Title: Sam & Max Post by: Outchanter on November 18, 2007, 01:47:05 PM A while back, LucasArts canceled a planned Sam & Max game, and there was much mourning.
I don't know whether I've just been out of the loop, or whether this is a very well hidden secret, but Telltale Games (http://www.telltalegames.com/) has been releasing Sam & Max games in episodic form :blink: they even hired some of the people (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_%26_Max_Season_One) from the dissolved LucasArts team. What's more, episode 4 of season 2 is available for free download (http://telltalegames.com/community/blogs/id-268). I've got to check this out once my exams are over... Happy adventuring! :Hero6hero: Title: Re: Sam & Max Post by: Swift on November 18, 2007, 03:39:43 PM Yeah, you've been out of the loop. Lots of folks knew about it.
Title: Re: Sam & Max Post by: Paladin0707077 on August 25, 2008, 08:26:29 PM Still, it's nice to share for those who don't. So thanks!
Also, for those who are looking for something a little bit wacky on their old-school adventuring, go to HoTU (Home of the Underdogs for the poor and deprived who didn't know), and look up Discworld on there...yeessss, THAT Discworld, Pratchet himself had a hand in the games' makings, and they're all Adventure games, to boot (and funny/fun as anything, in my opinion. Though the first one is a bit on the vague side for some puzzles...*shrug*). Fun stuff, fun stuff. PS: Spellchecker doesn't work from my current location for some reason, so prdn mi ms-splngs ubuv. :-P |