Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: el.zmeev on November 21, 2005, 03:58:35 PM All my life I had very difficult relationship with sports. Teachers at school made me (and still make...) run, jump, throw balls, kick balls and so on as if I really need that to be a real good guy! But I always wanted to read books, play computer games, listen to music rather than to be a part of this 'delirium'...
And I noticed that people like me, people who feel deeper than others, they have the same problems as I have (and that includes dealing with too many sports). So. I'm not against sports, I'm not against stuff like 'being healthy and strong' :P I just wanna ask you, have you ever experienced things that were at least somehow like what I wrote about? Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: The Guy on November 21, 2005, 04:22:02 PM Sports? Blah, never had a need for them, never will. I don't see how someone can watch a football game, basketball game, hockey, baseball, or really any other sport that I can't think of at the moment. Me? I'm a vidiot. I've been mainly playing video game the majority of my life as far back to the age of 3. More then likely, I'll probably be playing whatever type of games and consoles are out when I'm 80 years old. So unless games themselves can be considered a sport, then no I guess I don't play any sports whatsoever. While I agree with you on 'being healthy and strong' I don't seem to move about too much since games make you stay in one place. And yes, I know, I really don't seem to lead much of a life, but that's my choice and noone elses. Actually, scratch that, gaming IS my life.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Reish Vedaur on November 21, 2005, 06:21:47 PM Well, as sports go, I have a hard time watching them save for tennis and NASCAR Racing. I can watch the Superbowl or the World Series, but it boggles me how people like my brother can get bent out of shape because he missed one game the Cardinals or the Rams play.
But I love doing them. I've been in softball, baseball, soccer, track, karate, and I also love biking and, although I'm not very good at it, tag football. Out of all of them, karate and biking are the ones I love doing the most, and I wish I was still in karate (I had to quit when I was 12). Basically, I love physical activity. Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Corsair5 on November 21, 2005, 07:39:30 PM I watch the occasional Football game, and I like Baseball, too, but I don't really play them. Too light to play Football and I suck at Baseball.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Ianfe on November 21, 2005, 08:11:56 PM Quote Well, as sports go, I have a hard time watching them... I agree. I can't watch sports on TV... they bore me to death.But I love doing them. I like playing most sports, although I really, REALLY suck at most of them. Especially the ones that are ball-centered... I never for the life of me could handle a ball well.. the thing is I'm CLUMSY. The only thing involving balls (sports, people. SPORTS, You dirty-minded) I'm somewhat good at is playing goalie in Futball (or what gringos call "Soccer") or Futsal. Other than that, most of the fun is derived in watching me stumble around or tripping over the ball. The two sports I've practiced most of my life are swimming and boxing, which I've practiced for 15 and 10 years, respectively. I've learned bits of other martial arts over my life. Farthest I got was brown belt in Tae Kwon do, but my Saboni (Sensei) had to move away and I didn't pursue it further. I'm also somewhat of a Capoeira enthusiast, 'tis very challenging. Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: The Guy on November 21, 2005, 08:22:24 PM I never really thought of karate as much of a sport. I had a good three years learning Kenpo or something like that and was ready for my green belt, but for some reason I ended up not finishing. I was about 12 maybe 13 at the time. Exactly, what is Capoeira, Ianfe? I do not recall ever hearing about such a sport in my life.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Brassfire on November 22, 2005, 01:13:58 AM I have to agree that watching sports on tv is rather boring. Basketball is ok, it's fast-paced enough usually. Baseball is much more fun to play than to watch. Don't even get me started on the boringness of hockey!
I prefer local fun play rather than competitive or school play though - pickup pond hockey, now that's fun! Also like volleyball, dancing, sailing, gymnastics. Wanted to learn karate but never really did. I need to get back into all that though. As for feeling deeply... yes, I do. Loving sports has nothing to do with that. The human body was meant to move just as much as it was meant to feel music or imagine scenes while reading books. Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: lazygamer on November 22, 2005, 05:20:59 AM I certainly don't like watching sports, although they are fun to play. I can't say whether I'd be good at them if I praticed, since I've never played them enough to be sure!
Hmmm Brassfire doesn't like hockey? Good to know I'm not the only Canadian who doesn't care about it. :D Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Silverbolt on November 22, 2005, 02:50:42 PM I'm a stereotypical intelectual (read "nerd"). I couldn't care less about sports, though I do occasionally work out at the gym before my body disappears into nothingness. Not that it's helping or anything...<_<
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Jarrod on November 22, 2005, 04:36:13 PM Used to run cross country and track back in the day, but now just run for fun. I enjoy watching off road races (think desert) but the only sport I could really enjoy watching would be running.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Striker on November 22, 2005, 07:14:12 PM I usually enjoyed gym in school and dispite all my health problems, I managed to remain fairly athletic. I used to play both basketball and baseball when I was young, but I got out of it. The only sport I stuck with was Karate, and went off and on for over ten years. I even won a few tournements. I managed to make it to the rank of Shodan (1st level blackbelt), but I moved before I could continue. I also strongly disagreed with the directions Honshi (the school head) was taking the school (the largest being that he was passing students to blackbelt that had no business being blackbelts in order to make money faster), so it was just as well that I left.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Jigen on November 23, 2005, 03:32:44 AM Oh, so many schools do that these days. Bloody McDojos.
I made the mistake of stereotyping myself when I was in my teens into the 'geek' and 'nerd' categories because I was too interested in games, books, movies, writing, roleplaying and all that. But now my interests are in more physical things and I wish I hadn't wasted the time I wasn't doing anything in P.E. Basically it's a 'sieze the day' issue, if they're making you spend the time doing it, get the most out of it. A man who views the world at fifty the same way he viewed it at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life - you're not going to feel the same way about everything forever so you may as well make the most of the oportunities life presents you with. Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Corsair5 on November 23, 2005, 04:11:43 AM Yeah, I've dealt with stuff like that before. I've heard of people getting black belt after a year or less of actually doing the style. Whatever you call it.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Ignus_Draconus on November 24, 2005, 05:04:44 AM that sounds rather pointless
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Striker on November 24, 2005, 04:17:12 PM Yeah... it's kind of sad, it used to be a decent school. Now, they don't even bother to teach to teach almost all the self defense techniques I learned until after black belt. Now it's just all Katas. I'm sorry, but learning Katas and even their interpretations does not a black belt make. Oh, the fact that they started going with a theme of mindless uber-patriotism to please the rednecks and security-moms just further irked me.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Ianfe on November 29, 2005, 02:41:57 PM To answer your question, TheGuy, Capoeira is a brazilian martial art. Very fast, very acrobatic.
I can never actually explain what Capoeira is like. So, this time I'll just refer you to the wikipedia rticle about it, it's quite thorough. Copeira @ Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capoeira) You can also visit Capoeira.com (http://www.capoeira.com) to see pictures of it. I reccomend you search the web for videos of it, though, so you get a real idea of what it looks like "in the flesh". There's tons and some are actually QUITE good. The interesting thing about Capoeira is that it is mainly practiced in dance form. A Capoeira roda (which is portuguese for "wheel") is a particularly beautiful thing to watch. THere's two main styles, Regional and Angola. Angola is very slow and it's all about strategy. There's a lot of floorwork (sweeping, tripping and pinning), and I suck at it. Regional is more freestyle, and done at actual speed. It's more about reflexes and combat skills, I'm not too bad at that, although my style is very unorthodox, because I tend to use slaps and punches a little bit too much. Capoeira, you see, is all about legwork. Arms are usually used to defend yourself or to do acrobatics (cartwheels, walking on your arms, stuff like that). ... but then again, I'm very clumsy, so I work with the tools I have. Hey, at least I have the distinction of introducing the Bo to Capoeira, me and a friend created the style, and it's called "Palo Lungo" (Long stick)... it's such an exclusive style that it's got TWO practitioners in the whole world! W00T! Hope that answers your question, TheGuy EDIT: before any of you ask, I am indeed Batizado (baptised), and my Capoeira apelidos (nicknames) are "Chiva" and "Jesú". They both refer to my beard, because I was the only one with facial hair in my group. "Chiva" is a slang word for beard, and "Jesú" as you porobably guessed, is a diminutive of "Jesus"... when I had my long hair and beard (and when I was in college and therefore a LOT thinner) I used to walk to practices in my white baggy cotton pants, no shirt, barefoot and with my Palo Lungo in hand, people said I looked like a prophet or something. Cool story. 2nd EDIT. now you got me excited talking about Capoeira... this site seems to have good info and some interesting videos. Not he best you'll find out there, but good introduction Capoeira4all (http://www.capoeira4all.com/) . IN the Movies section, look in the "Rodas" tab. Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Corsair5 on November 29, 2005, 05:29:34 PM Ianfe the prophet. When that happens, we know that something is seriously wrong with this world.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Reish Vedaur on November 29, 2005, 07:53:52 PM I have actually found pictures of people performing exactly these moves when I was doing research for my story. Hurray for now knowing the name of the martial art that practices them ^_^
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Silverbolt on November 30, 2005, 11:14:20 AM Capoeira was always an intriguing concept.
They used a form of it in the new Prince of Persia game. Impressive stuff, though I doubt Ianfe can run on walls. ^_^ But of course, I couldn't study it anywhere here because "The big fad" is Karate. Psh. Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Ianfe on November 30, 2005, 01:24:48 PM I could try to contact my mestre (master) and see if he knows of Capoeira in Romania. Interested?
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Silverbolt on November 30, 2005, 06:27:57 PM Not just yet. I'm too busy as it is. Maybe after college and during college when I'll be in a larger city.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Ianfe on November 30, 2005, 09:44:35 PM 'k. Let me know, friend.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Silverbolt on December 01, 2005, 11:03:47 AM Leet. Thanks. ^_^
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: The Guy on December 01, 2005, 03:48:49 PM Indeed Ianfe, that does answer my question quite thoroughly. It's good to see that you enjoy talking about your sport so enthusiasticly and that it's just not another thing to do. I seem to keep forgetting that Wikipedia holds a vast amount of knowledge, yet it's nice to know what others have learned from their own experiences.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Ianfe on December 01, 2005, 06:47:39 PM Oh, I'm quite the talker, but only if you pick the right topics.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Silverbolt on December 01, 2005, 07:30:58 PM South Park, Hero 6 (if you're on the team), "Let's make fun of Silverbolt" (even if you're a complete stranger), "Guys that own swords rock" (I'm still trying to shut him up) and so on.
^_^ Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: The Guy on December 02, 2005, 10:12:35 AM Quote "Let's make fun of Silverbolt" (even if you're a complete stranger) hehe I take it that's referring to me. All in good fun, my friend, all in good fun. Capoeria was used in Prince of Persia? I've only seen the game played a few times, so I'm not really sure what to look for other then him running on the walls as you say. I'll assume it's in the fighting form as well. I never really thought of any martial arts as much of a sport, just something used in defending oneself if they were ever in a fight against one or more people. Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Reish Vedaur on December 02, 2005, 10:18:40 AM Some of it I guess. The basic fighting stance the Prince gets into is perhaps something from Capoiera. He uses some moves such as:
jump in the air with left hand on opponent's shoulder, turning in the air as you flip over him, then spin quickly around and swipe across the spine of the enemy with your scimitar back up, jump up against a wall lightly, then push directly off the wall and ram the sword forward through an opponent running up a wall, if you lose your momentum then flip backwards, if not then push off the wall while turning to land on/grab onto a ledge running across a wall and hoping you don't lose footing grab a pole, swing on/around it, then release to grab onto another maybe even the basic sword swipes are taken from Capoiera I dunno what all of that could be from Capoiera, but remember also that all martial arts are derivative of each other. Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Silverbolt on December 02, 2005, 01:29:34 PM Well, of course Capoeira doesn't teach you to walk on walls. But the basic fighting style of the prince is highly acrobatic, i true Capoeira style.
So...yeah. ^_^ Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Corsair5 on December 02, 2005, 07:29:58 PM It sounds like Jade Empire meets Splinter Cell meets Soul Calibur. I played Prince of Persia 1 for PS2 (Not the ancient ones for the far older systems. It seemed to have a fairly simplistic fighting system. Except for the time-traveling thing.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Silverbolt on December 02, 2005, 09:14:05 PM Warrior Within's combat was far better. More complex, more impressive.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Sirus on December 02, 2005, 11:01:36 PM I also heard Warrior Within was more combat, and less puzzle and story based.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Reish Vedaur on December 02, 2005, 11:12:15 PM Warrior Within tried to go grunge in the wake of God of War, messed up the whole dynamic of what PoP is all about. Terrible game. Same with the new one.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Corsair5 on December 03, 2005, 02:46:48 AM That's the problem with a lot of games these days. By the mindset of game-makers and the average player, puzzles are stupid, and they'll willingly sacrifice a good story for a good fight. There are exceptions, naturally, but even amongst the RPGs it's become the same way. Bioware is the last bastion of the Old Ways.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Silverbolt on December 03, 2005, 02:11:21 PM And hopefully Bethesda. And I repeat myself. If they ruin Fallout 3 they'll have Hell to pay.
HELL, I TELL YOU! And the wrath of a thousand flaming hamsters shall draw upon them! Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Corsair5 on December 03, 2005, 11:56:55 PM Bethesda's use of puzzles is nil, they prefer exploration.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: The Guy on December 04, 2005, 12:31:25 AM Not for nothing, but is gaming in any possible way considered a sport? Because if it is, I could really get into this one. Oh so easily! I mean, after all, it is a workout for your hands at least (actually for the most, if anything). Not that you need to be physically fit to play a video game.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Corsair5 on December 04, 2005, 01:56:03 AM Over in Korea, gaming is an organized sport.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: The Guy on December 04, 2005, 03:06:33 PM Quote Over in Korea, gaming is an organized sport. Whoo hoo!!!!! So technically this is rather on topic then! I'll be looking forward to these sports chats a bit more often then. And Silve, if they ruin Fallout 3, I'll join your Army of Mice (or Hamsters in this case) as they march towards Bethesda and show them how to make a game correctly!! Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Silverbolt on December 05, 2005, 11:14:24 AM Actually, I was thinking more among the lines of bombing them to kingdom come, and after the radiation is over and they resurface and face an army of Super Mutants I will yell at them from an elevated place:
"Do your damn research! Do your damn research!" over and over again. ^_^ Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Jigen on December 05, 2005, 01:32:59 PM *sigh* you yanks and your 'bomb them back to the stoneage' mentality. It's like watching children play 'my daddy's better than yours'.
Now for something actually relevant to say. The tricky problem with puzzles in action games is making them relevant and engaging. After a while al those moving block puzzles all blend into one and it just starts to feel like the designers got lazy and programmed a random block puzzle-generator instead of actually putting some effort into the game. It's better to just not have them and concentrate on your game's strength rather than putting puzzles in just so you can say 'see, you have to use your brain too.' Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Silverbolt on December 05, 2005, 08:09:52 PM Quote *sigh* you yanks and your 'bomb them back to the stoneage' mentality. It's like watching children play 'my daddy's better than yours'. Dude...I'm, like...Romanian. :blink: Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Jigen on December 05, 2005, 11:32:18 PM *exaggerated tutting* I expected more from you man.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Silverbolt on December 06, 2005, 01:38:27 PM Don't try to weasel out of this one. ^_^ :P You stereotyped me OMG!!11 :o
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Reish Vedaur on December 06, 2005, 02:30:56 PM And us. =P
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Corsair5 on December 07, 2005, 01:11:10 AM Publicly expressing an opinion towards a group is a criminal offense in the United States, punished by national news whining about you.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: The Guy on December 07, 2005, 06:37:52 AM Quote Publicly expressing an opinion towards a group is a criminal offense in the United States, punished by national news whining about you. Soooo, mainly from one such as yourself then. Quote *sigh* you yanks and your 'bomb them back to the stoneage' mentality. Who said anything about fighting or bombing? I merely said I would join his Army of Hampster Mice. You know, let them take care of things and sneak back into the group upon thier return... Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Silverbolt on December 07, 2005, 10:12:59 AM Quote And us. =P Not really. Because Americans actually are like that. Allow me to just say...(http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b400/Silverbolt1337/nelson.gif) Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Jigen on December 08, 2005, 02:02:36 AM Quote Publicly expressing an opinion towards a group is a criminal offense in the United States, punished by national news whining about you. So why is the news on the side of Jack Thompson? Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Corsair5 on December 08, 2005, 03:52:10 AM You mean Yack.
And they're on his side because he expresses his views towards the EEEEEVIL gaming industry. It's similar to expressing views about the Republican Party. Opinion is allowed in the public...if it favors the Democratic party. Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Reish Vedaur on December 08, 2005, 04:05:08 AM THANK YOU for saying that.
It gets very irritating. I'm not really democrat or republican, but I militantly support the right to speak on the side of either without being ostracized by everyone within a 3 mile radius. Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Silverbolt on December 08, 2005, 06:51:12 PM Ah, Jack Thompson. That deal he pulled with the OMG charity money was stupid.
What Penny Arcade did was great. And the stuff that Jackie boy had in his closet and got exposed... LOL! Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Jigen on December 09, 2005, 12:59:01 PM Quote And the stuff that Jackie boy had in his closet and got exposed... Zwah? Elaborate please? Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Silverbolt on December 09, 2005, 01:04:10 PM Apparently, Jack Thompson is not his real name. The real Jack Thompson is dead or something, I can't really remember. Also, he has a record, if I recall correctly and is close to being disbarred (spelling?) and has been for quite a while. Fun Fact: Someone called the Florida Lawyer...Company or whatever the hell it's called and when he/she inquired about Jack Thompson, the reply was something among the lines of "What did he do this time?"
Jack's going down. Striker, love tha sig. :wub: Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Swift on December 09, 2005, 03:03:23 PM Great! Thanks for the update. Been waiting to hear that for some time.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Reish Vedaur on December 09, 2005, 03:56:11 PM The Florida Bar Association.
He's been disbarred in Alabama (meaning he can't practise law there anymore). He actually wrote a long-winded email to the FBA, essentially threatening them into taking his side because the last time he took them to court they had to pay him. He's got to be the most arrogant lawyer I've heard of in quite some time, and he doesn't even have the record to back up his arrogance. Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Swift on December 09, 2005, 05:21:00 PM Wow, let's celebrate... except I'm not exactly sure how to do that right now.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Silverbolt on December 09, 2005, 05:31:46 PM 'tis a leet day indeed! The senile old fart is going down! All hail Penny Arcade and Ctrl-Alt-Del and VG Cats and other webcomics who rallied angry fans that pissed JT off!
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Corsair5 on December 09, 2005, 07:44:19 PM Yeah, he's about the worst lawyer I've ever seen. Have you guys seen his letter to the Justice League?
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Silverbolt on December 09, 2005, 07:46:27 PM Dude, it's in Striker's Sig with HUGE fonts... ^_^
But yeah, I saw it before that. Hilarious. Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Jigen on December 13, 2005, 11:08:26 PM That letter was originally a letter to the authorities which someone got a hold of and twisted gloriously to become the letter to the justice league. At least that's how it was explained to me.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Silverbolt on December 15, 2005, 10:17:22 AM Well, duh. I mean not even Jackie boy is THAT messed up.
Or...is he? Dun dun dunnnnn! Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: The Guy on December 16, 2005, 03:55:03 PM I think you're both messed up.... but that's besides the point.
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Ignus_Draconus on December 17, 2005, 04:33:07 AM I figured every one is messed up, in some way or another. I think normal people are more so than most
Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Outchanter on December 18, 2005, 02:51:53 PM Only the insane think they're sane.
When you talk about game puzzles though, do you mean the obvious puzzly type where solving the prime-minister's jigsaw gives you the vital clue to free his daughter from her mermaid enchantment, or the more subtle 'look around and puzzle out what's going on and how you can solve it'? Title: Do you play sports? Do you really like any sports? Post by: Ignus_Draconus on December 21, 2005, 03:22:02 AM hopefully some of both