Title: Hi Guys, Orginal Hero6 Art Dev Checking Back! Post by: ColtCentaur on March 10, 2007, 04:37:10 PM Hi Guys, Original Hero6 Art Dev Checking Back!
Howdy, It’s been, oh, 5 years? I just wanted to stop in and say Hello, see what’s new, what has changed, etc. So I was in charge of the original opening CG movie, it was going to be animated in Poser4, and rendered in 3D Studio Max 4. In case you wanted to know what happened to that project, the script was changed on me a few times, I had all the modeling and texture completed, but then Real-Life took hold and I accepted a job with the world’s largest company, Siemens. So now I work on projects world wide, doing 3d stuff and that leaves me little time for much else. So when I left the project was easily 75% done, whats taking so long? What happened? -CC Title: Re: Hi Guys, Orginal Hero6 Art Dev Checking Back! Post by: Corsair5 on March 10, 2007, 09:04:48 PM This is an automated response:
Hero6 is a free fangame, being made by people, not robots. They aren't getting paid for this, so many of the makers have full-time jobs, girlfriends/boyfriends, some even families and children, that stuff doesn't really leave much time for making a game that they aren't even going to be paid for.. It will be done when it is done. Genuine Corsair: Yeah, I know how you feel, it seems like it's taking forever. But it's moving right along, slowly but surely. Title: Re: Hi Guys, Orginal Hero6 Art Dev Checking Back! Post by: Silverbolt on March 10, 2007, 09:47:26 PM Corsair is a blatant liar, let me assure you. I have none of the things he mentioned there and it has been theorized that I am not human but, in fact, a robot. Quite possibly virused.
What happened to the project? Revamping. More on that from our new PR people, I should think. I'm not qualified to discuss these matters. :D Title: Re: Hi Guys, Orginal Hero6 Art Dev Checking Back! Post by: Corsair5 on March 10, 2007, 09:48:16 PM Domo Arigato, Mister Roboto.
Title: Re: Hi Guys, Orginal Hero6 Art Dev Checking Back! Post by: ColtCentaur on March 11, 2007, 12:19:06 AM So are any of the orginal staff still around? Title: Re: Hi Guys, Orginal Hero6 Art Dev Checking Back! Post by: Silverbolt on March 11, 2007, 12:26:57 AM Well, I'm pretty new myself so I wouldn't know who the original staff was. Erasmus is pretty old school, from what I remember and he's still around, for instance.
Title: Re: Hi Guys, Orginal Hero6 Art Dev Checking Back! Post by: ColtCentaur on March 11, 2007, 05:53:46 AM Who is heading up the CG into, or has that been finished/dropped? Do you still have your QFG insider (not sure if thats really a secert) giving this project the ok? -CC Title: Re: Hi Guys, Orginal Hero6 Art Dev Checking Back! Post by: Silverbolt on March 11, 2007, 09:44:38 AM The CG is still in the works and multiple people are working on that. It's not exactly high-priority right now. As for QFG insiders...well, since Sierra doesn't exist anymore, I don't know who can tell.
Title: Re: Hi Guys, Orginal Hero6 Art Dev Checking Back! Post by: ColtCentaur on March 11, 2007, 07:27:04 PM At one time you had one of the founding series creators intrested in this spin-off, I recall reading a few emails and posts on it. Title: Re: Hi Guys, Orginal Hero6 Art Dev Checking Back! Post by: Silverbolt on March 11, 2007, 10:54:16 PM Oh, do you mean Lori and Corey Cole? I recall reading about their support towards the project when I got accepted, but I don't know if contact is maintained with them these days.
Title: Re: Hi Guys, Orginal Hero6 Art Dev Checking Back! Post by: ColtCentaur on March 12, 2007, 01:22:54 PM Thats them ^^ I was beating around the bush because I wasn't suire if that was private or public information =) Title: Re: Hi Guys, Orginal Hero6 Art Dev Checking Back! Post by: Gronagor on April 12, 2007, 06:49:47 AM Hey ColtCentaur. Long time! :) Interesting that so many of the old members just suddenly appear at the same time!! :rofl: