forum which does not work,

phpBB : Critical Error

Could not connect to the database

there is a forum however which is buried (only way to access it is by looking at the project details page). So again, I'd thought I'd throw out the idea of maybe making a sub forum here for MAD specifically. This could either fly like a bird or like a rock as this forum does has it's ups and downs. I can already picture two people posting back and forth , but at the same time there is a wealth of knowledge here as well. Hero6 to my knowledge is the only group using this engine to build a fully featured game, and not just some guy playing with it in his basement aka me Tongue. But as it appears there are others looking to at least play with it or perhaps use it for an idea that they may have. But having a board here could not only help Promote you game. (link on the sf site maybe) but maybe even bring in some talented programmers/scripters for your project (should you still require it) but could also promote this engine for use outside of Hero6.  I'm not suggesting that we use this boards as a "I'm making a game, and I don't know how to do XXXX can you give me the script that you used" Although I'm use this will happen from time to time. I myself am curious how you pulled some things off (Stats editing in particular, if you're using the standards QFG model Tongue) But that's for you to know and for me to try and figure out.

I'm sure many of you have at least checked out the AGDI boards if not go there regularly, and if you've looked under the game programing forum there are plenty of questions in reference to AGS where members of the board help each including AGD's when they have the time, I think it's better than the AGS forum itself at times (not that I'm comparing you to them by any means).

Anyways it's a thought

9  The Hero6 Project / Game Development Discussion / Re: Mad Adventure Game engine on: September 15, 2007, 03:11:41 AM
it seems a shame that I have not been able to follow progress on this thread do to events that have been out of my control Sad

However in a way I'm glad that I have been able to spark some interest in this engine. From my experience it's quite solid and I'm
sure the additions the team here has made have improved it that much more, And yes as far as I can tell MAD is the ONLY open
source engine of it's kind cept for the release of the "new" (May 06) "SCI studio VGA" which is an extremely buggy release and would take
quite some time to get running and stable. Although I'm sure there are people out there and working on it, and yes I agree that the latest
release should be on SF.net. However at the same time if most of the modifications done for/by the hero6 team to the MAD engine are
requirements solely for the upcoming game then it would not make sense for the version which hero6 is using to be released on SF as it
is meant to be a as far as I can tell a generic adventure game engine. being something that you can make a KQ/QFG/Lucas arts style game
with it. Should the release be done by the hero6 team that would take away from what the engine is supposed to be, and would therefore
be turned into a "make a hero6" style game.

I do have a "manual" so to speak which is more up to date (for 2.0) which I have written. Although as per my opening statement will take me
a little bit to track down. If someone would like a copy (and it is not complete by any means) in order to promote use of the engine I will gladly
share what I have found out please feel free to contact me.

anyways I suppose that's enough ranting for now.


10  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Greetings, and Salutations on: October 12, 2006, 02:54:19 PM
Thank you for the update. I suppose I'll just have to hang tight for now, no problem Smiley
11  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Greetings, and Salutations on: October 10, 2006, 03:36:47 PM
uh I guess it was about two weeks ago maybe three...unfortunately I didn't write it down on the calender in big red letters  Tongue
I applied for Plot dept, since my artistic skills are limited to stick figures, and poorly drawn ones at that. unless of course that is what you're looking for? no? didn't think so heh

I figure folks are busy with there real lives and such, I was gonna give it another couple weeks before I start bombarding the boards with "WHAT'S GOING ON WITH MY APP!!!"  blackguard

Patience as they say is a virtue...I guess it's lucky I do have some.
12  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Greetings, and Salutations on: October 10, 2006, 12:38:18 PM
aye, I have already done so. Now I'm just playing the waiting game   ph34r
13  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Re: Greetings, and Salutations on: October 07, 2006, 04:42:33 PM
well I figured you guys could use the vote of confidence. Besides I figure if I'm nice to ya, you might let me help out a little Cheesy
14  The Hero6 Project / Game Development Discussion / Mad Adventure Game engine on: October 02, 2006, 01:27:04 PM

I had a questions reference the Mad game engine, I stopped by http://mad-project.sourceforge.net/
I was going to download it for something to play around with during my spare time, however I noticed that the last update
is from 2003, and the forums do not appear to be working in any way, shape, or form. so I thought I'd check here to see if
anyone has an idea what is going on with the game engine, since to my knowledge hero6 is the only game using it.

Have there been no further updates on the project since 2003?

15  The Hero6 Project / Hero6 Discussion / Greetings, and Salutations on: October 02, 2006, 12:56:27 PM
Greetings, and Salutations,

I haven’t really checked in on this project for quite some time (mid 2000ish I believe). One day I was thinking to myself I wonder if hero6 is still around, or has it gone the way of the dodo like so many other fan games. It truly does make me happy to see that this project is still alive and kicking. I have even applied to assist in any way that I can however I fear that it may be too late.

This post really has no point however, other than just to give a friendly pat on the back to the members of the hero6 team. After reading through many of the boards I have seen quite a few “when is it going to be done” posts, and not nearly enough “you guys are doing a fantastic job. Keep it up!!!!!” posts. I do believe that when the game is finally completed (which I am sure will make you the members as happy as we the fans) it will be a good, if not great game! Please continue with your high quality of work, and continue to keep those standards high.

You have my admiration.

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