Title: Application Question Post by: Silevran on May 30, 2006, 12:18:51 AM Hello,
I have sent in a request to help with programming. I did so at a earlier date, before the forum change, as well and have not gotten any response. I just want to make sure I did send it off to you and that you received it. Any confirmation on this would be appreciated. Title: Re: Application Question Post by: Swift on May 30, 2006, 01:11:58 AM Thanks for applying. I could help check up with Daemious (Programming admin) to see the status of your application.
Title: Re: Application Question Post by: Swift on May 31, 2006, 03:12:57 AM Daemious has received your application. He'll look through it and decide from there.
Title: Re: Application Question Post by: Darkseed on July 02, 2006, 07:12:39 PM Hello everyone.
Sometime ago, I applied to help in the Hero6 project. At the end of May, I got an email from Daemious asking if I was still interested to help in project. I replied, sent him my uin and msn for contact, but I didn't get any answer till today. I even sent another email last week asking if I was turned down or if the application was being revised, but got no answer. Could someone check which one happened? I'd like to help Hero VERY much as a programmer (in fact, it's my priority), but I got other projects in the queue and need to choose which one I will dedicate myself in the next months. Thank you very much! Regards. Title: Re: Application Question Post by: Striker on July 02, 2006, 09:41:24 PM Hey, Darkseed. Due to recent shake-ups in the Hero6 process, programming is on hold at this moment and if you were to join, there wouldn't be much for you to do. However, in the near future, we will definitely be needing programmers and we will likely have plenty of things to keep that department busy.
If you want to discuss your application further, I highly suggest you talk to Swift, as she is usually very quick to respond. Title: Re: Application Question Post by: Darkseed on July 04, 2006, 05:26:26 PM Hi, Striker, thanks for the quick response. Well, even though the Programming dept is stalled, I could use this calm period for learning on whatever you guys already did, so I could be more useful when I'm needed.
You suggested I talked to Swift, but she left the Hero6 project in the past few days, isn't that right? |