Title: The Alex Woo Fanclub Post by: Alliance on July 28, 2005, 06:07:57 PM Hey, people, check this out. It's the fanclub for my good friend, Mr. Alexander Kelly Woo. He's just a fat kid with an afro. But I'm trying the unthinkable- turning an ordinary kid into a celebrity, just by telling people about his fanclub. check it out!
The site is at www.freewebs.com/alexwoofanclub (I'm too cheap to get real sites) and his boards are at http://alexwoofanclub.ezforum.org/ (http://alexwoofanclub.ezforum.org/) I need more members, stir up some contraversy, people! Title: The Alex Woo Fanclub Post by: Silverbolt on July 28, 2005, 06:34:21 PM http://www.freewebs.com/alexwoofanclub (http://www.freewebs.com/alexwoofanclub)
I made the link clickable for you. No thanks are in order, just sign on the dotted line to become my slave and sell me your soul. That will suffice. Title: The Alex Woo Fanclub Post by: Alliance on July 28, 2005, 06:40:21 PM Thanks. Mind you, the site will eventually get a real host, not crappy freewebs.
Title: The Alex Woo Fanclub Post by: Jafar on July 29, 2005, 03:35:10 AM My hair is STILL cooler then his. B)
Title: The Alex Woo Fanclub Post by: Corsair5 on July 29, 2005, 04:23:32 AM What hair? You're like The blob.
Title: The Alex Woo Fanclub Post by: Striker on July 29, 2005, 04:29:23 AM Meh, he's no Star Wars kid.
Title: The Alex Woo Fanclub Post by: Corsair5 on July 29, 2005, 05:32:55 PM Nevermind..the Blob is a TV Program that appears on American Television. I never really watched it, but I have deduced that it is about a blob and said blob's adventures.
Title: The Alex Woo Fanclub Post by: Alliance on August 09, 2005, 09:40:06 PM Quote Nevermind..the Blob is a TV Program that appears on American Television. I never really watched it, but I have deduced that it is about a blob and said blob's adventures. Yeah...never saw the Blob. But still...anyways.I'm setting up a "Special Offer" The first 20 people to join the Alex Woo Fan Club forums gets their own...custom title. Yeah. And furthermore, I'm starting up serveral clubs. If you want a club for you set up on it (maily to hide your own forums from hackers) just send me a PM. Title: The Alex Woo Fanclub Post by: Reish Vedaur on August 09, 2005, 10:41:22 PM I guess you've heard of a different blob then, cuz the "Blob" I know of was a really bad movie about a blob that ate human flesh.
Title: The Alex Woo Fanclub Post by: Alliance on August 11, 2005, 06:22:41 PM Quote I guess you've heard of a different blob then, cuz the "Blob" I know of was a really bad movie about a blob that ate human flesh. lol, yeah. Never saw the blob myself.Anyway, back on topic, I really would like somebody to join AWFC. It would be nice to actually see active members on there. Title: The Alex Woo Fanclub Post by: Swift on August 12, 2005, 02:42:20 AM People aren't going to join for the sake of joining. There has to be a good reason for them. I'd prefer if you don't keep asking for people to join. If they want to join, they'll do it on their own. No amount of persuasion will change their minds.
Title: The Alex Woo Fanclub Post by: Corsair5 on August 12, 2005, 05:10:17 AM I mean, it's a fanclub for a fat kid with a 'fro.
Title: The Alex Woo Fanclub Post by: Alliance on August 13, 2005, 04:52:09 PM Quote I mean, it's a fanclub for a fat kid with a 'fro. Nothing wrong with that. |