Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: Rand_Al_Thor on November 17, 2005, 10:57:45 AM Tis good to see a link to this site on Wikipedia.
(From the Quest For Glory Wiki page) I assume you guys already knew. (what the link says) # Hero 6 - A fan-made game in the style of the Quest for Glory series I thought it was cool enough to post about :hero: Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: The Guy on December 01, 2005, 02:34:42 PM You know, I just checked that out myself, and you're quite right about that. However, while that is pretty cool and all that they are mentioned in Wikipedia, the link description makes it sound as though the game has already been completed. They should have made mention that the game is a work in progress like they did for AGDI working on Quest For Glory II.
Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: Silverbolt on December 01, 2005, 03:48:41 PM You know, you could have posted THIS:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero6 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero6) ^_^ Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: The Guy on December 01, 2005, 04:05:15 PM As I stated in my other post, I keep forgetting the vast knowledge that Wikipedia holds. The area I was looking at was for Quest For Glory itself. And the link that brings you to here from that page says as noted:
Hero 6 - A fan-made game in the style of the Quest for Glory series It just doesn't say "work in progress" or some such, which I figured should have been done so as not lead astray any who would link to here from there. Seeing what you have posted Silverbolt, sheds a whole new light on the subject. Thank you for that link, though I still say you're evil, EVIL I SAY, so stop hiding it. umm... cheers! Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: Silverbolt on December 01, 2005, 05:20:04 PM You know, seeing how I'm in the Hero6 team, I can put veiled stuff making fun of you in the dialogue...
*gets carried off by admins* Hey, come on! I was just kid... *sleep* Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: The Guy on December 02, 2005, 10:22:45 AM Sure, bring it on. Make fun of me all you want, I can take it. If one can't laugh at himself (or herself), then one really doesn't have a sense of humor at all.
I was reading the article for Hero6 on Wikipedia, and I noticed they have stated that Hero6 is attributed as the grandfather of fan-made adventure games. So does that mean Hero6 was the first team or one of the very first groups to start developing a fan-made adventure type game? Or is/was there previous projects even before that? For the adventure genre that is. Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: Silverbolt on December 02, 2005, 01:18:53 PM Oh, suuuure...take the fun out of it by stating facts and stuff. Thanks a lot. :angry:
As for Hero 6, well, all I know is that it was founded in 1999, which is QUITE long ago... Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: PHattiE on December 02, 2005, 06:10:35 PM Quote I was reading the article for Hero6 on Wikipedia, and I noticed they have stated that Hero6 is attributed as the grandfather of fan-made adventure games. So does that mean Hero6 was the first team or one of the very first groups to start developing a fan-made adventure type game? Or is/was there previous projects even before that? For the adventure genre that is. As far as I know, we are the very first. AGS had not come out yet (nor had any other adventure game engine), and so not many people had the ability to write their own engines... especially back in early '99 where graphical programming in windows was still pretty difficult.I was made aware of an "Ultima" fan game being made several months after hero6 started, so I don't know exactly if we were the very first fan game to get started. But for the Adventure genre, I'd say we were definitaley the first. Most people thought we were stupid to think we could pull it off (as in: "it takes lots of money and years of work by professionals to make a game"). Now days, fan games are pretty popular... thanks to AGS and sprite ripping art programs. I suppose that's a good thing for us adventure gamers, but it make hero6 a little less unique. Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: Reish Vedaur on December 02, 2005, 09:52:39 PM What about Graal, the Zelda MMO?
Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: Silverbolt on December 02, 2005, 10:12:57 PM What do MMOs have to do with Old School adventure?
Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: PHattiE on December 02, 2005, 10:16:11 PM Quote What do MMOs have to do with Old School adventure? yah? What silverbolt said.Besides, you have to pay for Graal if you want full access.. that doesn't count. It's shareware for MMOs. Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: Reish Vedaur on December 02, 2005, 11:13:07 PM Regardless, it's a fangame.
EDIT: Ah, I see the confusion. http://freewebarcade.com/adventure/rpg/graal/3.gif (http://freewebarcade.com/adventure/rpg/graal/3.gif) -- that's the ORIGINAL Graal. Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: Corsair5 on December 03, 2005, 02:51:23 AM Yeah, but this is discussing the addition of a Hero6 Entry to Wikipedia, not Graal, the Legend of Zelda MMO.
And I would hardly say we're one of the first fangames ever started. After all, the entire gaming industry began after companies began making fangames of Pong. We're not the first fan group, and we most certainly won't be the last. Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: The Guy on December 03, 2005, 11:53:48 AM Quote And I would hardly say we're one of the first fangames ever started. I know that, I was asking if they were the first in the adventure genre. If you had fully read what I had posted, you would understand that. And as for GraalOnline, I was checking their site and they have a copyright dated Copyright © 1998-2005 Linux Cyberjoueurs. Since this is for online only though, it doesn't count in my books. Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: Silverbolt on December 03, 2005, 01:46:40 PM Quote Quote And I would hardly say we're one of the first fangames ever started. I know that, I was asking if they were the first in the adventure genre. Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: PHattiE on December 05, 2005, 06:27:17 PM I think we need to get our definitions straight. There are many games that emulate others--but that's because companies wish to cash in on those game's success. Not because they are "fans" of those games.
Also, by fan-game, I mean a game that is being developed by people who aren't seeking compensation for their time. For example, I don't consider the dozens of purchaseable starwars spinoffs books you find at the local bookstore to be "fan fic". Fan-fic is so labled, because it means unauthorized publication based on characters/plot of copyrighted material. Hero6 does not borrow from copyrighted material anymore, but we started off under that pretense. Anyway, I think it's a good challenge. I would be very interested in knowing if anyone can find an adventure game that was started by fans before '98. With the popularity of AGS and other adventure game engines, I believe adventure game fan creations would have been made with or without hero6's existance. The point is that when hero6 was first started, the idea that fans could make an adventure game was considered foolish (read: not possible by amatuers). I think what we succeeded in doing was prove that it was possible; causing many to start their own projects. Also, our online community allowed people from around the world to contribute. That was a pretty cool feat too for the time. Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: Corsair5 on December 07, 2005, 01:20:20 AM I have a list of fourty-eight pages of games made without hope of ever getting any kind of compensation for their time and efforts. Through my searching, i've found about 20% of them were made before '98, for example, a Prince of Persia fangame made in '98.
Now, if you want to classify them under games made that are spinoffs, the percentage drops to around 1%. Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: The Guy on December 07, 2005, 06:52:47 AM Quote I have a list of fourty-eight pages of games made without hope of ever getting any kind of compensation for their time and efforts. You weren't reading properly, were you? As PHattiE said and I quote: Quote Also, by fan-game, I mean a game that is being developed by people who aren't seeking compensation for their time. Quote Through my searching, i've found about 20% of them were made before '98, for example, a Prince of Persia fangame made in '98. Okay, so there may have been a few. But as for what you typed in there, seriously, have you been adding correctly?? Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: Corsair5 on December 08, 2005, 03:53:13 AM D'oh. I meant '91 for the prince of Persia game. I was rather sleepy at the time.
Title: Wiki-tastic Post by: JohnWWells on December 19, 2005, 10:02:58 AM A strictly Unofficial Answer:
The fangame is an old and honorable undertaking. The earliest fangame I can think of offhand came out in 1996 - a Zork/Enchanter fan text adventure called Spiritwrak. However, there were doubtless earlier ones. That said, Hero6 was the first massive collaborative graphic adventure fangame I know of. It certainly set the stage for future fan collaborations, whatever its own difficulties. I wouldn't say that the current crop of fangames wouldn't have happened at all if it weren't for Hero6, but there might be fewer. It's really hard to say. |