Title: Recent Spam Post by: Erasmus on March 24, 2005, 12:03:11 PM As you have all now noted, our boards have been plagued by recent spam attacks from an unknown person. Some have commented on our inefficiency at deleting the posts in a timely manner. This is because in order to preserve a record of the IP address from which the posts originated, as well as to find any pattern at all in the posting, we must have the original posts to look at. Unfortunately this forum can not back up deleted posts.
Rest assured that we are all working on this matter and hope to reach a solution soon. Please just bear with us for the time being. Thanks. Title: Recent Spam Post by: Guest on March 26, 2005, 10:18:40 AM Swift can't wait to catch me, yet she's doing such a wonderful job trying.
Lets all give her a hand...while she gives me the finger. Catch me? Bring me to justice? You'll end up shutting the forums down before you do that... Title: Recent Spam Post by: Pwincess on March 26, 2005, 10:20:01 AM I do know who you are and I'm asking you to grow up and lower your flaming. You are taking this too far!
Title: Recent Spam Post by: Guest on March 26, 2005, 10:22:30 AM Who's flaming who? I'm just spamming a little bit, I leave the flamming up to your forum regulars.
"Oh MR. Spammer has no life.: "Oh, Mr. Spammer is a twit." And my favorite. "Cain, ###### off!" I can't believe you people were dupable enough to think I was that damn Mariachi. Title: Recent Spam Post by: Swift on March 26, 2005, 10:28:28 AM Pwincess, he's not worth talking to. We'll get the last laugh.