Title: Hey Guys! Post by: Apoc on February 09, 2008, 10:18:26 PM Wow! Much have changed since the last time i checked in :)
How's going? Can't imagine this group is still alive, almost 10 years now! Cheers to all who sticked around I must confess i've opened my own company for game development (Tacticsoft) and we develop online browser games. our first game is www.battledawn.com completely built with Flash. And i think for future projects, flash could be an amazing tool for hero6 projects. Anyway, i'm off to download the latest demo, if i'll be able to find one! Take care! Michael (aka Apoc when i was 16 y/o :P) Title: Re: Hey Guys! Post by: PHattiE on February 11, 2008, 05:09:57 PM Hey Apoc,
I remember you doing flash back in the day too. It's good that you are still doing game dev. You're stuff looks really good too. It's nice to hear from an old member now and again to see what they've been up to. Ph |