Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Spliff on June 05, 2005, 04:06:18 AM Great quotes everyone. And the winners are.... *drumroll* ...
1st Place: Paladin0707077 2nd Place: Jafar 3rd Place: Silverbolt Honorable Mentions: Swift, Corsair5, Ignus_Draconus My personal favorites were: 1. Adventuring is awesome! Slaying monsters, collecting treasures, being famous, what's not to like? - Swift 2. Look behind you! A Three Headed Monkey! - Jafar 3. Watching the RPS is fun, but the theatre is always out of Razzle Dazzle Root Beer... - Jafar 4. A guy I used to know used to hit on me all the time. He lived with his mom and he was 36! I think his name was Larry. What a complete loser! - Silverbolt 5. Damsels in distress? Please! Cheap way of getting a date, if you ask me. - Silverbolt 6. That Avoozl-babbling freak over needs to have his mouth taped shut. - Corsair5 7. I skimmed over a billion rocks for THIS?! - Paladin0707077 8. If Avoozle were to duke it out with the Dragon of Doom, would you eat popcorn or cotton candy while watching? - Paladin0707077 9. Hero wanted: Pay's Lousy, the Food Sucks, Constant Danger, But Hey...You look Good in the Cape... - Paladin0707077 10. Wizard's Motto: If someone challenges you on a point, remember two things. First, They may actually be correct, and second, they must be punished for their arrogance! - Paladin0707077 11. as a matter of fact, I do run the whole chatroom - Ignus_Draconus 12. What do you mean "wanna cyber?"? What? EWWWW!!! I guess SOMEONE isn't going to make paladin... - Silverbolt 13. Oooooh! I've always dreamed of a handsome knight that I could fall in love with. Let me know when you see one! - Silverbolt 14. Magic is just an energy field that Science has yet to detect or categorize. - Paladin0707077 15. *pulls out a map* Do you see this tiny island here? That's where the people who care live. - Paladin0707077 16. I like you. I really do. When I finally conquer the world, your death will be swift and painless - Paladin0707077 17. The next statement is true. The previous statement is false. - Paladin0707077 18. Go, Hero 6 Team, Go! - Paladin0707077 19. Sorry, guys, the release of Hero 6 has been moved back a few years...*snicker* - Paladin0707077 20. Sideffects may include drymouth, nausea, water retention, painful rectalage, halluncinations, psychosis, death, and halitosis. Magic is not for everyone. Consult your doctor before use.* - Corsair5 21. Did you hear about the undead construction worker? He built the Vampire State Building! - Jafar 22. This bunch of vampires keep bothering me when I get off work. I think they need to get a life - Ignus_Draconus 23. sometimes I think the world would be a better place if someone would just nuke the dang thing - Ignus_Draconus 24. Keep Dreaming. I only date *real* adventurers. - Silverbolt 25. Sorry, your browser has caused an Error 52 and will now close. Sorry for the econvenience. - Paladin0707077 26. HAHAHAHAhahahaha ha ha ha...Oh, guess no one else thought it was funny... - Paladin0707077 27. I appeared in Hero Magazine issue #54. Open the centerfold... - Silverbolt 28. Oh don't worry, that Saurus won't bite: he's from Shapier! - Paladin0707077 I am programming these into Hero6_Babe right now. For now (as my time is currently limited – i'm getting married in a week!! :o) ) I will have a quote randomly selected when you type “Hero6_Babe” into the channel. When I get more time over the next few weeks I will program them into normal conversation a bit. At that point ops would be able to mute her during rps sessions etc. Happy Anniversary Hero6! Thanks for the great quotes. Peace Spliff Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Swift on June 05, 2005, 09:29:32 AM Thanks Spliff for judging this contest. :)
Congrats to our winners! The top three winners will each get a custom title for a month, while those who made it to the 'Honourable Mentions' list will get to keep a custom title for two weeks. How's that? Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Silverbolt on June 05, 2005, 10:19:31 AM Sounds good to me... :D
Can I get my all-time favorite "Wandering Hero"? Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Swift on June 05, 2005, 10:36:20 AM Done. :)
Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Silverbolt on June 05, 2005, 10:43:17 AM Yay...now to find some fair maidens to rescue...hmm...maybe this way...
:paladin: Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Jafar on June 05, 2005, 01:58:07 PM Wow, second place! ^_^
Custom title...hmm... How about Star Warrior? :paladin: Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Swift on June 05, 2005, 02:06:05 PM Done. :elf:
Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Jafar on June 05, 2005, 02:09:49 PM Thanks! :kirby:
Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Silverbolt on June 05, 2005, 02:46:40 PM Quote those who made it to the 'Honourable Mentions' list will get to keep a custom title for two weeks. So are *you* going to get a custom title? :P Just kidding. Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Jafar on June 05, 2005, 02:48:32 PM Heh heh, we caught her in a loophole. :lol:
Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Swift on June 05, 2005, 02:50:50 PM Oh, but I already knew I'd be getting a custom title for being mentioned in that list, and here's my custom title... 'Famous Adventurer'.
Pretty neat, huh? ;P Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Jafar on June 05, 2005, 02:55:02 PM Thats a good choice. It sounds oddly familiar tho- WAIT A MINUTE! :glare:
Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Silverbolt on June 05, 2005, 02:55:26 PM And we would have pulled it off if not for those pesky kids!!! :wacko:
:lol: Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Jafar on June 05, 2005, 02:59:45 PM Scooby Dooby DOOOO!
(Okay, I think we're getting too off-topic :P ) Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Silverbolt on June 05, 2005, 03:02:07 PM Let me take care of that.
"So, btw...I wonder what custom title would Scooby pick..." There, it's back on topic. :P Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Corsair5 on June 05, 2005, 06:21:49 PM I want me Ah Beng back!
Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Paladin0707077 on June 05, 2005, 09:41:43 PM As for myself...
hmm...never really thought of a custom title when I was doing this... Ah! How about God of the Gnomes? Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Swift on June 06, 2005, 01:30:05 AM Done, and done. :elf:
Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Paladin0707077 on June 06, 2005, 07:00:24 AM Yay! What joy, what bliss.
Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: will729 on June 06, 2005, 07:57:10 AM WTF spliff getting married? i am so 38.5 years out of the loop! but good on ya mate!
Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Ignus_Draconus on June 06, 2005, 07:40:13 PM I think I'd like my title to be: resident nutcase
unless someone thinks that's infringing on their copyright Title: Hero6_Babe Lines Contest Winners! Post by: Swift on June 07, 2005, 01:27:10 AM All done. :elf: