Title: Originally from "How would YOU reinvent the adventure game genre" Post by: Swift on May 28, 2006, 11:52:50 AM Well, this is also my first post , so hello everyone. As for this topic. I have known many gamers over the years, and during my university life and so far short internship in the gaming industry, almost all if not all people I talked to seemed to be able to reminisce about adventure games happily.... I did a doubletake when I first saw your name, Silevran. I use that name too. :blink: So, are you like my twin or something? :P Good post, btw. Title: Re: Originally from "How would YOU reinvent the adventure game genre" Post by: Brassfire on May 28, 2006, 02:18:00 PM Ok, that's weirding me out. :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:
Swift, this is why I blocked registration of certain character names at Herocia. Forgot to do that here. New Silevran... hi, welcome, whoa this is weird... Title: Re: Originally from "How would YOU reinvent the adventure game genre" Post by: Reish Vedaur on May 28, 2006, 03:15:54 PM Pardon the off-topicness, but I actually know another Silevran myself, hehe.
Title: Re: Originally from "How would YOU reinvent the adventure game genre" Post by: Silverbolt on May 29, 2006, 05:24:23 AM And since we're off topic, I was -just- thinking "Oh, lookie...another Silevran."
I now know of three. Title: Re: Originally from "How would YOU reinvent the adventure game genre" Post by: Silevran on May 29, 2006, 06:38:15 PM Sorry for causing the off topic stuff. As for this name, I chose it because it was a name I had never seen before so I hoped I could use it all over the place as a generic username for things. So far I have only ever found one place that had someone named Silevran before me, and I might have just created username a long time ago there and forgot about it.
This is really wierd to me since I have never heard of people knowing this name before, and here many seem to have. Title: Re: Originally from "How would YOU reinvent the adventure game genre" Post by: Swift on May 29, 2006, 06:53:10 PM No need to apologise. I pretty much made it off-topic. Couldn't help it though. :laugh:
I came across this name from a namelist in an AD&D book and thought it looked pretty, so I used it for my LAFF character at Herocia (http://www.herocia.com). To an extent, I shouldn't be surprised to see someone with that name too, but the thing that really made me take notice was that you mentioned university and gaming industry in the same sentence in addition be being called "Silevran". I've just graduated, and am planning to join the game industry. It felt like I was looking at a future version of myself. Have I weirded you out even more yet? Title: Re: Originally from "How would YOU reinvent the adventure game genre" Post by: Raito on May 31, 2006, 09:19:30 AM Swift, meet your time-travel buddy!!! ;D