Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Swift on September 09, 2004, 01:28:30 PM If you haven't tried it out yet, then hurry! They'll definitely be open until Sunday. After that, it's anybody's guess whether they'll remain open.
http://www.kq9.org/join/onlineauditions/ (http://www.kq9.org/join/onlineauditions/) Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Kailkay on September 11, 2004, 06:11:47 AM I've been failing auditions left and right lately, so it's no doubt that I'll probably not make this cut either. Siiiigh. Just another depressive point to add to my LJ.
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Swift on September 12, 2004, 06:30:30 AM No harm trying. It's all done in the name of fun.
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: WuPhu on September 12, 2004, 06:03:52 PM Speaking of auditions, what ever happened to the Hero6 plot recruitment? Why is it taking so long?
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on September 12, 2004, 10:38:15 PM Unfortunately, the member making the final decision on this matter lives in the Florida region, and has had to place Hero6 on hold do to the last two hurricanes. :(
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Kailkay on September 13, 2004, 04:55:57 AM And, likely, the third one in the running.
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: WuPhu on September 13, 2004, 03:19:08 PM O K
I know what that is like !! I live in South Florida !! I just got hit by Hurricane Frances !! Irrious did not because he covered his house in Hurricane Sauce !! Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: WuPhu on September 30, 2004, 05:22:46 PM I got hit by Jeanne now too =o
Where is the taco-human ! ! Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: pyro on October 01, 2004, 05:35:00 AM I would audition for such things but the quality of my micro phone is to poor, does anyone have any recomendations for a good mic.
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Swift on October 01, 2004, 07:09:47 AM I don't have any recommendations for a good mic, but I would advise you to audition anyway, even if your mic is of poor quality. If they think you suit the part, they'll probably let you in and tell you to upgrade to a better mic.
The auditions still seem to be open, despite them saying it'll close soon. Wonder how long more it'll remain open... Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Kailkay on October 01, 2004, 07:38:04 AM I thought it was supposed to be closed in August. o.o;
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Swift on October 01, 2004, 09:06:25 AM Heh, it was suppose to close in July! However, the link to the voice auditions is still on the main site, and there hasn't been any news yet of it being officially closed.
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Swift on October 09, 2004, 02:29:00 AM Rumour has it that it'll be closed this Sunday. If you haven't tried it yet, you might want to hurry up and send them soon!
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Kailkay on October 09, 2004, 07:59:19 PM Bahaha, this Sunday? They've been saying that time and time again...
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Swift on October 10, 2004, 01:27:56 AM Well, no one really knows when it'll close since the members won't give a specific date, but they are hinting that it'll be very, very soon.
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Kailkay on October 11, 2004, 04:55:18 AM Well, you see, it's almost Monday... Soo... No, I don't think they'll be saying it's done by Sunday.
Unless they're like... cyborgs. Or androids. And can think faster than us. Then... I give 'em till tomorrow. If I don't get to say it, by the way... Happy Thanksgiving, Canada! And Happy Columbus Day, U.S. of Annoying! Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Outchanter on October 11, 2004, 11:50:49 AM Urm, wouldn't that mean that you live on the North Annoyican continent KLK? :blink:
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Swift on October 11, 2004, 01:37:49 PM Hmm... good point. I'd like to see how Klk responds to this one.
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Kailkay on October 11, 2004, 04:24:01 PM Yes, but we of the Canadian Nationality are completely immune to the effects of North Annoying...ica.
The United States (So very many times naming itself 'Annoyingica' out of sheer ignorance and arrogance) however, isn't. P.S. Ever wonder why, with it's vast, vast amounts of money and war machine etc... that the US only targets third world countries? Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: phats on October 11, 2004, 05:18:54 PM ooooooh, don't get me started, ingrates! :angry:
/from the most humanitarian and the most giving country in the world. Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Kailkay on October 12, 2004, 01:15:31 AM Hey, is that you, PhattiE?
You're not Canadian! Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Guest on October 12, 2004, 04:40:59 AM lol. Nice one. :D
But all jokes aside, you and I both know I was refering to the best and only country worthy of hosting the greatest moderator that ever lived: USA. :P Canada is like a little sister to us. Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Swift on October 12, 2004, 06:44:08 AM Quote you and I both know I was refering to the best and only country worthy of hosting the greatest moderator that ever lived Really? Who is this moderator? Never heard of him (or her)! :P Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Jafar on October 12, 2004, 06:52:00 AM Greatest Mod that ever lived? Sounds like a fun poll to me.
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Kailkay on October 12, 2004, 06:47:51 PM No, Canada is better than America. I'm not pressing the point, the evidence is there for you, all you have to do is open your eyes and see... anything about Canada! :D
Oh, right, that and... Well, America kinda corrupted the NHL, and now it's all about money. So right now there IS no NHL. Canada wins. Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: phats on October 14, 2004, 08:25:37 PM NHL?! whocares?! I'd rather watch the national bingo league.
:huh: I can't believe you've never heard of the greatest moderator that ever lived. He is harolded and singed about in forums everywhere!!! Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on October 14, 2004, 09:01:43 PM He? I thought the greatest moderator was a chick :blink:
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Outchanter on October 15, 2004, 10:21:38 AM What does NHL stand for?
As for the greatest mod - well, anyone who thinks they're the greatest mod can't be a candidate. That'd be like letting people who want to be president go into politics. Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Jafar on October 15, 2004, 11:19:36 AM National Hockey League, I believe.
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Swift on October 15, 2004, 11:22:03 AM Quote He? I thought the greatest moderator was a chick :blink: Me too. Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Jafar on October 15, 2004, 11:23:14 AM You're not talking about yourself, are you? :rolleyes:
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Swift on October 15, 2004, 11:25:07 AM Nonsense, Jafar. There are other female moderators who have to do much more work than I do.
*polymorphs Jafar* *Jafar is now a snail* Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Jafar on October 15, 2004, 11:28:42 AM *Types in "Fastest", presses enter, and zips around the house as Super-Snail*
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Swift on October 15, 2004, 11:41:32 AM *puts Jafar into a small jar*
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Jafar on October 15, 2004, 11:48:04 AM Phooey. *Goes into the shell*
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Outchanter on October 15, 2004, 02:35:40 PM *taps the side of the jar* ooh looky, a snail!
*peers into the jar* Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Jafar on October 15, 2004, 02:53:54 PM Don't just sit there and gawk, let me out of here! <_<
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on October 15, 2004, 09:10:27 PM ROFL!!!!
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Outchanter on October 15, 2004, 09:24:20 PM *whisltes a jaunty tune while he carries the jar into the garden before opening it and tipping out the snail* there y'go, little fella. Go back home to all the other snails, see?
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Jafar on October 16, 2004, 08:25:01 AM *Jafar the snail oozes at the speed of...well...certainly not light. Anywho, he oozes towards his secret dispel potion laboratory. If he doesn't stop to rest, he might arrive in a week.*
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on October 16, 2004, 11:16:57 PM *casts haste on the snail* ;)
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Jafar on October 17, 2004, 02:49:05 PM Cool. Now I can get there early! *Looks up and sees the foot of a passerby about to step...on....* Eep! *Ru- er... oozes faster*
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Outchanter on October 17, 2004, 03:58:22 PM *presses his nose to the window and sighs*
Oooh dear, I hope my cute little snail is safe out there in the big, nasty world... *sniffs* Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 17, 2004, 06:10:06 PM *picks up the snail and takes it to the edge of a puddle. Then pulls a martini unbrella from his back pocket and plants it in the dirt*
here little buddy, have a nice day on the beach Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Swift on October 17, 2004, 06:17:12 PM Gee, you all seem so keen to play with Jaf- err.. I mean, the snail.
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 17, 2004, 06:25:02 PM hey, what could be funner than a helpless mollusk?
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on October 17, 2004, 11:01:37 PM Are you enjoying your day at the beach Jeffa? :D
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 17, 2004, 11:21:57 PM of course he is... if only the sun would come out... of well, guess ya need the rain for a puddle
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on October 17, 2004, 11:25:45 PM Unfortunately it's raining here too, otherwise I would teleport him to a beach in sunny Queensland...
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 17, 2004, 11:26:34 PM but what if a cane toad found him?
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on October 17, 2004, 11:31:15 PM Aww no! I didn't even think of that :(
Surely the life of a snail would not be as bad as being a Pygmy Shrew --> "The Life of a Pygmy Shrew" (http://www.wired.com/animation/collection/pox/pygmy/) Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 17, 2004, 11:36:01 PM that's true. I got to see a video of a cane toad eating a mouse once, it was pretty sick. I also got to see a cane toad trying to a ping pong ball.
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on October 17, 2004, 11:36:48 PM What did it try to do to the ping pong ball? :blink:
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 17, 2004, 11:37:49 PM eat it
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on October 17, 2004, 11:38:40 PM Phew, I thought it was something worse...
P.S. I've got to head off to uni, have fun! Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 17, 2004, 11:40:57 PM heehee, ya I here they're quite... interesting that way. The documentary about them was really funny. Apperantly they make an interesting drug if you boil them
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Jafar on October 18, 2004, 12:33:06 AM What was I thinking? Theres a much faster way to go back to normal.
*Takes the Ocarina of Time, and somehow manages to play the song of healing* *Returns to Normal, his Snail form becoming nothing more than a mask* [BA DA DA DAAA! You got the Snail Mask! Wear and you feel a little sluggish...Set it to C <, >, or V to wear it.] Cool! Another mask for my collection. Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 18, 2004, 12:35:45 AM ah man, ya stepped on the umbrella
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Outchanter on October 18, 2004, 07:06:01 AM Never fear sir! *taps the umbrella with an immaculate silver topped cane and, jiggery pokery! it disappears*
Oops. *the silver cane also disappears* Wha...? *and the top hat..* No fair! Whaddya mean, I'm doing it wrong? That's what magicians do, innit? What? :blink: Drat, guess I'd better go back to being a normal wizard. *sulks* Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 18, 2004, 09:53:45 AM *pulls another umbrella from his back pocket*
I mean, it's not like it's a big deal or anything, I just liked that one. Oh well, this one is nice too, like it's pink with aqua muroon flowers Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Jafar on October 18, 2004, 10:50:34 AM Quote Never fear sir! *taps the umbrella with an immaculate silver topped cane and, jiggery pokery! it disappears* Sit back kid, and let a pro show you how its done.Oops. *the silver cane also disappears* Wha...? *and the top hat..* No fair! Whaddya mean, I'm doing it wrong? That's what magicians do, innit? What? :blink: Drat, guess I'd better go back to being a normal wizard. *sulks* *Pulls a question mark out of his hat*(http://www.classicgaming.com/kirby/games/mirror/abilities/abilityicon_magic.png) See? Nothing up my left sleeve, nothing up my right, and nothing in the hat. At least until I wanted something. Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on October 18, 2004, 09:15:51 PM Jafar, where do you get all of those pictures of Kirby?
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Jafar on October 19, 2004, 12:46:49 AM Rainbow Resort, (http://classicgaming.com/kirby) the best Kirby on the web.
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on October 19, 2004, 01:36:05 AM I didn't realise that Kirby was actually computer game character :blink:
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Outchanter on October 19, 2004, 10:03:08 AM *walks up wearing a black velvet suit and leans on his cane* but of course he's a computer game, m'dear...
*lightning strikes warningly in the background* Yeesh, ok, ok, I get it! :angry: no more suave magician clothes. *translocates away and appears a few minutes later dressed in a marine cloak and pointy hat* there! Wizard clothes! Is that good enough for you? *the sky chuck... er, rumbles. OC mutters something under his breath* Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Jafar on October 19, 2004, 10:08:31 AM And for my next trick, I will saw someone in half. Any volunteers? :D
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 19, 2004, 01:34:36 PM *pulls a test dumby form his back pocket*
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Swift on October 19, 2004, 02:53:06 PM Good idea, LB.
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 19, 2004, 03:23:07 PM well, you know me, always thinking, eh
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Jafar on October 19, 2004, 04:33:05 PM Wimp. :rolleyes:
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Outchanter on October 19, 2004, 05:13:39 PM Necessity is supposed to be the mother of invention after all :P
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 19, 2004, 05:15:57 PM and my pants are the father of production :rolleyes:
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on October 19, 2004, 10:48:17 PM Speaking of lightening strikes, we had a lightening bolt strike a metre from the house yesterday (which was about 2 metres away from me)? unfortunately we also had three computers running at the time :(
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 20, 2004, 02:30:00 AM Oh dear :o
I presume you're ok, eh. Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on October 20, 2004, 04:08:48 AM Thankfully, however Puddy (our cat) and I had a mini-heart attack :(
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Jafar on October 20, 2004, 04:25:16 AM I know how that is. We've had some pretty frightening storms around here, the type where its hard to not hide somewhere under a nice, big blanket and cover your ears.
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Outchanter on October 20, 2004, 10:43:13 AM My homecity has one of the highest lightening strike rates in the world. I learned long ago to unplug computers during storms :P
That said, a storm is the best cure I know for insomnia. There's nothing quite like looking out of a window while the elements shred the outside winds ... while you're holding a cup of cacao and reading a book :D Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on October 20, 2004, 10:57:22 AM I always unplug then, however this time the lightening strikes came out of nowhere :blink:
The worse part of storms has to be when the power is cut and it sticky and too hot to sleep... or when the storms are so bad your worried that a tree is going to fall on your house... or you've got an exam the next day and your alarm clock doesn't run on batteries... Can you guys add any more to the list? Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Swift on October 20, 2004, 11:24:37 AM 1. Big flying ants fly into the house and infringe on my privacy.
2. Too cold to sleep at night. 3. Will sneeze the next day. Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 20, 2004, 01:28:31 PM 4. flooding
5. makes the spring peepers shut up... wait, that's a good thing... actually, come to think of it I don't have many complaits about rain storms, but I you want to talk about winter-type storms... -Having to shovel the drive way every 2 hours (through the night), because if you don't you'll never be able to lift your shovel -snow plows are praticularly irritating -piles of snow over my head resulting from said shoveling -traffic accidents resulting from people trying to leave driveways, but are blinded by said snow piles -having to go to school after spending the night shoveling snow -ICESTORMS = downed power lines everywhere, busted water and sewer mains, neighborhood evacuations to other neighborhood, downed trees and brancjes everywhere, inpassable roads due to ice, banches, powerlines, and flooding Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Outchanter on October 20, 2004, 02:31:24 PM :rolleyes: well that's what you get for living in the northern hemisphere, innit? I've never even seen snow...
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 20, 2004, 03:48:59 PM oh guy, your sooo missing out. There's nothing better than hitting the slopes for a little midnight tobogganing. It's serious good times, eh.
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on October 20, 2004, 08:40:31 PM Is tobogganing when you grab a little sled and hold on for dear life while you slide down a mountain? If it is, that is SO much fun. I did it once on a holiday and I absolutely loved it, however I think the entire town hear me screaming all the way down :D
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 20, 2004, 09:48:37 PM it can be, it's also refered to as sledding. It can be great fun, the poor man's skiing one might say. It can be an art unto itself.
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on October 20, 2004, 09:57:26 PM At least there's a smaller chance of breaking a leg if your on a sled than if you were skiing ;)
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 20, 2004, 10:03:25 PM I haven't any broken legs sledding, no, but I did see a girl break her tail bone. DON'T sled down long steep ice into a guard rail, even if crazy guys with chicken hats do :rolleyes: they usually know some tricks to keep themselves safe... like how to jump a road... heehee the was a FUN ride ;)
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Swift on October 20, 2004, 11:00:22 PM I've only played with artificial snow. Never seen real snow in all my life. :(
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Jafar on October 20, 2004, 11:56:21 PM I miss snow. It used to snow all the time back in CT. Curse you Texas!
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on October 21, 2004, 12:25:19 AM you're going to need to move up here than. Not only do we have snow, but we also have universtal health care, so you can get patched up after sledding '"mishaps"
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Kailkay on October 21, 2004, 01:36:11 AM Thank you, Tommy Douglas. :)
Yes, universal healthcare, that which makes us Canadians so wonderfully happy people all the time. Well, MOST of the time. Stupid thunderstorm asploded my modem. It wasn't plugged into the big fancy pants surge protector, because some moron who is /obviously/ not me, forgot, at his parent's direct orders, to plug it into the protector after the last incident like this. Because, yes, I forgot. And yes, it has happened before. :( Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Louisiana Night on November 11, 2004, 08:59:37 AM The auditions are now closed.
Time to watch your inbox for news. B) P.S. Since moving to Texas, I've seen almost as much snow in a year, as I have in the rest of my life put together. :P Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Lord_Bierhoff on November 11, 2004, 03:10:25 PM oh, how much is that?
just in case anyone is interested, we had our first snow fall on Monday. Nothing stayed so no sledding yet, but soon... Yippeee!!!! Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Swift on November 11, 2004, 03:14:29 PM Closed? About time. :lol:
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Louisiana Night on November 11, 2004, 05:54:28 PM I lived in one of the most northern/coldest parts of Louisiana. Once every 3-5 years, we'd get snow(normally under an inch, but snow is snow). :P
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on November 12, 2004, 12:05:02 AM Btw, Jafar, did you enter Kirby in the KQ9 online auditions?
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: KLK on November 12, 2004, 12:33:14 AM Now there's a scary thought... :rolleyes:
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Jafar on November 12, 2004, 12:38:26 AM nope. I considered auditioning, but believe it or not, the audition ended before I came to a descision. :P
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Pwincess on November 12, 2004, 12:58:43 AM Owww...
Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Louisiana Night on November 21, 2004, 09:13:00 PM Since I'd heard Swift's voice(well... unless someone posted the wrong link :P ), I thought I might as well post mine(cover your ears if you play the files ;) ).
KQ9_nightauditions (http://www.kq9.org/forum/index.php?board=34;action=display;threadid=809;start=msg53767#msg53767) KQ9_nightauditions_part2 (http://www.kq9.org/forum/index.php?board=34;action=display;threadid=809;start=msg56412#msg56412) Title: KQ 9 online auditions open until Sunday! Post by: Swift on November 22, 2004, 02:50:35 AM You heard mine? How? I never did make mine public in the kq9 forums
[edit] Oh. Nevermind. I read the Warcraft topic. |