Title: I apologise Post by: Jigen on February 26, 2005, 01:29:14 AM I would like to formally apologies to everyone whose life I have made more difficult by going into the Quest for More Glory forums and shooting my mouth off.
I have said some extremely unkind things about two of the members (one of whom was an admin) just because they dissed my baby, the modern RPS. I realise this was childish and and very emotionally insecure of me and may very well have far-reaching consquences for the good work you guys are doing here for Hero6. I am sorry. You guys putting this game together already have a thankless job, and if my actions have added yet another problem to deal with onto your already overloaded plate, then I say again, I am sorry. I want to see this game finished and the people who put so much work into it over the years recieve the credit they rightfully deserve. I shoot these wishes in the foot by doing any form of diservice to you guys. I can only hope they people at QFMG are more mature than they appear at first glance and this DOESN'T have consequences for Hero6. Once more. I am sorry. Title: I apologise Post by: Swift on February 26, 2005, 01:38:09 AM I can understand why you reacted that way and don't blame you entirely for it. Thanks for the apology. You've shown yourself to be a man by doing that. I'm a little lost for words, so I'm going to do this:
*hugs* Title: I apologise Post by: Pwincess on February 26, 2005, 01:42:21 AM Same as above.