Title: Updates and Changes Post by: Swift on July 03, 2005, 09:24:43 AM Hi everyone!
Pwincess has compiled an excellent FAQ (http://visitors.hero6.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11&view=findpost&p=10148) from the Anniversary chat (first session). If you've missed the chat and would like a summary of what was asked, do check it out. The second part will be up soon. The menu on the visitors' main page has been fixed and updated, and the Forum Archives' link has been removed. If there are any broken links, do let us know please. The RPS transcripts from previous RPS sessions have been moved to the 'Transcripts Library' forum (which can be found in 'Hero6 Role Playing Stories' forum), so it's even easier to locate them now. Lastly, please use http://visitors.hero6.com (http://visitors.hero6.com) from now on. www.hero6.com has quite a number of bugs. Title: Updates and Changes Post by: Swift on July 05, 2005, 02:51:13 AM Speaking of changes, there'll be some changes that'll take place over the next few days.
Stay tuned. |