Hero6 Forums

The Hero6 Project => Offtopic Mayhem => Topic started by: Shaminar the Blue Dragon on September 25, 2005, 06:31:54 AM

Title: Long time no type
Post by: Shaminar the Blue Dragon on September 25, 2005, 06:31:54 AM
Greetings....Its been a while....hmmmm 6 years...I used to be a member of the hero6 project when it began, offering ideas and things for you until my search for work got too great (also I remember in the general forum, alot of you were arguing over religon....something to do with if you say the grass is green, yet a friend says it looks grey or black to them..I hope you resolved that argument without too much disputes).

Well, I am just poping in to say hello and to see how far you've all progressed with your project. and I must say, what a lovely job you did. I do hope you still used my idea for having it rain on some days and nights and having a theives sword and abilities to be a Highwayman....ahh yes, I offered all kinds of things.

Anyhow....Best be off....lots of luck to all of you, Looking forward to seeing the game when its finished and bug free.



Title: Long time no type
Post by: Jigen on September 25, 2005, 11:16:33 AM
So... I guess a quick sitrep on those issues for Shammy are in order.

I remember the highwayman option for the thief, that was cool, what happened to that?

Title: Long time no type
Post by: Rulic on September 25, 2005, 01:20:01 PM
having a theives sword and abilities to be a Highwayman....

Awesome!  Does that come along with the incredible background music of that song by Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, and Kris Kristofferson?!?!?

Back on topic.  Are you coming back Shammy, or is this a quick hit and run?

Title: Long time no type
Post by: Guest on September 28, 2005, 04:07:43 AM
Sorry, but I'm quite busy now...Although I'd love to help out, I just cant since I have finished a certificate 3 of comercial Cookery and am looking for a full time job I'm hoping to study Acting at WAAPA (western Australia Acadamy of Performing Arts) next year, which is the same Uni that Hugh Jackman studied at.

Farewell for now.

The Shamster!