Hero6 Forums

The Hero6 Project => Offtopic Mayhem => Topic started by: anthenor on January 01, 2006, 10:25:34 PM

Title: happy new year!
Post by: anthenor on January 01, 2006, 10:25:34 PM
Happy 2006 to all of you and if you've taken a new year's dive, you're a braver adventurer than I am.

Title: happy new year!
Post by: The Guy on January 01, 2006, 11:18:47 PM
A late happy new year to everyone!!!

Title: happy new year!
Post by: Swift on January 02, 2006, 04:10:08 AM
Happy new year!

Welcome back, Anthenor and The Guy. Long time no see.

Title: happy new year!
Post by: Corsair5 on January 02, 2006, 04:53:56 AM
One year closer the inevitable malfunction and decay of your meaty vessel.
Happy new year.

Title: happy new year!
Post by: Raito on January 02, 2006, 05:43:47 PM
Hey, athenor!!! Long time no see! :D

Heh... Happy new Year to you, too! :D  

Title: happy new year!
Post by: Silverbolt on January 04, 2006, 09:04:21 PM

Sorry, I haven't been around these days. My Internet went...dead.

Title: happy new year!
Post by: Ianfe on January 05, 2006, 06:29:43 PM
I've been away travelling for NEw YEars, so here'a a belated Happy New Year!


Title: happy new year!
Post by: Charles on January 08, 2006, 06:18:25 PM
feliz 2006~!

(my friend left the room to shoot of fireworks so he had left the channel on a spanish speaking station, so for me, it's feliz 2006)

Title: happy new year!
Post by: Ignus_Draconus on January 12, 2006, 08:39:09 PM
well, it's half a month late, but Happy New Years