Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Swift on March 06, 2005, 06:09:42 AM All the mistakes and out-of-character comments that were made in the chatroom were removed from the transcripts. Here's your chance to read them!
Talisman Trouble, Chapter 1 (1st Part) Wrong Place <SorceressSwift> Erasmus has been poisoned * Rogar_Darklight leans against one of the shelves in Zara's shop. <SorceressSwift> We're in Erasmus house now <SorceressSwift> Zara will explain the details <Rogar_Darklight> <Oops> * Rogar_Darklight leans against a wall in Zauberberg. Unlikely Group <Rylue> (Money grubber, a pyro, and a Paladin that wants to help Erasmus first. What a great combinatio. :S) <Khaveen> (Not a money grubber; A thief/fighter with no sense of honor, and no fear of fighting dirty.) Many Hands * Khaveen picks himself up off the ground, dusts himself off, mops up a bit of blood, puts everything away, grabs his sack, grumbles, takes out his smaller leather backpack, and takes what looks to be the most expensive stuff, craming it into the backpack. At the loss of a bow. <obligatorylurker> (How many arms does Khaveen have? :D) <Rylue> (I wonder at times) <Jafar> He's part hexapod) Oops! Typo Alert! <gargolye> He was tall, and covered his face very well with a clock <gargolye> cloak <Jafar> (Be mindful of the time) <Rylue> (I'll clean his clock. :P) <Jafar> (:P) <Khaveen> (indeed, extraordinairly well with the clock. :D) <Khaveen> (pendelum is just the right size for the nose, you see, but he still has a face!) General Confusion <Rogar_Darklight> Can you at least transport me to one of them then, my friend? <Khaveen> Makes me sound... mysterious. C'mon, I think they're at town. Hey, Gargoyle! The answer to your question is... er... *insert incorrect answer*! Now send me to the bottom! * gargolye drops him down at the bottom of the mountain * Rogar_Darklight smiles. * Khaveen dusts himself off and nods a smile of appreciation up the mountain. <Rogar_Darklight> Thank you, my stony friend. That fool most sorely tries my patience. <Khaveen> Fastest way down; Watch goodie-goodie /walk/ all the way down. * gargolye drops Khaveen to the bottom as well <Rogar_Darklight> <oh, that was me then the first time...> * Khaveen thought he was dropped first. Now he's all disoriented. And follows Rogar. Notes... <dungeonmistress> Jigen finds a note <Delor> what's it say? jiggy <Jigen> Ohh a note I wonder what it says *keeps it away from delor's torches* <Jafar> (Smart move) <obligatorylurker> (Gasp! Return of the Notedropper! :D) Who's this M Guy? <dungeonmistress> Do not fail me. Signed, M <Jigen> What time is it now? <Jafar> (Miros!?) <Jafar> (I'm jumping to conclusions...) <Jigen> (More than likey) <dungeonmistress> (11am) <Jafar> (And I didn't even read the note) Let There be Light <Jafar> I see the light...what is it? <Rylue> (Where's Smokey Bear when you need him? :P) <Jafar> (Smokey the elephant!) <Jigen> (Don't go towards the light Jafar you've got you whole life ahead of you) <Jafar> (It's so beautiful...ZAP!) <Delor> torch, let me see <Rylue> (ROFL) <Jigen> (LOL) <Rylue> (WUSS! :P) The Usefulness of Delor * Delor pulls out a pair of torches to shed light on the drawings <Jafar> (Finally a constructive torch use!) Got Sulphur? * Delor pulls out a pouch of sulfer and a pouch of charcoal and begins mixing them <Rylue> (YOU MORON! :P) <Rylue> (Put us all to sleep, why don't you. :P) Music! <Jigen> *Jigen puts 1200 techniques 'See me rock' on his MP3 player and draws his sword* <obligatorylurker> (Think Jigen would fight as well if we switched his music to the righteous brothers?) <SorceressSwift> (lol) <Jigen> (Don't know them) <obligatorylurker> (Don't know them? You've lost that lovin' feelin?) <Jigen> (ah yes) RPG * Goblin_Group dies <Goblin_Group> (RIP) <Rylue> (247 exp earned) Witty Oneliner <Khaveen> Don't hurt me, I'm not as heavily armed as I was just a minute ago! <obligatorylurker> (Tch, tch, tch... sameful Khaveen. Letting all those weapons go to waste.) Stare at me for what? <Rogar_Darklight> Do you know who I am, knave? * Mysterious_Man glares at Rogar * Rogar_Darklight stares right into the MM's eyes. <Jigen> Love too, little busy putting Mm to sleep <Mysterious_Man> (Ooh, Sca-ree) <Rylue> (We don't have time for a staring contest. :P) WWF * Khaveen watches Jigen slicing into the group, beating his way through the small group to his side, to use him as a defensive crutch to hold his wounded self up. <Rylue> (What is this? Some bad WWE match? :P) <Jigen> *Jigen mutters to Khaveen as he slices and dices* weakling <obligatorylurker> (Can't be, people are actually getting hurt.) * SorceressSwift casts blizzard at Meleen * Rendevouz_Goblin_Group slowly begin to join the other dead bodies littering the ground, with no shortage of blood coating the ground. <Jigen> (You mean there's such a thing as a good WWE match?) * Delor is hit with the blizzard * Rogar_Darklight draws Pureflame and ignites it once again. <Rylue> (Good point.) <Jafar> (You took the words right out of my mouth, Jigen) <Jafar> (Theif.) Echo <Rylue> Get the tailsman first. <SorceressSwift> Get that talisman first <Rylue> (HEY! You echo!) The Madness of Rogar Darklight <Rogar_Darklight> He could have known the antidote! Why did you kill him? <SorceressSwift> Delor did <SorceressSwift> I simply quickened his death <Delor> no I didn't, I just tackled him, you froze us <SorceressSwift> You burned his hair * Rogar_Darklight hurries over to Meleen's body. <Delor> technicality <Rogar_Darklight> Maybe it's not too late... * Rogar_Darklight attempts to use Healing Hands on Meleen's body. <Jafar> (Are you crazy?) <Rogar_Darklight> <We need information and the antidote, Jafar> <Jafar> (yadayadayada...) * Rogar_Darklight keeps trying to Heal Meleen with little success. <Jafar> (At a loss for words?) <Rylue> (You try to heal everything. :P) <Jafar> (hehehehe...) <Rogar_Darklight> There may not be enough left.. <Jafar> (I've gotta use that word sometime...) <Rogar_Darklight> <I'm a man of honor; whaddaya want?> <obligatorylurker> (He sort of is.) Information Overload! <Jigen> I can go all night baby, can you? <Rylue> (Did we need to know that Jigen? :P) <Jigen> (yep) Same Initials <Mysterious_Magician> This simply will not DO! * Rogar_Darklight whirls to look at the Magician. * Jafar sees MM <Jafar> (The other MM) More to come! Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Swift on March 06, 2005, 07:08:56 AM Talisman Trouble, Chapter 1 (Part 2)
Everybody's got a Weakness <Rogar_Darklight> <I don't supose MM's an undead...> <Mysterious_Magician> (Nah, just a simple old plain old SUPERPOWERFUL MAGE) <Rylue> (With a weakness) <Rogar_Darklight> <pity...no Destroy Undead...> <obligatorylurker> (An, UNDEAD superpowerful mage?) <Mysterious_Magician> (No. No weaknesses. >:) Or so you believe.) <Jafar> (Well, we'd better hurry up and kill him) <SorceressSwift> (he's got to have a weakness, or that isn't allowed) <Rylue> (Tickle his feet) <Mysterious_Magician> (Oh, he has a weakness. But he might very well be a recurring villain, so I says no to the 'letting you know' part.) <obligatorylurker> (I think tickling his feet is a good bet.) <Jafar> (Hit him with a Wabbajack) <Rylue> (Sheesh, can we finish him off already?) <Rogar_Darklight> <Not if he's recurrent...> <Jafar> (He could escape) <Jafar> (And swear revenge) Bribes, anyone? <Mysterious_Magician> No. Just the Medallion. Give me the medallion, damnation, or I'll destroy everything in this pretty little valley! <obligatorylurker> (Offer him a shrubbery?) *Grumble grumble* <Mysterious_Magician> No. No burning. <Mysterious_Magician> Just destroying it. <Rylue> (That sucks.) Everybody Loves Khaveen! <Mysterious_Magician> *shakes his head, grinning* Destroy it. See how fast you all are destroyed... and how fast I find the other pieces, powerful together in their own right. *slams Khaveen upon the ground several times, plucking his broken body from the ground, tearing his fingers off each hand* <Rylue> (*Pulls out a stick, puts a marshmallow on it, and roasts it from the fire on the sword. :P) <Jafar> (I think you're overdoing it...) <Khaveen> *screams and screams, and cries more, blood going everywhere, and screams and screams and yea.* <Jafar> (A marshmallow? How could you?) <obligatorylurker> (You guys are failing to save Khaveen on purpose, aren't you?) <Rylue> (I could have used a peep. :D) <Mysterious_Magician> (Likely.) <Rylue> (Who cares about Khaveen? He gave us enough trouble at the start of this rp.) <Rogar_Darklight> <I do; Paladins kinda have to...> * Delor ignites Khaveen <Rogar_Darklight> <Stop that, Delor!> <Delor> 's clothes <Jafar> (Khaveen is a cool guy) <Jafar> (I care) <Delor> (I know, shoot the hostige ;) <Rylue> (When he's not pilfering, that is.) <obligatorylurker> (When is that, exactly?) <Rylue> (When is what?) <obligatorylurker> (A time when Khaveen isn't pilfering something? :D) <Rylue> (Never. :P) Cave Jokes <Delor> blow up the walls of the cave? <Gone> (And cause a cave-in?) <obligatorylurker> (Brilliant Idea!) <obligatorylurker> (Oh, wait, no it's not.) <Rylue> (I don't want a rocky sequel!) <Rogar_Darklight> <Bad Joke...> Plot Hole.. I mean Wall * Rogar_Darklight holds up Khaveen's head and puts a stamina potion to his lips. <Rogar_Darklight> Drink. <Gone> (How can you do that, RD?_ <Khaveen> *does so* <Jafar> Khav was on the other side of the force wall) <Rogar_Darklight> (Oh, whoops) <Khaveen> *or doesn't do so* <Rogar_Darklight> <Well, at least Heal can penetrate...> The End of the World <Gone> <Booming Voice> You may have saved the wretched boy, but not the world! <Rylue> (IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT!) <Delor> yayaya blahblah blah, never liked this world much anyways <Rylue> (Sing along everyone. :P) <obligatorylurker> (It's, the end, of the world... nah.) <Gone> <Booming Voice> You will rue the day you interfered in my plans! I shall get my revenge! <Rylue> (How cliche) <Jafar> (WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!) <Gone> (I know. Don't you love it?) <Jafar> (WAHAHAHAHAHA!) Jafar, The Kirby We Love to Eat <Delor> can we roast marshmellows too <Jafar> (No roasting marshmallows!) Roge- emm... Rogar * Jafar hands Roger his money pouch <Rogar_Darklight> <RogAr> <Jafar> (Don't lie. I know Wilco when I see him. :P) <Rylue> (Why did his hair change colors anyway?) <Rogar_Darklight> <I'm no dumb blonde. :D> <obligatorylurker> (Can we call ya roggy?) <Rylue> (Soggy Roggy? :P) Plot Walls <Rogar_Darklight> <Hey, MM Gone...does the pouch pass through or not?> <Jafar> (Did the pouch work?) <Rylue> (Let's use our imagination to find out.) <Delor> (drumm roll) <obligatorylurker> (Magic 8 ball says: Outlook not so good.) <Rogar_Darklight> <Just say yes so I can get everyone out> <Gone> (The Pouch passes through the wall. Only to bounce off another cleverly constructed force wall designed to keep things *NoT* trying to escape from escaping!) <Rylue> (The check arrives on tueday) <Jafar> (Doh!) <Rogar_Darklight> <oh, please...> <Gone> (Just kidding. :D) When? <Rylue> (Are we going to wrap up this rp soon?) <Rogar_Darklight> <Yeah, give me a sec.> <obligatorylurker> (RP? That started? When!?) Never Mess With DMs <Gone> (Well, I was going to leave once the mage got the medallion. But no-oo-o! <Rylue> (Be quiet!) <Rylue> (JK!) <Rylue> (Please don't hurt me.) <DMaster> *smites Rylue. In the face.* <DMaster> *with conjured bees.* <Rylue> (OUCH!) <Rylue> (OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!) <Rylue> (I'm wheely sowwy. :() Do I Not Bleed? <Khaveen> *splutters more blood* <Jafar> (Can you stop bleeding for FIVE MINUTES PLEASE!?) <Jafar> (:P) <Rylue> (ROFL) <obligatorylurker> (Guys, could we get Khaveen out of here? He's stinking the place up.) <Khaveen> (Fine.) <Khaveen> *stops bleeding.* <Khaveen> *And rots.* <Jafar> (Eew....) <Khaveen> *stinkily* <Rylue> What's that smell? Another Plot Wall * Rylue throws himself through the wall <Jafar> (You hit a different wall this time. ;)) <DMaster> (You pass through the wall, only to be stopped by a cleverly constructed wall who's purpose is to keep you from... j/k) Stars Wars <Khaveen> He was my... <Khaveen> My father! <Rylue> (CLICHE!) <Rylue> (CLICHE!) <Rylue> (CLICHE!) <Jafar> (No, Khav) <Jafar> (I am your father!) <DMaster> <Booming Voice> no I'm not. <Rylue> (:o :o :o) <Rogar_Darklight> <Heh-heh-heh...> <Jafar> (Dun. dun. dun) <Rogar_Darklight> <Should I use the Ring of Truth to verify that statement?> <DMaster> <Booming Voice> But you might be on to something with that relation thing. <Khaveen> GET OUT OF MY HEAD! <DMaster> <Booming Voice> No. <Rogar_Darklight> <Or is Khaveen just delusional from the shock?> <DMaster> (Er, yes, delusional. Right?) <Khaveen> (Right, Delusional.) <obligatorylurker> (You mean he's not delusional at all times?) <Rylue> (We're not quite sure about Khaveen. :P) Sing Along! <Rylue> (This is the rp that never ends. Is just goes on, and on my friends. People started playing it, not knowing what it was...etc...etc....etc.....) <obligatorylurker> (And it goes on forever cause of Khaveen and because, this is the RP that does not end :D) The End...? <DMaster> <Somewhere far, far away, in a lonely tower on a desolate peek, backdropped by a stormy sky, lightning in the background, thunder booming...* <Jafar> (Get to teh point) <Rylue> (The cliche bad guy spot!) <Jafar> (Or is it?) <Loyal_Ruffian_Guard> Yes, my lord, yes... <obligatorylurker> (dun, dun, duunnnnnnn...) <Jafar> (Ahh, the classic loyal minion) <Rylue> Do they ever end? <Delor> no more or less no <DMaster> Mysterious Magician: Where has it been tracked to, Rogan?(:o) <Delor> the question is, are we ended <Rogar_Darklight> <Just wait a minute...> <Rylue> (Can we end?) <Loyal_Ruffian_Guard> Rogan: The fabled city... of Shapier!!! <Jafar> (Shapeir!) <DMaster> THE END <Jafar> (ShapEIR!) <Delor> nice, that sounds like a good place to burn <Rogar_Darklight> <What a shock...> <Rylue> Finally, it's over <obligatorylurker> (And there was, much rejoicing.) <Rylue> Yep <Jafar> (TO BE CONTINUED) <Delor> lol burn the minstrals <Rylue> (Or is it......) <Jafar> (It is) <Rylue> (Or is it......) <Jafar> (Trust me) Relations? <DMaster> (Oh, and Rogar, Rogan's quite possibly your... BUM BUM BUMMM Long lost twin brother!!!) <DMaster> (Or sister.) <Jafar> (Or uncle) <Rylue> (be quiet) <obligatorylurker> (Or, guy a guy you bumped into on the street once knew.) Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Corsair5 on March 06, 2005, 07:28:48 AM I should have fooled around more in there. Not having Dmitri or Kadis up there is a badge of both honor and cowardice.
Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Pwincess on March 06, 2005, 09:20:26 AM I love out-takes! ^_^
Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Jafar on March 06, 2005, 09:22:50 AM Clock is still my favorite. ^_^
Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Swift on March 06, 2005, 10:42:41 AM Hehe, look out for more out-takes over the next few weeks!
Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Iggy@school on March 07, 2005, 09:12:42 PM this is cool. I wonder when I'll show up
Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Paladin0707077 on March 09, 2005, 08:15:03 PM Just open up some more and type really, really fast. You will.
Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Jafar on March 09, 2005, 09:53:58 PM Quote this is cool. I wonder when I'll show up You should be there in the next batch of bloopers. Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Ignus_Draconus on March 10, 2005, 04:15:36 AM not walking into trees, I hope. That was intentional
Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Paladin0707077 on March 12, 2005, 05:20:04 AM What now, foo?!
Theluen strides towards the wizards, glaring from beneath his helm, pinpoints of red showing as eyes, before he straightens up and motions to whomever might not be combatting. Bob_the_Bookwyrm foolows T Jafar follows Mr T <Jafar> (I pitty the fool who thinks Jak is a drow agent) MisterT has entered the room (hostname: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) <MisterT> I pity the foo who called me! <Paladin0707077> (Oh god no...) <Theluen> You are not a drow. <MisterT> What you suckas want? <Theluen> Make yourselves comfortable... powerful wards protect this place. <Jafar> (ROFL) <Theluen> Oh, and I'd like to introduce you to my sole companion.Meet my <Jakchim> pet dog? <Theluen> djinn by the name of Tiberius. He calls himself MisterT. <Theluen> (HAH! NOw try to get yourself out of this.) <Paladin0707077> (ROFL) <Jafar> X)) <Jakchim> ah, mister T, so this is where you've been hanging <Jakchim> out <MisterT> Yeah, and if you don't shut up, I get ready to tear you a new one, you pansy *** elf-boy. <Jakchim> I haven't seen you in years Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Swift on March 12, 2005, 05:34:18 AM You might want to clean that up too. It's a bit hard to see where the joke is at a glance.
Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Paladin0707077 on March 12, 2005, 05:43:55 AM You're right. That better?
Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Swift on March 12, 2005, 05:46:46 AM Slightly, but I still don't really have a clue what's going on. It would be better to remove lines that aren't related to the joke so that it's easier to read.
Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Paladin0707077 on March 12, 2005, 05:49:52 AM Done. At least I hope so...
Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Swift on March 12, 2005, 05:51:04 AM Better now.
Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Paladin0707077 on March 12, 2005, 05:53:41 AM "And there was much rejoicing"
"Yay." Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Jafar on March 12, 2005, 12:24:39 PM I pity da foo who posts a hard to read transcript!
Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Swift on March 12, 2005, 01:54:58 PM Talisman Trouble, Chapter 2
Ph34r M3! <Red_Sensual_Lips> hi <SorceressSwift> are you here for the rps? *** Red_Sensual_Lips has left #hero6_chat <Jigen> Scarred her off, nice one Swift <SorceressSwift> errr.... thanks? Join the Dark Side! <SorceressSwift> Not doing well. We were tricked. I should have killed him... I should have killed him for it! He'll pay! <Jafar> ..... <Zara> Calm down <SorceressSwift> Don't tell me to calm down! <Jafar> (*Imperial March starts playing*) <SorceressSwift> (lol) <McLurkster> (kill who?) <Jigen> (By the strangest of coincidences Jafar I'm watching Star Wars as I type this) <Jafar> (Cool) <Zara> (the one who poisoned him) <Jigen> (A guy we took in in our last episode) Another Star Wars Reference <Jigen> Not taking any chances? * SorceressSwift nods <Jafar> A bad feeling about this? <SorceressSwift> Not when Erasmus' life is on the line <Jigen> (*Chewbacca growl*) <SorceressSwift> (lol) Last Reference! I promise you that! * Jafar (Wonders if Swift's hair is cinnamon bun styled...) <Jigen> (Lol) <SorceressSwift> (wonders why he's wondering that) <Jigen> (That would be Pwincess' hair) <SorceressSwift> (you're not going to eat my hair, are you?) <Jafar> (Pwincess Weia?) <Jigen> (ROTFLMAO) Wizard of Oz <Jafar> (We're off to see the Wizard!) <SorceressSwift> (Verdant has just joined the group) <Jafar> (I;m sure he could give you a brain...) <Jigen> (we've just seen the wizard) <Jafar> (:P) <Kailkay> (But... It's a heart I need.) <Jigen> (We're off the SAVE the wizard) <SorceressSwift> (lol) Verdant: :) <SorceressSwift> (so, let's continue) <Jafar> (The wonderful wizard) <Jigen> (If ever a wzi there was) Ph34r M3, part 2 <Aiden> i carnt get out <SorceressSwift> (we're having an role-playing session right now. you're free to either join in or watch) <SorceressSwift> (get out of what?) <Jafar> (The room?) <McLurkster> (his pants?) <Aiden> brb <Jigen> (see ya later) *** Aiden has left #hero6_chat <SorceressSwift> (ok, i think i'm scaring people away) <Verdant> [not sure it's you] <Khaveen> (The fangs and horns don't help, Swift. ;)) <Jigen> (I think it's the whip that does it) <SorceressSwift> (lol. i do not have horns, dear) <Jafar> (Certainly not a halo...) <Jigen> (but she does have fangs though) <Khaveen> (Oh, okay, then your abnormal growths coming out of your forehead that are pointy, sharp, and look like they're made of bone might be scaring the people away.) * SorceressSwift (grits teeth) <Jigen> (aren't horns made of hair or ivory) * Khaveen (smirks, shuts up) Delor Strikes Again! * Delor picks another fruit and burns it <Khaveen> (what color did it burn, Delor?) <Jafar> (You can't burn things in Eranas peace) <Delor> (purple) <Verdant> [what if they're burned peacefully?] Wrong Window (This is the most common mistake made by roleplayers with more than one window.) * DMaster screams, really loudly, and comes running back to the group. <SorceressSwift> (lol) <Khaveen> (that is to say...) * Khaveen screams really loudly, and comes running back to the damnit. <McLurkster> (okay, who is DMaster?) <SorceressSwift> All ready? <Jigen> (the new guy) * Verdant twirls the rod, summoning the magical shield again <DMaster> (*I* Am Sparticus!) <Jafar> (Dmaster = Khav) Cereal Commercial * bunny nods <Jafar> (Silly Rabbit!) <Jafar> (Trix are for kids!) <Delor> (I was going to say that) Diiiirrrty <Delor> (Verdant stop rolling on the floor, you're getting your new clothes all dirty) <Verdant> [what, yo9u mean dirtierthan falling from the ceiling?] <SorceressSwift> (lol) <Delor> (true, you're just dirty, we shoudl take your clothes out and "clean" them :D) ?Telepathy? * Delor strips down to his skiffy and enters the what <Jigen> Dude it's near midnight, you'll freeze <Grit> Watch out for Nessie <Jafar> Who? <Verdant> and that submarine <Jafar> Ah, thats a silly myth * SorceressSwift laughs <Grit> Everyone knows submarines aren't real! <Delor> (D's left the group ;)) <SorceressSwift> (k) <Verdant> [wow, communication by plot hole] <Delor> (charcter story thingt, ya know, nothing personal) So Kiss Me <Grit> (hehehehe everytime Swift says k in brackets, it brings up the lips icon in my IRC program) <SorceressSwift> (lol) <Grit> (yup, I figured that) <SorceressSwift> (didn't mean to kiss you) <Jafar> (hehe) <Verdant> [oops] <Grit> (thought I'd turn into Prince? huh?) <SorceressSwift> (lol) <Verdant> [:)] Plot Hole <Delor> I wonder what this does * Delor repockets the talisman <SorceressSwift> (ahem... that was returned to Zara, Delor) <Delor> (no way, I'd have kept *sigh*) <Grit> (kept sighing?) <Delor> (teenage angest, what else is there to do but sigh) Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Jafar on March 12, 2005, 02:08:16 PM The Force was REALLY with us during that one. :cheerygrin:
Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Swift on March 12, 2005, 02:09:52 PM Yeah, Lol. :lol:
Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Corsair5 on March 12, 2005, 07:01:29 PM Quote Khaveen screams really loudly, and comes running back to the damnit. Best ever Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Paladin0707077 on March 13, 2005, 08:11:32 AM Quote Quote Khaveen screams really loudly, and comes running back to the damnit. Best ever Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Jafar on March 15, 2005, 12:12:31 PM I liked the 3rd Star Wars refrence best. Ph34r M3 Part 2 is my second favorite, though. :lol:
Title: RPS: Bloopers, Oneliners and Mayhem Post by: Corsair5 on March 15, 2005, 07:46:06 PM Heh, that one was pretty good.